Electronic Signature Legality for Product Quality in India

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Your complete how-to guide - electronic signature legality for product quality in india

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Electronic Signature Legality for Product Quality in India

In India, electronic signatures are legally recognized for ensuring product quality, providing a convenient and secure way to sign important documents. Understanding the process of using eSignatures is essential for businesses looking to streamline their operations and stay legally compliant.

airSlate SignNow Benefits

  • Launch the airSlate SignNow web page in your browser.
  • Sign up for a free trial or log in.
  • Upload a document you want to sign or send for signing.
  • If you're going to reuse your document later, turn it into a template.
  • Open your file and make edits: add fillable fields or insert information.
  • Sign your document and add signature fields for the recipients.
  • Click Continue to set up and send an eSignature invite.

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How to eSign a document: electronic signature legality for Product quality in India

Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today I want to show you how you   can create your very own electronic signature that you could use to   insert into documents. Let's say for instance,   you have to sign a document. Well, today you could print out that document,   then you could sign it, then you could scan  it in again, and then you could send it off.  But that's a lot of work. It wastes paper and you need to have a printer.  I don't even have a printer. Today I'm  going to show you how you could create   an electronic signature, two different ways. One of them is using your phone where you sign   your signature on the phone, and then we'll bring  that onto our PC, so it'll be digital all the way.  The second technique, we're going to sign  our name, take a high quality photo of it,   and then we'll bring that into the PC. So,  I'll show you those two different ways.  Now, before we jumped into it, just a  quick note on an electronic signature   versus what's called a digital signature. An electronic signature truly is just an   image of your signature and nothing else. A digital signature on the other hand   is an encrypted file that has a unique  code that's difficult to duplicate.   That's called a digital signature. We're not going to cover that today.  We're purely just doing an  image of your signature.  All right, well, why don't we jump on the  PC, and I'll show you how you can do it.  Here I am on my PC, and I have Microsoft  Word open, and I have a Kevin Cookie   Company franchise agreement that I need  to sign. As I scroll down the agreement,   here I see the signature fields and ideally,  I'd be able to put my signature right in here.  Now, an obvious way to do that is  I could print out the document,   I could then sign the document  and then I could scan it in again.   The only downside of that approach is  it's going to lose a lot of quality   once I get it back onto the computer. Instead, I  could insert my electronic signature in here and   I won't lose any quality with that. So how do we do that?  Well, first off, we're going to open up our phone. You could have an iPhone or an Android phone,   and we're going to sign our signature. I'm using an iPhone and we're going to use   the OneNote app to sign our name  and then bring that to our PC.  If you've never used OneNote before, OneNote  is by far my favorite note taking app.  I use it to organize all of my  notes for my YouTube channel.  Not only can you use it for notes, you could also  use it for signing or scribbling on your phone   and it'll automatically sync with your PC. So, it has quite a bit of power. To get the   OneNote app, it's entirely free. On an  iPhone, let's click onto the Play Store.  If you have a Google device or an Android  device, click into the Play Store.  This opens up the App Store and  next let's click on the search   button in the bottom right-hand corner. This’ll open up the search dialogue.  Let's now type in OneNote. Once we type in OneNote, let's click on search.  You'll see the best match that appears  is for the Microsoft OneNote app.  If you don't have it yet, you'll  see text that says get or .  Go ahead, click on that to the app. I already have it, so I'm going to click on open.  This opens up the OneNote app and the way  OneNote is organized is you have notebooks.  Within notebooks, you could have sections,  and within sections, you have pages.  It's just a way of organizing all of your notes. Now I've already gone ahead, and I've created a   notebook called signature and this is where  I'm going to enter or write in my signature.  If you don't yet have a notebook because this  is your first time using it, you can click on   the plus icon up here to create a new notebook. I'm going to click into the signature notebook.  Now within this notebook, I only have  one section called new section one.  It's not a very descriptive name, but this  will do for just entering in our signature.  If you don't yet have a section, here  you could click on the plus icon.  Let's click into your section. Within a  section now, you can have any number of pages.  It's really just a way to  organize all of your notes.  I'm going to click into the  one called untitled page.  This is where I'm going to insert my signature. If you don't yet have any pages, you can click   on the plus icon down in the bottom right-hand  corner and that'll add a new page to your section.  I'm now in my OneNote and  there's no content in here yet.  I'm just going to give it a  very quick name called signature   by clicking up here and writing in signature.  Now I've written in signature, and I want to  write my signature in and we're going to use   this writing tool or the pen tool up here, but  before I do that, I'm going to move my screen   so it's horizontal, so I have a little  bit more space to write my signature.  I've now flipped my screen and up in  the top right-hand corner, once again,   you'll see the pen tool. Let's click on that.  This opens up the pen tool and I  have a number of different options.  