Can users text documents to a smartphone from their desktop?

In airSlate SignNow, you can quickly share your documents and collect signatures by creating links to documents that you can send to other users. Each person who visits a signing link will sign their own fresh copy of a document. Signing links can be used on both web and mobile versions, which means you can send documents for signing anywhere, anytime.

airSlate SignNow mobile users also have the option of sending a document for signing via a quick text message. Text messages are a quick and easy way to send documents out to signers and get important forms signed within seconds. With airSlate SignNow’s mobile app, senders can create unique signing links and send them via SMS to their signers in just a few simple steps.

Follow the instructions below on how to send someone a document to sign via text message:

  1. Open the airSlate SignNow app on your mobile device and log into your account.
  2. Open the Document tab.
  3. Tap the document title to activate the options menu.
  4. Tap the Create Signing Link button. A unique signing link will be generated.
  5. In the new window, tap to copy the link. Then go to your Messages app.
  6. Create a new text message and paste the signing link into the message field.
  7. Send the message to share your document with your intended recipient.

Once you’ve sent a document for signing, your recipient will receive a text message with a link that takes them directly to your document.

Additionally, you can copy your signing link and paste it into emails, websites, blog posts, and so on. Each person who clicks the link will be able to sign the document and the signed documents will be available in your account when they’ve been signed.

Signing links allow you to create a link to a document that you can distribute to other people via text message on mobile. Each person who visits the signing link will then be able to sign their own fresh copy of the document. It’s that simple!

Share documents and collect eSignatures using the desktop app

Let’s talk about the airSlate SignNow desktop app and what options you have in terms of collecting eSignatures.

Just like on mobile, desktop users can send documents for signing and collect signatures by providing recipients with a unique signing link.

The steps required to generate a signing link for a document and share it with your recipient(s) are listed below:

  1. Go to the Documents folder of your airSlate SignNow dashboard.
  2. Click the Create Signing Link button next to the document title.
  3. Check the Redirect after Signing box if you want the document to be automatically redirected to a website of your choice after it is completed.
  4. Specify whether you want to allow your signer to send invites to the document on your behalf.
  5. Copy the generated link and share it with your recipient(s). Note that the link you create can only be signed once by a predefined number of people.

The signing link won't expire unless you make edits to or delete a document, or if a guest signer enters the signing session. As the document owner, you can track a signer's IP address and other information related to the signing process.

You don’t have to check your airSlate SignNow account every couple of minutes while waiting for your completed document. Once signed, you’ll receive an email notification. And if anything goes wrong and you lose your confirmation email, airSlate SignNow makes it easy to view a document’s history on both mobile and web, with the ability to track the complete audit trail, which contains information on who and when your document was signed.

September 25, 2020

Business Cloud

Automate business processes with the ultimate suite of tools that are customizable for any use case.

  • Award-winning eSignature. Approve, deliver, and eSign documents to conduct business anywhere and anytime.
  • End-to-end online PDF editor. Create, edit, and manage PDF documents and forms in the cloud.
  • Online library of 85K+ state-specific legal forms. Find up-to-date legal forms and form packages for any use case in one place.