![fastman logo](https://m-static.signnow.com/signnow-static/348/img/integrations-page/bitmap/logos/Fastman.png)
airSlate SignNow for Fastman
Learn more about signNow integrations
How could airSlate SignNow speed up workflows in Fastman?
eSign documents in one click
Add legally-binding electronic signatures or initials to documents from any device. You can type, draw, or upload an image of your signature.
Save time with reusable templates
Create templates of your most frequently used documents and send them for signature without having to re-upload files or re-type information.
Sync your accounts
Import documents from airSlate SignNow to your application and vice versa. Experience seamless use of both apps while eliminating document loss.
Turn documents into fillable forms
Add different types of fillable fields to ensure convenient and error-free document completion.
Collect signatures faster
Send documents for signature to one or multiple recipients inside the app you’re already using. Assign signer roles, customize your eSignature invites, and track the status of documents so you’re always in the loop.
Maintain industry-leading security
Apply technology that is built with data security in mind. airSlate SignNow offers 256-bit encryption for your data in transit and at rest, advanced threat protection, product security features such as two-factor authentication, industry-leading security certifications such as SOC 2 Type II, and compliance with privacy and electronic records and signature laws such as HIPAA, FERPA, GDPR, eIDAS, and 21 CFR Part 11.
Consolidate your tools to maximize productivity
Ready to speed up eSignature workflows with airSlate SignNow?
Send documents for signing without leaving Fastman
Save time creating reusable templates
Track a document status in real time