2017-2025 Form

What makes the home address if known form legally valid?
The first thing official institutions look at is the form's date. Consider examining up-to-date document samples on their official webpages or in the airSlate SignNow collection with records for every situation. If things are OK with your sample, always double-check the fields to be completed so that you're ready for whatever information the form is going to ask for from you and that the institution you'lll send it to will get the needed details about you and your circumstance. Don't neglect to include dates and signatures.
If you would like submit the home address if known form on the internet, consider using our professional solution. Here you can get a lot of tools needed to prepare the form right from your browser: add more texts, dropdowns, and checkmarks and even more. Furthermore, you'll get the ability to insert legal electronic signatures and submit your record.
How to protect your home address if known form when completing it online
Almost all our legal information can be vulnerable, so shielding it is a smart decision. Follow the recommendations below to improve your security degree while completing the home address if known form on the internet:
- Protect the gadget you're using for work. Data encryption doesn't help if anyone can access your profile. Develop a passcode for every device that can access your files.
- Turn on two-step authentication. Guard your profiles from unauthorized access by verifying logins on new gadgets and monitoring all active sessions. If the service you've chosen doesn't have such an option, consider getting a new one.
- Use professional platforms. Use airSlate SignNow that ciphers all your information, establishes safe connections every time you log in to the service, and stores information on protected servers.
- Check out conformity. Make certain your platform has worldwide recognition and is created as outlined by international security requirements (compliance with UETA, GDPR, ESIGN and HIPAA and other regulations).
- Stay aware. Examine suspicious emails, generate strong passwords, avoid open Wi-Fi spots, etc.
Quick guide on how to complete home address if known
airSlate SignNow's web-based service is specially created to simplify the arrangement of workflow and optimize the process of proficient document management. Use this step-by-step guideline to fill out the Get And Sign Home Address (if Known): Form promptly and with perfect accuracy.
The way to fill out the Get And Sign Home Address (if Known): Form on the web:
- To start the document, utilize the Fill camp; Sign Online button or tick the preview image of the form.
- The advanced tools of the editor will lead you through the editable PDF template.
- Enter your official identification and contact details.
- Utilize a check mark to indicate the answer where demanded.
- Double check all the fillable fields to ensure complete precision.
- Use the Sign Tool to add and create your electronic signature to airSlate SignNow the Get And Sign Home Address (if Known): Form.
- Press Done after you complete the document.
- Now you can print, download, or share the form.
- Address the Support section or get in touch with our Support staff in the event that you've got any concerns.
By utilizing airSlate SignNow's comprehensive service, you're able to complete any essential edits to Get And Sign Home Address (if Known): Form, create your customized digital signature within a few quick steps, and streamline your workflow without the need of leaving your browser.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Home Address if Known Form
Instructions and help about Home Address if Known
Find and fill out the correct home address if known
How can I apply for an internship at IIT Bombay?
Full-scale guide to internship ahead. It will take 3 minutes.During my sophomore year( 2nd Year) of studies I did a lot of research on Internships, how to secure it and how to get a sure-shot success.I have compiled all the questions and how to work on themWhy should I do an internship?Ans: No, you don’t need to do one, internship are not burden that you should do. You can go and learn to play guitar, feel free to explore yourself during vacations.Internships are not only in Education, there are a heck lot of internships for Music, NGOs, Tutors, Dance(Yeah you heard it right). Now for all those in colleges( I mean study focused minded people), internships are a must ( yeah you heard me right, it is must- A recent update in rule suggested that you must have 3 internships).P.S. I have still done only one internship and still in search for 2 more (I completed my recent internship from France, CNRS).2. What internship should I do, I am confused?Ans: First of all you need to find your field of interest, it can be anything, yeah anything you like, it doesn’t depend on your course/career but on your interest.I have interest in Machine Learning , Computer Vision and Embedded Systems and I am in Electronics Branch.So, once you know about your field of interest you are perfect to go ahead to search for an internship.How to find my field of interest? Refer here : “How do I find out what my actual area of interest is?”3. Where to search an Internship and how to proceed?Ans: GOOGLE , it’s all.Nothing can help you more than google. Let me be clear, never go for sites like Internshala,Letsintern,InternXXX (I am not devoting this site, these sites have all startups and local companies and jobs that won’t help your enrichment rather will prepare you for 9–5 jobs believe me, I have experience) before searching them on your own.4. What are per-requisites? What should I have? A good SOP? A good CV?Ans: I will focus on basic things to keep in Mind.a. A good balance between CGPA and Skills will help you a lot. Don’t worry,if you don’t have a good CGPA, you must be talented with so many things then( Guitar, Singing, Dance—- yeah buddy you are talented.)b. Your focus in career, I mean what you want to pursue further.Just make a list of 4–5 topics you want to pursue further.c. Compile a list of projects you have done until the time you are going to fill the form.Put all the details about the project, how it works, under whom you have done it, what is its benefit.Projects can be anything: Have you created an applications based on your interest, a cool DIY project, an electronic game, a computer program—it entirely depends on your choice.I created aa TIC TAC TOE game and I quote it in my CV.d. List of your training and online MOOCs, if you did anything.