Proof of Service Sample 2001-2025 Form

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Completing the proof of service form download online is a relatively simple process. Nevertheless, it’s not really immediately obvious how you can make it professional-looking and legally binding at the same time.
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How do I change my address in the Aadhar card?
You can change the following details in Aadhar Card:NameGenderDate of BirthAddressE-mail IDTHINGS TO REMEMBER BEFORE APPLYING FOR AADHAR CARD DETAILS CHANGE:Your Registered Mobile Number is mandatory in the online process.You need to submit Documents for change of – Name, Date of Birth and Address. However, Change in Gender and E-mail ID do not require any document.You have to fill details in both – English and Regional/Local language (Eg. Hindi, Oriya, Bengali etc)Aadhar Card Details are not changed instantly. It is changed after Verification and Validation by the authoritySTEPS TO AADHAR CARD DETAILS CHANGE ONLINE:Click Here for going to the link.Enter your Aadhar Number.Fill Text VerificationClick on Send OTP. OTP is sent on your Registered mobile number.Also Read: Simple Steps to Conduct Aadhar Card Status Enquiry by NameYou will be asked to choose the Aadhar Card Details that you want to change.You can select multiple fields. Select the field and Submit.In next window fill the Correct Detail in both – English and Local language (if asked) and Submit.For Example – Here one has to fill the Email IdNOTE – If you are changing – Name, Date of Birth or Address, you have to upload the scanned documents. Click Here to know the Documents or Check them here.Verify the details that you have filled. If all the details look good then proceed or you can go back and edit once again.You may be asked for BPO Service Provider Selection. Select the provider belonging to your region.At last – You will be given an Update Request Number. Download or Print the document and keep it safe. It is required in checking the status of the complaint in future.So this step completes the process of Aadhar Card details change online.CHECK THE STATUS OF YOUR AADHAR CARD DETAILS CHANGE REQUESTStep 1 – Go the website by Clicking HereStep 2 – Fill the Aadhaar No. and URN – Update Request NumberStep 3 – Click on “Get Status”You are done. The new window on the screen will show the status of your request for change in Aadhar Card Details.
How bureaucratic is the United States Armed Forces?
In order for me to travel over a four day weekend outside a certain radius required:Three copies of a DA31 leave and pass form properly filled out and signed by three peopleA vehicle safety checklist that required an inspection of my car (regardless of whether I woukd be using it) and showing proof of license, registration and insurance.A printout of my planned route from Mapquest.A printout of the Drivers Safety Instruction and Training Web site showing that I answered questions correctly.A DA Form 4856 General Counseling form that informed me of my responsibilities and the impact failure to adhere to the regulations and limitations could have on my career.All of that, in order to go on a trip. This isn't for actual leave that would be credited agsinst my earned vacation days. This wasn't in order to excuse my absence from work for a day. This was in order for me to travel on my day off.This was something I had to do as a E7 Sergeant First Class with multiple combat deployments, nearly 20 years of service (at the time) and the responsibility of the health, training, welfare and discipline of 30 men and equipment in excess of $20 million. We're talking armored vehicles, complex communications systems, high security clearance, huge guns and optics to make the night turn into day.So, yeah, there's a bit of bureaucracy.
How do you fill out a Moneygram money order?
Purchase a money order.Fill it out as soon as you purchase it.Enter the recipient’s name in the “Pay to the Order Of” line.Sign on the “Purchaser, Signer for Drawer” line.Write your address on the “Address" line.Separate the money order from its receipt.Source: How to Fill Out a Moneygram Money Order
How can I complete my KYC for a mutual fund in India?
To become KYC compliant for Mutual Funds, you need to fill out the KYC form and submit it to a KYC registration center along with copies of your Identity and address proof.You can download and print out the KYC form from here:CDSL Ventures Limited, IndiaYou can get a list of registration centers from the Moneycontrol website at the following link:List of Point of ServicesAlternatively, if you want to invest in Mutual Funds through the online route, you can register with http://www.fundsindia.com. They will help you with the KYC process as well.
