Choose the perfect eSignature solution: signNow online signature vs. EverSign eSignature
- Best ROI
- Intuitive UI and API
- Grows with your use cases
Simplify all daily operations using signNow
This chart represents a partial list of features available in signNow and DocuSign.
EverSign | |
Document signing
Send documents for signing
Unlimited (free trial) | 5/month (free trial) |
Capture a signature with a camera
In-person signing
Automatic Reminders and Notifications
Signature Workflow
Mass Signatures
Signature Document Creation
Advanced Threat Protection
Signature History and Audit
Payments receiving
Custom branding
User, Role, and Access Management
Integration API
Merge documents
Customizable templates
Audit trail
Basic plan | Business plan |
Unlimited documents and eSignatures
HTML form builder
Document management
Conditional fields
Smart fillable fields
Magic fields (automatic fields detection)
Document library
Import fields
Mobile applications
CRM Integration
Basic plan |
$8 per user/ |
$9.99 per user/ |
Business plan |
$15 per user/ |
$39.99 per user/ |
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per month
per month
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Trusted eSignature solution — what our customers are saying
Reconsider how you manage eSigning and client data collection
signNow is one of the top alternatives to other eSignature solutions like DocuSign. Rest assured all signatures you send and receive are fully legal. Signatures in signNow are legally binding. Additional security options provided by signNow go beyond what is legally required by ESIGN.
Organize your work in the best way suitable for you. With signNow, you can easily arrange document folders and then share these folders with other users. You can also create teams to help you boost overall productivity by using new and more convenient ways of sharing documents.
With signNow you can work on your documents in any way currently possible — on a desktop computer or in apps developed both for iOS and Android. You can even work offline: for example, you can sign important documents using offline signing during a flight.
Monitor every step in the process of signing. signNow has an Audit Trail feature for tracking all changes and recording every signing event. You can also download the history of any signed document to your device.
Compare the two popular eSignatue solutions: signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature
Explore the features of the two mainstream eSignature platforms to pick the one that will bring maximum benefit to your business.
Ease of use
Make sure your team, partners, and clients enjoy perfect document signing experiences using a user-friendly interface.
Value for money
Look at the subscription price of signNow eSignature and EverSign eSignature to choose which service is more cost-efficient.
Sign up for a free trial to choose between the signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature
If comparing features and reading customer reviews doesn't seem sufficient to decide between signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature, the best thing you can do is to subscribe for free trials and test both solutions. A free trial subscription doesn't imply any financial commitments but allows you to discover the pros and cons of each service in practice.
signNow offers you a 7-day trial period to test its eSignature service risk-free. The trial subscription provides access to both web and mobile versions of the solution so you can sign and send documents from your computer as well as your iOS/Android device.
Follow these steps to create a free signNow account and start signing contracts online:
- Open the signNow Pricing page.
- Click the Free trial button to start the registration.
- Provide your email address.
- Set up a password for your account.
- Click Start your free trial.
- Follow the link in signNow's email to verify your account.
You will be redirected to your newly created signNow account, where you will be able to upload files, create fillable forms, share documents for signatures, and more. If you have any questions regarding the registration process or signNow capabilities, don't hesitate get in touch with our Support team to get personalized help. Click on the Contact Sales button in your account if you need assistance picking the right subscription plan.
How it works
How do I choose between signNow eSignature and EverSign eSignature?
A few factors need to be considered before selecting an eSignature solution. You may want to look at the following characteristics of the services prior to making your final decision:- Document management and eSignature functionality
- Efficiency and simplicity of use
- Pricing
- Customer support
- Mobile app
- Security and compliance
- Free trial subscription
- API and integrations
Which product offers more capabilities: signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature?
The suite of features offered by each provider is an essential factor that needs to be considered before buying an eSignature solution. signNow offers all capabilities required to create an efficient document approval cycle, including but not limited to legally-binding eSignatures, document creation, templates, bulk invites, payment requests, team collaboration, and more. It is possible to test these features for free within a 7-day trial period. -
Which provider offers better customer support?
When looking at various eSignature solutions, it's essential to consider dedicated support availability to suit your specific needs. signNow's Help Center can handle all customer queries in a live chat, helping you with any questions you may have. There is no need to make any phone calls or send emails. Simply open the chat window and type your question. -
Which service has a better price: signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature?
Every company has a budget and should factor in the cost of signing services when choosing an eSignature solution. It is essential to make a choice without compromising the quality of service as well as the characteristics needed. Compared to EverSign, signNow is a much more cost-effective solution with a basic business subscription at a cost of only $8 per user per month. You can find additional information about the signNow subscription plans on the Pricing page. -
Which provider offers a free trial: signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature?
Most eSignature providers offer an opportunity to subscribe to their services for free, allowing users to test their solutions before spending money on them. This is by far the simplest way to explore the advantages and disadvantages of every service. signNow provides a 7-day trial period to test its eSignature and other document management capabilities at no cost. -
Which provider is more secure: signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature?
eSignature providers must adhere to a number of security requirements in order to ensure the documents signed using their platforms are legally binding. Hence, the majority of the electronic signature services you can find do comply with the necessary regulations. signNow follows the industry's highest data encryption and storage security requirements, so you don't need to worry about the exposure of your data. Find more information on the Security page. -
Which provider offers an API?
You can add eSignatures and essential document management tools into your website, CRM, or application with the help of signNow's application programming interface. Go to the Developers page to find out more about our API and create a free Sandbox account to test the solution. -
Which provider offers the best integrations for other services: signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature?
signNow provides a variety of integrations, making its electronic signature service a better choice for the users of popular solutions like Gmail, Microsoft 365, Salesforce and NetSuite and others. Get more details about signNow integrations here and compare them with integrations offered by EverSign. -
Which provider offers a mobile app?
eSignature features in your mobile phone enable you to sign and share documents when you are away from your desktop computer. Any signNow subscription plan gives you access to both the web version and the mobile app so you can create, sign, and send documents on the go. The signNow mobile app is equipped with all the necessary tools for a smooth document management experience. -
Which solution should I opt for: signNow eSignature vs. EverSign eSignature?
It is easy to make the right decision considering the abovementioned factors. Assess your current business needs to decide what file formats you'll need, how much space you will need for storage, etc. Then choose the provider that offers all features your organization needs in order to create the most effective document management processes. Sign up for the signNow 7-day trial to test the solution risk-free and discover all the benefits it can offer your organization.