(I am a regular user of Coursera, udemy, udacity, and edx.I keep on learning new things).Just mention these MOOCs and training wherever you get space.If you have certificates, feel free to include their links.e. The workshops, seminars you have attended.Do you know- Your curricular labs may add a lot to your form, but how? Suppose you are interested in Digital Signal Processing, and you attended Digital Signal Processing lab and gained 10/10, Go on quote it in the form.f. A Good Statement of purpose, describing what is your interest.g. A resume for yourself (max 2 pages).5. What is a good Statement of Purpose and How to make it? How to make a good resume?Ans: Follow here: How to write a successful SOP , How to Write a Statement of PurposeRest you can post your questions in comment section for some-specific field in SOP, CV.6. When should I start to search for an Internship for Institute and Well-known Companies?Ans : When Should I Apply for Summer Internships?, Most of the interships application begin from late December till Feb beginning.For institute specific internships, there are two waya) Fill the application form of the Internship Advertisement.b) Mail the professor.The application form is different for different Institute, regarding the mailing procedure - I will like to quote an answer:( Source : Tuhin Kundu answer)While writing a mail to an IIT professor, some blueprints and strategies should be kept in mind:Show your proven academic record. Your chances increase manifold if your CGPA is >9.0 Not to lose hope if you haven’t got it. Neither did I.Showcase the major projects you have undertaken in your undergrad till date.Share links everywhere in your resume and cover letter. Links to your LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Codechef, SPOJ, Github etc are pretty useful.Upload your project reports to a cloud storage such as Google Drive and share the links in your resume.The mail you are going to write is the most critical part and is usually known as a cover letter. Professors are only going to open and see your resume only if your cover letter is strong.Talk about the technologies you’ve learned, the projects you’ve done or are doing, the collaborations you have undertaken with professors at your own college in your cover letter. This section is the one that convinces the professor of your credibility.Avoid attaching your CV in your mail.Upload your CV in Google Drive and share the links. Emails from unknown sources usually end up in Junk folder of university emails.Make sure your email stays at top.Email professors late at night such that your email will be somewhere at the top when the professor logs in into his email account in the morning.Talk about your inclination and motivation to work under a certain area/domain. Convince the professor about why you want to work in that certain field.Repeatedly spamming a professor will be of no good.Filter out the professors who match your research interest. Mailing every single professor of the entire department may result into marking your email address as a spammer by the institute email filter.An example of mail to professor can be:( Source : Rahul Goradia Answer)Subject : Regarding Internship in Embedded SystemRespected Prof.____________Sir/Madam,I am ——- from ——— pursuing ___________ and willing to do internship under ______________ posted on website for duration _____.Sir/Ma’am, You are working in ________ domain and you have carried out ______ projects. You also take interns in embedded Systems.I am wish to start internship under our guidance. My curriculum includes ____ related subjects to embedded system. I have completed __________ projects. I will be available during whole internship and will be very sincere throughout internship. (You can add reference of your faculty as well.)It will be a great pleasure to work under you.Sincerely————.Now let us focus on my IIT Bombay Internship.Actually I received internship offer from IIT Bombay, IIT Gandhinagar and IIIT-Delhi in my 2nd Year.Focusing on IIT Bombay Internship.The IIT Bombay has two ways of internship1) Ekalavya Internship Program **EKALAVYA HOME Page (EKALAVYA HOME Page)2) By mailing to the professor of your field of interest.Let me describe both one by one and all things which you requireThe Ekalavy internship mentioned : Apply for the internship only if you are completing the 3rd year in April/May 2017. Students completing 2nd year, with exceptional academic performance and other achievements may also be considered.The procedure for ekalavya internship,a) Apply for the internship.b) If you get selected for the first round.Then wait my friend , there is one round more.c) The second round is an Online Test, I was guided a lot by my seniors for the test, they helped me a lot for the test preparation.d) If you clear the online test( which has medium difficulty), congo you got selected.In order to get an internship by emailing the professor, you can look on etiquettes on how to mail a prof., how to search for