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all right ladies so for today's class we're going to continue to look at the effects of the industrial revolution uh so for today's class we would have looked at a few things you are not going to get a quick recap i would have done the recap already so the objective is to look at the effects so what are some of the effects that we would have looked at last week effects the first effect we looked at was we looked at two effects positive and negative we looked at positive and negative yes but positive and negative of what urbanization and population growth very good urbanization and population growth all right so what do we mean by population growth population growth increase in citizens anyone increasing of citizens or people in the country yes so the population increased so why was their population growth in britain [Music] during the industrial revolution because like modern trade expanded and people tend to like get more food and import from countries the people were healthier and they had like more children and so forth yeah very good so as a result of the countries having britain having more access to food because of the new machines that they would have developed and for sure then people are now way healthier but is that up all right so was that always the case was that always the case in terms of population growth closer all right what are some of the negative effects of population growth um new um diseases developed and it was not really studied properly and everybody started medicine all right thank you very much anderson for medicine food and water we're very scared yes correct correct once electricity on water was used more yes electricity and water was used more and so the water the some of the waters actually in britain at the time were contaminated so you have diseases that emerge like cholera some people got sick because everyone is living in the same space anybody has ever been downtown before it's me yes sir oh my gosh i love downtown yes but full i know everybody loves dawn because downtown is very colorful but is it all the time repeat please is are you talking about where the banks are in those places no we're talking about don't tony general doctor needs to just colorful no no sir no yes [Music] people are very dark they should be like american charge a virtual garbage on a girl very good no ladies this is when you are discussing population growth in your tessaria paper just think about downtown that explains what was going on in britain at the time overcrowded in fact it was so overcrowded that people were actually walking in the streets [Music] yes and do you realize that we need for some parts of downtown there's a stench anybody know yes have that experience yes sir yes sir there are mothers down that road yes right there are closer to the park there right along the park and in fact you will see the stains the peace stains on the wall when you are driving past that was this all right so in britain it was actually worse than don't talk during this time worst and so that's one of the reason ladies there was actually some negative effects of population growth and urbanization from negative effects they have positive effects because the mere fact that the population grew and there was a reason why the popular population grew was because of the what we call the availability of food and people moving from the rural areas into the town and having you know all of these different growth but at the same time once the population grew the population just expanded significantly i'm coming fraser the population expanded significantly that the place was just so overcrowded look at this city for sure manchester manchester city in england at the time at 35 000 people in 1804 and by 1841 the population increased to 353 000. this is quite a lot of people for a small space yes fraser you married fraser over to you sorry my bad go again go ahead i wanted to see what i thought downtown was bad rituals because like when it rains if you have on like slippers or crocs and like if depending on if it rains heavy there if it rains too much and you have on slippers you have to step up in the water and and sometimes like when you're walking there's barely any shelter to walk one day also yes i agree it is the same as sometime and we realize that half of you is quietly becoming downtown especially yesterday especially by the by where our school is yeah the bucket the back gate yes it's quietly you know just like it's emerging like that but that's one of the crowded world in fact that is almost every day [Music] yes almost every day if you should reach school at if you work at the back gate and you reach there at around 6 a.m 6 to 7 in the mornings you will see the mess on the ground and so what the person's family school they the cleaners and all of those person they go out and you see them putting sun and all of these different stuff all day because when i come to school i go and buy my fruits by the fruits man so i see everything that is sticking please all right ladies so we actually i'm at i returned by like almost six o'clock so i don't reach exactly states because it's normally dark in every school and i i'm the only one so yeah i reached very well i reached school early in the morning and i sit in the car and eat my fruits and pray and all of these different stuff so i see everything that is taken clear ladies we know for sure that the population grew and there were some positive effects and negative effects of urbanization and population and we also mentioned that we really can't separate all those historians separate urbanization from population growth you really can't separate it right because both of the points overlap no ladies working conditions another effect of another effect of the industrial rep sorry the industrial revolution is horrible working condition what do we mean by working conditions sir did it like deteriorate due to the um amount of um ways that they were getting back and they couldn't dispose of it properly yes yes [Music] like in the futures like sometimes like the machines would like you know hurt the people and like there's a did the managers like treat them badly the managers also treat them badly yes so we have some points here very good points uh in fact ladies when we are talking about working conditions and most of you would have mentioned it working somebody read this for me please working conditions refers to the working environments and aspects of an employee's terms and conditions of employment this covers such matters as the organization of work and work activities health safety and well-being and working time and work-life balance very good so when we talk about working conditions we are talking about what was the work environment like was the environment clean was it dirty okay so we know for sure that it was dirty there was also a lot of rats and also a lot of what it started with the sir b d e because what is going around this disease and bad very good go ahead