Unlocking the Power of eSignature Legitimateness for Business Transactions in UAE

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Your complete how-to guide - esignature legitimateness for business transaction management in uae

Self-sign documents and request signatures anywhere and anytime: get convenience, flexibility, and compliance.

eSignature Legitimateness for Business Transaction Management in UAE

Utilizing eSignatures for business transactions in the UAE is of paramount importance to ensure legal validity and security. With the rise of digitalization, businesses are opting for electronic signatures to streamline their processes and enhance efficiency. This how-to guide will walk you through using airSlate SignNow, a leading eSignature solution, to manage your documents effectively.

Step-by-step Guide:

  • Launch the airSlate SignNow web page in your browser.
  • Sign up for a free trial or log in.
  • Upload a document you want to sign or send for signing.
  • If you're going to reuse your document later, turn it into a template.
  • Open your file and make edits: add fillable fields or insert information.
  • Sign your document and add signature fields for the recipients.
  • Click Continue to set up and send an eSignature invite.

By leveraging airSlate SignNow, businesses can easily send and eSign documents with a user-friendly interface at a cost-effective rate. The platform offers a great ROI, making it particularly suitable for SMBs and Mid-Market companies. Moreover, its transparent pricing policy ensures there are no hidden fees or additional costs, with superior 24/7 support available for all paid plans.

Experience the benefits of airSlate SignNow today and revolutionize your document management processes!

How it works

Select a PDF file and upload it
Add fillable fields and apply your eSignature
Send the document to recipients for signing

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  • Scales with your use cases. From SMBs to mid-market, airSlate SignNow delivers results for businesses of all sizes.
  • Intuitive UI and API. Sign and send documents from your apps in minutes.


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How to eSign a document: eSignature legitimateness for Business Transaction Management in UAE

