How Can I Use Sign in Banking

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How can i industry sign banking use

[Music] thank you hey welcome to the show everybody as always it's capital interactive with besim and the baz we have a very uh very important episode today and we have the the master of all things treasury uh in basem so we're going to be picking his brain and going uh into the the finer points of of what is treasury uh the salmon you know his background has spent many years in a treasury capacity so he'll have a lot of good information to bring to the table i appreciate him uh kind of letting me interview him and uh give you guys all a bit of information so that being said i really want to dive into this episode in in basically what is treasury what does it mean so all that being said sam i want you to take the floor um when when a bank or bankers and and what not talk about treasury tell us a little bit about what treasury means give us an overview a definition and what is treasury in your mind yeah no thanks adams good good to see you man i think um people have different definitions of what treasury are and so what we're talking about today is exactly what you said kind of what treasury means in the context of a banking relationship no okay because if you're looking at treasury like in a corporate banking background it's slightly different but where this is more in the context of like if a banker is coming to you talking about treasury management or you're talking to your team about the treasury services at a bank what does that mean exactly and you know it's interesting because this particular part of the bank is something that the lower end of the bank revenue size is not even aware of so a lot of times for example if you go into a branch of a bank and you are in the small business portion of a bank and you ask for certain services they might not even be aware that these things exist and so um you know but if you're on the corporate side you're going to hear a lot more about this and the commercial banks they do know all about it and you'll be amazed at what services banks can actually provide you so so what you're saying is also it's more than just a place to park your money because i think that that's what most people think about when they think about treasure we'll get into this in a bit but like my deposits all i'll just deposit at the bank and that's treasury well treasury's so much more in terms of just a suite of products and solutions but also in many ways how it can help a business yeah so when we look at treasury as cash management really okay and i see really four maybe five different ways where a bank can really help with this and so we'll break it down here basically what those are are accelerating receivables so that means making money come to you faster how can bet the bank help you get money from your customers and other people like that faster that's home first then controlling the money that's going out your payables yeah that's the second thing so your payables that's that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to delay it but in some cases is to delay it but it's more about having control over that so you can kind of better forecast your cash position and things like that so that's the second thing the third thing is all the information that's coming in to to you through the bank information regarding the uh the debits and credits into your account uh all types of information regarding who's sending you stuff things like that how do you manage that information in a um efficient manner that's the that's the third point and the fourth like major point that i would say is preventing your uh preventing fraud from your account okay so securing your accounts putting services and structures around your accounts that are going to help provide security and make it difficult for um fraudsters kind of make it to reach your vulnerability so there's like the four major points that i would say right that banks can help you with and um you should really need to talk to the individual on your banking team that's called the treasury management officer you know right well to that earlier point and that that's a very good segue before we start to get into some of those uh particulars you know receivable payable yeah you know the platform that it is and so on and so forth so what you're kind of intimating is that you know your needs and your volume also dictates you know what services and what level of the bank you need to be in right and i think that goes to an earlier podcast where we're talking about really um you know interviewing the bank in terms of what they can provide and then what you need as well right because not all treasury services not all bank sectors fit a particular business right yeah adam so you're right so depending on the industry that you're in there are certain norms certain products certain things that are specific to that particular industry or that particu that that particular industry may need that are um a little bit different so for just to give a quick for example so like if let's say you're a large energy retailer or like a cell phone provider and you've got clients all over the country and you're collecting payments from all over the country well you might want some kind of a lockbox solution where people are sending you payments to centralized um lock boxes you know and and then the bank might be managing all those documents all the deposits for you you know maybe maybe you're a retail center where you're getting a lot of cash you know how do you manage all the cash what do you do you know so that so that you can protect your employees reduce risk reduce theft things like that you know what do you do that's that those are those treasury services that are different from because if you're look at that like the previous example the cell phone you know provider they're not going to accept cash you know they're going to accept checks credit card payments things like that so their different industries have different norms different things that they need and so the treasury officers is familiar with kind of the norms of those businesses and the challenges that they have and they can kind of help you through all of that yeah no that's a good point and would you say you know but again before we get into the specifics like you know what what are some of the trends you've seen in treasury over the last because you've been involved in this 10 15 years and i mean specifically as it pertains to like digital versus paper the old school paper checks which is is not in vogue nowadays for a number of reasons fraud being one of them but more of a digital push with treasury yeah i mean in general the banks are trying to go more digital it's just more cost effective and everybody else is too and so there's been a huge change over the last 10 years 12 years of um you know the way that we transact in a bank i mean if i didn't work at a bank i probably would never go into a banking center you know right i'm saying and i don't know the last time i went in same with the check i think i write maybe one check a month yeah and it's just something it's it's because that particular place wants to charge me like a huge fee to do it electronically but in general it's like maybe one check a month you know and so those type of things are happening in business it's actually funny because you would think in business things would move a little bit more quickly but actually i see more of proliferation of checks and paper-based stuff in business than i do on the well on the personal side maybe that's just me personally or the dependency i'm very much like that like when i do my bill pay personally yeah i don't know if i write a check i'm just trying to go through i mean have i written a check in the last year a few of them like four or five but everything's bill pay so it's funny that the personal side of finances and treasuries is in to your point like more advanced than some