How to sign a document electronically

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eSign documents with airSlate SignNow and get more value from your daily document-based operations

Legally binding icon
Sign document online from anywhere, anytime
Create your unique eSignature by drawing, typing, or uploading it. eSign document in minutes, even offline.
Integrate api icon
Leverage the airSlate SignNow features in your CRM
Set up the airSlate SignNow API to add or request signatures, track document completion status, and route collected data directly to or from your CRM.
Conditional docs icon
Track changes made to the document
Use our compliant solution and be aware of who made changes and when and how they were made with the Audit Trail feature.
Share docs icon
Collect data and eSignatures faster
Take advantage of the advanced data and eSignature collection tools. Set up and streamline role-based workflows built around conditional logic.
Reusable templates icon
Turn documents into reusable templates
Remove multitasking from your daily document-based processes by creating templates. Save time and streamline your business operations with airSlate SignNow.
Team collaborations icon
Collaborate on documents better with your team
Benefit from intuitive collaboration workspaces. Manage access rights, assign roles, and increase overall document execution transparency.

How electronically sign a document with airSlate SignNow

Watch this short video that walks you through how to eSign a document in airSlate SignNow. Learn how to quickly create a legally-binding signature and add it to a document using our industry-compliant and secure solution.

eSign documents with airSlate SignNow and you’ll see a difference in your daily operations

Build complex eSignature workflows from scratch

Take advantage of the entire arsenal of features that allows for building workflows around stress-free document signing. Create legally-binding signatures and add and request data, signatures, and payments from other parties. Create your eSignature workflows from the ground up with airSlate SignNow.

Collaborate on documents with your team

Set up, configure, and customize your workspaces. Benefit from a multitude of collaboration tools suitable for teams of any size. Manage access rights, create signing roles, and help your colleagues eSign documents more efficiently. Maintain the steady productivity flow of your team.

Save and store documents in a single secure environment

We follow the best data security standards and practices to protect your data from unauthorized usage. Store your documents in our secure hub and access them anytime, from anywhere. Gain more confidence whenever you sign documents online with airSlate SignNow.

Access and work with documents from any device

Enjoy total flexibility while certifying documents with our cloud-based solution. Easily access your paperwork while switching between multiple devices and platforms. Go where the day takes you and eSign documents from anywhere.

Integrate with other productivity and data storage tools

Connect airSlate SignNow to your internal CRMs and various external services. Sign documents online while staying connected to the tools that help you maintain stable productivity.
Collect signatures
Reduce costs by
per document
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per employee / month
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Reasons to eSign documents with airSlate SignNow

  • Free 7-day trial. Make sure our electronic signature solution meets all of your needs risk-free.
  • Honest pricing. airSlate SignNow has no hidden fees, so you always know how much you’re pay.
  • Enterprise-grade security. All your electronic signatures comply with global security standards.
illustrations signature

A quick guide on how to sign a document online

Signing a digital document in a traditional way, with pen and paper, comes with tons of inefficiencies. Think about all the time and effort it takes to print, scan, sign, send out, and save a physical document. However, with a solution like airSlate SignNow, you can forget about all of the roadblocks associated with paper-based processes for good.

Learn how you can quickly sign documents online without the need for paper below:

  • 1. Log in to your account and click Upload or Create to upload a file.
  • 2. Click on the uploaded document in the Dashboard to get started.
  • 3. Find the Fill Out Myself tab on the left of your screen.
  • 4. Use ✓ or ◯ to mark or select the option(s) in the document.
  • 5. Hit 🕔 to date the document before signing.
  • 6. Select My Signature (✑ ) from the tab and place the signature box on the needed area to eSign document.
  • 7. Click Save and Close to finish the process.

Other signing tools allow you to sign documents online and little else, while airSlate SignNow offers other handy features to collect data, legally-binding signatures, and payments. The best part is that they all are immediately available, no matter the platform or device you use. airSlate SignNow is also packed with enough capabilities to build entire eSignature workflows that can be supercharged with multiple integrations. Give airSlate SignNow a try today and see for yourself.

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How it works
Upload document icon
Upload a document to the editor.
eSign document icon
eSign document in just a few clicks.
Save your document icon
Save your document or send it for signing.
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Award-winning eSignature solution

Millions of users choose airSlate SignNow as their go-to eSignature solution

Don’t take our word for it. Check out what our users have to say about their experience using airSlate SignNow for their daily eSignature processes.

Excellent workflow and electronic signing
Administrator icon 5.0

What do you like best?

Simple, straightforward, quick and easy for everyone involved!

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Great solution
Administrator in real estate icon 5.0
Administrator in Real Estate

What do you like best?

Easy to use, accessible on the go—exactly what you need & expect for business in a modern world.

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Great Experience!
Omeed s icon 5.0
Omeed S

What do you like best?

airSlate SignNow is a wonderful solution for any startup or business on a budget.

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Helps our business do business
Alex simms icon 5.0
Alex Simms

What do you like best?