yeah YouTube is running running okay hey uh good morning good afternoon good evening to you all wherever you're all joining I know this is an important day everybody is waiting for us we are focusing on most critical element in the business today all about the security and one biggest thing is the eSignature but why now so let's go deep into it but before we go deep into a let me just talk about you know what is the overall happening in the world there is a chat GPT is taking over there is a generative AI is taking over there is the rapid advancement of technology is happening that means everything is Shifting towards digital process and all the organizations are striving to eliminate all this paper-based workflows because the security becoming more important and people are completely working in a multiple directions in multiple countries it is you know I I hope you all might have probably read you know World is Flat was a book released a few years ago but now it is happening for reality and more than that there is a lot of efficiency commence into the a signature and there is also time saving and most importantly all the business business people are thinking how can we do more with less so that means cost reduction so this is another definitely a cost reduction and you also want to know who's really signing all this paper the enhanced security and moreover with all this different distributed environments we are also thinking a lot of the different Integrations are required so let us see how this eSignature signal loan will able to do but before that we also want to introduce its founder and CEO ramanaji who will be telling us you know why and what basis he has started and then we'll go more deep into the demo and that we also have a Q and A so if you're not speaking so just make sure as a ground rules keep your audio and video or shut and then we will be talking more and there will be ample time will be given to all the people who are joining across the globe on the q and s session so let us make it this as a most Interactive session and let's go back to ramnagaru for his act of why he picked the Signature Sign alone so ramanaji please tell why signal yeah uh good good morning and good afternoon good evening to people from all over the world uh thank you very much for uh joining at a very short notice I'm very glad to see so many of you and uh in fact you know we started uh this product you know way back uh a couple of years back you know when we started using it you know we see the flexibility and you know the quality and uh the amount of services that it can give is uh competing uh head-on with a lot of you know uh eSignature products then you know we we thought of you know we can't be really separate it out as uh Standalone product and you know start uh taking into take it take it into the market where people can see the real efficiencies of you know getting the eSignature along with that you know we have a patented process where people should be able to um identify the person who is signing it using the facial and you know photo there's a variety of other you know um processes that we have included here so this patent is pending right now hopefully we should see it in another two three months uh using this product you know there's a lot of security that we can give to our users you know there's five different ways of you know giving security to the recipient or you know sender whoever is um taking the document they should be able to see five different ways you know one is the OTP based where people can get their document and see the uh using OTP they should be able to have the access the other one is like you know the facial uh verification photo verification and also we have the other things like you know where the location tracking of the entire uh recipient where the document is being signed using this is and also we have a fifth level of security where the document cannot be tampered by using our checksum we create which is being populated to the sender and recipient we should be able to verify all this so this is exactly the the base uh where we are picking up our Traction in U.S India and also Middle East right now we are excited we are you know giving a multilingual support where we should be able to see in other parts of the world too soon we'll be launching it in South America so using Spanish as the base language hopefully we should see a good Traction in South America too thank you very much Swami and I'll pass on the mic to raghav the head of the product so he should be able to walk us through the product demo and give all the questions and answers thank you yeah before we pass on to Raga so that's as you heard from the CEO of finalow why it has started and how compelling reasons he has to make this a secure world and a transparency and identifying facial recognition you know there are so many security features are enabled because it's a very simple process everybody whoever is doing the business should be an authentic user with a transparency so that we can bring equality the diversity and the equality which is again a game changing ideas because we are all human element in the automation so that is where we are spreading across the globe multiple products and that's why it is very success successful even in the Last Vegas event the U.S pack we met with a lot of the state and federal government uh agencies and also the Enterprise customers everybody was really looking forward to see I know there is a lot of other products but there is always a special about signal and that's why I joined Swami SRI paramudur as a managing board for this along with the CEO to see how we can really spread the to multiple locations across the globe so now let us invite our the brain and the architect behind it the person who is really taking care of the product into the live light and working closely with our customers across the globe and he has built a solid support and product team 24x7 working in languages so I don't know hope Ramana can speak multiple languages but today we'll stick to English so Ramana sorry uh raghav so over to you so I know you are a product you are trying to do all the Linguistics and there is always and um I think in one of the customers was asking hey you know I'm in U.S but I'm working with multiple countries I'm dealing with Spanish Dutch and other languages can we do yes we can definitely do one document which can be passed into multiple languages and go to different customers so that's where his team is working but let us see what is all about sign alone why it is so much successful today and uh where else we can start on this journey so raghav so please give us a a little bit uh deeper dive about the product and then we also have a q a sessions and again all the viewers please uh send me separately all your questions so that I can ask when the Q and I comes and you can also register for a demo exclusively for your own usage for your business so over to you raghav uh overview of the technology and the product thanks ramna for giving an overview on the product so let me quickly jump into the demo so that whatever has been spoken you can see it on the product just a minute let me share my screen I hope everybody is able to see my screen yes yep so signal once the user logs in so this is the landing page that you can see so quite a few things you can set it up over here so one