signNow’s GDPR Compliance

SignNow’s Commitment to Data Protection

On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect within the European Union. This data privacy law regulates how businesses collect, process and use personal data as well as gives individuals greater control over their personal data. SignNow considers the privacy of its user’s data a top priority. Learn what our team has done to fully comply with GDPR laws.
SignNow’s GDPR Compliance
Our commitment to you and the protection of your data
Data encryption
Customer documents and information therein are encrypted and accessible only by the customer. We also encrypt critical system databases. All of SignNow’s systems limit any personal information therein and ensure sensitive data is encrypted.
New terms of service and Privacy Notice
We’ve updated SignNow’s terms of service and privacy policy to comply with GDPR requirements.
Data transfer agreement
As part of our Terms of Service, we’ve incorporated a GDPR-compliant data processing addendum for customers where we serve as a processor of personal data.
Vendor compliance
We’ve modified our vendor agreement to ensure that our vendors are in compliance with GDPR requirements.
Deletion of personal data
SignNow allows users to request deletion of personal data and means to notify customers of requests from their users.
Employee training
SignNow staff are obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of customer data. We’ve updated our training policies to reinforce our security and privacy policies.
Security and privacy compliance
SignNow complies with major security standards and regulations such as PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOC 2 and the U.S. ESIGN act of 2000. These standards help us manage customer data, preserving security and confidentiality as required under GDPR.
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