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As first time entrepreneurs, what part of the process are people often completely blind to?
The 100 Rules for Being a First-Time EntrepreneurIf you Google “entrepreneur” you get a lot of mindless cliches like “Think Big!” For me, being an “entrepreneur” doesn’t mean starting the next “Faceook”. Or even starting any business at all.It means finding the challenges you have in your life, and determining creative ways to overcome those challenges. However, in this post I focus mostly on the issues that come up when you first start your company. These rules also apply if you are taking an entrepreneurial stance within a much larger company (which all employees should do).Just as good to be an “entreployee” as an “entrepreneur”. Either one will help you survive this world of increased economic uncertainty.For me, I’ve started several businesses.Maybe 17 have failed out of 20. I fail quickly. I fail frequently. Entrepreneurship is a sentence of failures punctuated by brief success.I’m invested in about 28 private companies. I’ve advised probably another 50 private companies. I’m on the board of several private companies and one public company. The companies ranging from $0 in revenues to a billion in revenues.Along the way I’ve compiled a list of rules that have helped me deal with every aspect of being an entrepreneur in business and some in life.Here’s the real rules:A) It’s not fun. I’m not going to explain why it’s not fun. These are rules. Not theories. I don’t need to prove them.But there’s a strong chance you can hate yourself throughout the process of being an entrepreneur. Keep sharp objects and pills away during your worst moments. And you will have them. If you are an entrepreneur and agree with me, please note this in the comments below.B) Try not to hire people. You’ll have to hire people to expand your business. But it’s a good discipline to really question if you need each and every hire.C) Get a customer. This seems obvious. But it’s not. Get a customer before you start your business, if you can.So many people say to me, “I have an idea. Can you introduce me to VCs?”There is a HUGE gap between “idea” and “professional venture capital”.In the middle of that gap is “customer”.D) If you are offering a service, call it a product.Oracle did it. They claimed they had a database. But if you “bought” their database they would send in a team of consultants to help you “install” the database to fit your needs.In other words, for the first several years of their existence, they claimed to have a product but they really were a consulting company. Don’t forget this story. Products are valued higher than services.And almost EVERY major software product company was a service company in the beginning. Don’t forget that.E) It’s OK to fail. Start over. Hopefully before you run out of money. Hopefully before you take in investor money. Or, don’t worry about it. Come up with new ideas. Start over.F) Be profitable. Try to be profitable immediately. This seems obvious but it isn’t. Try not to raise money. That money is expensive.G) When raising money: if it’s not easy then your idea is probably incapable of raising money. If its easy, then take as much as possible. If its TOO easy, then sell your company (unless you are Twitter, etc).(if its too easy, sell your company)H) The same goes for selling your company. If it’s not easy, then you need to build more. Then sell. To sell your company, start getting in front of your acquirers a year in advance. Send them monthly updates describing your progress. Then, when they need a company like yours, your company is the first one that comes to mind.Don’t be like that guy in the TV show “Silicon Valley”. If someone offers you ten million for a company that has no revenues, then sell it. Not everything is going to be a Facebook. And even the Google guys tried to sell their company for ONE MILLION DOLLARS to Yahoo before they were revenue positive.SELL THE COMPANY.I) Competition is good. It turns you into a killer. It helps you judge progress. It shows that other people value the space you are in. Your competitors are also your potential acquirors.J) Don’t use a PR firm. Except maybe as a secretary. You are the PR for your company. You are your company’s brand. You personally.I’ve never had a good PR company. I’ve had good PR secretaries. But they are cheaper. One time I hired a PR company and they accidentally sent me the contract for Terry Bradshaw. He was paying $10,000 a month. How did they do for him?K) Communicate with everyone. Employees. Customers. Investors. All the time. Every day.Employees want to know what to do. And they want to know you are thinking of their overall career.Customers want to know how to keep their bosses calm.Investors want to be your friend and want to know they can count on you when time’s are tough.L) Do everything for your customers. This is very important.Get them girlfriends or boyfriends. Speak at their charities. Visit their parents for Thanksgiving. Help them find other firms to meet their needs. Even introduce them to your competitors if you think a competitor can help them or if you think you are about to be fired. Always think first, “What’s going to make my customer happy?”Note: EVEN if that means introduce them to a competitor. If you are the SOURCE, then everybody comes back to the source.M) Your customer is not a company. There’s a human there. What will make my human customer happy? Make him laugh. You want your customer to be happy.N) Show up. Go to breakfast/lunch/dinner with customers. Treat.O) History. Know the history of your customers in every way. Company history, personal history, marketing history, investing history, etc.P) Micro-manage software development. Nobody knows your product better than you do. If you aren’t a technical person, learn how to be very specific in your product specification so that your programmers can’t say: “well you didn’t say that!”Q) Hire local. You need to be able to see and talk to your programmers. Don’t outsource to India. I love India. But I won’t hire programmers from there while I’m living in the US.R) Sleep. Don’t buy into the 20 hours a day entrepreneur myth. You need to sleep 8 hours a day to have a focused mind.If you are working 20 hours a day, then that means you have flaws in how you are managing your time. You can argue about this but it’s true.S) Exercise. Same as above. If you are unhealthy, your product will be unhealthy.T) Emotionally Fit. DON’T have dating problems and software development problems at the same time. VCs will smell this all over you.U) Pray. You need to. Be grateful where you are. And pray for success. You deserve it. Pray for the success of your customers. Heck, pray for the success of your competitors. The better they do, it means the market is getting bigger. And if one of them breaks out, they can buy you.V) Buy your employees gifts. Massages. Tickets. Whatever. I always imagined that at the end of each day my young, lesbian employees (for some reason, most employees at my first company were lesbian) would be calling their parents and their mom and dad would ask them: “Hi honey! How was your day today?” And I wanted them to be able to say: “It was the best!” Invite customers to masseuse day. W) Treat your employees like they are your children. They need boundaries. They need to be told “no!” sometimes. And sometimes you need to hit them in the face (ha ha, just kidding). But within boundaries, let them play.X) Don’t be greedy pricing your product. If your product is good and you price it cheap, people will buy. Then you can price upgrades, future products, and future services more expensive. Which goes along with the next rule.Y) Distribution is everything. Branding is everything. Get your name out there, whatever it takes. The best distribution is of course word of mouth, which is why your initial pricing doesn’t matter.Write a blog about your industry and be very honest about all the flaws (even your own) that is currently in your industry.Authenticity is the best branding.Z) Don’t kill yourself. It’s not worth it. Your employees need you.Your children or future children need you. It seems odd to include this in a post about entrepreneurship but we’re also taking about keeping it real.Most books or “rules” for entrepreneurs talk about things like “think big”, “go after your dreams”. But often dreams turn into nightmares. I’ll repeat it again. Don’t kill yourself. Call me if things get too stressful. Or more importantly, make sure you take proper medicationAA) Give employees structure. Let each employee know how his or her path to success can be achieved. All of them will either leave you or replace you eventually. That’s OK. Give them the guidelines how that might happen. Tell them how they can get rich by working for you.BB) Fire employees immediately. If an employee gets “the disease” he needs to be fired. If they ask for more money all the time. If they bad mouth you to other employees. If you even think they are talking behind your back, fire them.The disease has no cure. And it’s very contagious. Show no mercy. Show the employee the door. There are no second chances because the disease is incurable.I don’t say this because I want anyone to be hurt. But if you’ve followed the rules above then you are treating employees well already. NOBODY should spread the disease and badmouth you or your customers.CC) Make friends with your landlord. If you ever have to sell your company, believe it or not, you are going to need his signature (because there’s going to be a new lease owner)DD) Only move offices if you are so packed in that employees are sharing desks and there’s no room for people to walk.EE) Have killer parties. But use your personal money. Not company money. Invite employees, customers, and investors. .FF) If an employee comes to you crying, close the door or take him or her out of the building. Sit with him until it stops. Listen to what he has to say. If someone is crying then there’s been a major communication breakdown somewhere in the company. Listen to what it is and fix it. Don’t get angry at the culprit’s. Just fix the problem.