one, how to get in touch.I will add links to the mailing etiquettes soon.I will edit more details soon, rest you can comment on specific topics which you want to know about, I will be happy to help.I am a student majoring in Electronics and Communication branch.Also, let me add, your present college won’t stop you from getting an Intern anywhere ( A motivation for you).Edit 1:The Art of Emailing Professors to Secure a Foreign Internship ( Source : Internshala )Email is the most under-rated, under-used tool for grabbing an internship abroad. Read all about how to utilize it effectively!There are two definitive ways to bag an internship-1. Apply to various internship programs such as MITACS, DAAD-WISE, etc. Fill up your application form in the fanciest way possible and leave the rest up to fate.OR2. Write an email to a professor as a prospective intern/student.The latter might sound easier than it reads.Being resilient: Professors are busy people. Do not lose hope if your first, second or even third email goes unanswered. You have to be resilient while contacting professors.Timing matters: The time you send out your mail matters more than you think. Never email a professor during the weekends or Friday night; that might be a convenient time for you to email the professor but it is also the professor’s day off and your mail will get buried under the numerous other student’s applications. Professors tend to check their mail during their office hours thus increasing chances of a reply if sent out at such a time.Whom not to contact: It is advisable not to contact more than one professor from the same department as, if found out, it will dampen your credibility in the eyes of both professors.Be specific: I cannot stress on this point enough. In the subject heading of email, be sure to include the specific area you want to intern in. The professor shouldn’t have to scour through the email to search for what you want . If you want to do a research project under him/her, a subject line such as ‘2015 Prospective Research Intern for xyz subject area’ would be ideal.Funding: Most professors are reluctant to provide funding and understandably so; you are an unknown candidate with only words to prove your credibility. Typing out a politely worded, technical email will help your chances. Make sure there are no grammatical errors. If you are good at academia with prior work experience pertaining to their field, then getting funded becomes much easier.The email is all about you being a student that the professor absolutely HAS to offer a position. The real question you should ask yourself is: What can I do to make the professor respond to my mail instead of ten dozen others lying in his/her inbox? Here’s what-Start Early: Consider this. You contact professors in October for an internship that starts in January. Provided one responds, confirmation of a project takes time. There are official procedures to be considered, especially if it’s a funded project. Then there might be a matter of VISA which needs a few weeks at the least. In the end, you might find yourself racing against time to get the confirmation.TIP: If you want an internship offer by January of next year, you should start with your research six months ahead. Keep in mind the vacation timings for the countries you are targeting because most professors will have their automatic vacation responders on during these months. By the time they read their mail, yours will be more than twenty thousand leagues under all other emails.Target the right country: If you desire an international internship, you have to be smart while choosing universities. Some professors just don’t have the funds to admit you. So what’s the point in setting up base camp there?TIP: At the outset, select countries which are known to provide funding to students. For example, news and statistics show that of late, Canada is an emerging tycoon in the education sector and is allocating massive funds to projects. So it could very well be your next destination.Spam emails: Most emails from unknown addresses are flagged as spam and don’t even signNow the inbox. Professors also can’t be sure whether you are truly a student or a fake.TIP: One smart preventive measure would be to use your university email ID which identifies your first and last name and also has something like ‘@iitg’ or some such credible ending. This validates both points at once.Bulk emails: A lot of students have a huge list of professors and play chance with their emails. Writing a bulk email with a set format to all professors will only result in immediate deletion from inbox.TIP: Spell the professor’s name correctly. Get the honorifics right- Professors are usually ‘Dr.’. Salutations such as ‘Dear Dr.X’ or simply ‘Dr.X’ should be used. Write about what interests you in their body of work.Do your homework: Professing interest in someone’s work by saying ‘I would be really enthused to work under you’ has absolutely no bearing unless you give evidence to support it.TIP: Run through the body of work the professor has done, select one publication or project that overlaps with your interest and READ IT. Come up with some interesting insight or query about it. Don’t be vague, use technical words. Try to add your own ideas. Nothing proves your interest more than actually doing your homework.I recently bagged my Latest 2018 Summer Internship in “France- Paris ,Lille”.I will love to share it’s detail along with 30+ Internships that a “first year student too can fill and achieve”.Meanwhile, you can ping me on Facebook or ask your questions in the comment section for any help.(facebook : Animesh Srivastava ).Thanks for all the sources:https://blog.internshala.com/201...Tuhin KunduRahul GarodiaHappy to help you all ! Cheers for an amazing life.