Shortening our sales cycle and getting our contracts signed quickly.

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Instructions on how to securely sign documents online

Certifying a document electronically isn’t just about adding a signature with a digital device. It requires a signer to use a secure and industry-compliant solution to ensure that an executed copy will be legally binding and admissible by court.

With that said, we recommend using airSlate SignNow. Not only is it an all-in-one eSignature solution, but it also doubles as a powerful tool for collecting information and building complex eSignature workflows. Additionally, it has all the security and legal frameworks in place required for a secure and compliant signing experience.

Here’s how to eSign a document legally and securely with airSlate SignNow.

Step 1. Uploading a document

Click the Upload or Create button to add or drag and drop your file. We support a vast majority of file formats, including PDF, DOCX, PPTX, JPG, and PNG. If you upload a file in a format other than PDF, the system will convert it to one automatically. PDF is court-admissible and better optimized for various platforms than other formats. Plus, it offers more options to secure the uploaded file.

Uploading a document

Step 2. Creating an eSignature

Once your document is uploaded, click to open it. On the left, you will find a Menu toolbar. Scroll down the toolbar and select My Signature from the Fill Out Myself tab. Click Add New Signature and select how you want to generate it. If you want, you can set your newly created signature as your default eSignature by selecting the respective option at the bottom. Click Sign to finish the process.

Creating an eSignature

Step 3. Collecting eSignatures

To request signatures from recipients, scroll back up the left menu bar and select Signature Field from the Add Fillable Fields for Recipients tab. Place it anywhere on the document. Use the advanced field settings on the right to assign it to a specific recipient and make the field conditional. You can use the same feature to collect other data as well, including text, initials, name, attachments, etc.

Collecting eSignatures

Step 4. Sharing and organizing documents

Once you’re done signing and adding fillable fields, you can save the document by clicking Save and Close. airSlate SignNow lets you move the documents between folders and workspaces and create individual access rights. If you need to send it to be completed by other parties, you can share it with them via a link or send it via email. You can also add an additional layer of protection to your documents with dual-factor authentication using a password, text, or phone call, which you can choose as you prepare to send the document. This way, you will ensure that your document will end up in the right hands.

Sharing and organizing documents

Use airSlate SignNow to eSign documents and request eSignature and other data from anywhere!

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Get legally-binding signatures now!

  • Best ROI. Our customers achieve an average 7x ROI within the first six months.
  • Scales with your use cases. From SMBs to mid-market, airSlate SignNow delivers results for businesses of all sizes.
  • Intuitive UI and API. Sign and send documents from your apps in minutes.

eSign documents online with airSlate SignNow for maximum results

A signature, created with a pen on paper, is a unique mark that indicates that a person voluntarily consents to the specific terms laid out in the document. However, with digitalization happening at an unimaginable speed, the physical signature is becoming a thing of the past.

airSlate SignNow makes it possible for everyone to sign documents electronically or request signatures from other parties without the need for paper or back-and-forth communication.

Here’s a quick rundown of benefits you get when you sign documents online or offline with airSlate SignNow:

  • Intuitive interface: airSlate SignNow makes it easy for everyone to get started with eSignature and learn how to eSign documents in minutes.
  • Increased transparency: Our solution lets you track documents’ changes down to the details with the Audit Trail feature and prevents unauthorized access with anti-tempering technology.
  • Versatile functionality: You get all of the needed tools to collect signatures, data, payments, and attachments from other parties directly from your document. Plus, you can create document templates to streamline your daily processes.
  • Compliance and security: We adhere to eSignature-related laws across the USA, UK, and Europe and follow the best general and industry-specific data protection practices.
  • Integration capabilities: With airSlate SignNow, you can sign documents electronically while bringing all your productivity tools and systems of record under one roof.

The roadblocks associated with physical signature shouldn’t get in the way of your deadlines and projects. Discover a whole new way of how to electronically sign documents.

FAQs about electronic signature

Here is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Need help? Contact support

How electronically sign documents with minimal effort on your part

Eliminate the burden of paperwork for good with our intuitive eSignature solution. eSign documents from your laptop or mobile device, no matter where you are.

How to Sign a PDF Online How to Sign a PDF Online

How to sign a document online

Are you still using physical signatures for your daily document-based tasks? It’s time you rethought your process. With airSlate SignNow, you no longer need to print and send documents back and forth to get them signed. eSign, request signatures, and send your documents to multiple people using a single app and no paper at all.

Here’s how to certify a document electronically with airSlate SignNow:

  • 01.Log in to your airSlate SignNow account or register for one.
  • 02.Click Upload or Create to add a file for signature.
  • 03.Click My Signature (✑ ) in the left toolbar to add and customize your signature.
  • 04.Use the ✓, ◯, 🕔, ╱, ✎ buttons to annotate the text and add more info to it.
  • 05.Click Save and Close to finalize the changes.

airSlate SignNow is a multi-functional tool that allows you not only to sign a document but also redact and annotate it online. If you want to learn about all the bells and whistles that airSlate SignNow has to offer, visit this page.