is you can choose your language settings if you're not comfortable in the default English language you can select any of your language right now we support four foreign languages apart from English so if you want in Arabic you can change your language settings as per your requirement so the first step in the process is how do you get the document that needs to be signed into sign you so here are the three ways that you can do that first is you can create your own document within sign load so you don't have to use multiple uh document software for creating documents so we have a personalized word editing tool where you can simply type or copy paste or you know create your own documents over here and then send it for signature the other option that we have is you can create your own templates so templates are basically uh documents that can be reused over and over again so this basically uh enhances or reduces your turnaround time for preparing and sending the document and the third option we have is you can upload your files if the document is already uh drafted uh using any other software you can just uh either drag and drop here or you can just upload the document or if the document is stored in any of your Cloud drives like Google drive or OneDrive you can set it up and you can get the documents from your OneDrive as well okay so for now for the demo purpose I'll just pick up a document and now uh here one thing you need to note that we support multiple document types so we we support word excel PowerPoint and PDF all versions of MS Office is supported so you don't have to worry on the document version or any of you know file time so once you upload the document this is where you will see all the documents so I can upload as many documents as required of course it depends on the plan the subscription plan that you have there are certain restrictions but the point I wanted to drive is you can add any documents over here so it will all arrange it in a sequential manner once you upload the document you can manage it uh like either you can replace or you can download or you can rename the document so let's for this demo purpose let's rename this for as webinar demo document okay so once you get the document over here click on next so next step is to add the recipients people who are going to either sign the document or approve the document okay so there are three rules that you can Define for a recipient he can be he or she can be an approver so basically they don't sign the document but their approval or review and approval is required in the document whatso the second role that you can Define is the signatory that means the recipient has to sign the document and the third role that we provide is a cc role a cc means the person just receives the final executed contract or a document once everybody signs it he or she is neither a reviewer nor a signatory so these are the three roles that you can Define as you can see here we have two options here normal and secured So when you say secured it adds an another layer of authentication either through an OTP mobile OTP or an email OTP so only after entering the correct OTP the person will be able to view the document and the other option that you have over here is sequential and parallel this is basically the workflow either of the document can be signed by all the recipients in one go or it it has to be signed in a sequential manner by one by one so in the in the order that you arrange uh the other uh important feature over here is if you see here these are called page permissions say for example you have multiple recipients and you have a 100 page contact or a document or multiple files so you can Define who can view what portion of what pages of the document okay so that settings also can be done oil now at the time of add so adding the recipient you can add recipients from two channels one through a simple form second you can also have your own contact list so if you have recipients in your contacts you can just select and add them makes it easier or you can go and add the recipients for the demo purpose I'm just adding a recipient over here designation field is optional if you want you can add now here I'm enabling this person as a signatory okay so the recipient gets added now once I add him as a signatory there are a couple of other options that you can enable one whether if you want to know uh whether from which location the person is signing the document you can enable location tracking otherwise you can keep it switched off if the person if you want to do a level of identity verification before the recipient opens the document you can enable the facial recognition module so I'll show you all of those features so let me add one more recipient over here I am adding him as a signatory but at the same time I'm also saying that I need to verify this person's identity before he opens and signs the document so I'm enabling a facial recognition element for this particular recipient okay so here you can see there are I've added three uh one first person is always by default the initiator of the document and I have added two recipients and the mode of uh signing is a sequential process so once I add all these information then I just click on next and now I need to prepare the document so Document Preparation basically where you need to Define for every recipient what are the fields that uh he or she needs to fill out now if you see this is the list of the first person is the initiator since it's an initiator and I'm not enabled signatory for him the signature related fields get blocked but I can add any other fields for that person the second person is a signatory so I will drag and drop the signature field the designated position and I can add along with the signature I also need a date sign so one thing that you need to note here is the date by default it picks up the current date uh you cannot change that because the date is basically the date on which the signature is made and then I'll drag and drop the name field and then the email field so wherever the information is already available in the system of the recipient the fields automatically populated next I'm going to add for the set second recipient I'm going to add the same Fields I need the signature I need date signed and I'm going to add email okay so once I prepare the document my next step would be to review this and submit the document to the recipients so this is the review page where I reviewed the document before I send if you see on the right hand side you can see the list of uh participants in on this document the first person is the initiator so the icon suggests that is is just an approver the another two people who are there are signatories and so you have the signs then I submit so here before I submit there are a couple of things that I can do one I can set a reminder frequency uh to a daily or a weekly so the signatories will get a reminder email uh until until and unless they assign the document or you can set up a validity date for the document say if you are sending a a time uh sensitive document uh say a proposal or a quote or a purchase order or any kind of document that has a certain validity for that so you can set up a validated so once the if the document is not signed within the validity date the document becomes null and white so then you will have to resend the document