airSlate SignNow forms catalog

Choose from a broad selection of pre-built form templates. Customize documents and collect eSignatures with airSlate SignNow in real time from anywhere.

Executive Forms

Complete Executive forms in minutes, and certify them with handwritten-looking signature with airSlate SignNow.

HHS Forms
HHS Forms
Process all HHS Forms, complete, and sign all templates with airSlate SignNow and all your problems will be solved in several clicks.
HUD Forms
HUD Forms
Process all HUD Forms, complete, and sign all templates with airSlate SignNow and all your problems will be solved in several clicks.
Treasury IRS Forms
Treasury IRS Forms
Process all Treasury IRS Forms, complete, and sign all templates with airSlate SignNow and all your problems will be solved in several clicks.
USDA Forms
USDA Forms
Process all USDA Forms, complete, and sign all templates with airSlate SignNow and all your problems will be solved in several clicks.
VA Forms
VA Forms
Process all VA Forms, complete, and sign all templates with airSlate SignNow and all your problems will be solved in several clicks.
Office President Forms
Office President Forms
Process all Office President Forms, complete, and sign all templates with airSlate SignNow and all your problems will be solved in several clicks.

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How do you create and request an eSignature?

Today’s market offers different solutions and services that enable you to create electronic signatures online. Some of them might already be installed on your computer, such as Microsoft Word or Preview on Mac. However, when it comes to multiple people signing a document, consider opting for a solution that provides a secure and compliant eSigning experience for all parties involved. airSlate SignNow helps you create such an experience even when it comes to specific industry workflows or strict compliance requirements. With our solution, you can create an eSignature by choosing any of the available methods: typing, drawing, or uploading an image of your handwritten autograph. Your signatures will be legally binding and enforceable in court, no matter the method you select. Additionally, airSlate SignNow works across different platforms (Mac, Windows, iOS, or Android), providing users with increased flexibility.

Is an eSignature acceptable in all sectors?

Roughly speaking, eSignature is acceptable across a range of sectors and industries, including those related to the government. Anything from Office President Forms to DHA Forms can be signed using this method. However, some exceptions may still apply. This could include heavily regulated industries where data is entirely or partially classified. One such example is the healthcare industry, where information, if mismanaged, can undermine patient safety and the efficacy of treatment. You need to look for HIPAA (the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance is when choosing an eSignature solution. HIPPA protects patients’ sensitive information from the threat of potential data leaks. In addition, some documents like wills, court orders, and some IRS forms require a wet-ink signature. Whether to use eSignature or not depends on your specific legal scenario.

How can I prove that my eSignature is authentic?

People are increasingly storing and executing documents online. That’s why many companies and organizations have already embraced the benefits of adopting eSignature solutions. These solutions must ensure that the signature used to certify a document is authentic and the executed document is legally binding. However, every signature has its nuances, and an electronic signature is no exception. In order to ensure your signature is authentic and meets the required legal standards, you need to use an eSignature solution that:
  • Offers an option to record all actions that you and/or your counter-parties applied to the document. These records would also include timestamps and IP logs.
  • Adheres to the globally accepted eCommerce standards and eSignature laws. The usage of eSignature is regulated by country and depends on local and federal laws. Compliance with ESIGN, UETA, and eIDAS is what makes an eSignature tool binding as a market standard in a vast majority of countries.
  • Offers two-factor authentication that ensures only authorized designated persons have access or editing rights to a document.
  • Offers role-based signing (fields that are assigned to specified recipients).

What are the benefits of using airSlate SignNow for executive forms?

With airSlate SignNow, you no longer need to be stuck in the eternal loop of manually printing, scanning, and shipping documents. Our solution lets you set up role-based signing orders, create notifications and automated reminders, send out bulk signing invites, and integrate with the most popular productivity and data storage applications. No matter the document you need to send out for sending, be it a multi-party contract or a simple pre-application screening form, you want to make sure that your document will not fall through the cracks and that every designated party executes and certifies the document in a timely manner. On top of that, airSlate SignNow offers a robust document editor that lets you create interactive fillable forms in just minutes. What’s more, with airSlate SignNow, you can create templates from the documents you use repeatedly and make only minor changes when you reuse the template. airSlate SignNow makes it easy to generate fillable forms, saving you time and effort. In today’s competitive business world, it’s crucial to have your document-based processes automated to stay ahead of the curve. airSlate SignNow offers numerous ways to automate routine processes in a matter of minutes.

How does airSlate SignNow protect my data?

airSlate SignNow is an award-winning solution, not only because of the versatile suite of tools and features it offers, but also because of the enhanced security it provides to all signers. airSlate SignNow follows industry best practices, such as HIPAA, CCPA, and GDPR. Our solution meets compliance standards like SOC 2 Type II and PCI DSS. airSlate SignNow’s data protection features include two-factor authentication and 256-bit encryption. airSlate SignNow also comes with the Audit Trail feature that keeps records of all activities performed on your documents. At airSlate SignNow, our customer's data security is always at the top of our priority list. That’s why you can feel confident that your data is carefully safeguarded every time you execute a document with airSlate SignNow.
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