Sign New Hampshire Work Order Secure

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[Music] hi everyone thanks for joining us today for the webinar how state and local government i.t secure data automate processes and improve service to citizens my name is nicole schmida i'm the marketing specialist here at docuwere and i'll be moderating today's session so on the right you can see today's agenda first alex will cover you know what are the challenges that you're facing and how you can solve them with a digital cloud solution then he'll go right into a live demo and at the end we'll open it up for q a and with that now i'll pass it off to alex thanks nicole thanks everybody for joining us today uh i guess it's good morning for some and good afternoon for others so we wanted to start off today just kind of talking about some of the priorities that we see in the industry and talking a little bit about how docuwork can fit into that so if you look at this you know this is from the national association of state chief information officers which i think is probably a good place to start when we're talking about priorities for state and local governments in it spending if you look at the top three here you know cyber security and risk management digital governance and cloud services those all fit basically hand and glove with the services that docuor offers that's really exactly what we're designed to do but even if you look further down in the top 10 you know things like budget and cost control legacy modernization you know we're really all over the priorities of this organization and uh what you know what people responded as their as their priorities so take a look at another perspective this is from comptia but a similar audience you know the number one item again is cyber security and data loss prevention and this really reflects what we see amongst our customer base really across the entire user organization and it really reflects a sea change that we've experienced over the last i'd say three or four years i mean a few years ago people would say to me you know alex i'm not really interested in moving to the cloud because i'm worried about document security and today people say alex i want to move to the cloud because i'm worried about document security it's really a complete shift um you know many of our customers recognize that they just don't have the internal resources to fight off all of the you know the ransomware attacks they don't have the ability or the people on staff to you know manage infosec manage so what do we give you so docuwa really provides secure digital archiving to stop information loss so that can take a couple of different forms so the first one is you know accidental actors inside of your organization so you know we can prevent accidental deletion even from authorized users inside of the organization we can also prevent or you know prevent unauthorized users from accessing documents that they shouldn't see you have total control over what your users can see inside of the application and then things like hardware failures and disasters that are really catastrophic for an on-premise application and require significant amounts of time to come back from you know document really includes as part of the product everything is in the cloud we have built-in disaster recovery and multiple location replication we really provide you with the tools to recover from a disaster uh almost instantly so how do we do that so docuwer's digital archiving works at the at the most basic level the idea is is that we capture documents whether that's scanning a paper record importing an email interacting with an export from an erp system or a user or an external customer accessing and submitting a web form the idea is that we create these documents and then we put them into docuware and describe them using indexing and indexing is really just you know the words you would use to describe these electronic records and then we take all that indexing the stuff that describes these documents and then we use that to perform tasks and so that's something as simple as controlling who has access to the document driving things like retention and workflow or um you know manipulating and driving things like business processes and validation services and so it's really a very simple idea but when put into practice can perform very powerful functions for your for an organization so what are some of the key benefits so you know if you have all of your documents electronic and they're well described so it's easy to find them and they you know we can even back that up with processes to find specific patterns in a program and then execute on that pattern then it allows you to create a paperless office very easily we can simplify auto preparation so again if every document is easy to find and well described and stored in a place that's accessible to everyone then preparing for an audit is no longer an exercise in you know getting on a pair of jeans and going to the paper vault and digging through boxes everything's there for you it's ready and it's easily accessible you know similarly if you can describe to an auditor or to a compliance officer you know these are the sops these are our practices that are in place these are the last times they were updated and you can quickly and easily demonstrate those capabilities to it to an outsider it makes you know managing your compliance significantly easier and then like i said earlier just preparing for and recovering from disasters is simple the documents are already in the cloud you don't have to worry about backups or updates or anything to prepare the application there's no extra charge for high availability that's all baked into the product and because everything is accessible from the cloud you know authorized users can access your documents mobile using either our native ios or android applications or a touch screen responsive html5 browser version and then the product itself is a browser-based application so users can access your records from their computer at home if they're authorized to do so and we can include more advanced security so if you want to include you know multi-factor authentication or integration with azure active directory with you know mfa we have the ability to include that to even extend the securities feature set further so at this point we would like to ask you some questions about your uh about your infrastructure and so nicole is going to jump in and ask you a quick poll question all right yeah thanks alex so uh we just have one question for you guys so let me launch that now i could just take a second to answer that and once i see we have enough votes i will share the results so you know how are you handling your records or document management now maybe you don't have a system in place you have a paper system only you have a mixture of a paper and digital system but not you know one sole software that you rely on or maybe you do have a sole digital solution right now and you know you're interested in you know checking out what else is available so looks like we got some votes let's just take a few more seconds again let's see we have about almost 75 almost there all right um