Can I add my logo to documents? How would it look?

Make your company recognizable when sending out signature requests from airSlate SignNow. Easily add custom branding to your airSlate SignNow account so that customers and partners can see your logo.

How to add a corporate logo to your airSlate SignNow account

In airSlate SignNow, you have an opportunity to personalize your documents while using this eSignature solution. Follow the guidelines below to add a corporate logo in your airSlate SignNow account:

  1. Click on your profile icon in the top right-hand corner and choose Custom Logo from the dropdown.
  2. Next, a pop-up window will appear click Upload Logo and browse for your logo image on your computer.
  3. Click Preview to see how the logo will appear in your account or click Cancel to choose another image.
  4. In preview mode, the image you’ve chosen will appear in the upper left corner of your account. Click Discard if you want to change or delete it or click Accept to make it your custom logo.

As soon as you accept the logo, your signers will see it in the signing requests sent from your account.

Why brand your documents

A logo is the face of your corporate personality and one of the ways you communicate with your customers, partners, and others. Here is how brand identification helps your business communication:

  • Stand out. When opening your inbox, which emails catch your eye first? Most likely they are emails from the companies known to you or the ones that have more outstanding representation than others. The no-name and generic emails are at risk of never being read or even taken as spam. This is especially true when you receive piles of emails every day and have 15 minutes to only look through only the annals you've prioritized.
  • Build trust. People don’t want to risk their time and money, so they tend to collaborate with companies they are familiar with or those suggested by someone from their network. Often, people are ready to pay for a brand they trust knowing that they will get exactly what they want without any experiments and unpleasant surprises. That’s why brand recognition works for both your customers and potential audience who may have heard about the company from their friends or colleagues.
  • Express commitment. Professionalism and attention to details always make a good impression. Nobody likes a sloppy email sent in a hurry without bothering to put in any effort, so as dry generic communication. The latter works for formal cases such as submitting documents to governmental authorities but not when you’re building long-term trustful relations with partners or customers. By branding your emails, you show that you treat your recipients seriously and take care of them. Adding a piece of your personality makes people feel respected and involved in your corporate life. Among several similar products, people will choose the one they feel personal attachments to.
September 25, 2020

Business Cloud

Automate business processes with the ultimate suite of tools that are customizable for any use case.

  • Award-winning eSignature. Approve, deliver, and eSign documents to conduct business anywhere and anytime.
  • End-to-end online PDF editor. Create, edit, and manage PDF documents and forms in the cloud.
  • Online library of 85K+ state-specific legal forms. Find up-to-date legal forms and form packages for any use case in one place.