businesses because i i talk to businesses business owners all the time where they're like yeah we we write a hundred checks a month well you know what's funny is there's actually good reasons for that and one of the main reasons for that is because of the dollar amounts so it's if there's a problem with a 55 check that that you sent to somebody else it's an electronic payment it's not going to kill the bank like if it's a 55 000 payment that one that one company sent into the next so right and then there's the liabilities are different for for both individuals and businesses and so because of some of those laws and some of those things it takes longer for banks to feel comfortable rolling out some technology that they use on the consumer side to the business side and it's it's really interesting because that's one thing that's been frustrating for me in the past as well is like we'll we'll see like technologies roll out um roll out in in the consumer space and then they won't be in the in the commercial space for a while but you know there are some more sophisticated things on the commercial side that you know you would never even think about on the on the business side so back to the trends another huge trend i think there's going to be a huge a huge transformation in payments over the next 10 years also man there's so much stuff going on so now you're like so for example you already kind of see this on the personal side but you've seen over the last five or seven years where basically now you can send people payments to their their phone or to to their email or whatever so it's basically an alias so there's a bit of big push to like not giving out your account information giving out your phone number or your or your email address or whatever like that and that's like an alias way for people to send you money so i think there's going to be a big transformation as far as that's concerned and then i think there's going to be a huge uh transformation when it comes to the blockchain so um you know for those of you that are familiar with the blockchain it's just going to be so much more efficient to make payments and actually if you look at um who holds the largest amount of patents in blockchain most of them are actually financial institutions right because this has a huge way to disrupt the way that they do business and it can make them in the short run very very uh profitable if they're able to roll those out and and be the only one for example that uses this block chain technology to sell their payments yeah because you can i mean if you think about it um it could cost you fifty dollars seventy fifty dollars to send a wire right now across the world right okay i mean not granted to the bank it doesn't cost them that much but they do have to have you know they do have to be connected with the fed and how on the swift network and all that type of stuff if they're doing stuff through blockchain it's going to be a fraction of the cost i mean theoretically it could be sense to send this wire now across the world you know and so i mean how much of that gets passed on to the consumer how much of that you know turns into profit for the bank things like that it's going to be very interesting what happens over the next you know five to seven years i think nope those are great points i appreciate that thanks for you know bringing some of the the foundation of treasury but let's let's start to get into some of the pillars some of the tenants of treasury and and really where a bank can add tremendous value to your business let's start with the first one you mentioned when you when you opened up the show and let's talk about uh receivables in basically a bank's ability to help expedite uh the collection of money which every business to a degree is going to want to do right collecting money faster is better is it not yeah what are some of the i mean so i mean the whole idea about this is let's try to shorten the working capital cycle so that you have less cash tied up in your working capital cycling can you actually use it in your business and so there's a lot of tools that banks can can uh help you with depending on what you want to talk about i'll talk about just a few of them so you guys can get an idea but what you really should do is sit down with your banker a banker and with your treasury officer and talk through specifically how you how you actually run the run through your process right how are you billing who is who's sending the bill how's this happening like like what do they get how long do your customers have to pay once the payment comes in how are you applying the payment all all those details many of them can be automated and so if you're willing to get in the nitty-gritty with your treasury officer about that they can find ways to eliminate steps in the process or eliminate mistakes and things like that so basically so for example let's take the example that we took about earlier because this is this is a lock box for example so a lock box is basically the bank accepting payments on your behalf to a dedicated basically postal box that the bank has so if you've got customers that are all over the country or and are concentrated in a large area and they're sending you paper checks for example what the banks can do and different banks have different capabilities when it comes to this but the more sophisticated banks can do amazing things with the lock box but they'll with the what you will do is you'll send out your bills with the bank's po box on it it'll have your name on it so it'll say abc company at p.o box whatever and uh when banks receive those payments they'll actually go to the the payments actually come directly to the bank the bank's gonna be getting most times they're gonna be getting mail every hour so where you might only get it once a day they're going to be getting it every hour okay or sometimes a half an hour or maybe 12 times a day depending on the bank and so they're going to get a more frequent mail run because they're getting thousands and thousands of pieces of mail all the time so the mail's going to come to them a little bit quicker so if someone sends you a check it's going to go to that mailbox it's going to come quicker the bank's going to open the check for you apply that that debt correctly deposit directly to you so what they'll do is they'll take the deposit apply it directly to you if you want they can scan the image of the um of the remittance data they can basically they can make a whole file like depending on how much you want to pay they can sit there and key all the information where you just upload it into your system right it completely completely goes into your accounting system or erp system and basically just feeds you data now that's going to cost money because the bank's automating it some of the stuff they can do through image capture where they have ai actually capturing all the data some stuff they'll actually have they actually have these huge data rooms where people are at a computer and they're just like typing in information that they're taking off of like the payment maybe it's this check came in give me the check the person that sent the check their address the maker line information check number right you know maybe i need to know what the invoice number is all that stuff and they're putting out an electronic file now if you have the capability they can send you that file and you might be able to just upload it into your system and all of a sudden all that reconciliation is done right and the only thing that you're really messing with then are the exceptions so let's say like they send you somebody sends you like they don't send their invoice in and it just has a check and it has like some handwritten note or something with it well they'll send that to you in your office or they'll make the deposit and image it and then send it to send it to you electronically and then all you're dealing with are the things that are exceptions and so you might go from