looks like we have a good enough uh percentage here we can share so with that i will close the poll and i will share the results so looking at the results looks like most of you on the line have a mixture of a paper and digital system but no dedicated software at the moment um so yeah glad that you're on the line and checking document and thank you to everyone else too that participated and you know um now i'll pass it back to alex thanks nicole just go ahead and jump into a quick demo we have about 20 minutes maybe a little more set aside for this demonstration while we're going if you have any questions you can put them into the chat and then we'll have a q a again at the end of the solution at the end of the session so i drag this over here great so this is docuware as i said earlier it is a browser-based application physical um and uh there you go so that means that it is accessible from really anywhere that you can access the internet we have an on-premise version but you know docuware is what we call a we call ourselves a cloud-first organization which means that we really uh you know primarily drive new features to the cloud first and then they'll later come to the on-premise if you do feel like you have a statutory requirement that you need an on-premise installation we could certainly talk about that but again most of our i'd say probably 90 of our new businesses in the cloud at this point for the reasons that we just discussed so but this is document so i'll quickly kind of go through and describe some of the features and how all the pieces fit together and that way when we get into the specific processes i think it'll make a little bit more sense if we look at the screen here on the right side of the screen we have the docuwere viewer if i double click on this document it brings it up in the viewer all of our uh our document reviewer can view hundreds of file formats natively so not just scanned documents but really any kind of an office format or most just document formats generically like even things like uh you know like autocad files can be viewed natively in the browser regardless of whether you have those programs installed on your computer or even inside of your network we don't we have a you know a proprietary rendering format so we can render all of those file formats natively and fairly accurately inside of the viewer you know we have kind of general annotation tools so if i want to hide some information i can draw a box over content and i can save that and make that a permanent reduction or i can just make that as a layer that sits on top [Music] inside of the so that's that's the kind of the document viewer on the left side of the screen we have all of the navigation uh we have document trays we have our permanent archive lists tasks and folders and then they allow electronic forms that this user is assigned i'll obviously go through each of those more solely if i were to take this pdf from my from windows you know i can drag it into the document tray the document tray is kind of like the inbox on your desk it's unstructured storage it is you know first in first out and it's the place where you go to process some of these records you know similarly to the paper documents that would be put on your desk you know i could take this pdf and i can let me get a second document take this other document i can take these two pdfs and i can staple them together to make a new pdf i can rearrange the pages i can take a word and an excel document and i'm really just getting it ready to store into the perimeter archive and for docuware we call the perimeter archive a filing cabinet and just like the paper filing cabinets you have in your in your uh office or if you looked at the um if you're thinking about windows folders on a server somewhere you know we're gonna want to describe those documents so that you can find them later but rather than a hierarchy like you'd get in a paper cabinet or on the server docker takes that idea and we flatten it so every document is fully described if i take this bill and i store it in the you know the assessor's documents each document is fully described with metadata that describes it specifically so this is an accessory or you know a property tax bill it's got a parcel number it's got a document type of tax bill you know read the information off of the bottom here it's got a status a bill number and amount so we can find this document by any of these values so it's easy for us to locate in the future in this case you'll notice that a lot of these values are pre-filled out and the reason that it did that is because docuor utilizes machine learning so that we can find the values on the document without having to build a template for each one of your records now this is just one example of how we can fully describe the document without having to manually type a bunch of stuff in but we certainly can type stuff in if we need to so if you wanted to make this a different document type for instance we could make this a drop down list and this drop-down list could be defined inside the application or it could come from a database we also have the ability and this is also the way that we train the document to read the information directly from the record so you'll notice that the document date is here and that's a date format if i just click on july the 1st 2020 when i let go it converts that into a date format that's now going to be searchable and rangeable so that i can see that and then the next time i were to store a document that utilizes that looks something similar to this docuware would understand that that's probably the date that i'm interested in so that it would pre-fill this out you know there's a color coding system here so you'll notice that each of these fields is kind of yellow so it's pretty sure it knows what i want about these documents but it hasn't seen it enough times to really learn usually a document can learn a record within seeing it two to three times and then it'll fill that in and turn these turn all these fields green now when i store it into the filing cabinet i can now find it based on any of those values so if i were to search by the assessors documents you know i could say show me everything for parcel number this and it'll show me all of those documents and so i can see this kind of table view and so i can easily say well i only want to see you know a change in ownership statement and so now it'll only show me that specific document so we can really get very granular and find the exact document that you're looking for very easily but you know there's a lot of times where we still need to know what the paper record is and so what docuware allows us to do is kind of merge the paper world with the electronic world in a lot of different ways so if i were to find this document say i was somebody inside the organization that needed to see this document i could say i could you know bring up this record and say yes i'm interested in this specific record it's on shelf number 100 in box number 11. you know i as a user maybe don't have access to go into the archives but i can then say this is the specific record that i'm interested in and rather than having to fill out a second