How do I fill out a Form 10BA if I lived in two rented homes during the previous year as per the rent agreement? Which address and landlord should I mention in the form?
you should fill out the FORM 10BA, with detail of the rented house, for which you are paying more rent than other.To claim Section 80GG deduction, the following conditions must be fulfilled by the taxpayer:HRA Not Received from Employer:- The taxpayer must not have received any house rent allowance (HRA) from the employer.Not a Home Owner:- The taxpayer or spouse or minor child must not own a house property. In case of a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF), the HUF must not own a house property where the taxpayer resides.Form 10BA Declaration:- The taxpayer must file a declaration in Form 10BA that he/she has taken a residence on rent in the previous year and that he/she has no other residence.format of form-10BA:-https://www.webtel.in/Image/Form...Amount of Deduction under Section 80GG:-Maximum deduction under Section 80GG is capped at Rs.60,000. Normally, the deduction under Section 80GG is the lower of the following three amounts :-25% of Adjusted Total IncomeRent Paid minus 10% of Adjusted Total IncomeRs.5000 per Month
How do I change my address in the Aadhar card?
You can change the following details in Aadhar Card:NameGenderDate of BirthAddressE-mail IDTHINGS TO REMEMBER BEFORE APPLYING FOR AADHAR CARD DETAILS CHANGE:Your Registered Mobile Number is mandatory in the online process.You need to submit Documents for change of – Name, Date of Birth and Address. However, Change in Gender and E-mail ID do not require any document.You have to fill details in both – English and Regional/Local language (Eg. Hindi, Oriya, Bengali etc)Aadhar Card Details are not changed instantly. It is changed after Verification and Validation by the authoritySTEPS TO AADHAR CARD DETAILS CHANGE ONLINE:Click Here for going to the link.Enter your Aadhar Number.Fill Text VerificationClick on Send OTP. OTP is sent on your Registered mobile number.Also Read: Simple Steps to Conduct Aadhar Card Status Enquiry by NameYou will be asked to choose the Aadhar Card Details that you want to change.You can select multiple fields. Select the field and Submit.In next window fill the Correct Detail in both – English and Local language (if asked) and Submit.For Example – Here one has to fill the Email IdNOTE – If you are changing – Name, Date of Birth or Address, you have to upload the scanned documents. Click Here to know the Documents or Check them here.Verify the details that you have filled. If all the details look good then proceed or you can go back and edit once again.You may be asked for BPO Service Provider Selection. Select the provider belonging to your region.At last – You will be given an Update Request Number. Download or Print the document and keep it safe. It is required in checking the status of the complaint in future.So this step completes the process of Aadhar Card details change online.CHECK THE STATUS OF YOUR AADHAR CARD DETAILS CHANGE REQUESTStep 1 – Go the website by Clicking HereStep 2 – Fill the Aadhaar No. and URN – Update Request NumberStep 3 – Click on “Get Status”You are done. The new window on the screen will show the status of your request for change in Aadhar Card Details.
Why does it seem that conservatives want to make it easier to own a gun than to vote?