and then this is the email settings so you can Define what your email notification subject should be and the body of the email should be so you can do few settings over here and then you send so that's it from the initiator side so document is on its way to all the recipients to either approve or sign the document once a document is sent so you will be redirected to the manage page so this is where you control all the documents so here if you see this is the document that I just sent it is shared with two people it was created on updated on and owner is the assigned person and it shows what is the current status so being the initiator the first thing that I'm going to do is I need to approve the document first so this is the approval page so then I have few things that I can do over here I can view the recipients who are all the people who are there in the workflow and if I want I can download a copy of the document or I can send the document directly to print if I need print this document or I can seek some help on how to handle the diamond so once I approve so now the initiator has approved the document so if you see here the status has turned to one out of three so out of three people one person has acted on the document so then it goes to the second person so he would receive a notification so here is the notification for the document so this is the second person in the workflow so he gets this document so he just has to click on sign so he'll be able to view the document so as you can see the information is already filled over here now if I want to change this my signature so I get three options either I can draw my signature or I can upload a copy of the signature image or I can choose a predefined style so let me say Define the predefined style and the signature is applied the rest of the information is already pre-filled for me so that I don't have to [Music] redo the process again and here I have some options which is very important one as I said the person can see the recipients if you see the workflow over here the preceding person has already approved the document it is currently with me in the send status or what I can do is I can reassign say for example the document is sent to me but I am not the concerned I am not the authorized signatory for the document or I am not in office or I'm not in a position to sign the document but the document has to be signed and it's critical for the organization so I can just reassign this document to a colleague of mine by giving a specific reason and the document will be assigned to that person to sign the document uh in on behalf of me so that's that's a that's a flexibility that we've provided or I can send it for review say for example I read the document and I'm not in agreement with certain aspects of the document so what I can do is I can just put in a comment so add a comment so I can just add a comment and the document comment gets added over here and then I can send it for review and the and the initiator of the document will get the document with my comments and he can modify the documents and send it back or I can reject the document saying that I don't agree to this document and it I reject it and the message goes to the recipient initial so all these features are available I can also choose my own language over here as well uh so if I want to view the document view the page on the on the Arabic or anything so I can change that so pretty much all the other options are available so I just want to sign the document yeah so once I signed the document since I'm not so one important aspect that needs to be noted over here is uh for you to upload the document prepare and send the document you would need a valid license signal license but if you are just a signatory you don't need a license you can just open the document from the email notification and you can sign the button so once you sign the documents you are external to an organization and you're not a licensed user we just ask you your feedback uh and then this feedback helps us to improve the product and make any modifications of changes that may be required so the second person in the workflow has signed the document uh now it moves to the third person now remember that for the third person we had enabled facial recognition so let's see how that works so here you can see uh to sign this document you need to undergo a facial recognition process your photo shall be displayed in the audit Trail for future reference so you need to verify and before you open the document uh you need to take the photograph so we take a sample of three photographs just a minute let me switch off my screen sharing sorry my camera this is fully secured at all yeah I cannot because uh Zoomers are using my camera so that's right that's right so this is also a good way to tell our um uh you know uh audiences no no we cannot see anything okay yeah yeah no problem take your pictures and share the screen so we can see you want to see now yeah so basically we take three sample photographs for the algorithm to uh match the uh actual live photo taken with the reference image yeah so I've taken the three photographs and then I submit so once the face match is done only then it allows me to go to the document so this is the identity verification layer that we built to ensure that the person who is signing the document is a valid uh signatory so once that is done so he just has to sign the document taking some time to do so yeah so document is signed and it takes the feedback so so now if you see all the three people have signed the document and then we all receive a copy of the final PDF so here is it so this is the final PDF document which is fully executed on on sign load you can see the signatures so all the signatures are done and you also see a unique document ID that is generated so this is this is the security number uh using this document ID you can always go back and verify whether the document is an original document and no fraud alert activities have taken in generating the stock the other aspect of the attachment that you get is the audit rail so this is one of the important security feature so here it takes it shows you the complete auditory uh who where when how so all the answers and questions are answered over here so if you see here when it was created when it was sent when it was viewed when it was signed it will also take the device details it captures the IP address and it all and for the sign on for the signatories you can see what is the signature style adopted and what is the IP address and here if you see the third person who signed the document we had used the facial recognition feature so that also gets captured over here now when you go back to the application now you can see the status over here so the document status is completed and then you can see a detailed audit Trail over here so this is the detailed audit Trail right from start to finish every activity that has taken place on this document has been captured so this may be required for any kind of due diligence or any audit purpose you can share this information couple of more things that you can do over here one is once the final document you can export it to any of the cloud uh storage services you can delete the document you can just view the document at any point of time in future and also another important feature that we have is you can