request i can just use an electronic stamp and say request this document and this would change the status of that record to say that it's been requested and then that'll automatically trigger an alert for somebody in the records department to say hey there's a new document request so now they can specifically see that it's been requested they could go down to the archives and they could pull that out and then all i need to do is say okay and i'm going to check this out to alex who's the person that requested it and now it's in the list of checked out documents and that you know if somebody needs to see that paper record we know who has has uh who had it last so that information will stay with the record forever if i were to go and open up the history of the document you know i can see all the times that the values were changed who changed them what those new values were and so i can really like recreate the life cycle of the document from the time it was stored and all the indexes were created all the way to the time that it was even deleted or removed through our retention period additionally you know these document dates and the you know the classifications and the categories can also be drew used to drive retention periods so maybe a change in ownership status has a retention period of seven years we can automatically calculate the deletion date based on the document date and then either automatically delete that or notify you of all the documents that need to be deleted in the system based on the rules that are used to drive the retention period when we're ready to check that document back in you know we might want to say well what are all the other documents that are in box number 11. so if we were to go search instead of searching by a specific record i could say show me everything in box number 11 and then this should be an inventory of all the documents that exist you an see this one's still checked out but i could check that back in i also have the ability to export this as an excel document so if i looked at this record this is basically an inventory of all the documents that exist inside of that system including you know the parcel number the document type and the status and so i could now print that i could print that and put it in the paper record so now you also have an inventory of all the documents that exist inside of that folder structure so that's a really kind of a neat feature and something that we see a lot in state and local government we also have the ability to kind of automate that check in and checkout process more using you know barcode cover pages and scanners and things like that but you know from a high level the idea is is that we're basically just changing the status of the document so that they match a specific pattern and then that alerts the people inside the records department that they need to retrieve these documents okay so let's talk about other ways of getting documents into the system so if i were to open up my email you know a lot of times the documents that we're talking about are not necessarily going to be paper records but our you know correspondence or other things that relate to other activities that are happening inside of the city or in the county or the state so if i were to open up this email you know you can see that this is an email we'll say from a vendor and it says you know thanks for awarding us a service related to a scanning project the project number is one two three four five you know maybe that's an rfp number there's pieces of information that we would utilize to search for this record later so you know we know this email address maybe we can look up the company that this person works for you know we're going to want to keep track of this attachment as well as the email itself you know so docuware has a native integration into outlook so if you click you can see i have this tab up here that says docuware i can both store emails into an archive and i can also search docuware for other things that are related so if i wanted to say show me everything from docuworddemo2020 at i could find those all those records by a simple button click in this case i'm just going to store the document and i want to store both the email and the attachment if i were to right click on the attachment i could choose to just store the attachment if i didn't care about the email itself and we also have other ways of archiving emails including monitoring folders monitoring complete addresses and archiving everything uh and then you can also just you know drag and drop to an outlook folder and archive that way but i'm just gonna i'm gonna store the whole document and i'm gonna use the projects document because this is related to project number one two three four five when i store this document it's gonna bring me up uh another way of indexing this record you can see that a lot of this stuff again is already filled out so we know it's correspondence because that's how you know it's an email so we want to sort as a correspondence the company name is going to be docuware and it's going to store this in a way that we can find the you know the effective date we can find you know who the contact is and then i'm just going to enter project one two three four five when i store this record you know i'll get a notification that has been stored in docuware down here and you'll also notice that the email is flagged here so that if i'm just looking at outlook i can see all the documents that were auto that were archived inside the application now if i were to go look for that document i can search for that record and you can see here it is so you'll notice that it is still an email object i have the opportunity to convert that to a pdf if you want to make it a snapshot but i can leave it as an email and you can see that this is more flexible i can also then see the attachments that were attached to it and this is you know the scope of work that was attached we also have the ability to only store the attachments or only the email as i said and then we can actually store them as separate files at the same time if that's what your workflow dictates and so you know we could say the time has gone by and maybe one of the other respondents to this rfp was unhappy that docuwere was awarded the scanning project and so one of the things that we often see is the ability to interact with the public using docuware so we offer a very functional forms product that is both publicly available and also not volume limited so we offer a public forms option that doesn't limit the number of times people can submit forms it's all basically unlimited form submission for the public and this is also mobile responsive so if i click on um i have the form open here i can open it by accessing the the users forms that were assigned or i can access it i just have the tab open you'll notice that it's going to assign me a unique records request so we can track all of these documents internally it's automatically going to designate today's date and then i've pre-filled out some of this information i've also got it to where i can show it to you on my phone and so you can see shoot there it is i also have it set up on a screen share on my phone so