Improve your legal department’s productivity and compliance

Prepare, send, and eSign legal documents faster with signNow. Ensure that the data your legal team handles are compliant, audit-friendly, and easily discoverable.


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signNow features that users love

Speed up your paper-based processes with an easy-to-use eSignature solution.

Edit PDFs
Generate templates of your most used documents for signing and completion.
Send documents for signing
Create and customize a signature invite to send your document for signing.
Private Cloud Solutions
Create teams to collaborate on documents and templates in real time.
Highly-protected Digital Signatures
Send documents for signing to multiple recipients at once using a CSV file.
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A quick video walkthrough on how to eSign legal documents

Watch our brief video guide on how to get started with signNow and set up your first eSignature workflow in minutes.

Make the most out of your eSignature workflows

Manage your eSignature workflows from A to Z

Add and collect signatures electronically, set up signing order, and automate data collection and routing.

Enjoy the flexibility of document-sharing options

Invite members to complete documents and add a legal signature through email, invite link, text, etc.

Customize reusable templates for various needs

Take advantage of the template option to perform online agreement signing multiple times without making too many changes to the original document.

Facilitate team collaboration with a variety of tools

Manage access to documents and instant updates on the completion status, redline contracts in real-time, and collaborate on your shared project more efficiently.

Get paid faster without leaving your documents

Prepare your document for payment collection in a few simple steps and accept payments without delays.

Integrate your workflows with the signNow API

Add document completion functionality to your existing CRM, website, or app and set up smooth eSignature workflows.
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Why choose

  • Pay only for features you use. Get the maximum value from a subscription of your choice.
  • Get a free 7-day test drive. Find out whether our product fits your needs best before purchasing it.
  • Stay compliant. Ensure your data isn’t lost or exposed to external threats with legal frameworks signNow set in place.

Types of compliance maintained by signNow

signNow is committed to protecting your sensitive information by complying with global industry-specific security standards.

GDPR compliance
GDPR compliance
Regulates the use and holding of personal data belonging to EU residents.
SOC 2 Type II Certified
SOC 2 Type II Certified
Guarantees the security of your data & the privacy of your clients.
PCI DSS certification
PCI DSS certification
Safeguards credit/debit card data for every monetary transaction a customer makes.
21 CFR Part 11
21 CFR Part 11
FDA-backed standards for electronic documentation and electronic signatures.
HIPAA compliance
HIPAA compliance
Protects the private health information of your patients.
CCPA compliance
CCPA compliance
Enhances the protection of personal data and the privacy of California residents.
Collect signatures
Reduce costs by
per document
Save up to
per employee / month

How to sign your legal department's documents online & send them for signing

Technology has come a long way to make document-based activities across various industries and departments simpler. And your legal department is not an exception. However, despite the plethora of solutions companies use today, some inefficient manual processes may remain active. These could benefit from optimization and digitalization. If you want to make your document completion and processing as smooth and streamlined as possible, try signNow. Here’s what you need to do to get started.

  • 01. Check out signNow’s payment plans. Select the one that suits you the best, but start with a free trial.
  • 02. Navigate your Dashboard. Take time to examine the tools signNow provides.
  • 03. Configure the admin side of your work. Set up your organization, add and manage your contacts, add branding, and handle access rights for each invited party.
  • 04. Add a document or use a ready-made template. Click the Create or Upload button to add a document, or use our extensive library to find one.
  • 05. Create a template. Select Template → Upload or Migrate from DocuSign. You can customize it for different purposes and reuse it time and time again.
  • 06. eSign your document. Click Me (Fill Out Now) (🖋️)→ Add New Signature and configure the advanced signature settings.
  • 07. Annotate your document using the left-side toolbar. Date 📆 and stamp 🖃 your document, add lines (/ ), checkmarks (✔️), and other elements.
  • 08. Prepare your document for data, signature, payment, and attachment collection. Use the same left toolbar to add signers and assign fillable fields. Set up the order you wish to have your document completed.
  • 09. Leverage out-of-the-box integrations. Supercharge your workflow by connecting it to various solutions to automate data, document routing, and reminder/alert creation.
  • 10. Download your executed copy along with its history. Every party involved will get a copy emailed. You can download it along with the audit trail, which records every action taken on your document.

With signNow, you will get all it takes to gain greater visibility into your document-based processes, reduce fatigue- and routine-induced errors, and stay on top of your deadlines.

How it works

Add a document or start from a template.
View and sign your agreement online and make the necessary edits.
Pass the copy around to other parties or download it.

signNow eSignatures are the missing link for building seamless workflows

Any industry and department can benefit from signNow’s intuitive and secure solution.

Finance & accounting
Healthcare illustrations
Improve patient outcomes and free your staff from paper burdens by collecting and managing data online.
Use cases:
  • Patient intake
  • Consent forms
  • Insurance claims
IT illustrations
Roll out thousands of user accounts with a single sign-on in one day instead of weeks.
Use cases:
  • Project proposals
  • Maintenance authorizations
  • Equipment requests
HR illustrations
Save your HR team up to 10 hours per week by completing 80% of agreements in less than a day.
Use cases:
  • NDAs
  • Job offers and employment contracts
  • Recruiting and onboarding processes
Sales illustrations
Close deals 24x faster by collecting signatures in a matter of minutes instead of days.
Use cases:
  • Reusable contracts
  • Business proposals and quotes
  • Collecting payments
Finance & accounting illustrations
Finance & accounting
Shorten document turnaround from 2 days to 2 hours by speeding up contract cycles and payment collection.
Use cases:
  • Income tax returns
  • Account opening forms
  • Financial reports and collecting payments
Operations illustrations
Spend less than 2 minutes preparing a document for signature (instead of 21 minutes on a paper document).
Use cases:
  • Budget & cost optimization
  • Asset management
  • Policy management
Legal illustrations
Capture client signatures 24x faster in-person or remotely. Make the signing process fast and easy.
Use cases:
  • Loan agreements & affidavits
  • Promissory notes
  • Legal agreements


Below is a list of the most common signNow API questions and answers. Just choose a question to view a detailed answer.

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Connect signNow with your apps

Drive your business forward with signNow integrations. Initiate eSignature workflows without leaving your CRM, productivity app, or cloud storage.

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