having a thousand deposits today to to worry about to literally having like 10 deposits a day that you got to figure out what they are and those are just the weird ones right and so that's just an example of how a bank can actually completely outsource this this system to you right well another thing with the lockbox let's say you're for example in texas but your customer are concentrating in um you know new york california wherever well a lot of times the bank can also have their lock box locate located in those locate localities so let's say like you had 30 40 of your business was up in uh in the northeast and you're like on the west coast well you might put your lock box there and then that might take a day off of the float so that that day that the um that the mail system takes to take it from new york to california or whatever it is like that it's just gonna go into new york to new york straight to a deposit right and you you get that cash faster so this is helping you bring money in quicker right you see what i'm saying because i think both you and i have i know i have i've talked to clients where when we're having a discovery conversation exactly as pertains to receivables and rather than you know processing checks every hour on the hour like yeah with a lock box they go once a week or once every other week and they just have stacks and stacks of checks pile up and then they make a run to the bank it's like well you just you're sitting on how much money for how long yeah exactly why not get it instantaneously if you're getting a bill paid in full by a client have that you know have that come to you as soon as you possibly can so it's a great solution yeah exactly so that's just an example i mean you can have other situations where instead of getting checks you're debiting people directly via ach you know so you're controlling when you're debiting them you know when the money's coming out all those type of things the banks can help you out with those systems um i mean there's just so many different ways that they can help you make sure that you get the money in quicker right and uh you know accepting credit card payments you know there's a lot going on with merchant services and with credit card payments you know there's so much data that's involved right getting those payments in and then actually mining the data you can do amazing things i had a customer that completely transformed their business i was like completely but it made a major impact on their business uh some of the data that they were able to capture from um the merchant card services they were able to start adding additional lines of products to their to their stuff because they kind of looked at them credit card data and saw where customers were going right after they um bought stuff from them they saw that they were going to this other particular type of store and they said oh well let's just start stocking stuff that they're going to buy over there and then they don't have to make that additional yeah that's awesome and so they were able to increase their revenue and that's just from the data you know that they were getting from that but yeah you know so that's just an example of how you can accelerate some payments okay so that's that's talking about getting money in faster which is great yeah now let's talk about more control over the information and maybe some of the outgoing money and let's let's flip it on the other side of the house let's talk about payables here yeah so payables i mean you think about payables and usually you're going to want to delay payables a little bit because you want to try to keep cash in as long as possible but the real thing that you want to do with the payables it's really about knowing what your cash position is and what cash you have available to do the things with you know and so if you for example send a check to somebody and they did like they did exactly what you said before they sit on the check and they go deposit it once a week or once every 10 days how do you forecast that how do you forecast that how do you know like how do you know if you can use that money how do you know you've got 10 days now how can i use that money you know or not right or how do you know the check is not even lost maybe the check was lost in the mail and you're sitting there you've got an additional 10 000 that you could be using right now but you don't know about it because that checks loss you know so there's ways the main thing is about control and this is where some customers like they don't seem to really understand it's not necessarily about delaying the payment all the time extended it's it's more about controlling it there's tools to extend the payments to and like credit cards you can use that to give your name maybe another 30 days but using payments like wires ach different types of things like that where you can actually know that this is going to settle on this day yeah and i have this much cash to use at this time and instead of sending a check a week out a week in advance so that it gets there on time i can i can forecast it hey if i send the ach two days before i know it's gonna be there on time and i know that that money is coming out on this time and i can use that money up until this day that's really what it's about right so there's a lot of electronic tools electronic payment tools that are really becoming more and more prevalent uh that help people understand what their cash position is from a day to day yeah and that's what the control is about whenever you're actually making payments it just they're more tools to help you get a finer tune on your working capital cycle right and really understanding all the time money is coming in all the time money's going out and then you know starting that cycle all over again it's not like you said it's perfect it's not necessarily about extending payables but being able to have a firm grasp on when things are going to settle and what amounts so that you can start the cycle all over again yeah exactly that's very smart um so that covers receivables that covers payables um let's talk about another major tenant and this is something that's really just blown up over the last several years and such a big issue and that's fraud right and there's multiple different kinds of fraud and you know to the point earlier digital versus paper you know many banks are pushing to to really focus more on digital than paper because you know once something is is put in the mail and mr mcfeely takes the you know the post uh you know and so on and so forth it's just it's subject to anyone getting it manipulating the numbers and so on and so forth so so fraud is just it has many different ugly heads and faces why don't you talk about fraud and how treasury can really help mitigate and fight against yeah definitely so i actually did a whole podcast on kind of like kind of protecting your account from fraud and so we'll link that here but basically the bank has a lot of tools that you can use to help prevent fraud on your accounts one of the most important things i would say and just so to get straight to the point is not a bank thing but if one of the most thing i would say just have good communication with your customers and with your clients because if you see bank account information changing or something like that you need to pick up the phone and actually talk to them on the phone you know so i'd say that's a huge thing but back to the treasury part there's a lot of different things that banks can do to help you with fraud so they can help you on paper-based fraud by services like positive pay where basically you're partnering with their bank to export ledger files and send them to the bank before uh you actually make payments and then the bank will be checking against the file that you sent so that's one major way to check against paper-based fraud so basically what you want to do is get less of your checks out and available in the ether every time you send a checkout that