you can see that the same form is mobile responsive so you can see that i didn't really have to do anything to make this a a you know a phone form but it assigned it a different request number and recognize the date and it gives me an opportunity to enter all this information again we also have a mobile app and that app can also be used for scanning and so not just for retrieving documents but you can participate in workflows you can approve documents you can scan and score scan and store additional information so now when i store this public records request it's going to store it into the filing cabinet but in addition it also is going to match a pattern that's going to you know similar to the request from an employee for information that's in the archives now it's going to be a request for information from the general public uh these requests also have specific time limits on them and requirements for how quickly we respond to them so docuware in addition to just giving you a list of things that are you know it's nice that you see that these are happening and it allows you to keep an eye on them docuwork can put specific time frames on your responses and send reminder notifications can reassign to other users if you're out of the office can notify management if there's a delay in processing a specific request so if i submit this form it'll take this information and publish it into a docuware filing cabinet and then it'll you know assign me a new number and give me a new blank form you'll notice now that i also have a task so the difference here is is that a list is kind of like stuff that we're keeping an eye on these are the documents that are checked out i might want to follow up on those later a task means it's my turn to do something i was given a task to do right now if i look at this form that was submitted i can say oh give me so the this person's asking for all the documents related to scanning project one two three four five so we can quickly see that if i were to go search for the cabinet i could say you know show me everything related to project uh project one two three four five and it found that document automatically so from here i could you know download it i could send an email i could send it as an email to somebody outside of my organization if i uh forward this email i can send that it'll open up outlook and attach it to a new blank email for me somewhere too many monitors sorry yeah there it is but the idea here is is that it allows you to easily collect that and then i am being timed from when this happens so from here i can research this and reset the clock or send a notification out to the to the organization and then i as the administrator of this process also received an email notification as soon as that form was submitted that says you know new public request please review the details of the new request and gather the required documents it also includes a link to that specific task so if i click on that task you know it gives me just the task so it's not all of docuware i don't have to find that it just shows me the information that i need and so in this way i could just you know close this task out and say that it's completed and we could notify the person that their information is is uh has been uh fulfilled and then we could also you know make some of those documents available to them and now when that task is complete i can just close this tab and i'm you know i'm back in docuwere and you can see that the task is completed inside of the workflow and uh i could also then search for that process later so if i were to go search for the foia request filing cabinet i can see all of the documents that came in and they were what their request number was in case somebody wanted to follow up on that and then i could see that you know i completed it at this date and time and we can also put additional metadata in there so if you wanted to put notes in with the stamp those things are available and then that will live on the dock documents but there's really a lot of other ways that we didn't really want to we didn't really have time to get into in a simple demonstration so if you have other questions please feel free to reach out and then also you know feel free to reach out to your local docuware sales or a support representative at a partner or directly with document so in that way i'm going to go back to our presentation and then i will now there's a couple more things i wanted to go over and then we'll dive into the question and answer session so the first one is you know we talked about this in passing a little bit but i also wanted to talk about it again uh specifically which is what our storage architecture looks like so you know we really make our licensing model very easy to understand it's all based on users and the amount of productive document storage and so what that means is you know how big are the actual files that you're uploading not how much storage you're utilizing inside of our system so we actually use you know anywhere from five to seven times more storage than what you guys are storing because we store two redundant copies inside of the same environment as your document system and then three additional geo-redundant copies at other locations inside of the united states one of the questions we get is you know where do the documents live where is docuware hosted all of our documents all of our organizations for united states customers are inside of microsoft azure inside of the united states so we don't leave the country and then in addition to the documents being backed up we also back up multiple times a cold record so basically an archive copy of every document that's stored in the system as well as an unlimited amount of metadata uh sql databases and and additional data like pre-rendered thumbnails and things like that that describe your documents uh going forward beyond that you know docuwear is a very compliant application so these are just an example of some of the awards and compliance certifications that docuwere has received if you're interested in a user's perspective about what it's like to work with docuware you know we recommend that you look at capterra g2 crowd and gardner appearance sites these are user-based applications so they're not necessarily analysts recommendations or they're not they're not based on analyst recommendations these are based on actual docuware users and we have lots of reviews up on those sites so that's a good uh resource for you to look at if you're so interested and then finally i wanted to turn it back over to nicole one more time to talk about uh one of our um case studies that is uh relevant yeah thanks alex so kind of going off of the user reviews um in your handout section there is a document case study on town of windham they're a town in new hampshire and they use docuware and here we have a testimonial from the town clerk nicole bowtie so you can see you know they're able to you know the system is easy to use they find their records instantaneously and you know instead of taking you know several days a month to file and search you know now it takes them you know a couple hours or less and they can you know spend that additional time on other