(you don’t want your employees to be sad.)GG) At Christmas, donate money to every customer’s favorite charity. But not for investors or employees.HH) Have lunch with your competitors. Listen and try not to talk. One competitor (Bill Markel from Interactive 8) once told me a story about how the CEO of Toys R Us returned his call. He was telling me this because I never returned Bill’s calls. Ok, Bill, lesson noted.II) Ask advice a lot. Ask your customers advice on how you can be introduced into other parts of their company. Then they will help you. Because of the next rule…JJ) Hire your customers. Or not. But always leave open the possibility. Let it always dangle in the air between you and them. They can get rich with you. Maybe. Possibly. If they play along. So play.KK) On any demo or delivery, do one extra surprise thing that was not expected. Always add bells and whistles that the customer didn’t pay for.This is such an easy way to over deliver I’m surprised people don’t do it 100% of the time. They do it maybe 1% of the time. So this is an easy way to compete and surprise and delight.LL) Understand the demographic changes that are changing the world. Where are marketing dollars flowing and can you be in the middle. What services do aging baby boomers need? Is the world running out of clean water? Are newspapers going to survive? Etc. Etc. Read every day to understand what is going on.LLa) Don’t go to a lot of parties or “meetups” with other entrepreneurs. Work instead while they are partying.MM) But, going along with the above rule, don’t listen to the doom and gloomers that are hogging the TV screen trying to tell you the world is over. They just want you to be scared so they can scoop up all the money.NN) You have no more free time. In your free time you are thinking of new ideas for customers, new ideas for services to offer, new products.OO) You have no more free time, part 2. In your free time, think of ideas for potential customers. Then send them emails: “I have 10 ideas for you. Would really like to show them to you. I think you will be blown away. Here’s five of them right now.”OOa) Depressions, recessions, don’t matter. There’s $15 trillion in the economy. You’re allowed a piece of it:FedEx, Microsoft, HewlettPackard, and many huge companies were started in recessions or depressions. Leave economics to the academics while they leave good business to you.PP) Talk. Tell everyone you ever knew what your company does. Your friends will help you find clients.QQ) Always take someone with you to a meeting. You’re bad at following up. Because you have no free time. So, if you have another employee. Let them follow up. Plus, they will like to spend time with the boss. You’re going to be a mentor.RR) If you are consumer focused: your advertisers are your customers. But always be thinking of new services for your consumers. Each new service has to make their life better. People’s lives are better if: they become healthier, richer, or have more sex. “Health” can be broadly defined.SS) If your customers are advertisers: find sponsorship opportunities for them that drive customers straight into their arms. These are the most lucrative ad deals (see rule above). Ad inventory is a horrible business model. Sponsorships are better. Then you are talking to your customer.TT) No friction. The harder it is for a consumer to sign up, the less consumers you will have. No confirmation emails, sign up forms, etc. The easier the better.TTA) No fiction, part 2. If you are making a website, have as much content as you can on the front page. You don’t want people to have to click to a second or third page if you can avoid it. Stuff that first page with content. You aren’t Google. (And, 10 Unusual Things You Didn’t Know About Google)UU) No friction, part 3. Say “yes” to any opportunity that gets you in a room with a big decision maker. Doesn’t matter if it costs you money.VV) Sell your company two years before you sell it. Get in the offices of the potential buyers of your company and start updating them on your progress every month. Ask their advice on a regular basis in the guise of just an “industry catch-up”WW) If you sell your company for stock, sell the stock as soon as you can. If you are selling your company for stock it means:a. The market is such that lots of companies are being sold for stock.b. AND, companies are using stock to buy other companies because they value their stock less than they value cash.c. WHICH MEANS, that when everyone’s lockup period ends, EVERYONE will be selling stock across the country. So sell yours first.XX) Execution is a dime a dozen. If you have an idea worth pursuing, then just make it. You can build any website for cheap. Hire a programmer and make a demo. Get at least one person to sign up and use your service. If you want to make Facebook pages for plumbers, find one plumber who will give you $10 to make his Facebook page. Just do it.Fail quickly. Good ideas are HARD. It’s execution that is a dime a dozen.YY) Don’t use a PR firm, part II. Set up a blog. Tell your personal stories (see “33 tips to being a better writer” ). Let the customer know you are human, approachable, and have a real vision as to why they need to use you. Become the voice for your industry, the advocate for your products. If you make skin care products, tell your customers every day how they can be even more beautiful than they currently are and have more sex than they are currently getting. Blog your way to PR success. Be honest and bloody.ZZ) Don’t save the world. If your product sounds too good to be true, then you are a liar.ZZa) Your company is always for sale.AAA) Frame the first check. I’m staring at mine right now.BBB) No free time, part 3. Pick a random customer. Find five ideas for them that have nothing to do with your business. Call them and say, “I’ve been thinking about you. Have you tried this?”CCC) No resale deals. Nobody cares about reselling your service. Those are always bad deals.DDD) Your lawyer or accountant is not going to introduce you to any of their other clients. Those meetings are always a waste of time.EEE) Celebrate every success. Your employees need it. They need a massage also. Get a professional masseuse in every Friday afternoon. Nobody leaves a job where there is a masseuse.FFF) Sell your first company. I have to repeat this. Don’t take any chances. You don’t need to be Mark Zuckerberg. Sell your first company as quick as you can. You now have money in the bank and a notch on your belt. Make a billion on your next company.Note Mark Cuban’s story. Before he started Broadcast and rode it to a few billion, he sold his first software company for ten million.GGG) Pay your employees before you pay yourself.HHH) Give equity to get the first customer. If you have no product yet and no money, then give equity to a good partner in exchange for them being a paying customer. Note: don’t blindly give equity. If you develop a product that someone asked for, don’t give them equity. Sell it to them. But if you want to get a big distribution partner whose funds can keep you going forever, then give equity to nail the deal.III) Don’t worry about anyone stealing your ideas. Ideas are worthless anyway. It’s OK to steal something that’s worthless.IIIA) Follow me on twitter.Questions from ReadersQuestion: You say no free time but you also say keep emotionally fit, physically fit, etc. How do I do this if I’m constantly thinking of ideas for old and potential customers?Answer: It’s not easy or everyone would be rich.Question: if I get really stressed about clients paying, how do I get sleep at night?Answer: medicationQuestion: how do I cold-call clients?Answer: email them. Email 40 of them. It’s OK if only 1 answers. Email 40 a day but make sure you have something of value to offer.Question: how can I find cheap programmers or designers?Answer: if you don’t know any and you want to be cheap: use Hire Freelancers & Find Freelance Jobs Online, Elance, or craigslist. But don’t hire them if they are from another country. You need to communicate with them even if it costs more money.Question: should I hire programmers?Answer: first…freelance. Then hire.Question: what if I build my product but I’m not getting customers?Answer: develop a service loosely based on your product and offer that to customers. But I hope you didn’t make a product without talking to customers to begin with?Question: I have the best idea in the world, but for it to work it requires a lot of people to already be using it. Like Twitter.Answer: if you’re not baked into the Silicon Valley ecosystem, then find distribution and offer equity if you have to. Zuckerberg had Harvard. MySpace had the fans of all the local bands they set up with MySpace pages. I (in my own small way) had Stock Market - Business News, Market Data, Stock Analysis - TheStreet when I set up Stockpickr! Your Source for Stock Ideas. I also had 10 paying clients when i did my first successful business fulltime.Question: I just lost my biggest customer and now I have to fire people. I’ve never done this before. How do I do it?Answer: one on meetings. Be Kind. State the facts. Say you have to let people go and that everyone is hurting but you want to keep in touch because they are a great employee. It was an honor to work with them and when business comes back you hope you can convince them come back. Then ask them if they have any questions. Your reputation and the reputation of your company are on the line here. You want to be a good guy. But you want them out of your office within 15 minutes. It’s a termination, not a negotiation. This is one reason why it’s good to start with freelancers.Question: I have a great idea. How do I attract VCs?Answer: build the product. Get a customer. Get money from customer. Get more customers. Build more services in the product. Get VC. Chances are by this point, the VCs are calling you.Question: I want to build a business day trading.Answer: bad ideaQuestion: I want to start a business but don’t know what my passion is:Answer: skip to the post: “How to be the luckiest person alive”. Do the Daily Practice. Within six months your life will be completely different.Question: I want to leave my job but I’m scared.Answer: same as above question. The Daily Practice turns you into a healthy Idea Machine. Plus luck will flow in from every direction.Final rule: Things change. Every day. The title of this post, for instance, says “100 Rules”. But I gave about 70 rules (including the Q&A). Things change midway through. Be ready for it every day. In fact, every day figure out what you can change just slightly to shake things up and improve your product and company.Your business is not your life. When you start a business you also get a cognitive bias that makes you think your business is GREAT.Every day make sure you are not smoking crack. The most important thing is your health so you can be persistent. If you smoke crack you can die.I hope you succeed. Because I really need that smart toilet that sends my doctors text messages after doing urinalysis on my pee every day.Good luck.