check is going to have all your account information at the bottom of the check then the maker line data people can then create new checks like if you think about it you're going to a third party to make your checks most of the time anyways so if someone has all that information they could just create checks on their own and go out and and and spend with them if you have no protections on your account it's going to be a problem yeah you can even buy these days maker line uh printers maker printers really and you can print the checks literally from your office sure and so if somebody has all your account information that's that's not a problem at all they can do it super easily and then you know people think that banks have some kind of liability for that well it's not the same thing on the personal side as it is on the business side on the business side the bank's liability is just to provide you with tools to help have reasonable to reasonable tools to help prevent fraud if they've provided you all these tools they're not and they educated you on this showed you them they're actually not really liable to to refund your money if you have fraud they didn't create the fraud this is a third party they created fraud why should they be liable for it on the consumer side it's a little bit different but you know on the business side there's an expectation that you have a certain amount of sophistication that you're checking the accounts on on a frequent basis and there's more liability so it's important that you protect your accounts so from a paper raised fraud you want to get for you want to get less paper out there you'll use tools like positive pay to partner with the banks you're giving them your check information as you rent it and they can see if it's a good check and balance yeah definitely that's one way another from electronic fraud the same thing they can pull your account information and just debit your account what's stopping someone from doing that right really nothing if you don't have ach blocks and filters you don't have ach positive faith there's nothing from stopping from someone to do that so you can actually put filters on and you can put blocks on the account to help prevent that every company that debits your account has what's called an ach company id and based on that you can say how much who's debiting your account who can debit your account and then also you there's a lot of times uh tools you can use to even say how much or how often are things like that you know every bank has slight variations but the basics of of these fraud prevention tools are the same and the and then one of the last i mean it's not really the last one of the major areas i would say is your account structure is another thing that has a big impact is like how how is your account structured to protect the funds so you can have multiple layers of accounts where there's automatic sweeps going in you can have some accounts that are for deposit only that when you're giving out like employees account information so they can go make deposits they can't go take that it only goes in yeah it does exactly things like that so there's a lot of things you can do from an account structure and so it just depends on you know how much money is at risk you know what's the probability of having something happen who how many people are touching the account things like that that you have to talk through with your banker and your treasury officer and they can put you know tools in place to help prevent some of those things you know one of the things we see in industry banking specifically though is you know a lot of times i don't think fraud is is taken seriously enough and it seems to be with a lot of clients more reactionary than proactive why is that such a well prevalent issue that's actually exactly what what what i tell my clients is like people don't realize what the risks are out there you know and um i tell them don't be don't be reactionary because when you react it's going to be too late we have literally seen hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars in fraud happen wire fraud different things like that and people that don't have their accounts um accounts protected they lose money right i've been at banks where there's been litigation between the client and the bank because the client thinks the bank has some kind of liability and the bank's like well not really i mean we put all these things in place you know i've seen the banks like they do do stuff i've seen like a major wire fraud get stopped by banks because it's going to a suspicious account and then we have to go in and verify with everything with the client and they have to sign off on it or whatnot you know so you might lose hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars if you're not proactive where in the short run most of these services are pretty pretty reasonably priced some of them some of them are like basically free with your deposits it depends on the bank so i mean uh you know you can have a semi-secure account pretty secure account for a very reasonable price and that's really not a place you want to skimp i mean that's not where you are you should be fighting over dollars yeah i mean you're gonna wish you had like if fraud event occurs you're gonna wish you paid it yeah you know it's just the headache let's say you get all your money back you know it's just a headache that you have to go chasing around and going all this stuff and spending all your time and it's a distraction from your business you're going to wish that you just bit the bullet and pay the couple hundred bucks a month yeah make no mistake about whatever whatever it is fraud is very common we're not talking about one client out of 100 or something like that i would say out of 10 clients what number experienced some degree of fraud over the course of business it could be small dollar amounts large dollar amounts yeah it's fairly i think it just depends on how long you're talking about what period because i think almost everybody experiences fraud over time yeah if you're saying in a year maybe maybe three of them are experiencing fraud but like if you could say over the over the life of you know multiple multiple years everybody's everybody's experience it's it's really it's a shame too because it's just growing yeah it's a form of insurance like you know you don't go through life without life insurance health insurance you know some degree of that it's it why would you not have insurance well we talked about this in our last podcast as well uh with mark uh because he's an insurance agent but i i recommend clients have fraud prevention insurance i think that's something on the side but the fraud prevention tools the banks have definitely that's not a place you want to skip i mean there's just so many different ways that people are getting fraud but i would say in addition to all the stuff the bank gives you pick up the phone pick up the phone and call people if you're about to send a payment and you see that the the uh payment information has changed or if you don't know the company well you need to be talking to them on the phone you know yeah and the bank has other tools for dealing with people that you don't know for example if you're doing business internationally you can use letters or credit and things like that bankers acceptances different things like that to help secure make sure you get to get get your product or whatnot but uh make sure that you're actually talking to the people you know there's nothing nothing uh nothing's a substitute for in person or on the phone discussion you know yeah due diligence no that that's a great point for sam i i think i advise as well i mean it's definitely good to have those measures in place and just to to make sure you're you know protected on the back end let's close out with the fourth major pillar the fourth major tenant of of treasury we covered ar covered ap we covered fraud and its importance let's talk about