What is something you need to rant about?
THE COMPLETE INCOMPETENCE AND INEFFICIENCY OF OUR MUNICIPAL BODIES IN THE U.S.This morning I received a text message from my mother and it was a picture of a jury summons letter sent to me, in my name. The envelope had HUGE BOLD RED LETTERS on the front that said “Notice of Failure to Respond to Your Jury Summons”. Inside the letter was a list of penalties, fines, and even a threat of jail time for not responding to the jury summons.For those of you who are foreign to the U.S. court system, every U.S. Citizen is required to perform jury duty if summoned after they turn 18. Some people never get called for jury duty (my mother and brother have never once received summons), and some people get letters to do it every two years (me). Which is an entirely different rant altogether. If you don’t respond to the jury duty summons or fail to attend on the day they asked of you, you can face large penalties/fines or face imprisonment. It’s pathetically drastic and excessive. But whatever, civic duty, fuck yeah!ANYWAY, this morning I get this text message and I immediately chuckle because the jury summons is for Los Angeles County and I live and have lived in Portland, OR for over 3 years and also haven’t lived in my mother’s house for over 5 years. I figured, this would be a simple fix, that I would call the Los Angeles County Courts hotline and let them know I’ve moved and they need to update their records per the DMV.The conversation goes like this:*ring, ring* Dial one for english… punch in your jury code…punch in your jury code again…list of options that don’t apply to you…mash the fucking zero button until a representative gets on the line….Operator: Los Angeles County Juror Services, how can I help you?Me: Hi, my mother just notified me that she received a letter in the mail that I have failed to report for jury duty.Operator: So why haven’t you responded?Me: I am, right now, this is the first I hear of it and I think you have your records wrong, I have not lived in Los Angeles County nor California for over three years.Operator: Have you updated your records with the DMV?Me: Yes, I am a permanent Oregon resident and have been for 3 years. I have an Oregon Driver’s license and I am registered to vote in Oregon.Operator: Well, that’s not what our records show.Me: Where do you get your data?Operator: From the California DMV.Me: When was the last time you have updated your data? Because even in the California DMV I have moved from my mother’s house and yet she’s still getting letters from you.Operator: We don’t need to update our data. You need to update us.Me: Huh? I need to call the juror service hotline and let them know I no longer live in California? Why don’t you just update your data with the DMV?Operator: It is your responsibility to update the DMV.Me (as calmly as I could muster): I have updated the DMV, I have an Oregon Driver’s License, you haven’t updated your records.Operator (now having big attitude): You’re the one who hasn’t notified the DMV because our records show that in California you still live at your mother’s address and you’re telling me that you now live in Oregon but we never received proof of that.Me: You’re not understanding me, when I re-register to vote and change my permanent address, it is up to you to update your own records and communicate with the California DMV that has received notice from the Oregon DMV that I no longer live in California. I’ve done my due diligence, your system is inefficient, you’re wasting paper and my time.Operator (now yelling at me): Well, if you want us to update our records you’re going to have to fill out a form and provide proof of Oregon residence via ID and a utility bill.Me: No, I’m not going to do that. You can call the Oregon DMV yourself and verify that I have changed my address years ago and sort this out. I don’t have time for this.Operator: So you want to be in contempt of court for not showing up to your jury duty??You get the gist of this 30 minute phone call. It went around in circles. I would like to say that this woman was just bad at her job or didn’t know the system, but unfortunately, THIS IS THE SYSTEM. The municipal governments throw millions of dollars into a hole that is labeled “bureaucracy” and the red tape is so fucking thick you need a pair of scissors with a 50 carat diamond blade to cut through it. This woman is one of hundreds of interactions I have had living in the U.S. and trying to do my due diligence. Paperwork gets lost, going online is still apparently a nonexistent unicorn for municipal governements, phone operators are rude, everything costs you an arm and a leg. It takes months and sometimes years for you to have an arraignment on a simple traffic violation. I can almost guarantee you that even when I do provide proof of Oregon residence, my mother will still get a jury summons for me at some point in the future.It’s inefficient, it’s a waste of my precious time, it’s expensive, it’s wrong for tax payers to continue to pay for these “services” and it’s quite frankly insulting. There has to be a better way to get things done.