With rights come responsibilities. I am certain any liberal will agree with that statement.Oh wait, it depends on the issue!For one day, one day, I would love to apply my local gun laws to an issue like voting. Just to demonstrate the hypocrisy and falsity of statements like “conversatives want to make it easier to own a gun than vote”.To purchase a firearm such as a rifle or shotgun, I am required to produce ID showing my current address, prove residency in my state, pay a transfer fee and fill out a two page form with over a dozen questions attesting to my ability to own a firearm legally. And they don’t even believe my attestations because they then call the FBI to make sure I was telling the truth!Then anywhere from 2 minutes to 3 days later, I can take my gun home. But if I lie on that form, even unintentionally, I’ve just signed a confession to a felony for which I can be prosecuted.And that is the bare minimum required to own a gun anywhere in the United States!You seriously want to discuss gun ownership against voting in terms of requirements?!? Not a place I recommend you go to where to many people, the bare civic responsibility of taking a few hours out of a day once every 5 or 10 years to get a free state ID to show who you are is an unconscionable burden in order to vote!Somehow the scale isn’t tipping in the “easy” direction you think it is. You have a long, long, long way to go get gun ownership anywhere near the so-called burdens we impose on citizens to exercise their right to vote.How about we try my scheme for a day? How about we have a V-4473 “Application to Vote” form that you need to fill out at the polling place for local and State elections and we verify your voter eligibility with the FBI before you cast your ballot? And if you’re casting more than 5 ballots for various races, we need even more paperwork to report a “Multiple Voting Submission” to the Board of Elections just to make sure these multiple votes are known and tracked.And if you want to vote in Federal elections, you need to take a voter responsibility course, get fingerprinted and get a voter license that takes a month to issue and at your expense before you can vote. And you must fill out your ballot, submit it and then wait seven days before you can actually have it counted by returning to the polling place and signing it.Outrageous for Federal elections, isn’t it? Guess what? I just described to you the restrictions I live under to purchase a handgun in my state (Maryland HQL process).It may “seem easier” to you that people want to change gun laws but don’t think for a moment that voting rights and gun rights are operating anywhere near each other in terms of equality of application. I’ll never see gun rights back at their pre-1934 levels where it was mail order, cash-and-carry and unfettered right to own and carry any firearm. That is what we would have to get back to to even get close to voting and gun rights being treated equally.
Do military members have to pay any fee for leave or fiancee forms?
NOOOOOOO. You are talking to a military romance scammer. I received an email from the US Army that directly answers your question that is pasted below please keep reading.I believe you are the victim of a military Romance Scam whereas the person you are talking to is a foreign national posing as an American Soldier claiming to be stationed overseas on a peacekeeping mission. That's the key to the scam they always claim to be on a peacekeeping mission.Part of their scam is saying that they have no access to their money that their mission is highly dangerous.If your boyfriend girlfriend/future husband/wife is asking you to do the following or has exhibited this behavior, it is a most likely a scam:Moves to private messaging site immediately after meeting you on Facebook or SnapChat or Instagram or some dating or social media site. Often times they delete the site you met them on right after they asked you to move to a more private messaging siteProfesses love to you very quickly & seems to quote poems and song lyrics along with using their own sort of broken language, as they profess their love and devotion quickly. They also showed concern for your health and love for your family.Promises marriage as soon as he/she gets to state for leave that they asked you to pay for.They Requests money (wire transfers) and Amazon, iTune ,Verizon, etc gift cards, for medicine, religious practices, and leaves to come home, internet access, complete job assignments, help sick friend, get him out of trouble, or anything that sounds fishy.The military does provide all the soldier needs including food medical Care and transportation for leave. Trust me, I lived it, you are probably being scammed. I am just trying to show you examples that you are most likely being connned.Below is an email response I received after I sent an inquiry to the US government when I discovered I was scammed. I received this wonderful response back with lots of useful links on how to find and report your scammer. And how to learn more about Romance Scams.Right now you can also copy the picture he gave you and do a google image search and you will hopefully see the pictures of the real person he is impersonating. this doesn't always work and take some digging. if you find the real person you can direct message them and alert them that their image is being used for scamming.Good Luck to you and I'm sorry this may be happening to you. please continue reading the government response I received below it's very informative. You have contacted an email that is monitored by the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command. Unfortunately, this