Why signNow is better than PandaDoc

Choose the eSignature solution that customers love. Sign and send documents for signature at the best price with an award-winning product.

Award-winning eSignature solution

Why choose signNow?

Improved collaboration

Create teams within signNow to securely share and collaborate on documents with stakeholders and colleagues. Keep your team members up to date with instant notifications.

Intuitive interface

Anyone can create complex eSignature workflows without additional training. Send documents for signing to multiple clients at once, set a signing order, and assign roles.

Real-time tracking

Track the status of documents in your signNow account. Download a detailed Audit Trail to view all document changes and activity.

API & integrations

Choose from several signNow business integrations or a powerful API to send documents for signature from your productivity apps, CRM, cloud storage, and websites.

Banking-level security

Protect client data with industry-leading security standards. Request two-factor signer authentication (via phone call or text message) to access your document.

24/7 support

Need help using signNow? Contact our experienced agents, solution engineers, or use the self-service help center. And don’t hesitate to leave your feature request.

How users rate signNow and PandaDoc on leading review platforms

Take a look at the chart below to see how users compare signNow to PandaDoc.

Want to learn more?Read other customer reviews
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  • Best ROI. Our customers achieve an average 7x ROI within the first six months.
  • Scales with your use cases. From SMBs to mid-market, airSlate SignNow delivers results for businesses of all sizes.
  • Intuitive UI and API. Sign and send documents from your apps in minutes.

Choose the best-priced eSignature solution that empowers users to speed up document workflows

Take a look at the chart below to see how signNow compares to PandaDoc.

This chart represents a partial list of features available in signNow and PandaDoc.
Document library
Documents sharing
Freeform invites
Document Expiration setting
In-person signing
Document groups
Signature history & Audit trail
Payments receiving
Customization for users
Bulk invite
Magic fields (automatic fields detection)
Conditional fields
Custom branding
Number of fields in Editor
18 9
Mobile applications
iOS, Android iOS, Android
Kiosk mode on tablets
API Integration
Documents merge
HIPAA Compliance
Fields import
Automatic export to cloud storage services
Box, GDrive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Egnyte
Signing order customization
Field validation
Offline mode on mobile
Basic plan


per user/


per user/

Business plan


per user/

Start free trial


per user/

Want to see more features? Show more

Join a worldwide network of 28 million users who trust signNow

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illustrations persone
Tahoe Tech Group
"We love signNow for all the reasons we were frustrated with PandaDoc and Adobe!"
illustrations persone
Nathan D.,
office administrator
“When moving away from DocuSign, signNow was priced competitively alongside competitors like PandaDoc, EchoSign, and others. But signNow offers more useful features, such as Document Groups. Moreover, signNow is very easy to set up — it took me just a few minutes to configure and send.”
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7 great reasons to choose signNow over Docusign

Choices are abundant when it comes to eSignature solutions. However, not all of them are ready to provide users with an all-in-one holistic solution for managing documents and automating routine processes from a single platform.

Luckily, there’s signNow. Get your digital transformation off to a good start. signNow has adopted the legal frameworks needed to secure user data at every point of interaction.

signNow provides users with a highly intuitive interface and aesthetically pleasing design, making the document execution experience equally enjoyable and stress free for all parties involved.

See how signNow outcompetes PandaDoc

  • Value-based pricing
    With signNow, unlike with PandaDoc, you’ll strike the perfect balance between quality, security, and price. Each subscription plan lets you squeeze the maximum out of all the functionality needed to manage your business effectively.
  • Privacy, security, and digital transformation
    Ensure data protection, user authentication, and safe document routing. Don’t pay extra to get an extra layer of data protection.
  • Easy onboarding and user experience for everyone
    No matter whether you’re new to eSignature or expect to get something far beyond eSignature, signNow is the right place to get started.
  • Error- and routine-free automated processes
    With signNow, you can take advantage of automation and eliminate errors at every touchpoint.
  • Seamless data collection and routing
    Get more options for turning data into powerful insights. Use signNow to automatically move data in and out of your CRMs and internal programs using over 200 out-of-the-box API integrations.
  • Tools for effective and secure team collaboration
    signNow lets you create workspaces powerful enough to improve your daily communication, streamline department-specific processes, and improve performance.


  • Available platforms: web, iOS, Android
  • Support: Live chat, Help Center, and Priority available within the airSlate Business Cloud.
  • Free trial: 7 days

Price: The pricing starts $8/user/month for Business; $15/user/month for Business Premium; $25/user/month for Professional; Enterprise: customizable.

signNow is an eSignature solution that goes beyond what you’d expect from a regular solution on the market. Apart from standard document signing, it offers a holistic approach to business process automation. With signNow, you get increased flexibility in terms of building complex and logically structured eSignature workflows, generating documents, web forms, and reusable templates, and safeguarding the safety and integrity of the files.


  • Available platforms: Web, iOS, and Android
  • Support: email, live chat, Help Center, and Q&A page
  • Free trial: 14 days

Price: The pricing starts at $19.00/user/month (Essentials); Business: $49/user/month (Business); Enterprise (customizable).

PandaDoc is primarily an automation solution that helps streamline and improve daily document processes. It lets you quickly create and turn legally-binding static documents into dynamic templates, instantly collect data and payments, and automate entire document workflows with detailed analytics.

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