Why do many people in the US have so much resentment about the meager governmental benefits that the poor receive?
I am one of the “poor”.I wasn’t for most of my life - I worked as a mechanical engineer and, according to the IRS, had paid taxes since I was 15 and a half and a lifetime’s earnings that stretched into millions of dollars of income (again… that’s income over my working life combined)… then I get hit by a truck and can no longer work. Yes, I have money in savings, but my monthly disability check is less than what I earned in three days of my work.During the beginning of me being on disability, I tried to give back to the community in any way I could - to make myself feel that I was not totally worthless.I volunteered at a local church food bank (two hours per month). The policy was one bag of food per month per person in the household. This food was bought by monies raised by donations to the church and donations from local grocery stores (day-old bread and canned food with a little ding or dent, etc). It was all good food, not C-rations from Vietnam.On one day (it happened all the time, just not at this level), a woman comes in with the proper proof of family size… eleven children and her parents… so fourteen bags of food… she came late on the last day of the month (we had four hours twice a month). We had run low on many items we included in the bags of food.The way this operation worked was: people line up and we open at noon. As people stand in line, volunteers hand out “menu” slips to make sure people did not get food they were allergic to or could not eat (for Kosher/Halal reasons or even no hard food for people with no teeth). It was well-planned… but if we were out of items, we were out. It wasn’t like we could call the grocery store and demand them to make an express delivery or anything…Back to this woman… she had her hair with a very nice weave. Long fingernails that had been expertly manicured and was definitely NOT wearing rags… as she received her bags of food (volunteers helped carry them to her fairly new Mercedes SUV), she complained that her kids do not eat green beans! Why green beans? Last month she got green peas that her kids like, but they won’t eat green beans! She demanded we go out to the store and BUY peas right now.BTW, before we could even offer to take the bags to her vehicle (it was our policy to do it anyway), she blurts out that she is disabled and in now way can carry even ONE bag by herself… I had also overheard her boasting to another person in line about how she gets welfare for each of her dependents (11 kids and her two parents)… for those outside the US, that’s about $10,000 per month in “meager government assistance”.… and she wants the FREE food to be swapped out for something else?Another incident happened at the “Social Services” office.I was there to get a form to fill out regarding my disability… a woman behind the counter had brought in THREE trays of cookies for the people in line.This woman was in front of me. She sees the cookies and asks the woman behind the counter if they are free. The woman says “Yes” and then they go about filling out the forms she was there for… as she leaves, she again asks, “These are free?” the clerk nods and says “Yep, I bring in cookies every day for the people in line”. Without hesitation, the woman in front of me picks up all three trays and dumps every cookie into her large purse as she says “My kids will LOVE these treats”… and walks away.Why do people have a low opinion of those in the US who receive “meager” benefits? There are people who use the system to get everything they can and abuse the generosity of taxpaying citizens.I have a couple more similar stories, one even worse than the two above combined, but I cannot type anymore.People see these stories of those who game the system for additional benefits, or outright cheat the system… demanding a food bank provide peas and not green beans when it’s free food… and you drive a MERCEDES?Taxpayers pay into the system that provides these “meager” benefits, and when they see how the people receiving those benefits cheat and scam the system ending up making MORE than the people being taxed to pay for their aid, it garners some resentment… “Why should I work my butt off, lose a third of my income to taxes, and these people who benefit from my work (via taxes) live better than I do? Why should I work at all?”“If they can afford bi-weekly hair weaves, top-end manicures and drive luxury cars, why do they need money from those working hard every day?”Not everyone games the system, but many do and get away with it. When caught, it makes news… therefore, the regular working “Joe or Jane” only sees the people getting benefits who are nothing but cheaters… the news does nt report about the normal welfare recipient or disabled person, they only report the schemers… and that is the only thing regular Americans see, so the resentment is justified in a way.If the regular American saw how MOST benefit recipients lived, they would see it in a completely different light.
