signNow is a great alternative to RightSignature and SignEasy

signNow provides you with the best electronic solution for your business and gives you an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the most advanced online eSignature software.

signNow regularly wins awards for ease of use and setup

Learn How signNow Beats the Competition Using Robust Features

Choose the alternative that offers the most advanced and complex solution for all your business operations at the same time.

This chart represents a partial list of features available in signNow, RightSignature and SignEasy.
eSign a document
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Capture a signature with a camera
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Send documents to be signed
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Add multiple signers
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Set document signing order
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Add fillable fields
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Pre-fill a document with text
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Merge documents
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Generate reusable templates of documents on a mobile device
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Copy exisiting fields to a new document
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Unique Document ID
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Kiosk Mode
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Advanced Threat Protection
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Create teams
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Create a signing link to quickly share your document
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Bulk send documents to be signed
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Collect payments with forms
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Want to see more features?Show more

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illustrations reviews slider
illustrations persone
Sureh Balasubramanian,
CEO at LiveHive
«I was closing another deal and had an outstanding quote already sent through DocuSign (I was trialing them) before we got connected. Sales VP was ready to sign the quote but was having trouble signing via DocuSign from his United WiFi — he was on a plane to Boston and would have been too late if I had to wait till he landed. I resent it to him via signNow and Voila! I had my signed contract in 30 mins! Great job signNow!»
illustrations persone
Kodi-Marie Evans,
Director of NetSuite Operations at Xerox
«signNow provides us with the flexibility needed to get the right signatures on the right documents, in the right formats, based on our integration with NetSuite. This flexibility assists us with reducing our turnaround time on signatures so that we can get to the business of doing business. signNow is an amazing company with first-rate customer service.»
illustrations persone
Jake Schroeder,
Vice President at The Benefits Store
«We found signNow to be better priced and exactly the solution we needed. signNow has significantly lowered our enrollment completion process by a day or two depending on the member.»
illustrations persone
Dionte' Bryant,
Software Development Engineer
«The signature has become extremely simple to create. Customer care is additionally quite simple and also incorporating fields is super easy. We put it to use for all sorts of contracts. Custom contracts can be simple to operate, but we primarily work with them to send out the very same agreement template to almost all the clients of ours.»

Overview signNow alternatives

Increase your productivity by switching to a secure and reliable eSignature solution.

Capterra rating
little-star 4.6 / 5
Ease of use
little-star 4.5 / 5
Customer service
little-star 4.3 / 5
$8per user
per month
signNow Business
Available platforms: web, iOS, Android
Support: tickets, live chat, phone, help center
Free trial: 7 days
Price: $8 per user/month for Business, $15 per user/month for Business Premium, $30 per user/month for Enterprise, and $50 per user/month for airSlate Business Cloud.
signNow is an award-winning eSignature solution that customers value for its user-friendly interface and affordable price. signNow offers a range of features for getting documents signed, managing and storing them, tracking their history, collecting payments, and much more. The platform supports the most popular document formats and integrates with various solutions so that users can sign documents without leaving the app or CRM they already use.
signNow is a web-based solution with a mobile app available for any mobile device on both iOS and Android operating systems. With the help of the signNow app, users can create, edit, fill out and sign documents, as well as request signatures from multiple recipients and track the status of documents on the go. The signNow app also allows users to collect in-person signatures using their mobile device as a terminal.
signNow offers a variety of integrations to fit the needs of any business. This includes solutions such as Salesforce, Hubspot, Dropbox, GSuite, Office365, Stripe, and many more. With the help of signNow integrations, users are able to unite the key parts of their business in a single workflow. Key features include generating auto-filled documents, updating sales records faster, seamlessly transferring documents between their signNow account and a cloud storage service, and eSigning documents without switching between several separate programs. If a signNow integration isn’t available for a particular solution, clients can make use of the signNow RESTful API to easily embed eSignatures into their custom apps, CRMs, or any other platform or software.
signNow offers three subscription plans: Business, Business Premium and Enterprise, starting from $8 per month if paid annually. There is no limitation on the number of documents users can sign. Plans vary based on the number of available features with the Enterprise plan offering the most functionality. Customers can also sign up for the airSlate Business Cloud which includes signNow, airSlate — business automation platform, pdfFiller — advanced PDF editor capable of sending documents directly to the IRS with an online notary service, and USLegal — the largest online library of verified professional forms. An airSlate Business Cloud subscription is available for a minimum of 10 users.
signNow complies with worldwide standards for processing and eSigning documents under the ESIGN Act. It is GDPR, HIPAA and FERPA compliant and an SOC 2 Type II certified service. All signNow data is stored on Amazon S3 servers. The solution provides a detailed audit log for every document where all actions made to a document are tracked. All documents using signNow receive a unique ID that cannot be changed.
Contact the signNow support team by submitting a feedback form or using live chat on the main page. You can also find quick answers in the Help Center which provides a number of guidelines for different cases.

A Fully Mobile, Highly Responsive, All-in-One Electronic Signature Solution For Any Type of Business

Today's eSignature current market offers a vast choice of options. Having said that, signNow has a number of truly distinctive options that makes it different from all other competition services, including RightSignature and SignEasy.

With signNow, you may simplify most of your daily business processes. For example, applying the Import Fields tool you can put together all your data files for signing a lot faster as this function assists you to prevent retyping the identical information in related data files. Organize new documents and templates in only a few clicks.

Kiosk Mode is another unique function of signNow. Apply it for gathering in-person signatures on website, straight on your phone or tablet. Make deals on the go.

Make business teamwork faster and easier than ever before. Creating and managing teams in signNow boosts collaboration while practical and user-friendly Organizational Dashboards assist you to regulate numerous groups at the same time, monitoring every change done and every step in the signing procedure.

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eSignature that scales with your workflow

Trusted eSignature solution — what our customers are saying

Explore how the signNow eSignature platform helps businesses succeed. Hear from real users and what they like most about electronic signing.

Everything I need to Run my Beta
Gregory Barajas

What do you like best?

First, the product offers everything I need to run my beta program documents in a secure and manageable way. What sold me was a call after my trial ended from a member of airSlate SignNow to touch base with how my trial experience went. The fact that the business cares about its customers is rare in a SaaS and makes me feel confident in selecting airSlate SignNow as our preferred document management solution partner.

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airSlate SignNow is the ONLY eSignature program you need.
Fred Claus

We use airSlate SignNow as a way to get yearly MSP contracts signed by clients. Our contracts are a standard form that need some blanks filled in based on the client. We use airSlate SignNow to fill in those blanks and send it off to the client for signature. Once the signature comes back we sign it, and then airSlate SignNow sends both of us a PDF copy for our files.

airSlate SignNow makes it easy for the client to move through the document. One click per field and the data is there. Sometimes I even just use the tab key. airSlate SignNow is easy for me to move through when editing a document for sending. They color code the signers so it's easy for me to see who has to sign where. I can also set up in what order the signers have to sign. airSlate SignNow's price is very good as well. What we get from sign now for the price we pay is equal to other companies 3 times the cost.

airSlate SignNow has the best support staff. If I don't know how to do something they are right there to help. Via Chat, phone or email. They are always willing to work things out with me. Very polite and knowledgeable people.

airSlate SignNow is a great product for anyone who has paperwork that needs to be signed. No more chasing down clients, and having to worry about scanning signed documents in. It's also legally binding with the signature tracking file that airSlate SignNow offers with each document. There really isn't a scenario that airSlate SignNow isn't good for. If you need documents signed this product is for you.

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Here is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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