reporting in in some of the numbers that um you know are are derivative of treasury services and what clients can can gain from that knowledge and why it's beneficial to a company yeah definitely so i mean information reporting is a huge part i mean it's basically helps you how you run your business and you know all your financial statements things like that they all are pulling from the actual transactions that are occurring if you don't have an efficient way of managing those transactions and the information that's coming across with them your financial reports are eventually going to suffer from that as well like garbage in garbage yeah an so you know there's a lot of ways that banks can help you both manage the volume but then also eliminate mistakes because it's going to be a digital process and so you can download all most banks have treasury platforms that can provide you all kinds of information they can provide you different levels of information based on the types of activity you have so for example here's his perfect example we have i've had multiple clients who they've gotten the large multi-month multinationals that they're doing business with and they get wires from them and then they have to spend somebody's got to call their multinational client and spend an hour on the phone trying to figure out what that payment's for and all this kind of stuff well many times those multinationals are putting all the information along with the payment and the remittance data but a lot of times uh these clients only have a portion of the remittance that they're able to see because they haven't talked to their um treasury officers to see everything so for example like let's say you have you're doing business with exxon mobil well and let's say you have 13 invoices out to them they might send you a a a wire for 342 000 that's paying nine of those invoices well how do you know which ones to apply it to you have to call and figure out and all that kind of stuff but many times they're sending in the actual remittance that it says here's apply it to these invoices and you know all that stuff's there and if you were able to just capture that data off the off the beginning you might be able to reconcile that in five minutes as opposed to as opposed to getting on the phone trying to track somebody down in the accounting department trying to have them pull up your file figure out what's going on all this stuff and then it's all next thing you know you wasted someone on your team the whole hour just to do this reconciliation where the bank can be feeding you this data because exxon's already sending it to you for example you know that's just an example of information reporting there's other stuff where you know you can reconcile your accounts very quickly by just downloading a file we can actually integrate with erp systems accounting systems all that type of thing to where i mean there's if you have a sophisticated platform i mean this is really for companies that are you know i'd say 50 70 500 million dollars in revenue above when they start getting really a little bit larger they're starting to get into these erp systems you might not even log into the bank system anymore the bank might just have a direct feed with you that's feeding into your erp system you can actually manage everything through your erp system and um and so that's that that's very powerful i mean this helps eliminate some of the duplication of um of duties and things like that and and eliminate resources i have a i had a client that had 20 people offshore doing reconciliations for them because they had like 400 locations we were able to help with our information reporting platform we're able to help bring that down to only three people 400 to three to three yeah due to all this severe automation and efficiency yeah because otherwise they were just logging into their you know basic consumer online banking platform doing everything manually and they had you know like 200 accounts and so you have to have all these people every day doing this with all these transactions it's just ridiculous where you can just download that and now they got three they got three people they downloaded it put it in their system they're dealing with exceptions only you know basically the whole idea is to get things in such an automated way that you're only dealing with the one-off type of thing right you know and so yeah it's it's very transformative and i mean there's all kinds of services that banks can do they can feed you all kinds of data they can take huge things off your plate i mean they can they can issue checks on your behalf they can do so much it it has a cost of course uh but just when you're what's the cost of 400 employees versus three yeah i don't know it's 20 employees but yeah 22 20 employees okay versus three yeah that's exactly you know in this case it wasn't as dramatic as other cases i've seen because they were offshored and they were already getting paid less but if those employees have been domestic employees you know you're paying them their salary their insurance everything all the other benefits dealing with people being sick all that kind of stuff now you would be able to reduce that down to um three people now right i mean it's it's very transformative and you know i think a lot of people they they just don't know that banks have all these services sure because they're not marketed towards the smaller businesses they're not market marketed towards the general public they're really marketed specific solutions towards a little bit larger companies yeah once you're 10 million in revenue kind of going above from there there's a lot of things that you the banks can really do i've even seen really large organizations who have um banks basically work with them on customized solutions where they even built software on around it so i mean you know a lot of these banks are becoming technology firms yeah they've got huge budgets i mean multinational banks have uh technology budgets in the billions of dollars and so it's amazing what they can do and just know that they're if you're trying to do something talk like to automate things or make it more efficient talk to your bank because it's probably a way to do it yeah no i agree any business owner or entrepreneur or otherwise you know watching this video i'd say it's it's worth a conversation if if nothing else for your own edification just to kind of see what other you know benefits and services i think treasury is a is a often overlooked aspect of the bank that you know provides a tremendous amount of value so if you haven't already have a discussion with your banker really dig into some of the benefits of the treasury service be it from fraud prevention to efficiencies collecting money sooner cash control in the general uh you know information reporting and benefits of that basem i wanted to say you know just thanks again for letting me pick your brain i think this was incredibly helpful um bassim is a wealth of treasury knowledge if you have anything else that you want to hear from him please you know reach out to us and and i'd love to you know interview him again uh with some more detail but uh thanks for the time to davidson yeah no problem and we did a couple of videos on some of these topics i'm gonna we're gonna link them and we're in the future we're gonna be having some real life treasury officers that are up to date with everything because you know technology is always moving and you know yeah yes i did this in the past but you know there's a lot of technology that's changed since then so we want to get some of the updates awesome no i appreciate it um thanks everyone for watching the video if you find value in these videos this video in particular please hit that like button subscribe to the channel you know pass it along to anyone else that you think might find some value in it it's capital interactive with the sim and the boss appreciate your time today and we'll see you on the other side you