Why is Japan so safe?
I have spent quite a bit of time in Japan, not living there, but doing business there. So maybe not quite as much of an expert as some.I agree with 90% of the answers here. The ones that don't seem to ring quite true are the ones that imply that there's just as much crime in Japan as anywhere else, but it's just not reported, or it's ignored by the police as they co-exist with the Yakuza.Yes, the Yakuza represent organized crime in Japan. But my experience is that they don't commit crime on law abiding citizens. They provide 'services' that might not be looked on as desirable by most of society to those who seek out those services. They look after their interests in perhaps, shall we say, indelicate, maybe even occasionally violent ways. But unless you're looking for trouble, trouble won't find you. They won't break into your home to steal. They won't mug you on the street.And yes the police have an improbably high rate of solving crimes and getting convictions, some convictions being dubious.And yes, there is bullying in Japan and there is some sexual violence.But in my experience none of this accounts for the huge discrepancies between Japanese crime rates and western crime rates.A business colleague of mine tells the following story. He grew up in a tough neighborhood in Philadelphia. On his first business trip to Japan he noticed vending machines on the streets that sold beer. He was amazed. He couldn't understand how this could be legal. What stopped teenagers from buying beer? Even more improbable, what stopped punks from smashing the machines and stealing all the beer? Not one would still be standing in his old Phili neighborhood.Finally, he couldn't stand it any longer, he had to ask his Japanese hosts what the story was here. Upon hearing the question they looked at him a little strangely, not sure they understood the question, and then after finally assuring themselves that they heard correctly, their answer was simple:"Because they know they're not supposed to."This was a uniquely cultural answer that my colleague didn't at first understand. Of course they know they're not supposed to, all kids all over the world know they're not supposed to, but the difference in Japan is that kids believe it - at least far, far more than believe it in many other parts of the world. The difference is the unique culture.This issue of culture was mentioned in some of the answers, but not highlighted much. To me, the unique culture is a huge reason for why common crime, especially crimes against property, are so rare in Japan. The culture of societal shame is a very powerful force. And you don't just shame yourself. You shame your family, your friends, your community, your business colleagues.This is why you see very public, very visible and very sincere apologies from the presidents of huge companies when their company has done something wrong and has in some way hurt or cheated their customers. In fact an admission of guilt and a deep and sincere apology with genuine remorse can go a long way to getting the average citizen a much reduced punishment from the law.To understand this you need to understand a little about Japanese history. Until you've been to Japan it's difficult to understand just how little livable land there is on the islands. Probably 80%, maybe more is too mountainous to use. So everyone is cramped into a small space and historically, trying to get along, with paper walls, meant you had to behave. Especially in the old feudal system where a Samurai would as soon cut your head off at a stroke if you annoyed him. It didn't take long for societal norms of politeness, honesty, non-confrontation and so on to take hold.Japan is of course thoroughly modern today, and have whole heartedly, even enthusiastically embraced western ideas and adapted them to their culture, but the culture of shame for misdeeds has never gone away.UPDATESome have pointed out to me that there is a dark side to Japanese culture. That the Japanese are very tribal. That they consider themselves culturally superior to everyone else. That they can at times be dishonest in their extraordinary politeness, as a way to mask their disapproval or even disgust of non-Japanese people and their ways.This is true. I've witnessed it myself. It also explains their atrocious behavior in WWII.They've also pointed out that the culture is slowly changing. Also true. It's slowly becoming more westernized all the time. Including in areas relating to crime, especially among youth. I understand that the beer machines of my example are now getting phased out due to growing issues with underage drinking. My story above dates to the 90s.I have also been taken to task for impugning the good name of the Samurai. The Samurai lived by a well developed code of honor known as Bushido. They didn't go around whacking the heads off of people they didn't like whenever they felt like it. Another one of those honorable culture issues. I apologize to any Japanese I may have offended when I made a flippant remark in an attempt to make a point. Still, as in any feudal hierarchy, it wasn't in your best interest to offend the guy at the top who had the power of arms.Nonetheless, those aspects of Japanese culture that may be undesirable in other ways, those right wing elements of Japanese society that wish to return to the old days of Imperial