How to add signatures to PDF documents

Using eSignatures can eliminate extra effort, but you should know basic features before adding a signature field to your PDF. In this article, we will show you the most efficient way to apply an electronic signature using your desktop and/or mobile device. Here you’ll find helpful advice on how to create, sign and share fillable PDFs.

Useful information about working with PDFs and eSignatures

What could be easier than signing something? Well, the answer is signing something electronically. When doing business either personally or professionally it’s valuable to know how to format a professional PDF and sign it electronically. We’ve collected valuable information for you that will help in creating top-of-the-line documents and how to work with fillable PDF files online.

Above all, you should know that official documents are safer to keep in PDF format to make sharing back and forth easier and more secure. A full-featured solution, like airSlate SignNow, helps you manage PDF files efficiently. Easily add fillable fields to the document, set signing orders, and track each participant’s actions.

Using an eSignature in a business workflow:

  1. The title/name of the signer/organization. Adding a title(s) or name of the signer(s) or organization keeps things clear for every party. Use the Text field to name/rename.
  2. A personal signature. A good eSignature tool allows you to create your unique signature in three different ways; uploading an image of your signature, drawing your signature with your finger or stylus, and typing one into a text field with a handwritten font. Use the Signature field for adding your personal signature.
  3. Decoding a signature. To make sure that your electronic signature is valid and supported in court, you should keep as close to your passport/ID as possible by adding your initials at the end of the signature line. Use the Initial field to add your e-initials as an extra layer of confirmation.

An eSignature is inseparable from the document it’s added to. You cannot transfer a signature to a separate sheet/page if there is no text on it. Make sure while drafting/signing a document that you don’t eSign a blank page. And if for some reason two of your signatures wind of on the same page stack them with the newest signature on the bottom to show a sort of timeline or connection (top older, bottom newer/top first half of the page, bottom second half of the page).

How to sign PDFs remotely with airSlate SignNow

A signature authenticates a document and makes it valid. A signature that is incorrectly placed or done wrong can be a reason to challenge it in court creating a lot of other problems. That’s why it’s important to choose a platform that complies with the newest laws and security standards and trusted by millions of professionals. Sign PDF documents anywhere, anytime on any device legally with airSlate SignNow!

Explore more about airSlate SignNow’s security and compliance.

  • How to add eSignatures on a desktop
    1. Enter your airSlate SignNow account in a preferred browser.
    2. Open the needed document or template or upload a new one.
    3. Select the My Signature from the Edit & Sign menu to self-sign.
    4. Choose how to add your mark; by typing, drawing or uploading your handwritten signature.
    5. Place Signature fields for other parties to sign.
    6. Drag & drop text, initials and date fields.
    7. Add signers’ emails and share the record.
  • How to eSign PDF documents on mobile
    1. Launch the airSlate SignNow mobile app on your Android or iOS device.
    2. Choose the document from the list and tap Edit.
    3. Tap anywhere on the PDF’s page to make changes or add fields.
    4. Choose the Signature field menu.
    5. Draw your customized eSignature on the screen with your finger.
    6. Edit the doc, save the changes, and/or send the form out for others to sign.

Why is choosing a well known online solution for eSigning so important?

Whether you are using an electronic signature solution for personal purposes or embedding it into a website our CRM system to enhance business workflows, you need to be aware of its key features. Being prepared and doing your homework and choosing the right solution, prevents you from winding up in a situation where your signature is deemed invalid.

The best applications for electronic signature allow users to track the entire lifecycle of a document from the moment it was uploaded to the moment it was archived/deleted. airSlate SignNow being a cloud-based, gives you much more than just a signature. It’s a feature-rich platform offering you all the tools you need to send web templates for signing to multiple recipients and track the progress with the help of reminders and an audit trail. The big plus for business is the possibility to invite users and to create teams in a single digital workspace for better collaboration on signature workflows.

How airSlate SignNow solves customer pains

Managing documents might not be the most enjoyable part of a business but it’s an essential part of the business. E-tools for signing are critical for improving a company’s overall performance. We’ve interviewed professionals across various industries, company sizes and locations to understand what they need and how we can help.

Users have shared their pain points with us and how airSlate SignNow solves these challenges:

  • Eliminates paper and paper-based expenses.
  • Saves time and reduces errors with reusable, fillable PDF templates.
  • Creates a collaborative environment for working with documents across an entire organization.
  • Makes approving and sending contracts online on mobile or desktop simple.
  • Automates complex workflows and gives full control over the entire process.
  • Speeds up document turnover with the ability to collect signatures even when on the go.
  • Features signing functions like bulk send, signing orders and role-based signing for multiple recipients.
  • Integrates into popular productivity software using powerful API.

Easily test it out for yourself. Sign up today and start building automated eSignature workflows!

Eugenia Haivoronska
Eugenia Haivoronska
Digital content writer at signNow
May 13, 2020

Business Cloud

Automate business processes with the ultimate suite of tools that are customizable for any use case.

  • Award-winning eSignature. Approve, deliver, and eSign documents to conduct business anywhere and anytime.
  • End-to-end online PDF editor. Create, edit, and manage PDF documents and forms in the cloud.
  • Online library of 85K+ state-specific legal forms. Find up-to-date legal forms and form packages for any use case in one place.