go ahead all right so we know for sure that when we have yes is that cara okay all right so ladies we know for sure that when we talk about working conditions we're talking about environment what was the working environment like and we know for sure that the working environment also looks at things like whether it was clean or dirty and we already know that the environment was very dirty and there was also a lot of diseases another thing what were some of the conditions of work so when you work you usually send a contract between you and the employer the working conditions were very very poor the employers could just fire you anytime they want for example you know some sometimes people work some places and the persons don't like you and they just said all right i don't like you go they just fire you just like that or you go to your boss one morning and you said to the bus that you're smoking and i can't take this smoke the bars just fire you instantaneously those were some of the horrible working conditions that they would have endured is they also started also a child labor and also a lot of child labor was going on during that period sir and me there no can't you forget her job awakening is this i agree but you know that child labor is illegal no right again sir we know where yes so with the so some of the other things dealing with dealing with work is that what were the hours that they would have worked if they get any break yes how many how long was there working or what was what was getting a week repeat sir like they would get like one day's break like sunday or something very good just a day so we know for sure when we said the word horrible we know that it is bad the working condition was extremely bad the environment was bad the contract was bad the hours in which the work was bad the time work was but it was just horrible and for example labor long working hours they work for very long working hours yeah child labor where because they needed so many persons to work they actually had to use the children what are some what is the problem of using children as laborers there could be a lot of mistakes made mistakes yes that is one way what did you say those are pros and cons pros and cons of child labor well i wouldn't be able to go to school yes so a lot of children died in the factory they can't they can transport stuff for you like if you want to carry something to someone that the adult workers that is true and so for child labor there's quite a lot of pros sorry hans when it comes to child labor in fact at this time children supposed to be going outside and play imagine children have to get up in the morning in the night they don't get them it's not the night yes they work from in the morning to the same boat as the adults yes the same hours as the adults that's wickedness now we get in somewhere so we know for sure ladies that child labor we know for sure that child labor was part of the horrible working condition enough to i don't think there's any pro to it maybe the pro to child labor anyone wanting us the pro what was one of the positives i've used entirely but for the manufacturers they earn money even though there's a lot there they have more people working though they had more people working so just imagine a very poor family in britain the mother is going to work the father is going to work and the children going to work sometimes the entire family work in the same place anybody else anybody have never worked with parents yet yes oh yeah yes sir you enjoy going work with your parents no it's boring no sir but the part i love the most is that i get to run and play it's nice i get to handle the money all right i just sit there but you see when i was growing up especially when it comes to summertime and i had to go to work with my parents it was very boring i never liked it i prefer to stay home and watch tv but that was not the reality i had to go to work during the summer so is not only the children and the parents going to work at the same time but the children are actually going to partake in the activities there and so and so that is one of the the negative effects of the child labor another thing is that the factories were overcrowded overcrowded factories and also there was a lot of injuries and a lot of persons actually died from the machines some of the machines malfunction some person's hand were maimed from the machine yet you're putting it you're trying to make something on your hand just slipped in all your fingers on it was horrible somebody could you read this for me please actually school factories could run up to 24 hours a day six days a week and a typical shift was 10 to 14 pounds automated equipment with moving parts was inherently dangerous but workers usually receive no compensation very good so just like what was said earlier they got one days one day off they work six days for the week and their working hours were 10 to 14 hours right now we go to work from for eight hours for the day but and if it is eight hours and your parents come home and even you that go to school for some time for about eight is it or was they go to school six or seven you know what it depends on time that you reach a school though because i normally just go like 5 14. all right so if you just imagine [Music] yes sir it's not even to watch a nice little show on the tv also send me a mail finally for something you found out well yes i'll try but at the same time i just want to go to bed i don't even want to eat anything so some days i was some days when i leave work i am so tired that when i reach home i just want to bathe and just go straight to bed not even to eat so i agree with you so it was the same experience that they had in britain the same very experience they worked for longer hours than what we are working for because right now we're working for eight hours and they worked for 10 to 14 hours so in and in fact if you leave that very long distances then by the time you take one hour two hour to reach home you sleep by the next day and the next couple of hours my mother i work for 10 well she works for 10 hours i work for five yeah you say you're which is currently are you saying currently your mother worked for 10 hours yeah but when she worked for 10 hours she got tired yeah sometimes she even forgot forgets to cook exactly so that is some of the negative effects of the long working hours and remember that their condition at least unknown the some of us might have a helper to come and help out these were very poor people in britain and they had no helpers they they had to do everything for themselves so i can imagine my diseases would have spread sir go ahead sir is it illegal to work over a certain amount of hours no time you can right now you're supposed to work eight hours and what if you should work decide to work additional hours you have to give the overtime here back then there was no limit there was no law to talk about how long a person should work they could get to work that they should say all right 15 hours to work know