Japan, actually reinforce the cultural prohibitions against common street crime.Japan is still among the safest countries on earth when it comes to street crime, interpersonal violence and crimes against property (Singapore is in the same league), if not the safest. The old culture is still strong.SOME FACTS AND FIGURESFound this interesting website that compares crime rates in different countries.Japan vs United States: Crime Facts and StatsI don't doubt that crimes such as rape are under reported in Japan. Rape is under reported in the US too.Even if you think the Japanese under report crime, it's hard to believe they could mask differences of the magnitude reported here.ANOTHER INTERESTING LOOK AT THE QUESTIONI really like Lim Son Eng's answer:Lim Son Eng's answer to Why is Japan so safe?I don't know how true it is, but it certainly sounds very plausible, and in some sort of way, I hope it is true. Maybe a Japanese native could comment one way or the other.NOVEMBER 2017 UPDATE:Please see the recently added comment from Kentaro Chiba for further insight into Lim Son Eng’s answer, and also into the role of the Yakuza in Japanese crime, as well into Japanese ultra-right wing politics.
What is bad about living in Japan?
I love Japan. However, I am a high status foreign man (despite my name and face). It was easy to be a high status (American, English speaking) foreign man in Japan. My job and my life have never been as easy as it was when I lived for 12 years in Japan being paid to speak my own language. As a nurse, I haven’t matched my Japanese income from 20 years ago yet. I had it easier than average Japanese men, who had to study and work “like a Japanese” to get where they are. I was simply born American and speak English. That’s another issue.On the other hand, it is not as easy to be a woman in Japan regardless of origin.Japanese women who wish to be more than a wife or mother face challenges like few others in the industrialized world. Japan ranks lower than all western nations on the list in the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Report on gender parity. Japan, facing a labor force shortage and declining birth rates, is ignoring a vital resource by denying women opportunities to contribute in the paid labor force.The Global Gender Gap Report 2017See 9:03 in video below, but please watch the entire thing. Yes, not supporting Japanese women in the modern age could “kill” Japan.What Japanese women are saying about discrimination in JapanVideo: Rachel and Jun, YouTube (They don’t need my traffic. They have over 2.5 million subscribers to their channels. Rachel never gets angry. As a woman in Japan, she’s pissed here. Read their comment section.)Image: A Brief Introduction to Japanese FeminismA Look at Japanese Feminism and Japanese MisogynyEric Takabayashi's answer to Why should I never visit Japan?Eric Takabayashi's answer to When visiting Japan, what thing(s) impressed you the most, and what disappointed you the most?I don’t feel like going over sex crime or sexualization of underage girls in Japan again. Yes, reported number of sexual assaults are low in Japan. There are at least two reasons for that: limited legal definitions (from 1907) and Japan’s shame culture.Chikan (body contact) - WikipediaThings I hate about Japan: Chikan (Perverts) - How I Became TexanSexual assault in Japan: 'Every girl was a victim’ - Al JazeeraFile:Chikan sign in Okinawa City Monorail station.jpgPhotos: Tell Your Neighbors, Tell Your FriendsJapan’s Secret Shame review - breaking a nation’s taboo about rape - The GuardianEric Takabayashi's answer to If Someone were to grow up with no exposure to violence or ever given a reason to fear anything, what would happen if they were suddenly put into the world?Eric Takabayashi's answer to What was the most cringeworthy thing you ever saw a parent do while you were a teacher?I expect Japan lovers and a number of Japanese are going to react poorly, as they often do when people criticize Japan, even if the criticisms represent valid issues. I’ve been on Usenet since 1996 to know, and interacted with Japanese the entire time I lived there talking about social issues (as an American bleeding heart liberal who believed Japan on social issues resembled the US of the 1950s as my teacher mother described living in the pre Civil Rights era). I spent most of my time in Japan passing for Japanese to see how many common people spoke or behaved without “foreigners” around.No, I am not a Korean or Chinese paid troll or bot. You can deflect the issue and point out faults in the US or other nations, in answers relevant to questions about them. Yes, there may be tens of millions of people in the US who believe life in the US is shit for a variety of reasons. Women in the US may believe the situation is shit. I won’t deny it.Be able to admit what is wrong with your own country, the way Americans argue about the US and each other. Issues in your own nation with your own people and culture are more important to your lives and future e.g. “Why don’t many Japanese women want to get married and have children?”, than “Why did Americans vote for Trump?” or “Why do Americans love guns?”And I’ll repeat it, because people don’t get it: I love Japan. If I weren’t born American, I’d wish I were Japanese. If I didn’t live in America, I’d go back to Japan. I recommended Canada to my children.