Keep your eSignature workflows on track

Make the signing process more streamlined and uniform
Take control of every aspect of the document execution process. eSign, send out for signature, manage, route, and save your documents in a single secure solution.
Add and collect signatures from anywhere
Let your customers and your team stay connected even when offline. Access airSlate SignNow to Use Sign in Banking from any platform or device: your laptop, mobile phone, or tablet.
Ensure error-free results with reusable templates
Templatize frequently used documents to save time and reduce the risk of common errors when sending out copies for signing.
Stay compliant and secure when eSigning
Use airSlate SignNow to Use Sign in Banking and ensure the integrity and security of your data at every step of the document execution cycle.
Enjoy the ease of setup and onboarding process
Have your eSignature workflow up and running in minutes. Take advantage of numerous detailed guides and tutorials, or contact our dedicated support team to make the most out of the airSlate SignNow functionality.
Benefit from integrations and API for maximum efficiency
Integrate with a rich selection of productivity and data storage tools. Create a more encrypted and seamless signing experience with the airSlate SignNow API.
Collect signatures
Reduce costs by
per document
Save up to
per employee / month

Our user reviews speak for themselves

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Kodi-Marie Evans
Director of NetSuite Operations at Xerox
airSlate SignNow provides us with the flexibility needed to get the right signatures on the right documents, in the right formats, based on our integration with NetSuite.
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Samantha Jo
Enterprise Client Partner at Yelp
airSlate SignNow has made life easier for me. It has been huge to have the ability to sign contracts on-the-go! It is now less stressful to get things done efficiently and promptly.
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Megan Bond
Digital marketing management at Electrolux
This software has added to our business value. I have got rid of the repetitive tasks. I am capable of creating the mobile native web forms. Now I can easily make payment contracts through a fair channel and their management is very easy.
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Award-winning eSignature solution

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Get legally-binding signatures now!

  • Best ROI. Our customers achieve an average 7x ROI within the first six months.
  • Scales with your use cases. From SMBs to mid-market, airSlate SignNow delivers results for businesses of all sizes.
  • Intuitive UI and API. Sign and send documents from your apps in minutes.

A smarter way to work: —how to industry sign banking integrate

Make your signing experience more convenient and hassle-free. Boost your workflow with a smart eSignature solution.

How to sign and fill out a document online How to sign and fill out a document online

How to sign and fill out a document online

Document management isn't an easy task. The only thing that makes working with documents simple in today's world, is a comprehensive workflow solution. Signing and editing documents, and filling out forms is a simple task for those who utilize eSignature services. Businesses that have found reliable solutions to how can i industry sign banking use don't need to spend their valuable time and effort on routine and monotonous actions.