What's your opinion on AirSwap (AST)?
What is Airswap?Why there was a need for an exchange like Airswap?Why we are calling it the next big cryptocurrency exchange?To begin...All You Need to Know About AIRSWAP, The Next Big Cryptocurrency Exchange[1]Let's first discuss the kind of exchange we have and what is missing in the current exchanges?Currently, most of the cryptocurrency exchanges are centralized ones like bittrex or poloniex.When you are using a centralized cryptocurrency exchange then you don't have full control either on your fund or on your private key.Since these centralized cryptocurrency exchanges save your key in a centralized server or database they have a close watch on all your crypto funds transfer.And none of us really want our crypto funds to be watched upon by any third party."Necessity is the Mother of Invention"Definitely, there was a need for de-centralized cryptocurrency exchange like AIRSWAP.To make things more clear let's dig the de-centralized exchange.[What is a de-centralized cryptocurrency exchange like Airswap?]A de-centralized cryptocurrency exchange is an exchange which has the architecture of the platform built in such a manner that no centralized server or bundle of servers have control over the entire platform.To understand it in simpler terms there is no need for third-party intervention.[What are the features of de-centralized cryptocurrency exchange like Airswap?]An exchange not controlled by the third party.An exchange that can't be shut down by any government.An exchange that doesn't faces failures like centralized server failures etc.An exchange that doesn't ask for KYC verification.An exchange that allows the cryptocurrency users to manage and control their funds with hundred percent privacy.[What are the major differences between centralized and de-centralized exchange?]PicsCredit:Masterthecrypto[What are benefits of de-centralized exchange like Airswap?]Identity theft will reduce to zero.Banking Cartels will not exist anymore.Innovation with no limits.Anyone can transfer wealth to anyone at any time and from any part of the world.Highly secure with zero probability of corruption.NO DOWNTIME.I hope my readers and my dear friends will have a clear idea about de-centralized cryptocurrency exchange.In case you have a doubt please do contact me or ask your query in the comment section.I am always there to help you to the best of my potentials.Almost I have written around 650 words but still, I haven't even started to talk about the topic 'airswap' which is the highlight of this blog post. - Google Search intention was to first clear the doubt if any exists between the centralized and de-centralized exchange for better understanding.Coming back to AIRSWAP...[What is Airswap?]Airswap is a de-centralized cryptocurrency exchange which uses SWAP protocol for exchanging ethereum token.Note: Swap protocol is peer-to-peer protocol.The best part of this trading platform is that the users will not have to pay any trading fee. Since there will not be any involvement of the third party to the exchange making it almost hack free.Airswap is a Hong Kong-based company, a joint venture with consensus, recently made headlines for partnering with Fortress hedge fund manager Michael Novogratz.From the research that I have done, I can definitely assure you that this exchange will be known for privacy, security, and transparency.Let's understand the key components of Airswap as it will definitely add value in case you are interested in making a career in blockchain or you are a cryptocurrency trader.Peer Protocol-I hope you are aware of peer-to-peer cryptocurrency trading.In case you aren't....No issues let me explain it to you.As the name suggests peer-to-peer transaction involves two individuals.For eg, you can consider ordering a pizza from pizza hut, chicken from KFC or even a cup of coffee from CCD as a peer-to-peer transaction.Whenever you are buying something from an e-commerce website remember it's a peer-to-peer transaction.There isn't the involvement of any third party.A peer-to-peer trading is private as it involves two parties who have a common interest.I will explain the same with an example of Maker denoted by "M" and Taker denoted by "T".Maker (M): The party that provides the order.Taker (T): The party that fills the order.The best part about peer-to-peer protocol is that anyone can take the role of maker and taker.I forget to mention that tokens are ERC20 complaints and any token that implements the standards can be very well traded using this protocol.Taker calls Maker for an order.Maker replies with an order.Taker calls contract to fill the order.Indexer Protocol-Indexer works on the concept of 'intent to trade'.The process is very simple.Here multiple makers can signal 'intent to trade' to indexer and when a maker ask for counterparties he/she may end up selecting one from multiple options.Once the Indexer has found the maker, the taker will be informed about it.Now Taker can negotiate with Maker and once ready for the agreement, the order is filled on smart contract.Makers call on the indexer.Takers also call on the indexer.Indexer calls on taker when a suitable or favorable match is found.Taker calls on Maker.Maker replies with an order.Takers call on contract to fill the order.Oracle Protocol-An oracle protocol is an off-chain service that provides pricing information to both makers and takers.When pricing an order prior to delivering it to a Taker, a Maker may ask the Oracle for what it considers a fair price suggestion.Likewise, having received an order, a Taker may ask the Oracle to check the price on the order to verify that it’s fair.The Oracle provides this pricing information to help both the Maker and the Taker make more educated pricing decisions and to smooth the process of trade negotiation.Takers call on the Makers.Makers call on the Oracle.Oracle provides a price to the Maker.Maker replies with an order only after analyzing the price.Taker calls the Contract for Order fulfillment.A similar interaction happens between Taker and Oracle when Taker receives an Order.Taker calls the Maker.Maker replies with an order.Taker call on Oracle.Oracle returns a price to the Taker.Taker calls the Contract only after the analyzing the price information.Ethereum Smart Contract-An ethereum smart contract is used to fill or cancel orders.Fill:- An atomic swap of tokens called by a Taker. The contract ensures that the message sender matches taker and ensures that the time indicated in expiration has not passed.To fill orders, peers must have already called approve on the specified tokens to allow the contract to withdraw at least the specified amounts.For token transfers, the contract calls transferFrom on the respective tokens.At the successful completion of this function, a Filled event is broadcast to the blockchain. The parameters,vr and sconstitute the maker signature.Cancel:- A cancellation of an order that has already been communicated to a Taker but not yet filled. Called by the Maker of the order.Marks the order as already having been filled on the contract so a subsequent attempt to fill the order will fail.At the successful completion of this function, a Canceled event is broadcast to the blockchain.Read More……Footnotes[1] All You Need to Know About AIRSWAP, The Next Big Cryptocurrency Exchange
What are non-Bitcoin/cryptocurrency applications of blockchain technology?