How to Sign a PDF Using Google Chrome How to Sign a PDF Using Google Chrome

How to sign a PDF document in Google Chrome

There is a good chance that you spend most of your time online in Google Chrome. So why not make this time even more efficient? airSlate SignNow offers an extension that helps you improve your signing experience without leaving your browser.

Use these brief instructions to eSign a document in Google Chrome:

  • 01.Locate the airSlate SignNow extension in the Chrome Web Store.
  • 02.Install it on your laptop and open a PDF file.
  • 03.Create a signature by choosing one of the available methods.
  • 04.Download your completed document.
  • 05.Share it with others for further edits.

It only takes a few clicks to sign PDF documents with the airSlate SignNow extension. Because airSlate SignNow is a cloud-based solution, all files you upload to airSlate SignNow are securely stored in the cloud and can be accessed from any device.

How to Sign a PDF in Gmail How to Sign a PDF in Gmail How to Sign a PDF in Gmail

How to eSign a document in Gmail

Over the years, Gmail has evolved its interface and functionality to help tackle our correspondence needs more efficiently. Yet, it lacks a critical feature that would let users sign documents directly in their inbox. Luckily, there is a airSlate SignNow extension for Gmail.

Here’s how you can sign documents from within your inbox using our extension:

  • 01. Install the airSlate SignNow add-on.
  • 02. Click on the airSlate SignNow add-on in the top-left sidebar in your inbox.
  • 03. Open an email with an attachment and hit Upload.
  • 04. Drag the My Signature (✑ ) field from the left and drop it onto the document.
  • 05. Save the completed document or continue to make other edits.

airSlate SignNow helps you get one step closer to making your Gmail inbox more efficient and dealing with pending signature requests faster. It provides you with a flawless signing experience from within your Gmail account and gives you all the tools you need to edit documents and request signatures and/or information from other parties.

How to Sign a PDF on a Mobile Device How to Sign a PDF on a Mobile Device How to Sign a PDF on a Mobile Device

How to eSign a document in a mobile browser

Do you travel often, making something as simple as signing a document a considerable inconvenience? If yes, then you probably need an eSignature solution that gives you the flexibility to complete documents from anywhere. airSlate SignNow is a tool that allows you to eSign documents on the go in a mobile browser. No app download needed!

Follow these steps to sign documents online in any mobile browser:

  • 01. Go to the airSlate SignNow website.
  • 02. Upload a document that needs eSignature.
  • 03. Tap My Signature (✑ ) on the left to create one.
  • 04. Tap to place it anywhere on the document.
  • 05. Hit Save and Close to save the changes.

airSlate SignNow’s interface and functionality don’t differ across platforms and devices. So you don’t need to start over and re-learn how to sign documents each time you switch between them. In addition, airSlate SignNow has mobile apps for iOS and Android. Follow this link and learn how to get the most out of mobile signing with airSlate SignNow.

How to Sign a PDF on iPhone How to Sign a PDF on iPhone

How to sign a document on an iPhone

Today’s hectic business world requires us to make decisions and deal with time-sensitive tasks with lightning speed. For that, we need a reliable tool that will help us cross our t’s and dot our i’s from anywhere and at any time. airSlate SignNow’s mobile app is set up to make your mobile signing experience fast, secure, and simple.

Learn how to sign a document on iPhone with the airSlate SignNow mobile app below:

  • 01. Install the airSlate SignNow app from the App Store.
  • 02. Tap the plus sign to add a document for signing.
  • 03. On the new screen, select Myself under «Who needs to sign?» if you’re the only signer.
  • 04. Tap Signature to eSign a document.
  • 05. Click Done to finish signing.

If you need to request signatures from other parties, select the Myself and Others option after you’ve uploaded your document. With the airSlate SignNow app, you’ll spend little to no time signing documents, even when offline.

How to Sign a PDF on Android How to Sign a PDF on Android

How electronically sign a document on your Android

Time isn’t on your side when you’re away from your desk and need to sign documents. But with the right tool, like airSlate SignNow for Android, you can complete your documents while also expediting the process and making it paper-free.

Here are steps explaining how to sign a document on your Android device:

  • 01. Install the airSlate SignNow app and log in to it.
  • 02. Add a document by tapping the ➕ sign.
  • 03. Tap Signature in the bottom toolbar to draw your eAutograph.
  • 04. Tap anywhere on the document to eSign it.
  • 05. Save changes by tapping the ✓ sign in the top right corner.

On top of the basic signing features, airSlate SignNow offers what you need to collect legally-binding signatures, information, and payments; to track the document completion status directly from your mobile app; and to collaborate on documents with your team. It also features a Kiosk Mode that allows for in-person eSigning. Visit this page and learn how you and your business can benefit from our eSignature mobile app.

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