organize your documents using our folder structure so we have already created some folders so you can move the document and store it in any of the folders that you need you just move it so the document goes out from your manage section to your folders where you had moved it so the document is here so you can again move back to the manage page so like this you can organize your documents based on certain categorization you can create any number of folders subfolders so the way you want to organize your documents you can create and manage your documents so that way it gives you a lot of uh it's easy to manage and retrieve your documents at any point of time in the future now once the document is executed you can convert this into a template so template means that this the entire document gets saved and then you can use it at any point of time in the future if you select is public that means this template is available for all the users in your organization or by default is it's a private template so you can create it only for you so this is pretty much the how the documents can be uploaded prepared and sent for Signature and how the documents can be signed a couple of more things that I wanted to talk to you on is the reports so at any point of time this gives you a complete overview of how the system is being used and how many documents are signed by status you can check how many are in draft how many are pending how many are approved rejected can you can see how many documents are executed over a period of time so all this information is available to you in your reports and you have a transaction report and you can check the status of these documents here as well and then you have you can customize a few things based on your own preferences for which we have the admin part so in the admin section you can store your signatures so that you don't have to upload or choose for every document by default it takes whatever signature you have chosen you can update your personal information keep it handy at any point of time in future you can set up your cloud storage right now we give connectors for Google Drive OneDrive and Dropbox so you can set up your Google drive folder so that uh getting the documents and storing it becomes easier just in a single click you can do if you are an organization Enterprise user you can manage your users over here so you can add users or you can delete users or you can modify their roles so all of those things can be possible here as I told you at the time of adding the recipients you can either add by physically typing the details or you can fetch from the contacts so you can maintain your own contact lists over here so it becomes easier for you to add recipients and then you can if the last part is the user preferences so you can set up certain preferences like email preferences so you you want how many notifications you want at what stage you want notifications so those things no you can set it up you can set up your own date format in whatever ways you need there are certain signature settings that we give so in the signature if you see the document uh that was generated let me show you yeah so here we are mentioning so let me Zoom it for you yeah so the signature structure so it basically if you see a Sign by raghavendra IP address so these values you can Define and you can change in the user preferences so you can include first and last name or only first name or only last name or you want to include designation so some of these configurations you can do and also your signature font size so you can set how big signatures you want in your document so so this is pretty much what signal has to offer and on top of this this entire product is built on AWS Cloud so you can be rest assured on the security of your data so we follow end-to-end encryption so none of the data is stored as it is your documents are mdfi encrypted documents so that any kind of tampering or any kind of security issues uh will not be possible uh so and we also provide integration facilities so either you can use the product on a standalone basis or using our rest apis you can integrate this with any of the third party applications be it your CRM or Erp we provide a complete comprehensive API apis for you to integrate that uh so that's pretty much what signal has to offer there's a lot of other things that we are working on uh as part of our roadmap uh new features are coming up almost on a monthly basis um so so it's an ever-growing product and we are making the product more rich in features and functionalities that are required for multiple use cases and multiple industry loads so that's it from my side uh Swami over to you yeah yeah thank you Raga I truly appreciate for making a very simple journey of a case study and how the product is able to take and uh the creation of the document to all the signing authorities and I think the admin phase I think um it's pretty user friendly and everything is SAS but uh we're also saying it also can be done through on-prem so I have been receiving some vows and kudos for the entire product to show on my chat and there are also some questions from our viewers who have been joining from different places across the globe so again as you mentioned um the security is the most critical part so can you just give a little bit more on the security as well as how many different uh areas it can do integration because we are talking to Enterprise applications you know what is the integration because sometimes it may have to be integrated with the Erp or the procurement system so can you talk about the security as well as the integration please so from a security standpoint as I said we Implement all the standard Cloud security features our product and our infrastructure gets audited uh by a third party cyber security agency every quarter for to identify any kind of vulnerabilities or any kind of security threats and if there are any corrective actions has to be taken we take it up both based on the audit as well as proactively we also do that and from a data standpoint as I said all our data is end-to-end encrypted so none of the data is available for anybody to just you know pick it up from the database so so that that way it's protected we don't store any personal information no credit card information is stored in our database so that way people can users can be absolutely uh you know clear on those kind of you know data breaches that can happen so so these are some of the security features that we have in terms of integration uh we already have three to four very successful Integrations that we have done one with the custom HR product to run their entire uh employee documents uh to be signed by stakeholders we are currently working with the one company where we are doing the sap integration so all their sap all the contracts like invoices purchase orders grns and other financial statements so those integrated with sap uh the documents can be signed using signboard a couple of other areas where we are working is in terms of uh employee onboarding for some of the educational institutions where we have student onboarding so all of these Integrations are possible with our apis basically so you're giving basically the API so that people can easily use our apis and we can integrate with anything right not only that as we are speaking we also have our Outlook and Gmail plugins