you know high-value projects and she recommends you know maybe you don't want to digitize everything in one shot you could start up with one process or one area and then you know the solution lets you expand and scale from there so with that um we can open up for q a now but i want to remind you again um on the next slide you can see uh you know there's different ways to get in touch with us so what you saw today you know is introductory but you know we want to continue the conversation with you if you want to see a more in-depth demo you can request a personalized one at docuwear.comdemo or if you're already working with authorized docker partner definitely reach out to them to get started with the process and you know if any questions or thoughts you know maybe like later tomorrow next week you can always email us at contact us and you know we'll answer you as soon as possible so um with that we can open up for questions feel free to type it in the questions box in the go to webinar panel and you will get an email from us later today or by tomorrow morning with all of the assets from today so let's kick off with the first question addition to the backups how are the documents themselves secured that's a good question so all documents in docuware specifically in the cloud and then as an option on premise all documents are encrypted with a high level of encryption as well as all communication with the docuware system is and is over and is over encrypted traffic so things are very well protected documents are encrypted at rest and in transit and it allows you to be very uh comfortable with the backups you know we talked a little bit about the backups but um there's a you know there's more in-depth you can get we also have a really great whitepaper that describes you know how our multi-tenant information in our multi-tenant solution works uh specifically in our cloud uh and then you can also replicate that same architecture inside of your organization if you have a very large instance and you need high availability all right great thanks next question is there version control and or audit trails on the documents yeah that's a great question so i mean we did show a little bit of the audit trail um but the version management uh any any of the filing cabinets the main repository has the ability to specify whether you want to enable version management then we have two ways of performing versioning the first one is what we call automatic versioning um i don't think i have that turned on which basically just if i edit a document so inside of the browser window if i wanted to um i can just right click and open this and say edit and it'll open in the native browser or the native application so this time it would open an acrobat or if it's a word document it would open in word and then it would allow me to make those changes and then when i closed and saved it it would automatically upload it back in and make a new major version and specify who the person was that made that and then that document would the other versions of that document would stay in the document history we also have the ability if you have that turned on i don't think i have this turned on for any of these i'll just see if there's anything in here nope i don't have turned on so i can also manually check it out and check it out either to my computer where i can make multiple changes to it or i can check it out to the document tray and it'll allow me to again edit from here but it won't make a major minor version number until i manually check it back in and then i can specify any notes at that time so we have you know a pretty automatic and then a pretty comprehensive version managem nt process for whichever filing cabinets you want to have that enabled for great all right next question um how do you enforce or incorporate retention and disposal schedules in docuware so i i kind of touched on that a little bit i was going to try to build it into the demo but i don't think there was enough time in our 30 minutes so the idea is is that the metadata the indexing that we use to describe these documents really can be utilized to create a retention period so you know if this document type you know a lot of times we'll have excuse me a document classification schedule and that classification schedule will include a bunch of different document types and you'll only be able to store those types of documents when storing in a filing cabinet then the system will say what type of document is this which classification does it fall under what is the retention schedule so is this a seven year or seven year plus calendar year or 10 years or whatever and then based on the execution date of that document then we would then we would you know specify or we would calculate the appropriate document destruction date when we reach that document destruction date we can either automatically delete the documents cue them up as a list for an administrator to review just delete the documents but keep the metadata or put them into an inaccessible archive that only maybe the legal people can hold at the same time you know if you've specified a document for legal hold it can be removed from the retention schedule uh or it can be archived like a copy of it could be archived in a different location so we've got a lot of different ways of working inside of a legal hold and inside of document retention okay yeah so there's like automation but you're still in control you can still control that way better way to put it than whatever i just said nicole thank you oh okay yeah no cool um all right and uh looks like we have one more question that will wrap up um how granular can you get with customizing the user document access yeah so if you look at a filing cabinet so if i were to search for this we can say that you know at the very basic level i can say i only have access to the documents filing cabinet but even inside of that cabinet i can say i only have access to a specific document type or i only have access to a specific document type for a specific company or a specific division or for a specific date range so really any combination of index values can be used to drive a pattern and that and then users would only have access to the documents inside that filing cabinet that match that pattern and so the benefit to this is you can set up these patterns in advance and even as you add additional divisions in different companies you're not relying on things like you know permission replication or something like in windows everything still fits in the pattern or it doesn't and you don't get access to those documents unless you're specifically given it got it all right cool so that looks like all the questions we had so far again if you have any more questions you think of them maybe you need to go and review with your team you can always email us at or again if you're already working with a documer authorized partner definitely reach out to them to get started and uh yeah so look out for that email no later than tomorrow morning with the recording slides and handouts and thank you again for joining us thank you alex for the demo and i hope everyone has a great rest of your day take care thank you very much bye-bye you

