Where do documents go after they’ve been signed?

In airSlate SignNow, you cannot edit documents once they’re signed. If you look at a signed document in airSlate SignNow, you’ll notice that there’s no option for editing or updating it. For example, you can’t go back and edit your signature, add fields, turn your document into a template, or create a new signing link for it.

Still, there’s a number of options available, such as:

  • Saving the document to your device in PDF format.
  • Downloading the document and its history.
  • Emailing a copy of the signed document to another user.
  • Archiving your document or moving it to another airSlate SignNow folder.
  • Deleting the document permanently.

If you don’t take any action or if none of these options is suitable for you, don’t worry: your data will be stored in the cloud for at least 7 years, ensuring that your documents won’t be lost. airSlate SignNow’s cloud retention allows you to rest assured that your documents will always be backed up and secure.

Technically speaking, your documents stay where they are (i.e., in your airSlate SignNow account) unless you decide to delete or move them elsewhere.

Export signed documents to the cloud

airSlate SignNow users and team admins can also connect their airSlate SignNow account to a popular cloud storage service and export signed documents to their cloud storage account for easy archiving. The supported cloud storage services include Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, and DocuShare.

To enable this feature, select the Cloud Storage button in the dropdown menu that appears when you click on your profile picture. You will be redirected to a listing of Cloud Storage services airSlate SignNow integrates with.

To enable Cloud Export for teams, a team admin must ensure that all team members have access to the same documents, i.e., they export their documents to the same cloud storage account using the same login information.

Once your cloud storage service account is connected to your airSlate SignNow account, you can choose whether you want to export your documents manually or enable automatic exporting. If this option is enabled, any document you sign will be automatically copied and exported to your cloud storage service account. Note that documents are exported either in PDF or ZIP format (if an export contains more than one document).

airSlate SignNow keeps your data safe

An eSignature is just as legally binding as a handwritten one. Therefore, a high level of security must be established to keep your data safe. airSlate SignNow ensures the highest level of protection for your documents, including:

  • Two-factor authentication
  • Network protection
  • Digital certificate technology
  • Document audit log for each document
  • Disaster recovery
  • Retention in the cloud

With airSlate SignNow, your documents are kept on remote SOC 2 compliant servers, meeting all necessary industry standards for security, availability, integrity, privacy, and confidentiality. The platform also provides a complete document history featuring all changes made to documents and users who performed them.

From the moment you log into your account till the moment your paper is filled out and signed, we’re looking after your data’s safety. In fact, it’s safer having your documents stored in airSlate SignNow than keeping them on your hard drive.

September 25, 2020

Business Cloud

Automate business processes with the ultimate suite of tools that are customizable for any use case.

  • Award-winning eSignature. Approve, deliver, and eSign documents to conduct business anywhere and anytime.
  • End-to-end online PDF editor. Create, edit, and manage PDF documents and forms in the cloud.
  • Online library of 85K+ state-specific legal forms. Find up-to-date legal forms and form packages for any use case in one place.