Use airSlate SignNow and how can i industry sign banking use online hassle-free today:

  1. Create your airSlate SignNow profile or use your Google account to sign up.
  2. Upload a document.
  3. Work on it; sign it, edit it and add fillable fields to it.
  4. Select Done and export the sample: send it or save it to your device.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about filling out and signing documents when you have the right tool. Our advanced editor is great for getting forms and contracts exactly how you want/need them. It has a user-friendly interface and full comprehensibility, giving you complete control. Register today and begin enhancing your electronic signature workflows with highly effective tools to how can i industry sign banking use on the web.

How to sign and complete documents in Google Chrome How to sign and complete documents in Google Chrome

How to sign and complete documents in Google Chrome

Google Chrome can solve more problems than you can even imagine using powerful tools called 'extensions'. There are thousands you can easily add right to your browser called ‘add-ons’ and each has a unique ability to enhance your workflow. For example, how can i industry sign banking use and edit docs with airSlate SignNow.

To add the airSlate SignNow extension for Google Chrome, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to Chrome Web Store, type in 'airSlate SignNow' and press enter. Then, hit the Add to Chrome button and wait a few seconds while it installs.
  2. Find a document that you need to sign, right click it and select airSlate SignNow.
  3. Edit and sign your document.
  4. Save your new file to your account, the cloud or your device.

Using this extension, you avoid wasting time on boring actions like saving the data file and importing it to an eSignature solution’s library. Everything is easily accessible, so you can quickly and conveniently how can i industry sign banking use.

How to sign docs in Gmail How to sign docs in Gmail

How to sign docs in Gmail

Gmail is probably the most popular mail service utilized by millions of people all across the world. Most likely, you and your clients also use it for personal and business communication. However, the question on a lot of people’s minds is: how can I how can i industry sign banking use a document that was emailed to me in Gmail? Something amazing has happened that is changing the way business is done. airSlate SignNow and Google have created an impactful add on that lets you how can i industry sign banking use, edit, set signing orders and much more without leaving your inbox.

Boost your workflow with a revolutionary Gmail add on from airSlate SignNow:

  1. Find the airSlate SignNow extension for Gmail from the Chrome Web Store and install it.
  2. Go to your inbox and open the email that contains the attachment that needs signing.
  3. Click the airSlate SignNow icon found in the right-hand toolbar.
  4. Work on your document; edit it, add fillable fields and even sign it yourself.
  5. Click Done and email the executed document to the respective parties.

With helpful extensions, manipulations to how can i industry sign banking use various forms are easy. The less time you spend switching browser windows, opening several accounts and scrolling through your internal files searching for a doc is much more time and energy to you for other crucial tasks.

How to safely sign documents in a mobile browser How to safely sign documents in a mobile browser

How to safely sign documents in a mobile browser

Are you one of the business professionals who’ve decided to go 100% mobile in 2020? If yes, then you really need to make sure you have an effective solution for managing your document workflows from your phone, e.g., how can i industry sign banking use, and edit forms in real time. airSlate SignNow has one of the most exciting tools for mobile users. A web-based application. how can i industry sign banking use instantly from anywhere.

How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser

  1. Create an airSlate SignNow profile or log in using any web browser on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Upload a document from the cloud or internal storage.
  3. Fill out and sign the sample.
  4. Tap Done.
  5. Do anything you need right from your account.

airSlate SignNow takes pride in protecting customer data. Be confident that anything you upload to your account is secured with industry-leading encryption. Automatic logging out will protect your profile from unwanted entry. how can i industry sign banking use out of your phone or your friend’s mobile phone. Security is vital to our success and yours to mobile workflows.

How to electronically sign a PDF on an iPhone or iPad How to electronically sign a PDF on an iPhone or iPad

How to electronically sign a PDF on an iPhone or iPad

The iPhone and iPad are powerful gadgets that allow you to work not only from the office but from anywhere in the world. For example, you can finalize and sign documents or how can i industry sign banking use directly on your phone or tablet at the office, at home or even on the beach. iOS offers native features like the Markup tool, though it’s limiting and doesn’t have any automation. Though the airSlate SignNow application for Apple is packed with everything you need for upgrading your document workflow. how can i industry sign banking use, fill out and sign forms on your phone in minutes.

How to sign a PDF on an iPhone

  1. Go to the AppStore, find the airSlate SignNow app and download it.
  2. Open the application, log in or create a profile.
  3. Select + to upload a document from your device or import it from the cloud.
  4. Fill out the sample and create your electronic signature.
  5. Click Done to finish the editing and signing session.

When you have this application installed, you don't need to upload a file each time you get it for signing. Just open the document on your iPhone, click the Share icon and select the Sign with airSlate SignNow button. Your sample will be opened in the app. how can i industry sign banking use anything. Plus, utilizing one service for your document management demands, things are quicker, better and cheaper Download the application today!