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Digital marketing management at Electrolux
This software has added to our business value. I have got rid of the repetitive tasks. I am capable of creating the mobile native web forms. Now I can easily make payment contracts through a fair channel and their management is very easy.
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Award-winning eSignature solution

Wondering about Sign Work Order New Hampshire Secure? Nothing can be more comfortable with airSlate SignNow. Its an award-winning platform for your company that is easy to embed to your existing business infrastructure. It plays perfectly with preferable modern software and requires a short set up time. You can check the powerful solution to create complex eSignature workflows with no coding.

Sign Work Order New Hampshire Secure - step-by-step guidance:

  • Sign up if you have no account yet. You can also log in with your social account - Google or Facebook.
  • Get started with a 30-day free trial for newcomers or check airSlate SignNow pricing plans.
  • Create your customized forms or use ready-to-use templates. The feature-rich PDF editor is always at your fingertips.
  • Invite your teammates and create an unlimited number of teams. Collaborate in a single shared workspace.
  • Easily understand Sign Work Order New Hampshire Secure feature by self serve on our website or use the customer support.
  • Create document signing links and share them with your clients. Now you can collect signatures ten times faster.
  • Get instant email notifications about any user action.
  • Try out the free mobile application to be in touch on the go.

Improve your experience with airSlate SignNow. Creating your account, you get everything needed to close deals faster, enhance business performance, make your teammates and partners happier. Try out the advanced feature - Sign Work Order New Hampshire Secure. Make sure it's the best solution for the company, customers, and each individual.

How it works

Browse for a template
Customize and eSign it
Send it for signing

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  • Best ROI. Our customers achieve an average 7x ROI within the first six months.
  • Scales with your use cases. From SMBs to mid-market, airSlate SignNow delivers results for businesses of all sizes.
  • Intuitive UI and API. Sign and send documents from your apps in minutes.

A smarter way to work: —how to industry sign banking integrate

Make your signing experience more convenient and hassle-free. Boost your workflow with a smart eSignature solution.

How to electronically sign & fill out a document online How to electronically sign & fill out a document online

How to electronically sign & fill out a document online

Document management isn't an easy task. The only thing that makes working with documents simple in today's world, is a comprehensive workflow solution. Signing and editing documents, and filling out forms is a simple task for those who utilize eSignature services. Businesses that have found reliable solutions to document type sign work order new hampshire secure don't need to spend their valuable time and effort on routine and monotonous actions.

Use airSlate SignNow and document type sign work order new hampshire secure online hassle-free today:

  1. Create your airSlate SignNow profile or use your Google account to sign up.
  2. Upload a document.
  3. Work on it; sign it, edit it and add fillable fields to it.
  4. Select Done and export the sample: send it or save it to your device.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about filling out and signing documents when you have the right tool. Our advanced editor is great for getting forms and contracts exactly how you want/need them. It has a user-friendly interface and full comprehensibility, supplying you with full control. Register right now and start enhancing your eSignature workflows with highly effective tools to document type sign work order new hampshire secure online.

How to electronically sign and fill documents in Google Chrome How to electronically sign and fill documents in Google Chrome

How to electronically sign and fill documents in Google Chrome

Google Chrome can solve more problems than you can even imagine using powerful tools called 'extensions'. There are thousands you can easily add right to your browser called ‘add-ons’ and each has a unique ability to enhance your workflow. For example, document type sign work order new hampshire secure and edit docs with airSlate SignNow.