I could use a pen, a highlighter, I can  erase, and I could select what I've entered.  I want to use the pen tool to sign my name, and  down below now, I'm going to sign my signature.  There you go. There's my signature,   Kevin Stratvert, and that all looks good to me. Now it's in red right now and I'm going to   show you in a moment how we could change the color once we're back on the desktop.  Unfortunately, you can't change  the color within the iPhone app.  So, for now, I'm simply going to click  up in the top right-hand corner on done.  I'm now back on my PC and we want to  get the signature over to our computer.  How do we do that? Well, first off,   we need to open up the OneNote app on our PC. If you have Windows 10, OneNote comes   pre-installed and it's entirely free. Open up your start menu, type in OneNote,   and then the best match should be for the OneNote app.  Click on that. That'll launch the OneNote app,   and here I see my signature on my PC  in digital form in super high quality.  Now the font color is red, and I'll show  you in a moment how we could change that.  But first, if you don't see your signature  immediately, you may need to navigate to the page   that we just created. To navigate over  to the correct location, in the top   left-hand corner, you'll see a navigation icon. Let's click on that. Up here at the top level,   you can navigate to the notebook. If you don't have any other notebooks,   click on the one that we just created in the mobile app.  I'm going to click on the one that says signature. Once I click on that, you'll see the section and   you'll see the page that we created. This is where my signature is stored,   so I'm in the right place, but feel free to go  ahead and find where your signature file is.  Now that I have my signature file on  the screen, how do I change the color?  I don't want to be signing the document in red. I'm going to click in the bottom left-hand corner   of my name and then drag a box around it. This selects my signature, and now to   change the color, I'm going to go up to the top  toolbar, click on draw, and then within draw,   I have a number of different tools that I could  use to change the way my signature appears.  I want to simply change it to black, so I'm going  to click on the marker tool or the pen tool,   and this will now change it to black. If I click on this dropdown, I can   also choose any number of colors. For instance, if I want to sign,   let's say in purple, in red or even one of  these rainbow colors, I can even do that   to make my signature look even more amazing. Now, under more colors, I could choose   just about any color I want. I have lots of different options.  I want to simply go with black,  so I'm going to select black.  Now, not only can I change the color,  I could also change the font weight   if I want to have my signature appear  thinner or if I want it to appear thicker.  I'm going to go with the middle  one, which is one millimeter.  I think that's a good font weight. I've now changed the color on my signature.  How do we get that into Microsoft Word? Well, here I'm going to simply select   the select object tool. I'm going to go to the   bottom left-hand corner of my signature, and  once again, I want to select my signature.  So, I'm going to drag a box around  my signature and then release.  This now selects my signature, and I can  right click and go to copy, or I could   press control + C to copy my signature. Now I'm back in Microsoft Word and I   have my signature copied. Now I can simply press   control + V and that'll paste in my signature. Now, that's a little bigger than I want it to be,   but even when it's this large,  you see how good the quality is.  That looks pretty phenomenal. I need to reduce it a little bit, so   I'm going to click on the object and then I could  reduce the size of it, so that looks pretty good.  There's a little bit of extra space underneath,  so I'm going to delete those lines and there's my   signature above my title for the Kevin Cookie  Company and the quality looks outstanding.  Now, back in OneNote, let's say that I wanted  to create an image file of my signature,   so I could use it again in the future. Now, I could simply leave it in OneNote   and every time I need it, I could  simply copy it and paste it elsewhere,   but I really want to create a standalone file. I'm going to copy my signature and then we're   going to bring it over to Paint. To open Paint, go to your   start menu and type in Paint. You'll see Paint appears as one   of the best match options. Click on that.  This opens up the Paint app and once we're in  Paint, I'm going to press control + V to paste.  This pastes my signature into Paint and  now I'm going to click on crop to get rid   of all of the excess space around my signature. This cuts down the canvas to just my signature.  Now, I could go up to the top left-hand corner,  click on file and I could go to save as.  I could choose what type of  file I want to save it as.  I could do a PNG, a JPEG, a BMP, or a GIF. I'm going to go with PNG.  That tends to work very well for signatures. Next, this opens up the Windows file picker.  For now, I'm going to put it on my desktop  and I'm going to call it signature.  Once I finish typing in signature,  I'm going to click on save.  On my desktop now, I see a new file for signature. Let's double click on this and see how it looks.  There's my signature file in PNG and  now I could use this anywhere I want.  Here now, I have Microsoft Word open. One way I could get my signature file in   is I could simply click on the PNG, I could  drag and drop it over into my Word document,   and this too also paste the signature in,  and it looks quite big and just like before,   I could reduce the size of my signature and  make it however big or small I want it to be,   and here too, I have a beautiful  signature appearing within my contract.  Now let's say you don't want to sign your  signature on the phone because you're not that   good at signing on your phone and instead you just  want to write your signature the old-fashioned way   but you'd still like to get a very high  quality version onto your computer.  