From Sneakers To Pharma to Gold: An Inside Look At The Evolution Of ChronicledAt some point, everyone who has bought collectible shoes or luxury clothing online has had the same thought. “Is this the real deal?”Good question.When a supply chain can easily stretch halfway around the globe, how do you know if those Yeezys on your feet are legit? When we started Chronicled, we weren’t thinking about Yeezys specifically, but we did have a goal in mind. That goal was to create a global protocol for blockchain that allows any object to be registered to, verified against, transferred on, or--in the case of the special class of objects that had a chip inside--to sign off on events, messages, accesses, financial transactions, etc.Not sure what that has to do with your sneakers? Let me explain.Chronicled was founded in 2014. We set out to explore non-financial use cases for blockchain. The average person has probably heard of blockchain in the context of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. And while blockchain does underpin those cryptocurrencies, the terms aren’t interchangeable. Blockchain isn’t Bitcoin, it’s the technology that makes those cryptocurrencies possible.And it turns out that blockchain has plenty of other uses. We founded Chronicled in order to investigate those non-financial uses by building the first IoT x Blockchain laboratory in the world. Much of our early work in that laboratory was focused on fine art, consumer products, and luxury goods. Why? Because those are industries with a high prevalence of counterfeit goods. Some industries, like pharma, lose billions of dollars each year due to supply diversion and counterfeit products.But how could we create a unique identity for a piece of fine art painted on a canvas? Or a bottle of rare wine? Or the designer purse you ordered online last week? The answer: tiny microchips, just like the chip inside your credit card.In 2015, Chronicled began working with companies to embed, or affix, cryptographic microchips in or on luxury and consumer products. We would then register those encrypted identities to a blockchain so they could be authenticated. Those microchips can’t be copied or corrupted. They have a unique identity that allows consumers to determine whether or not the 1947 Cheval Blanc on their dinner table is the real deal.Those were the first two primitive protocols we developed at Chronicle—Register and Verify. There was finally a way to register fine art, luxury goods, and consumer products with an unreproducible identity that could then be verified by the consumer. It’s a game-changing concept that is already creating a safer, more transparent buying process for consumers.But let’s keep moving. Fast forward to 2016 when we were hard at work on the newest uses for blockchain. Many of our clients were interested not only in using the blockchain to register and verify the identity of an object, but also in using the smart contract feature of blockchain to securely transfer custody and/or ownership. In parallel with our own move into smart supply chain, more enterprise players were beginning to work with blockchain technology as the vast possibilities became evident.Even JP Morgan had gotten in on the action with Quorum, their own enterprise ledger and smart contract platform. So, we went from registering and verifying products, to also transferring custody, ledgering data and events, and tracking provenance of an item over time using more powerful systems and smart contracts. In 2016, we began working on our next two protocol primitives, Transfer and Ledger, and our Smart Supply Chain platform was born.The Smart Supply Chain Initiative led us to some incredible projects in several different industries. For instance, we began work on the MediLedger project, a joint venture that set out to solve the problem of counterfeit drugs in the pharmaceutical supply chain. We’ve also worked on a responsible gold venture to track the provenance of the world’s gold supply, and with our partner Ambisafe we will tokenize physical gold by linking the physical gold bullion identities to digital, tradeable ERC20 tokens for the first time in human history. In the future, we can track many kinds of conflict minerals with this same blockchain approach.Notice that industries all across the spectrum are benefitting from blockchain. That’s not a coincidence. Moving forward, the trust, security, and data privacy that blockchain brings is going to change and improve nearly every industry.So, let’s flip ahead on the calendar and start looking at what the future holds. It’s 2018, and our sixth protocol primitive is in place—Value Transfer. Chronicled’s Blockchain x IoT API is not only powering unique product identities and supply chain tracking and provenance, but it can also enable machine payments and IoT economies.Picture this:A drone hitches a ride on an Uber and uses the charging port on top to refuel. Then it makes a micropayment for the ride and the charge before resuming its journey. If you think that sounds futuristic, then you’re going to be in for some surprises in the next few years. We’re talking about decentralized energy grids. Fully secure and connected smart cities. And eventually, a fully connected world running on the protocols that we’ve built.Blockchain technology is set to change everything. It’s time to start paying attention to the innovations that blockchain is creating, because the pace of disruption is only going to increase. The progress we’ve made at Chronicled in just three years has been astounding, and we’ve only just begun.
How does Bitcoin Blockchain work and what are the rules behind it?
For a layman, the following is a simple explanation:Bitcoin is a the first ever cryptocurrency to hit mainstream market in the year 2009.It is based on a distributed database technology called “blockchain”. i.e. transactions are stored as a series of blocks who history can never be altered. The database has hundreds of thousands of copies all over the world. The distributed nature of the database provides a user with safety and transparency and a huge pool to recover lost data from. The distributed nature also eradicates the need for a third party trusted regulator/authority(like banks and federal reserves). Hence 2 persons, sitting anywhere in the world, can exchange money in the form of bitcoin between them without the need for any bank/govt/foreign exchange to relay their money.Data integrity in block-chain is maintained with the help of cryptographic-hasing and digital consensus. Therefore, a user can be sure that his data is safe and will never be tempered with. Blockchain guarantees that.Bitcoin can be thought of as an asset which is produced by computational competition called as “mining”. Each bitcoin block is created after the solving of a “mathematical puzzle”. To solve this puzzle, thousands of computer systems all over the world compete. The average time to solve this puzzle is about 12 minutes as of today. To solve one puzzle “specialized super computer” grade computers are used and one block creation consumes energy in the range of a thousand dollars.Once bitcoins are mined they are released(sold) by the miners in the bitcoin pool(exchanges) where they are further sold to customers who buy bitcoin as an investment. These are the bitcoins people and exchanges hold.The price of bitcoin is mainly driven by the features it offers AND more importantly by the demand and supply curve in the market.Bitcoin has a very limited supply. Total 21 million will be ever mined(by 2037). So far about 12-15 million have been mined. Some 5–6 million are estimated to have been lost forever(lost in the system itself never to be recovered). Therefore, we will ever have about 15 million bitcoins flowing in the system. Estimating the bitcoin market capitalization to a few trillion dollars in the next few years, one can easily estimate that at that time one bitcoin can be worth 100K to 1 million USD range.Invest in bitcoin only once you understand the whole system. For that you have to have some kind of technical knowledge. And make sure you dont buy bitcoins with Loan or credit cards.Hope the info helps.
What is blockchain technology?
The 21st century is all about technology. With the increasing need for modernization in our day-to-day lives, people are open to accepting new technologies. From using a remote for controlling devices to using voice notes for giving commands; modern technology has made space in our regular lives. Technologies like augmented reality and IoT that have gained pace in the past decade and now there’s a new addition to the pack i.e. Blockchain Technology.Blockchain – The revolutionary technology impacting different industries miraculously was introduced in the markets with its very first modern application Bitcoin. Bitcoin is nothing but a form of digital currency (cryptocurrency) which can be used in the place of fiat money for trading. And the underlying technology behind the success of cryptocurrencies is termed as Blockchain.There’s a common misconception among people that Bitcoin and Blockchain are one and the same, however, that is not the case. Creating cryptocurrencies is one of the applications of Blockchain technology and other than Bitcoin, there are numerous applications that are being developed on the basis of the blockchain technology.What is a Blockchain?In the simplest terms, Blockchain can be described as a data structure that holds transactional records and while ensuring security, transparency, and decentralization. You can also think of it as a chain or records stored in the forms of blocks which are controlled by no single authority. A blockchain is a distributed ledger that is completely open to any and everyone on the network. Once an information is stored on a blockchain, it is extremely difficult to change or alter it.Each transaction on a blockchain is secured with a digital signature that proves its authenticity. Due to the use of encryption and digital signatures, the data stored on the blockchain is tamper-proof and cannot be changed.Blockchain technology allows all the network participants to signNow an agreement, commonly known as consensus. All the data stored on a blockchain is recorded digitally and has a common history which is available for all the network participants. This way, the chances of any fraudulent activity or duplication of transactions is eliminated without the need of a third-party.In order to understand blockchain better, consider an example where you are looking for an option to send some money to your friend who lives in a different location. A general option that you can normally use can be a bank or via a payment transfer application like PayPal or Paytm. This option involves third parties in order to process the transaction due to which an extra amount of your money is deducted as transferring fee. Moreover, in cases like these, you cannot ensure the security of your money as it is highly possible that a hacker might disrupt the network and steal your money. In both the cases, it is the customer who suffers. This is where Blockchain comes in.Instead of using a bank for transferring money, if we use a blockchain in such cases, the process becomes much easier and secure. There is no extra fee involved as the funds are directly processed by you thus, eliminating the need for a third party. Moreover, the blockchain database is decentralized and is not limited to any single location meaning that all the information and records kept on the blockchain are public and decentralized. Since the information is not stored in a single place, there’s no chance of corruption of the information by any hacker.How Does a Blockchain Work?Source: Fuat Şanlı (Dribbble)A blockchain is a chain of blocks that contain data or information. Despite being discovered earlier, the first successful and popular application of the Blockchain technology came into being in the year 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. He created the first digital cryptocurrency called Bitcoin through the use of Blockchain technology. Let’s understand how a blockchain actually works.Each block in a blockchain network stores some information along with the hash of its previous block. A hash is a unique mathematical code which belongs to a specific block. If the information inside the block is modified, the hash of the block will be subject to modification too. The connection of blocks through unique hash keys is what makes blockchain secure.While transactions take place on a blockchain, there are nodes on the network that validate these transactions. In Bitcoin blockchain, these nodes are called as miners and they use the concept of proof-of-work in order to process and validate transactions on the network. In order for a transaction to be valid, each block must refer to the hash of its preceding block. The transaction will take place only and only if the hash is correct. If a hacker tries to attack