is a common concern. We assure you there is never any reason to send money to anyone claiming to be a Soldier online. If you have only spoken with this person online, it is likely they are not a U.S. Soldier at all. If this is a suspected imposter social media profile, we urge you to report it to that platform as soon as possible. Please continue reading for more resources and answers to other frequently asked questions: How to report an imposter Facebook profile: Caution-https://www.facebook.com/help/16... < Caution-https://www.facebook.com/help/16... > Answers to frequently asked questions: - Soldiers and their loved ones are not charged money so that the Soldier can go on leave. - Soldiers are not charged money for secure communications or leave. - Soldiers do not need permission to get married. - Soldiers emails are in this format: john.doe.mil@mail.mil < Caution-mailto: john.doe.mil@mail.mil > anything ending in .us or .com is not an official email account. - Soldiers have medical insurance, which pays for their medical costs when treated at civilian health care facilities worldwide – family and friends do not need to pay their medical expenses. - Military aircraft are not used to transport Privately Owned Vehicles. - Army financial offices are not used to help Soldiers buy or sell items of any kind. - Soldiers deployed to Combat Zones do not need to solicit money from the public to feed or house themselves or their troops. - Deployed Soldiers do not find large unclaimed sums of money and need your help to get that money out of the country. Anyone who tells you one of the above-listed conditions/circumstances is true is likely posing as a Soldier and trying to steal money from you. We would urge you to immediately cease all contact with this individual. For more information on avoiding online scams and to report this crime, please see the following sites and articles: This article may help clarify some of the tricks social media scammers try to use to take advantage of people: Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/61432/< Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/61432/> CID advises vigilance against 'romance scams,' scammers impersonating Soldiers Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/180749 < Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/180749 > FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center: Caution-http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx< Caution-http://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx> U.S. Army investigators warn public against romance scams: Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/130...< Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/130...> DOD warns troops, families to be cybercrime smart -Caution-http://www.army.mil/article/1450...< Caution-http://www.army.mil/article/1450...> Use caution with social networking Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/146...< Caution-https://www.army.mil/article/146...> Please see our frequently asked questions section under scams and legal issues. Caution-http://www.army.mil/faq/ < Caution-http://www.army.mil/faq/ > or visit Caution-http://www.cid.army.mil/ < Caution-http://www.cid.army.mil/ >. The challenge with most scams is determining if an individual is a legitimate member of the US Army. Based on the Privacy Act of 1974, we cannot provide this information. If concerned about a scam you may contact the Better Business Bureau (if it involves a solicitation for money), or local law enforcement. If you're involved in a Facebook or dating site scam, you are free to contact us direct; (571) 305-4056. If you have a social security number, you can find information about Soldiers online at Caution-https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/sc... < Caution-https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/appj/sc... > . While this is a free search, it does not help you locate a retiree, but it can tell you if the Soldier is active duty or not. If more information is needed such as current duty station or location, you can contact the Commander Soldier's Records Data Center (SRDC) by phone or mail and they will help you locate individuals on active duty only, not retirees. There is a fee of $3.50 for businesses to use this service. The check or money order must be made out to the U.S. Treasury. It is not refundable. The address is: Commander Soldier's Records Data Center (SRDC) 8899 East 56th Street Indianapolis, IN 46249-5301 Phone: 1-866-771-6357 In addition, it is not possible to remove social networking site profiles without legitimate proof of identity theft or a scam. If you suspect fraud on this site, take a screenshot of any advances for money or impersonations and report the account on the social networking platform immediately. Please submit all information you have on this incident to Caution-www.ic3.gov < Caution-http://www.ic3.gov > (FBI website, Internet Criminal Complaint Center), immediately stop contact with the scammer (you are potentially providing them more information which can be used to scam you), and learn how to protect yourself against these scams at Caution-http://www.ftc.gov < Caution-http://www.ftc.gov > (Federal Trade Commission's website)
How do I fill out Address Line 1 on an Online Form?
(street number) (street name) (street suffix)101 Main StreetYou can query the post office on your address, best as you know it, for the “standard” way of presenting your address. USPS.com® - ZIP Code Lookup or whatever service is offered in your country. That will tell you the standard way to fill out address lines.
Can I use Stripe with a Payoneer virtual account?