What's the craziest thing ever happened to you at an airport/airplane?
So this happened with me on Bengaluru airport at the gate while I was about to board my flight to patna. Let me mention that was traveling alone and I had a fractured leg due to which I was on a wheelchair been assisted by one of the airport attendants.My attendant dropped me at my gate,left me there with my crutches and luggage,made sure I was good and went to grab a break for until the boarding begins.It was then when this dude,approximately same as my age approaches me.here is our conversation :Guy: 'hey,hi,I am sorry but I know you.'Me : Ummm,what? I am sorry but I don't remember.(Wierd,cz I am known to have a good memory otherwise)Guy: yes,I do.you are Ankit's sister right?Now,true enough I have an elder cousin with the same name so I immediately agreed.thought he must be one of Ankit 's friend who I must have forgotten.(Still doubtful though)Guy : so,what happened?I I saw you from far and was like damn,I know her.let me go ask her what happened.Me : no,so how do you know my brother Ankit?Guy : ah!that was like 3 years back. He probably has forgotten.not important! So anyway,what happened to you?What? Of course that's important.Me : oh no,nothing.just a fracture.people keep getting fractures all the time these days.not a big deal. So where you from?Guy : patna,studying in Bangalore.Me : really? My brother Ankit is from ranchi and he studied in manipal (just like me) and never been in patna or bangalore.so how do you know Ankit?You maybe hating me right now but I was thoroughly enjoying it at the moment while being all nice and polite because hey how often do things like these happen!Guy : it was years back and he probably doesn't remember but trust me I know him,and I know you. So I see you're travelling alone in this condition . do you need any assistance? Where do you stay?I could drop you home.I politely denied any help as my dad was coming to pick me up already.Told me his seat no. And left.Comes back.Guy : hey,just wanted to say I am not a creep,OK?Comes back after 5 minutesGuy : hey,do me a favor actually,take my number,give it to Ankit and tell him to give me a call sometime.its rishi!Me: Ummm yeah alright. Actually why don't I give him a call right now so you guys could speak.Guy : oh no no don't.that won't be necessary!!!Disappears.never saw his face again.I actually made a call to my brother that moment and enquired about his long lost friend rishi.Brother : 'what? I have never known anyone of this name,ever.dude,stop talking to strangers at the airport.(Elder brothers well!)That was not the crazy part .The craziest part was that this uncle about the age of 40 seated beside me was closely following our conversation and I had no idea.eavesdropping basically! So as soon as I got off the phone with my brother I hear a long 'sooooooo?' With 2 eyes staring at me.I was like 'Umm so what?'So did your brother know him?I had a good internal laugh first and then went Nooo,haha.He shook his head for a good 1 minute in dismay.Funnily enough this same uncle had the seat adjacent to me in our flight. After a good ten minutes when we were seated together he turned to me and asked,'So tell me,is someone coming to pick you up from the airport or not?'Me: Haha,yes uncle my dad is.thanks.He : strange! Huh!Me :Haha,don't worry uncle,actually Ankit is a pretty common name.He : yeah,Ankit is common yes,but so are guys like him.Uncleeeeee,SAVAGE!!!!I had a very interesting encounter and I do want to believe that the guy was not a creep.I just need an explanation to this. My crazy friends have come up with many,none quite satisfying.
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