the network and change information of any specific block, the hash attached to the block will also get modified.The bsignNow will be detected as the modified hash will not match with the original one. This ensures that the blockchain is unalterable as if any change which is made to the chain of blocks will be reflected throughout the entire network and will be detected easily.In a nutshell, here’s how blockchain allows transactions to take place:A blockchain network makes use of public and private keys in order to form a digital signature ensuring security and consent.Once the authentication is ensured through these keys, the need for authorization arises.Blockchain allows participants of the network to perform mathematical verifications and signNow a consensus to agree on any particular value.While making a transfer, the sender uses their private key and announces the transaction information over the network. A block is created containing information such as digital signature, timestamp, and the receiver’s public key.This block of information is broadcasted through the network and the validation process starts.Miners all over the network start solving the mathematical puzzle related to the transaction in order to process it. Solving this puzzle requires the miners to invest their computing power.Upon solving the puzzle first, the miner receives rewards in the form of bitcoins. Such kind of problems is referred to as proof-of-work mathematical problems.Once the majority of nodes in the network come to a consensus and agree to a common solution, the block is time stamped and added to the existing blockchain. This block can contain anything from money to data to messages.After the new block is added to the chain, the existing copies of blockchain are updated for all the nodes on the network.Blockchain FeaturesThe following features make the revolutionary technology of blockchain stand out:DecentralisedBlockchains are decentralized in nature meaning that no single person or group holds the authority of the overall network. While everybody in the network has the copy of the distributed ledger with them, no one can modify it on his or her own. This unique feature of blockchain allows transparency and security while giving power to the users.Peer-to-Peer NetworkWith the use of Blockchain, the interaction between two parties through a peer-to-peer model is easily accomplished without the requirement of any third party. Blockchain uses P2P protocol which allows all the network participants to hold an identical copy of transactions, enabling approval through a machine consensus. For example, if you wish to make any transaction from one part of the world to another, you can do that with blockchain all by yourself within a few seconds. Moreover, any interruptions or extra charges will not be deducted in the transfer.ImmutableThe immutability property of a blockchain refers to the fact that any data once written on the blockchain cannot be changed. To understand immutability, consider sending email as an example. Once you send an email to a bunch of people, you cannot take it back. In order to find a way around, you’ll have to ask all the recipients to delete your email which is pretty tedious. This is how immutability works.Once the data has been processed, it cannot be altered or changed. In case of the blockchain, if you try to change the data of one block, you’ll have to change the entire blockchain following it as each block stores the hash of its preceding block. Change in one hash will lead to change in all the following hashes. It is extremely complicated for someone to change all the hashes as it requires a lot of computational power to do so. Hence, the data stored in a blockchain is non-susceptible to alterations or hacker attacks due to immutability.Tamper-ProofWith the property of immutability embedded in blockchains, it becomes easier to detect tampering of any data. Blockchains are considered tamper-proof as any change in even one single block can be detected and addressed smoothly. There are two key ways of detecting tampering namely, hashes and blocks.As described earlier, each hash function associated with a block is unique. You can consider it like a fingerprint of a block. Any change in the data will lead to a change in the hash function. Since the hash function of one block is linked to next block, in order for a hacker to make any changes, he/she will have to change hashes of all the blocks after that block which is quite difficult to do.Types of BlockchainsThough Blockchain has evolved to many levels since inception, there are two broad categories in which blockchains can be classified majorly i.e. Public and Private blockchains.Before heading towards the difference between these two, let’s keep a check on the similarities that both public and private blockchain have:Both Public and Private blockchain have peer-to-peer decentralized networks.All the participants of the network maintain the copy of the shared ledger with them.The network maintains copies of the ledger and synchronizes the latest update with the help of consensus.The rules for immutability and safety of the ledger are decided and applied on the network so as to avoid malicious attacks.Now that we know the similar elements of both these blockchains, let’s learn about each of them in detail and the differences between them.Public Blockchain – As the name suggests, a public blockchain is a permissionless ledger and can be accessed by any and everyone. Anyone with the access to the internet is eligible to download and access it. Moreover, one can also check the overall history of the blockchain along with making any transactions through it. Public blockchains usually reward their network participants for performing the mining process and maintaining the immutability of the ledger. An example of the public blockchain is the Bitcoin Blockchain.Public blockchains allow the communities worldwide to exchange information openly and securely. However, an obvious disadvantage of this type of blockchain is that it can be compromised if the rules around it are not executed strictly. Moreover, the rules decided and applied initially have very little scope of modification in the later stages.Private Blockchain – Contrary to the public blockchain, private blockchains are the ones which are shared only among the trusted participants. The overall control of the network is in the hands of the owners. Moreover, the rules of a private blockchain can be changed according to different levels of permissions, exposure, number of members, authorization etc.Private blockchains can run independently or can be integrated with other blockchains too. These are usually used by enterprises and organizations. Therefore, the level of trust required amongst the participants is higher in private blockchains.Popular Applications of Blockchain TechnologySource: Sumeet – EvontechThough Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies are the first popular application of Blockchain technology, they are not the only ones. The nature of Blockchain technology has led businesses, industries, and entrepreneurs from all around the world to explore the technology’s potential and make revolutionary changes in different sectors.While the basic idea of trustworthy records and giving the power in the hands of users has enormous potential, it sure has raised a lot of hype in the markets too. The magic of this technology sure has the power to transform industries given the usage is planned and executable in actual senses. Let’s separate the wheat from the chaff and find out how Blockchain can be useful in actual implementation.Smart contractsDifferent businesses deal with each other in order to exchange services or products. All the give and take terms and conditions are signed by the involved parties in the form of agreements or contracts. However, these paper-based contracts are prone to errors and frauds which challenges the trust factor between both the parties and raises risks. Blockchain brings forward an amazing solution to this problem through Smart Contracts.Smart contracts perform similar functions as paper-based agreements. The differentiating factor about smart contracts is that these are digital as well as self-executable in nature. Self-executable meaning that when certain conditions in the code of these contracts are met, they are automatically deployed. Ethereum, an open source blockchain platform has introduced smart contracts in the Blockchain ecosystem. Smart contracts can be used for different situations or industries such as financial agreements, health insurances, real estate property documents, crowdfunding etc.For example, Blockchain smart contracts can be used in healthcare to manage drug supply.Once the name and quantity of a drug is shipped from a manufacturing company to be delivered ahead to the pharmacist, a smart contract with all the valid data like the information of the drug, the quantity of supply etc. can be created. This smart contract will be responsible for managing the entries throughout the entire supply chain between different intermediaries. Since the smart contract works on certain defined conditions, no one can alter them or make any changes in the contract thus, ensuring trust and authenticity of the drugs.Government ElectionsNo matter how secure government elections are made, the chances of frauds through anti-social elements always persists. The current voting system relies on manual processing and trust. Even if security bsignNowes and frauds are eliminated, the chances of manual errors cannot be ignored. In such cases, the best solution is to automate the overall process with the help of smart contracts.Blockchain smart contracts provide a modern system through which these common issues can be easily eliminated. Entries in the smart contracts will allow transparency and security while maintaining the privacy of the voters thus, enabling fair elections.Identity managementThe world is getting more digitized with every passing day. Consider financial transactions happening online for instance, you can easily login with your credentials and security pin in order to access your funds. However, in this case, no one can ensure the identity of the person taking out the money. If your username and password are hacked by someone, there’s no way to secure your money.The need of the hour is to have a system that manages individual identification on the web. The distributed ledger technology used in blockchains offers you advanced methods of public-private encryption using which, you can prove your identity and digitize your documents. This unique secure identity can work as a saviour for you while conducting any financial transactions or any online interactions on a shared economy. Moreover, the gap between different government bodies and private organizations can be filled through a universal online identity solution that blockchain can provide.Intellectual Property ProtectionDigital content or information can easily be reproduced and distributed with the aid of the internet. Due to this, people from all around the world hold the power to copy, replicate and use it without giving credits to the actual producer of the content. There are copyright laws to protect such issues but in the current scenario, these laws aren’t appropriately defined according to common global standards. Meaning that any law which is valid in the US might not stand true in Australia.Even if there’s any copyright applied to any intellectual property, people easily lose control over their data and suffer on financial terms. With the aid of Blockchain technology, all the copyrights can be stored in the form of smart contracts which will enable automation in businesses along with the increase in online sale thus, eliminating the redistribution risk.Blockchain for IP registry will help the authors, owners or users to get clarity of copyright. Once they register their work online, they’ll own the evidence which will be tamper-proof. As blockchain is immutable in nature, any entry once stored on the Blockchain cannot be changed or modified. The owner of the work will have the overall authority over the ownership as well as the distribution of the content.ConclusionOther than these few examples, the revolutionary technology of Blockchain holds a high potential of applications in many different industries and sectors. While some industries have already started adopting blockchain in their businesses, many are still exploring the best possible ways to start with.Blockchain is a new name in the world of technologies but it is definitely the one to last. Even in the early stages, the technology has gained huge popularity starting with their very first application of cryptocurrencies. More areas of applications are being discovered and tested with each passing day. Once the technology is adopted and accepted on a global level, it’ll transform the way we live today.