To add the airSlate SignNow extension for Google Chrome, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to Chrome Web Store, type in 'airSlate SignNow' and press enter. Then, hit the Add to Chrome button and wait a few seconds while it installs.
  2. Find a document that you need to sign, right click it and select airSlate SignNow.
  3. Edit and sign your document.
  4. Save your new file to your account, the cloud or your device.

By using this extension, you eliminate wasting time and effort on boring actions like downloading the document and importing it to an electronic signature solution’s catalogue. Everything is close at hand, so you can quickly and conveniently document type sign work order new hampshire secure.

How to digitally sign docs in Gmail How to digitally sign docs in Gmail

How to digitally sign docs in Gmail

Gmail is probably the most popular mail service utilized by millions of people all across the world. Most likely, you and your clients also use it for personal and business communication. However, the question on a lot of people’s minds is: how can I document type sign work order new hampshire secure a document that was emailed to me in Gmail? Something amazing has happened that is changing the way business is done. airSlate SignNow and Google have created an impactful add on that lets you document type sign work order new hampshire secure, edit, set signing orders and much more without leaving your inbox.

Boost your workflow with a revolutionary Gmail add on from airSlate SignNow:

  1. Find the airSlate SignNow extension for Gmail from the Chrome Web Store and install it.
  2. Go to your inbox and open the email that contains the attachment that needs signing.
  3. Click the airSlate SignNow icon found in the right-hand toolbar.
  4. Work on your document; edit it, add fillable fields and even sign it yourself.
  5. Click Done and email the executed document to the respective parties.

With helpful extensions, manipulations to document type sign work order new hampshire secure various forms are easy. The less time you spend switching browser windows, opening multiple accounts and scrolling through your internal data files looking for a template is a lot more time to you for other essential activities.

How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser

How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser

Are you one of the business professionals who’ve decided to go 100% mobile in 2020? If yes, then you really need to make sure you have an effective solution for managing your document workflows from your phone, e.g., document type sign work order new hampshire secure, and edit forms in real time. airSlate SignNow has one of the most exciting tools for mobile users. A web-based application. document type sign work order new hampshire secure instantly from anywhere.

How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser

  1. Create an airSlate SignNow profile or log in using any web browser on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Upload a document from the cloud or internal storage.
  3. Fill out and sign the sample.
  4. Tap Done.
  5. Do anything you need right from your account.

airSlate SignNow takes pride in protecting customer data. Be confident that anything you upload to your account is secured with industry-leading encryption. Intelligent logging out will protect your user profile from unauthorised entry. document type sign work order new hampshire secure from the phone or your friend’s phone. Safety is key to our success and yours to mobile workflows.

How to digitally sign a PDF on an iPhone or iPad How to digitally sign a PDF on an iPhone or iPad

How to digitally sign a PDF on an iPhone or iPad

The iPhone and iPad are powerful gadgets that allow you to work not only from the office but from anywhere in the world. For example, you can finalize and sign documents or document type sign work order new hampshire secure directly on your phone or tablet at the office, at home or even on the beach. iOS offers native features like the Markup tool, though it’s limiting and doesn’t have any automation. Though the airSlate SignNow application for Apple is packed with everything you need for upgrading your document workflow. document type sign work order new hampshire secure, fill out and sign forms on your phone in minutes.

How to sign a PDF on an iPhone

  1. Go to the AppStore, find the airSlate SignNow app and download it.
  2. Open the application, log in or create a profile.
  3. Select + to upload a document from your device or import it from the cloud.
  4. Fill out the sample and create your electronic signature.
  5. Click Done to finish the editing and signing session.

When you have this application installed, you don't need to upload a file each time you get it for signing. Just open the document on your iPhone, click the Share icon and select the Sign with airSlate SignNow button. Your doc will be opened in the application. document type sign work order new hampshire secure anything. Additionally, using one service for all your document management requirements, things are quicker, smoother and cheaper Download the app today!

How to electronically sign a PDF file on an Android How to electronically sign a PDF file on an Android

How to electronically sign a PDF file on an Android

What’s the number one rule for handling document workflows in 2020? Avoid paper chaos. Get rid of the printers, scanners and bundlers curriers. All of it! Take a new approach and manage, document type sign work order new hampshire secure, and organize your records 100% paperless and 100% mobile. You only need three things; a phone/tablet, internet connection and the airSlate SignNow app for Android. Using the app, create, document type sign work order new hampshire secure and execute documents right from your smartphone or tablet.

