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airSlate SignNow for Microsoft Teams

Enhance team collaboration with a powerful eSignature solution. Manage documents, work together on templates, and eSign agreements without leaving Microsoft Teams.

Learn more about airSlate SignNow integrations

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Optimize Microsoft Teams workflows with eSignature

Stay on top of updates and track all changes

Drive productivity with airSlate SignNow functionality and Microsoft Teams. Get automated notifications whenever your documents are signed and track the signing status of sent documents using a comprehensive document history and Audit Trail.
Image of how to Stay on top of updates and track all changes using airSlate SignNow.

Access shared documents from anywhere

Digitize your records and edit, sign, and share them from any device in clicks. Quickly navigate and find esigned documents in MS Teams chats and channels.
Image of how to Access shared documents from anywhere using airSlate SignNow.

Increase team collaboration

Enhance teamwork and cross-department collaboration with the best e-signature solution for driving productivity. Collaborate on records, create reusable templates, send forms and contracts for e-signing, and approve them without leaving MS Teams in Office 365.
Image of how to Increase team collaboration using airSlate SignNow.

Sign online and close deals faster

Sign contracts on any device, even while offline, and close deals in minutes instead of days. Get your court-admissible electronic signature online without delays, set up a straightforward signing process, and manage contracts across an organization efficiently.
Image of how to Sign online and close deals faster using airSlate SignNow.

Leverage the combined power of Microsoft Teams and airSlate SignNow

  • Manage business processes on the go

    Work efficiently, regardless of the device you’re using. Edit and sign documents in clicks without delays.

  • Eliminate processing costs and drive ROI

    Reduce costly processes and mundane tasks by going digital. Focus on working with the client instead of spending time printing, scanning, and faxing forms and contracts. Increase ROI and save paper.

  • Ensure data security

    Protect data and information with unique signer IDs and court-admissible Audit Trails. Build a secure and comprehensive workflow within Teams in Office 365 using airSlate SignNow.

How to install

How to install airSlate SignNow’s digital signature for MS Teams

Request a demo
  • Find the airSlate SignNow app on the Microsoft AppSource and install it by clicking Get it now.
  • Use the solution via the icon in the left panel.
  • Open the welcome message and click Get Started.
  • Click Continue after you've inserted your Microsoft Teams credentials to proceed.
  • Log in to your airSlate SignNow account or create a new one.
  • Finish your installation by clicking the Grant access to airSlate SignNow option.

Questions & answers

Explore airSlate SignNow integration with Microsoft Teams in more detail

Need help?  Contact Support

Contact us

Fill in this form to learn more about the integration

Be even more productive in Microsoft Teams with airSlate SignNow.
  • Send documents for signing without leaving Teams

  • Save time creating reusable templates

  • Track a document status in real time

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Asterisk denotes mandatory fields (*)
By clicking "Submit Request" I agree to receive marketing communications from airSlate SignNow in accordance with the Terms of Service and Privacy Notice