Where can I learn Blockchain technology?
Learning blockchain technology is not as difficult a task as you might hear. After reading this article you will come to know how to learn blockchain technology. The blockchain is a new technology, in its earlier stage, there were fewer courses available on internet related to blockchain technology.But now, you can simply search “How to learn blockchain technology in 2019” and you will find the bundle of courses for beginners and advanced level.This article will discuss how to learn blockchain technology for beginners. You don’t need any knowledge of coding. Just follow this article and go through all the courses mentioned in this article.This basic course will help you in understanding the blockchain technology and other stuff like that. You will be able to get hired by blockchain based companies for the non-technical role. You can also learn advance blockchain technology after completing the steps discussed in the article.To learn the blockchain technology, you are required:DedicationAttentionConsistencyParticipationNo CS Background or Coding ExperienceThe blockchain is a vast field and you have to keep learning new technology to get an awesome job in the future. Blockchain started its journey back in 1991. There was no practical implementation of blockchain until 2008.In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto releases the white paper of bitcoin, a blockchain based peer to the peer payment system. As bitcoin was open source, many other projects use the same code and launch their own cryptocurrency.Now, we are entering into 3rd generation blockchain where more advanced and scalable blockchain is the ultimate goal. Blockchain merges a lot during the last decade. You can get a job of your desire if you know the art of blockchain development.You can develop decentralize applications using blockchain. The growing number of blockchain applications leading us to a new kind of internet that will be decentralized in nature.There are some blockchain problems that developers have to resolve. You can be a blockchain developer and help the companies in resolving issues related to the blockchain.Why Learn Blockchain TechnologyBlockchain technology is the leading technology in 2019. It is just the start of this technology. We will witness more growth in blockchain ecosystem as the internet giants are adopting the blockchain technology.Learning blockchain technology today is like learning web development in the late 90s. Despite the dump in the cryptocurrency market, the blockchain jobs are consistently increasing.You don’t need to be a blockchain expert. All you need is the basic knowledge of blockchain without technical details. You can be a blockchain developer, Copywriters, marketers, project managers, etc.Different companies are looking for blockchain developers in different parts of the world. You can check 2000 plus projects listed on Coinmarketcap aiming to provide the solution to the real world problems.They have a team of professionals. To meet the user’s requirements, these projects are looking for more experts around the world.You can be the next blockchain developer to serve a company. That’s the reason you should learn blockchain technology.Furthermore, most of the blockchain projects are open source, you can utilize their platform and code to develop your own blockchain base projects. The blockchain is emerging technology. The early birds will get the most of it.People often waste a lot of money by purchasing the paid courses related to cryptocurrency. In most cases, they get failed to get the desired results even after paying for the course. This article will discuss how to learn blockchain technology for free.There will be no paid course. All the links available in this article will direct you to free resources related to blockchain technology.There are tons of free blockchain courses that are way better than the paid ones. This article contains the free data you need to become a blockchain professional.How to Learn Blockchain Technology without coding SkillsThis article is suitable for non-coder. We will not discuss the advance blockchain development. But you will be able to learn enough about blockchain technology to get hired for the non-technical role.You will be able to talk about blockchain technology, its limitation, future, application etc.Prerequisites to Learn Blockchain TechnologyThere are no prerequisites for this blockchain technology course. This course is for beginners, it will help you in understanding the blockchain technology in deep.By following this course, you will learn the blockchain technology for free. The list contains 12 video tutorials. All you need is to follow the video series from start. You need to be consistent. After going through this blockchain course you will also find the links to books related to blockchain technology.You can follow The Blockchain at Berkeley Class, here are the parts of this course available on Youtube:Part 1: Blockchain Fundamentals: A High Level OverviewPart 2: Blockchain Fundamentals: From Cypherpunks to JP Morgan ChasePart 3: Blockchain Fundamentals: Bitcoin Mechanics and OptimizationsPart 4: Blockchain Fundamentals: Mining, Wallets, & MorePart 5: Blockchain Fundamentals: Ethereum and Smart ContractsPart 6: Blockchain Fundamentals: Game Theory and AttacksPart 7: Blockchain Fundamentals: Alternative Consensus MechanismsPart 8: Blockchain Fundamentals: Cryptoeconomics and Proof-of-StakePart 9: Blockchain Fundamentals: Enterprise BlockchainPart 10: Blockchain Fundamentals: Cryptocurrency for the MassesPart 11: Blockchain Fundamentals: Anonymity, Mixing & AltcoinsPart 12: Blockchain Fundamentals: A Blockchain Powered FutureYou can also follow the free course on Udemy: Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and BlockchainRecommended Books For Learning Blockchain TechnologyApart from the above courses, you can further enhance your knowledge of blockchain technology by reading the following books.1. Blockchain for DummiesOriginal Article:
Does blockchain represent the future?