Stripe RequirementsFollowing are the Stripe requirements to accept payments from the United States:US Bank AccountSSN / EINUS Mailing AddressUS Phone NumberThe straightforward way is to register an LLC (Limited Liability Company) or C-Corporation company in the United States and open the bank account. However, even if you’re able to process the LLC registration (which is simple and can be done remotely), there is no bank in the United States that is willing to open an account without the potential owner first visiting the branch.Also, Stripe requires you to enter SSN or EIN to verify your identity, which is an other hurdle. For US address & phone number, you can get them easily remotely or even use fake details (not recommended).But the good new is you can still get all the necessary details without visiting the US and starts using Stripe in minutes. Let’s discuss how you can successfully sign up for Stripe from the United States.1. US Bank AccountYou can get a valid US bank account thanks to Payoneer — a global payment service that can be used as an alternative to PayPal to send and receive payments worldwide. It provides the users a prepaid MasterCard (you must have funds in prepaid card before you can use it online) and a US bank account to accept ACH payments from US companies. ACH is what Stripe uses to payout the customers. You’re done!Sign Up for PayoneerPayoneer is a very reliable and secure payment service available worldwide. I’ve been using it since early 2013 to accept payments from US clients, marketplace earnings, affiliate payouts etc. Since it is MasterCard supported that is widely accepted over the Internet, so it is my primary payment method whenever I want to pay online whether it is to buy an airline ticket, pay web hosting bills or to pay Amazon AWS monthly fees etc.Registration for Payoneer is straightforward and can be done in couple of minutes. If you will use this link to signup to Payoneer , you will get $25 sign up bonus.You just need to fill out few a four steps form and then validate your identity by sending them a passport or driving license soft copy.Once you sign up successfully, there is a waiting period, up to a week and then they send you a prepaid MasterCard on your address. Once you receive the card and activate it, Payoneer creates a virtual US bank account for you to accept ACH payments from US companies. That’s all you need. Now you’ve an official US bank account and can start accepting payments from Strip right away.2. SSN / EINSince SSN (Social Security Number) is only issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents by the United States Social Security Administration, it is impossible for foreigners to get it.The alternative to SSN is EIN (Employer Identification Number), also known as Federal Tax Identification Number, used to identify a business entity in the United States. To get EIN remotely, you’ll need to make a call to IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and do the following:Download the form and fill it in beforehand.Call the IRS — phone number (800) 829-4933 — and tell them you need an EIN. They will insist you to send the form by fax, but there is a workaround for this. Just say that you do not have a fax machine and would like to do it by phone.The operator will ask you to have the form on hand and read out the fields.In next 15 minutes, you will have an official EIN which will also be sent to you by mail at your home country address.3. US Mailing AddressIt is pretty easy to get US mailing address, you can sign up for any PO Box service to get it. There are number of online services that offers this. I recommend MailBox Forwarding. They provide you with a mailing address which is accessible online. You can receive and view all your mail online: letters, documents, and packages, whether delivered by the USPS, FedEx, or UPS.You can even use any fake address but it is not recommended. You may have to receive important documents by mail in future like from IRS or even Stripe etc.4. US Phone NumberYou can get a US phone number from Sonetel and forward it to your local phone number. It costs less than $2 per month and you can receive all calls directly at your current phone number.Stripe Sign UpOnce you have everything you need to sign up for Stripe payment service, the remaining is simple and straightforward. Go to Stripe.com and create an account by filling all the details (email, password etc.) and confirm your email address. Then log in to Stripe and switch the LIVE/TEST switcher to LIVE, then click Activate Account. You will need to fill out all the necessary details but be extra cautious with following:Country: United StatesBusiness type: Individual / Sole ProprietorshipEIN: The number you got from IRSAddress: Your mail-forwarding address in the USPhone: Sonetel US phone numberSSN: 000–000–000Bank Account: Log in to your Payoneer account, click Receive -> Global Payment Service and copy all the bank information from there.That’s all. You now have fully functioning Stripe account and ready to accept payments!ConclusionHonestly speaking, it is not a 1-hour task but certainly a workable solution that can open the access to the best online payment platform — Stripe. If you’re left with no other option to accept payments, it is worth trying. To wrap up the discussion, let’s go over the steps once again:Sign Up for Payoneer Prepaid Mastercard (to get US bank account)Get EIN from IRS (download the form)Get US Mailing Address (from MailBox Forwarding)Get US Phone Number (from Sonetel)Sign Up at StripeUpdate Your Stripe AccountDone!
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