How to sign a PDF file on an Android How to sign a PDF file on an Android

How to sign a PDF file on an Android

What’s the number one rule for handling document workflows in 2020? Avoid paper chaos. Get rid of the printers, scanners and bundlers curriers. All of it! Take a new approach and manage, how can i industry sign banking use, and organize your records 100% paperless and 100% mobile. You only need three things; a phone/tablet, internet connection and the airSlate SignNow app for Android. Using the app, create, how can i industry sign banking use and execute documents right from your smartphone or tablet.

How to sign a PDF on an Android

  1. In the Google Play Market, search for and install the airSlate SignNow application.
  2. Open the program and log into your account or make one if you don’t have one already.
  3. Upload a document from the cloud or your device.
  4. Click on the opened document and start working on it. Edit it, add fillable fields and signature fields.
  5. Once you’ve finished, click Done and send the document to the other parties involved or download it to the cloud or your device.

airSlate SignNow allows you to sign documents and manage tasks like how can i industry sign banking use with ease. In addition, the security of your data is priority. Encryption and private servers can be used as implementing the most up-to-date functions in information compliance measures. Get the airSlate SignNow mobile experience and operate better.

Trusted esignature solution— what our customers are saying

Explore how the airSlate SignNow eSignature platform helps businesses succeed. Hear from real users and what they like most about electronic signing.

This service is really great! It has helped...

This service is really great! It has helped us enormously by ensuring we are fully covered in our agreements. We are on a 100% for collecting on our jobs, from a previous 60-70%. I recommend this to everyone.

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I've been using airSlate SignNow for years (since it...
Susan S

I've been using airSlate SignNow for years (since it was CudaSign). I started using airSlate SignNow for real estate as it was easier for my clients to use. I now use it in my business for employement and onboarding docs.

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Everything has been great, really easy to incorporate...
Liam R

Everything has been great, really easy to incorporate into my business. And the clients who have used your software so far have said it is very easy to complete the necessary signatures.

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Frequently asked questions

Learn everything you need to know to use airSlate SignNow eSignatures like a pro.

How do you make a document that has an electronic signature?

How do you make this information that was not in a digital format a computer-readable document for the user? " "So the question is not only how can you get to an individual from an individual, but how can you get to an individual with a group of individuals. How do you get from one location and say let's go to this location and say let's go to that location. How do you get from, you know, some of the more traditional forms of information that you are used to seeing in a document or other forms. The ability to do that in a digital medium has been a huge challenge. I think we've done it, but there's some work that we have to do on the security side of that. And of course, there's the question of how do you protect it from being read by people that you're not intending to be able to actually read it? " When asked to describe what he means by a "user-centric" approach to security, Bensley responds that "you're still in a situation where you are still talking about a lot of the security that is done by individuals, but we've done a very good job of making it a user-centric process. You're not going to be able to create a document or something on your own that you can give to an individual. You can't just open and copy over and then give it to somebody else. You still have to do the work of the document being created in the first place and the work of the document being delivered in a secure manner."

How do i sign a pdf file?

a) go to File > New > Page, select the PDF to create a page. b) then click "Save as New Page". c) now you can click on the pdf and the pdf file will be copied to your hard drive. The pdf file will be available on your computer as e) go to the location where you saved your document. pdf f) select the file from your computer and click on the save as option. g) after you save it you can go to the location where you saved the document. pdf h) then you can select the file and click on the "Open" option. i) then you can read it. pdf j) if you want, print the file. i) then you must click on the "Open" button to see the contents of it. j) you don't use the "Save As New Page" option to get the pdf file to your hard drive, you save it to the location where you saved the document. i) then you can open the document. pdf l) then you have to do what i have to do to the document. PDF. Moral of the story is: if you want to print something from a PDF file, you should save the file to your hard drive first. If you can't print, then use a printer.

How do i create signature electronic?

[19:21:16] dirtyburger: I don't like being spammed I just want the truth [19:21:16] aussieobserver: its the same in china too [19:21:23] dontshootmebro: is the dorner video on youtube? [19:21:24] dontshootmebro: i dont really care [19:21:25] Anarcie: #axzz2Khge841v [19:21:26] djayc: I believe he will [19:21:27] _intrelan: no he's dead [19:21:32] dontshootmebro: the dorner video was a joke [19:21:32] dontshootmebro: lol [19:21:34] bonked_or_maybe_: I'm going to go sleep. Night everyone. [19:21:42] d8e8_: I don't think so [19:21:48] aussieobserver: [19:21:50] aussieobserver: DORNER IN THE PLANE [19:21:59] cheese24: they have him cornered [19:22:01] dontshootmebro: aussieobserver, no that is just media hype [19:22:08] bonked_or_maybe_: I can see him there now [19:22:09] aussieobserver: no way [19:22:14] punchbowl_: i wonder how many guns he has, he looks a lot like he has more than a normal person for some reason [19:22:16] d8e8_: they have him cornered? [19:22:16] _intrelan: they have him shot. [19:22:18] dblueguy: d8e8_: he's dead. [19:22:21] aussieobserver: the texas media has him dead, he was reported gone [19:22:22] dontshootmebro: dblueguy: that's because they said