The future of Blockchain Technology is really promising. We will discuss the Top 5 Blockchain Technology Future Prediction for 2030.In 2017 cryptocurrencies took the world by a storm. The cost of Bitcoin soared to almost $20,000. The average ICO returned more than 10x. ICO funding surpassed standard VC funding. Blockchain technology emerged as the brand-new buzzword of option by executives. Is this all simply buzz?This article will discuss the future of blockchain and some ”blockchain future trends.“We argue this is just the start. As a matter of fact, both Ray and also I left our tasks at the well-known innovation research study company, Gartner, to join the blockchain motion. Here is how we believe ‘blockchain innovation’ will certainly form the globe by 2030.Originally Posted: 5 Blockchain Technology Future Prediction for 2030Blockchain Forecast # 1: Government CryptoGovernments all around the world are adopting Blockchain Technology. By 2030, most federal governments all over the world will create or adopt some form of digital currency.The federal government currency of the future is certainly crypto. Compared to the conventional fiat choice, cryptocurrency is a lot more efficient, offers minimized negotiation times, and also offers increased traceability. Cryptocurrency can also be backed by genuine properties, comparable to fiat money, and also its cost can be synthetically manipulated by various controls (e.g., financial plan for "printing" much more tokens). Blockchain can revolutionized the financial transactions.In the short-term, government-based cryptocurrency will come to be an area of testing and expeditions, led primarily by creating nations with unsteady economic situations and also weak institutions. Many of such initiatives will certainly relocate a rash fashion-- with a timeline driven by political concerns as opposed to financial issues or technological development. Consider the Zimbabwe buck, for example, which has actually endured an incredible inflation of 500,000,000,000%.Many Zimbabweans have currently relied on Bitcoin as a hedge against their nationwide currency, thereby driving the Bitcoin price up on the local crypto-market. Creating a brand-new cryptocurrency offers a practical solution for the Zimbabwean federal government to ease the grim understanding of its nation's monetary challenges. In the short term, such efforts might show really effective.Considering Venezuela's newly produced cryptocurrency "petro" elevated over $5 billion throughout the pre-sale occasion, several various other countries will follow suit. Nonetheless, much of these early tasks will unavoidably fail because of the onset of the innovation which is yet to mature as well as a result of lack of in-house expertise by a corresponding federal government in charge.In a great deal of these situations, such experiments will be unintended. Simply put, governments moving on with a cryptocurrency job may not understand that they are guinea pig in their own experiments. As a result of the lack of requisite knowledge inside, these governments will certainly look to outside working as a consultants, a few of which are newly developed as well as with restricted sources.Therefore, lots of federal governments will certainly wind up victimized by cyberpunks, as a result of inadequate or incompletely implemented practices pertaining to private-key management as well as relevant processes. This scenario parallels the early days of the Internet, where major companies that were successful in business (yet not knowledgeable about shopping) made errors in initial implementations, causing loss of data and funds.In the long run, however, effective situations will emerge. Future generation blockchain technology will certainly solve lots of present constraints, such as scalability, personal privacy controls, toolset maturity, as well as interoperability.Price-stable tokens regulated by financial plans and backed by collateral will certainly start to acquire traction as they end up being more dependable as a way of exchange and as a store of value. Governments that have stopped working to produce a successful cryptocurrency will certainly rely on "steady coins" as their virtual currency of option.Example Blockchain based companies attempting to fix this trouble today: Tether, BitShares, Manufacturer, Basecoin, Carbon, Stably, Havven, Kowala, TrueUSD, Arccy, Sweetbridge, Augmint, Fragments, Petro, as well as others.Blockchain Forecast #2: Trillion-Dollar ProceduresBy 2030, there will certainly be more trillion-dollar symbols than there will certainly be trillion-dollar firms.There is a race amongst the 4 most valued firms worldwide (based on stock exchange valuation) regarding which one will be the initial to signNow one trillion bucks in worth. Apple, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), and Microsoft remain in a race to the "4-comma club."These business are all representative of the new economic situation-- one that should maybe be called the no-longer-so-new economic climate. This new-ish economic climate is one based upon the decades-long shift to electronic company and also online links.It is the Web economic climate or what blockchain supporters call "Internet 2.0" (preparing for the following era, the blockchain period, as "Internet 3.0").The old (standard, pre-internet) economic climate is analog, brick-and-mortar, based upon oil as well as resource extraction, on production of basic materials and cultivation of foods items and also accoutrements, and also on the transportation and also sale of these with typical physical channels.Obviously, the real life will not disappear. It is where we live, take a breath, eat, and also ambulate. Yet its economic role has actually declined in the grand system of points.The new-ish economic situation is a layer of worth on top of the physical substratum. It has not yet fully diffused with all edges of the globe and economic sphere. Its impact will continue to expand, thus the high and also growing valuation in stock markets. It is feasible that after the very first trillion-dollar company, others will certainly additionally cross that threshold, as well as there might be 3 or 5.However the next era of blockchain technology is emerging, and that might comply with a various pattern than previous waves of financial transformation. What the old economy and the new-ish economy have in common is that they are both based on the notion of a company.In organization there is a long-lasting idea of the concept of the firm, expressed in 1937 by Ronald Coase. The theory of the company looks for to attend to questions as: Why do companies exist? Why do they grow? How are they structured? What are the various functions of a company? And so forth.In our sight, checking out a company resembles taking a look at a single-cell microorganism, taking a look at its internal subsystems, and also at the semi-permeable membrane that allows the flow of certain materials throughout that limit.Coase's concept is that firms exist since the cost of certain purchases or organisation processes inside the membrane is a lot lower than having to go across the border. Other purchases and also processes must cross the border (to do company with other entities), but particular features normally gravitate inside the wall surfaces of the company or microorganism.Blockchain innovation transforms the nature of this equation. It drastically lowers the expenses of transactions as well as information circulations. Where there was rubbing as well as impedance, these levels are lowered. Doing so deteriorates the conventional reasoning for a firm, specifically a trillion-dollar company.Huge firms exist, partially, due to the fact that there is a substantial schism in between procedures that occur inside the wall surfaces versus those that cross to the exterior. Blockchain technologies change the formula and support frictionless circulations of symbols as well as other electronic assets.What this means is that, in the future blockchain era, trillion-dollar firms will certainly be replaced by trillion-dollar tokens-- symbols that support a decentralized ecosystem of entities that together fulfill the function of the huge company. We remain in the dawn of that period, and also there will be a lot more trillion-dollar symbols in ten years than there will be trillion-dollar companies.Blockchain Forecast # 3: Blockchain Identity for AllBy 2030, a cross-border, blockchain-based, self-sovereign identity criterion will emerge for people, along with physical and digital possessions.If e-mail verified to be the "killer app" for the Net, identification services will verify to be the "awesome application for blockchain”. Identification systems, as we understand them today, are highly dysfunctional, operating in silos, as well as insecure. Blockchain based identity systems will certainly fix these issues. These blockchain based systems will supply a single resource of confirmation for individuals' identities and assets.‘Blockchain based identity’ decentralizes the data collection, cross-verifies the collected data via a consensus mechanism, and stores this information on a decentralized immutable ledger. It enables reduced risk of security bsignNowes, signNowly higher efficiencies, higher reliability, and most importantly self-sovereignty.According to various data sources, 1.5 billion people in the developing world lack proof of identity, including more than 65 million refugees. Blockchain based self-sovereign identity platforms will provide the disenfranchised population with tools to obtain and maintain legal documentation.The new identity platform will be more secure and reliable since it will be stored on a distributed ledger rather than being in the possession of a central authority. Blockchain-based identity platforms will also enable self-sovereignty, which ultimately means individual privacy.The decision to disclose identity information will be within each individual's control. With recent Facebook data-bsignNow scandals dominating the news, “blockchain-based identity” creates a viable and important solution to many data privacy issues.Some use cases for the types of data stored on a blockchain-based identity platform include (but are not limited to):.-- Government records (e.g., date of birth, etc.).-- Reputation & trust scores (e.g., credit history).-- Certificates & attestations (e.g., university diploma).-- Healthcare & medical records.-- Tax identification records.