also available good excellent yeah so so it's integrated with Outlook so any document that comes to you via email you can directly send it on sign look for signatures yeah that's very important because you know we always use some kind of a Chrome extensions right so the plugins are very easy so you don't need to leave so as soon as you are getting into your email so I think as you all see the product is already matured it has all the security features and it is giving a peace of mind and somebody was asking me when I was in Vegas hey you know when I'm signing why do you need the location because again it is in addition to the facial recognition we want to say okay a person is supposed to be in care in North Carolina what is he doing in Vegas is he on a business trip or something else is it that document is supposed to be open in that location so depending upon the legalities and depending upon how important the document is and who is signing when they are signing all kinds of features are available it is just you need to see based on your workflow what are the things you can enable but this comes to another question to you raghav how is the training and adoption uh is your team is getting up in providing after the implementation yeah so we have a very comprehensive onboarding program for our customers okay so once the customer signs up for signed low so we have the first level of interaction that we give uh to the customer in terms so we arrange for product demos we provide them all the user manuals we conduct hand holding sessions for the customers uh we create focus group demonstrations where if if it's a large Enterprise So currently we are working with one of the large Enterprises with about 60 users so we have conducted close to 15 to 20 training sessions right for for various groups and our customer support is always available obviously during the business hours that we provide okay uh any kind of feedback any kind of assistance we are always available over the call or we can get on a teams or a zoom call and explain to users you know what and whenever we release a new feature uh there's a there's a very uh robust process that we put in place where we prepare the release nodes we prepare the user manuals we engage with the customers to explain them how the new features work why it is important you know so all of this is so that way uh we follow a very strict process to engage with our customers until now I'm happy to say that we've got zero churn rate in the last two years so we have uh customers who are reviewing their contracts year on year so we hope to continue uh the same excellent I know in interest of the time there is a one last question I want to ask uh raghav so in terms of the devices how compatible is the signal low in terms of any devices desktop laptops uh mobile devices a lot of the new features are coming in on the mobile devices so I just want to touch base on the device part yeah so our application is completely mobile responsive so you can access our application on any device it could be laptop desktop tablets mobile so that way uh it's seamless and it provides a very smooth experience for the users very soon we'll be launching our own mobile app so that's uh kind of a game changer in the industry where it gives you the flexibility to sign documents anywhere wherever you are at any position you don't have to open your laptop to sign the document so the notification just comes on your mobile app you just open the document sign it and you're done so so that's something that we are working on we are almost about 60 70 done so hopefully in the next one one and a half months we should be releasing our sign to mobile app so that yeah yeah you you need not access only through uh one specific device so it's Omni device and also we have only Channel not uh communication uh so we have in-app notifications we have integrated with WhatsApp so you can get notifications on the WhatsApp so all of those things are there yeah yeah before we close the thing you know there's so many other features you know and uh final nuances uh in each and everyone you know any any of these features but you know on the top of what Rago said you know we we have uh something uh as a uh you know deployment methods you know so we can deploy it uh as a standalone uh on a SAS model or else you know we can also deploy it on on-prem or uh semi uh or uh what you call uh hybrid model hybrid model so that way you know the user or Enterprise is you know their bigger Enterprises where there's a security or you know compliance is the issue you can always deploy it to on-prem and you know we manage maintain and you know make sure they are perfectly running and we recently won one big contract from suzlon energy it's a global company where we are going to deploy it on on-prem for a thousand user license so that's one of the thing you know that's how you know see all these companies see the value what uh sign Lu is delivering to them hopefully yeah we will capture uh more and more you know on the rest of the rest of the world uh hopefully you see um you know South America also is one of the place that we are targeting now so thank you very much for uh taking this taking time uh thank you everyone for giving your available time to go through our product and I appreciate thank you hopefully yeah Swami I can yeah again thanks uh Raga for giving the entire journey of the product and thank you Ramana for giving uh speaking from your heart you know why it is so important especially at this time and thanks to all the our audience who have joined across the globe so a couple of key takeaways so uh signalo is one of the unique product in the eSignature very different from other products you may be wondering or is already there but why signal as now you know it is completely different it is a peace of mind a lot of the security features enable language enabled Hybrid models and mobile devices mobile application a lot of those things are coming up so I request everyone to follow us on LinkedIn with sunny low page there is a signal channel the YouTube channel where all this video webinars will be there we also have custom video messages where everybody can choose if there is any stuck in the one one minute videos for okay how to enable this how to configure this so we also have a short videos we want to make sure your life is easy and your life is very mobile friendly you can be anywhere remote or you can be there on the beach but you can still continue to keep a peace of mind and continue the workflow to finish so thank you once again and um please follow us and reach out to us so you can put a slide Raga the contact the email and the phone number so any of these people if you want to set up a one-on-one appointment they want to do a custom uh follow us on the product so we are happy to engage one-on-one meetings with your respective client locations or your office locations are on Zoom so that we can walk you through and customize what you need because uh signal is backed up by mithi infotech or Millennium infotech where we can do a lot of the custom Solutions so this is like a One-Stop shop where we are giving you peace of mind we are giving you what is really needed for your workflow to be seamlessly easy and safe and secure thank you once again for joining with us until next month

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