To do that, let's jump back over to our phones. For this second technique, we're going to use an   app to take a picture of our signature  and we're going to use the Office app.  Now once again, this will work  on both Android and on iPhone.  Today, I happen to be on an iPhone. For this to work, first off,   let's click into the App Store. If you're on Android, click on the Play Store.  Once you open up the store,  let's search for Office.  Once you type in Office, click on Search. You'll see the best match that appears   is for Microsoft Office. If you don't have it yet,   it'll say get or . it if you don't yet have it.  In my case, I already have it so  I'm simply going to click on open.  This opens up the Office app, and  by default, I land on the Home View   where I can see all of my recent files. I want to take a picture of my signature, so I'm   going to click on the plus button in the bottom  area of the screen, and once you click on the plus   button, you'll see three different options. You create a note,   you could use lens or documents. Office Lens is a fantastic tool that you could use   within the Office app to take photos of documents. Let's click on Lens.  This opens up the Lens app and I have  a card with my signature on my desk.  Now one thing you'll notice  immediately is that it highlights my   sheet of paper that I want to take a photo of. Now I have a few different options on the bottom.  I could take a picture of a  document, a photo, or a whiteboard.  This is a document, so I'm going  to make sure document is selected.  I'm going to hover it over my  document and then I'm going to   click on the round button to take a photo. This now selects my signature from the   background and I'm going to adjust the size  of this so it just surrounds my signature.  Now that I've cropped it, so it just fills up  my signature, I'm going to next click on Done.  Here now you'll see my signature and  at least right now it looks okay.  Let's click down below on Filters and there are  a number of different filters that we can apply.  The middle one here that's black,  white, one, let's click on that.  Now that one looks pretty  good and that looks very nice.  It makes the background a little bit whiter  and now I see my signature very nicely.  Once we're done selecting the filters, let's click  on the back button in the top left-hand corner.  This brings us back to the main screen for our  signature, and once we're satisfied with it,   let's click on the text that says Done. Within the Office app now, when I scroll   down, I see media and if I click on  that, this is now my signature file.  In the bottom right-hand corner, I can click to  share this, and this opens up the share control.  I can now email this signature to  myself, or I could copy the signature.  Wherever I want to use it, I  can make use of this signature.  I'm going to email it to myself and then put it  on my desktop, so I'm going to click on mail.  I'm now back on my desktop and I  received the email with my signature.  Here I see the signature attachment. I'm going to drag and drop this onto my desktop   and let's open it up to see what it looks like. There I could see my signature.  It's not quite as clean as the first option  since the first approach was all digital  but this signature looks pretty decent. Once again, I'm going to jump into the Word   document and let's pull in this other  signature to see what it looks like.  There I put the two signatures side-by-side  and they both look extremely good.  The first one is the one that I signed using  the OneNote app and it's all digital and the   second one is the signature that I took a  photo of and then I scanned it in using the   Office app and I pasted it into the document. Both of these look pretty good and I'd be   able to use either one in my document. Now that we've looked at two different   ways to bring our signature into our Word  document, I want to show one more way you   could get your signature directly into  a PDF if you ever have to sign a PDF.  Within the Office app, in the bottom  right-hand corner, let's click on   Actions and you have all sorts of different  things you could do with the Office app.  For instance, you could transfer  files between your phone and computer.  You could convert an image-to-text,  so there's lots of cool stuff here.  One of the actions we have is called Sign a PDF. Let's click on that to see how it works.  When I click on Sign a PDF, I see a PDF  file for my contract that I need to sign.  I'm going to click on this. This opens up the PDF file   directly in the Office app and down below  here I see an empty area for my signature.  Now the Office app tells me to tap where I wish  to sign, so I'm going to tap right above my name.  This opens up a signature field and I can  now sign my signature within the Office app.  Once I'm done signing my name, I can click on  store signature if I want to use it again and   I don't want to re-sign my name. I'll go ahead and check that.   That sounds pretty nice. Once I'm done, I'm going   to click on done in the top right-hand corner. The Office app has now inserted my signature.  I'm going to click on my signature  though and just align it,   so it appears right above my name in the document. Now the signature is a little large, so I'm going   to use the corners of this rectangle and adjust  the size of my signature. All right, that looks   pretty good and once I'm all done, I can simply  click on the check mark to mark that I'm finished.  This now re-saves the PDF with  my signature inserted in the PDF.  All right, well that was a quick example of  how you can create your very own electronic   signature that you can use to sign  documents or contracts on your PC.  If this video helped you learn how to  create your very own electronic signature,   please give this video a thumbs up. If you want to see future videos like   this, hit that subscribe button. That way you'll get a notification   anytime new content like this comes out. Lastly, if there are any other topics that   you want to see me cover in the future, leave a comment down below and I'll add   it to my list of videos to create. All right, well that's all I have   for you today, I hope you enjoyed,  and I hope to see you next time. Bye.

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