-- Employment records.While it is unlikely that, by 2030, a clear end-to-end solution will emerge as a clear winner, a high degree of interoperability among identity platforms will enable ease of use and global cross-verification.Furthermore, a blockchain-based asset identity platform will collect, store, and share data for both physical and virtual assets. More than 20 billion IoT devices are projected to exist by 2020. From your smart refrigerator to an airplane engine, these "smart" chips are already pervasive. By their nature, IoT devices are continuously connected to the internet.They collect, store, and transport unique sets of data. Blockchain will provide a secure, reliable, and efficient mechanism for these devices to transact among one other. Blockchain will keep an immutable record of all interactions and will enable instantaneous payment settlements (e.g., two IoT devices transferring assets between each other).Virtual assets will also have a unique identity on a blockchain. One example of virtual assets would be crypto kitties, fictional cats existing in a virtual game and living on the Ethereum blockchain.With the power of blockchain, these virtual objects are turned into tokenized assets which, similarly to physical assets, will have their unique identity. Ultimately, blockchain will enable an automated operating system seamlessly connecting individuals with assets in physical as well as in virtual worlds.Sample blockchain based companies solving individual identity today: uPort, BlockAuth, Civic, PeerMountain, IDRamp, Sovereign, Sovrin, LifeID, TrustedKey, Ping Identity, SelfKey, TheKey, NuID, ValidatedID, 2way. io, Microsoft, CryptID, ExistenceID, IBM, Blockstack, BlockCerts,, etcSample blockchain based companies solving physical & virtual asset identity today: WAX, Verses, BlockV, Xage, Guardtime, Filament, Chronicled, Blocksafe, DMarket, etcBlockchain Prediction # 4: World Trade on a Blockchain.By 2030, most of world trade will be conducted leveraging blockchain technology. Blockchain will emerge as the growing technology of future.One of the most promising areas where blockchain can provide signNow business value is global supply chain. In its current state, world trade is conducted via a chaotic, fragmented set of business relationships among parties that are untrusted.The future of blockchain is really promising. We have to wait till the world completely adopt the ‘blockchain technology’. This results in inefficiencies, errors, and fraud. This is a set of real-world business problems that are currently unsolved and cannot be fully solved without using blockchain technology.Some examples of real-world supply chain problems that need to be solved are:Counterfeit medicines in the pharmaceutical industry.Food supply chain in China (the tragic case of adulterated infant formula).Fake Louis Vuitton handbags and other fashion apparel in Asia.Counterfeit auto parts in North America.Grey market or counterfeit electronic equipment, including medical devices (World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 8% are fake).Enterprise IT equipment-- a major manufacturer of enterprise networking equipment estimates 10% of products in its multi-billion-dollar supply chain are grey market.As is evident, the problems in global supply chains are signNow and, in some cases, life-threatening. According to WHO, tens of thousands of people die from counterfeit drugs every year.The solution to these problems is difficult because the business ecosystems are fragmented, siloed, only partially automated, and lacking a trusted central authority with jurisdiction, resources and credibility to track provenance and signNow authenticity.Unlike the example of the banking industry, where there is an existing system (SWIFT) that works correctly and reliably, in the supply-chain examples, there is no proven, working system. There is no order, only chaos. Therefore, disruption is not an option, because disruption implies disintermediating or dismantling an existing system.What is required is "anti-disruption"-- i.e., bringing order to chaos by using blockchain technology as a force for unification: to unify disparate flows of payment, physical goods and information. This won't be easy, and complete solutions will take years to build. In effect, one is constructing an ERP system for a business ecosystem, which means it will take longer and be more difficult than building an ERP system for a single company.Also, as mentioned earlier, the technology does not yet have the functional scope, flexibility, performance, efficiency, and maturity. Once it matures, the problems in supply chains are real enough, and important enough that solutions will eventually be built, and blockchain will play a critical role in these future solutions.Sample Blockchain based Companies: Skuchain, Provenance, Blockfreight, Blockverify, Caravaggio, Cargo Chain, Chain of Things, Consentio, Everledger, Filament, Fluent, Kioog, Kouvola Innovation, Mojix, Modum, Synechron, Tallysticks, Tradle, Wave, Zerado.Blockchain Prediction # 5: Blockchain 4 GoodBy 2030, signNow improvements in the world's standard of living will be attributable to the development of blockchain technology.Poverty and income discrepancy are arguably the hardest problems for humanity to tackle. More than 10% of the world population, more than 750 million people, live on less than $2 a day. More than 2 billion people are considered to be unbanked and have no access to financial services. Though the overall living standards increase, and world's GDP is on the rise, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.Blockchain technology has the potential to shrink the poverty gap. How? It can be done by increasing financial inclusiveness, reducing corruption, and enabling decentralized access to value-creating assets. Here are three examples.Financial inclusiveness is the most obvious benefit of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. As is already evident today, Bitcoin and blockchain enable the unbanked population to get banked, and therefore, get paid. One no longer needs to rely on a centralized institution, such as the government or a bank, to give you permission to open a bank account.You can buy and sell Bitcoin on an open market (provided access to a crypto exchange) with access to a smartphone. A number of merchants around the world already accept cryptocurrencies. By 2030, cryptocurrency will serve as a de facto standard, similar to how the US dollar is widely accepted today.Second, blockchain technology reduces corruption by creating transparency of official records. Whether you are a farmer in rural Latin America or a house owner in Russia, you will no longer be driven out of your land by a corrupt official tampering with the land registry. All assets, including land, will be recorded on a transparent, tamper-free distributed ledger open for the public to see.Solving this problem alone will have massive financial implications on the global economy. According to a prominent economist, Hernando DeSoto, "dead capital," or, in other words, property or asset which is held but not legally recognized, is estimated at $20 trillion.Uncertainty around asset ownership reduces asset price and tradability potential. Therefore, by creating a transparent, tamper-proof property and asset tracking system, blockchain technology has the potential to increase global wealth.Lastly, blockchain technology enables a massive-scale tokenization of value-generating assets only available to the rich right now. Think about buying The Plaza Hotel in New York City or an expensive piece of gold mining equipment producing a steady, recurring income stream over several years.To purchase such an asset today, one has to borrow large sums of money from a bank and take an upfront risk on the purchase. Blockchain enables tokenization of large-scale assets. This means that even if you are a farmer in rural Africa, you can now become a fractional owner of a revenue-generating asset such as a gold mine.I hope this article will help you out in letting know the future of blockchain Technology. Blockchain Future is really promising. It will take some time for the blockchain to emerge further all over the world.
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Frequently asked questions
How do i add an electronic signature to a word document?
When a client enters information (such as a password) into the online form on , the information is encrypted so the client cannot see it. An authorized representative for the client, called a "Doe Representative," must enter the information into the "Signature" field to complete the signature.
How do they know an electronic signature is actually you?
And, more importantly, does it have a secret meaning, and are you actually the owner and not just someone pretending to be you?
The answer seems to be yes. In fact, it's the best answer any of the researchers could come up with: They believe that it's the secret to a digital signature, and their findings have been published in the academic literature.
The paper is entitled "Secret Authenticity of Digital Signatures: the case of the 'IOU'" and is a collaboration between the researchers and David Chaum, the author of the famous paper on digital signatures that was used to prove the security of electronic cash transactions over the Internet in 1999.
It was a pretty big deal back in 1999, because it proved that it's possible to make an electronic currency that is not vulnerable to "double spending" -- where the money itself can be duplicated and used to defraud the network.
And since then, digital signatures have been at the center of many new innovations in electronic banking, and now the technology has moved out-of-the-box into other areas, like online payment systems, the blockchain, and smart contracts.
And Chaum, who is also the author of the classic book "Digital Money: Theory and Practice," has been working to prove that electronic signatures are more than just something that can be used for digital signatures.
He did that with a proof-of-concept experiment at the University of Illinois a decade or so ago. He wanted to see whether it could be possible to take an el...
How to do electronic signature for cover letter?
There are two basic ways to do electronic signature for cover letter.
Option 1 : Using email and a web browser
This way the document will be signed by yourself in the browser (using a browser with Javascript support). This is the easiest way, but not necessarily secure.
For example, you can create a PDF in Microsoft Word/Excel with the following code and save it to your personal Dropbox folder.
<html> <head> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <form action="" method="post" novalidate> <p>First Name: <input type="text" name="firstname"> <p>Last Name: <input type="text" name="lastname"> </p> <p>Email: <input type="text" name="email"> <p>Message: <input type="text" name="message"> </p> <form action="" method="post" novalidate> <p>First Name: <input type="text" name="firstname"> <p>Last Name: <input type="text" name="lastname"> </p> <p>Email: <input type="text" name="email"> <p>Message: <input type="text" name="message"> </p> </form> </body> </html>
To do this with a web browser on a desktop or laptop machine go to the folder containing your document, right click, select "Send to" and choose the "Dropbox" type. The document will then be saved as a .pdf file (which is a compressed file type).
Option 2 : Using a cloud service
If you use an online cloud service like Box which provides an online storage for your files that store your documents in a different geographical location. You can use a web browser to open the document in a browser on the Box website and you will...
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