How to sign a PDF on an Android

  1. In the Google Play Market, search for and install the airSlate SignNow application.
  2. Open the program and log into your account or make one if you don’t have one already.
  3. Upload a document from the cloud or your device.
  4. Click on the opened document and start working on it. Edit it, add fillable fields and signature fields.
  5. Once you’ve finished, click Done and send the document to the other parties involved or download it to the cloud or your device.

airSlate SignNow allows you to sign documents and manage tasks like document type sign work order new hampshire secure with ease. In addition, the security of the data is priority. Encryption and private web servers can be used for implementing the newest capabilities in information compliance measures. Get the airSlate SignNow mobile experience and work more efficiently.

Trusted esignature solution— what our customers are saying

Explore how the airSlate SignNow eSignature platform helps businesses succeed. Hear from real users and what they like most about electronic signing.

Complete platform to enables electronic signatures for businesses.
Colin'höle Starkey

What do you like best?

airSlate SignNow can add each handle type that utilization including text, date, starting, checkbox, and signature fields. There are even determined and connection demand fields. Numerous Validations alternatives, the capacity to change the formatting of fields, and move fields to pixel perfect. Overseeing archives is simple with a total history of changes and marks. There is the capacity to make layouts and archive bunch formats. This is very useful for sending repeating gatherings of records. The best component in Signnow would be its capacity to send bunch records that are set endless supply of an earlier report. It removes the requirement for printing to have representative sign structures. It likewise permits to add cutoff times to sign records before they terminate for offers. This administration makes it very simple to get legitimate marks from customers.

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Rosaki Akeem Hilt

What do you like best?

love the fact that the app is easy to use. Love the fact that you get the ability to do this from computer and also from the app on your phone.

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Every feature we need; easy to navigate; great customer service; at a price point that suits...
Frank L

Every feature we need; easy to navigate; great customer service; at a price point that suits our small business better than Docusign, where we paid far more for features we never used. Thank you!

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Frequently asked questions

Learn everything you need to know to use airSlate SignNow eSignatures like a pro.

How do you make a document that has an electronic signature?

How do you make this information that was not in a digital format a computer-readable document for the user? " "So the question is not only how can you get to an individual from an individual, but how can you get to an individual with a group of individuals. How do you get from one location and say let's go to this location and say let's go to that location. How do you get from, you know, some of the more traditional forms of information that you are used to seeing in a document or other forms. The ability to do that in a digital medium has been a huge challenge. I think we've done it, but there's some work that we have to do on the security side of that. And of course, there's the question of how do you protect it from being read by people that you're not intending to be able to actually read it? " When asked to describe what he means by a "user-centric" approach to security, Bensley responds that "you're still in a situation where you are still talking about a lot of the security that is done by individuals, but we've done a very good job of making it a user-centric process. You're not going to be able to create a document or something on your own that you can give to an individual. You can't just open and copy over and then give it to somebody else. You still have to do the work of the document being created in the first place and the work of the document being delivered in a secure manner."

How do i insert an electronic signature into a word document?

How do I sign a text file with a text editor? How do I convert an .rtf, .otf, or .woff file to a proper .doc format? How do I edit an .doc file using an application like MS Word? How do I save an .doc or .rtf file in Adobe Illustrator format? Can I import a .doc, .rtf, or .otf file in Microsoft Publisher? How do I convert WordPerfect (.doc), MS Word (.doc), OpenOffice/LibreOffice/Adobe Acrobat (.odt). How do I import a file using MS Outlook? How do I import a Microsoft Office Document? I'm having trouble saving a document (how do I find a particular document in the archive? what does that mean? what does it mean to add something to a file or folder in Exchange? I'm having problems saving documents in Microsoft Office, is there any way I can export or save these documents? If so, what settings would make the file most helpful to me? I'm having problems saving a file in Microsoft Office (Exchange). Is it possible to find out how a file is saved? I'm trying to get a document to print but cannot find the printer I want to use. How do I set up the printer and find it on the network? Do you have a tool that shows me which Exchange servers can access the Exchange Online folder structure? What are the differences between the Exchange 2003, Exchange 2004, Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013? Can you describe the differences between the three Exchange Server versions? If an Exchange user has multiple email addresses, how can I change their email...

How do i sign on pdf file?

What if I have questions about my download order? What if I have an update or technical problem? Where does my payment information go? Can someone else sign on as my printer? When and for how long do I have to print my order?