a lot to say no you can't give them 15 hours some people actually lived at the workplaces the factories what no yes sir all right so if you work for eight hours no you get over time here however and then there was no such thing as an overtime so you had so you had to back then in fact there was no lag that said that a worker must work for a set number of time the employer decides how long he wanted to work if the employer said 23 hours for the day you get one hour break one sleep get up get back to work that was the reality so you understand why when we talk about her working condition that it was very horrible yes sir it is it was very very horrible so we can we have an idea what the conditions are now working conditions the i was going to go through the positive and negative but we would have looked at that mass production another effect is mass production what do we mean by mass production sir a lot of goods were made for the market a lot of goods were made for the markets very good so when we talk about mass production mass production is a manufacturing of large quantities of goods what were some of the goods that were made the main good the main one what was it the main product clothes clothing textile was one of the main ones what were the others that were made how did they make things like carpentry [Music] yes stuff furniture food as production when it comes to food any other thing when it comes to mass production what is transportation transportation a lot of cars they are going to make anything else machines a lot of machines yes so when it comes to mass production we are going to make things like glass all the cockroaches and the chinawares that we have in our home are going to produce them in great abundance anything with us they're gonna create the clocks the papers they're going to make a lot of papers pottery anything to do with iron so they're going to make iron table they're going to make iron stools not only our stools with board our stools that comes from mahogany board but they're going to make things with the hand because even at a time had a large deposit of iron yes so they are doing so these are some of the things that they are doing now ladies back then before the industrial revo ution the industrial revolution only those in england could have china wares in their homes only the wealthy the kings and the queens and the nobles but as a result of the industrial revolution the common man the poor man now have access to glass cups and plates and all of these different stuff another thing that is going to come from the iron is that you are going to make a lot of forks and knives and spoons and guns [Music] seriously more into the into the industrial revolution like the valley of some things went down yes so goods are not going to become way cheaper so you realize that right now any and anybody have a glass in their house everybody have glass in their house but they're producing more they are producing more and so as they produce more it gets cheaper and cheaper so people right now if you are cocky people don't own and you go and buy a car queen basketball you can get a glass cup for twenty dollars you know that yes you can get a glass copy in basketball for twenty dollars twenty us dollars twenty dominican dollars where is that bashful did you that's when i could raise sir that's when i could raise already seriously you can't go you can't go into basketball any this is jamaica it is jamaica in bashko you get corporately they're in us dollars and dollars ranchers raised ten dollars for jolly rancher all right so let's not know ladies so the goods gets gets way cheaper the quantity there is much more and the quality of the goods are better mass production so those are some of the impact when it comes to mass production right so let us do as quick recap the first effect we looked at was population population growth the second effect was urbanization urbanization the third effect we looked at was mass production well we know looking at mass production horrible and now we look at mass production right very good another effect that is going to take place is that with all of these things taking place now is that we are also going to have new professions from your reading what are some of the new professions that came about if you look at my list i have on my list that yeah factual workers so that was a new one factory workers in the factory are people operating machines so this was a very new profession where you have people in the machine if the machine had any problem then you call a technician to fix the machine so you have machine technicians people to design roads what are the other positions they think that are going to emerge um the people that taylor or something are just what do they call again people that make clothes theme dress yes sir you're going to have those independent persons yes any other there are people who ship their products to other countries yes so you're going to have people who are going to be in shipping merchants so we can add so we have new merchants that emerge because we always had merchants they have new merchants and they work in the shipping industry one other effect is that one other profession what emerged during this time it started b start with what b as in boy um business businesses yes but it's some where you go to get money bank bank so you are going to have no bankers tellers you're going to have tellers and something that is linked to punk is what it starts with i um insurance companies insurance companies so you have insurers very good these are some of the professions that are going to emerge a lot of banks are going to emerge during this time a lot of insurance companies merchants technicians when it comes to the machine operators of machine because the persons who fix the machines are not the same persons who operate the machines roads are being built and also you're going to have new ship builders so what about innovators and yes the innovators will be the persons who make the machines correct sir an investor you don't have investors yes yes we have investors also where is it the innovators those are the one who invent machines and the different things so these are some of the things that are taking place here ladies new professions also if you have a factory you're going to have for every factory so for example you have a factory with four different departments four different sections of our factories each department must have somebody with scholar ed a head what we call a head of department is sometimes called a it starts with um [Music] [Music] so you're going to have factory managers and you're going to have to supervise us oh the ceos own their own like um businesses yes the ceo are the ones who actually own the banks and the businesses and the factory so sir um what what is that what the ceo stands for i always want to know that anybody know what c o c o stand for there isn't a chief executive chief executive officer correct okay i'm the fearful all right so the the ceo is somebody who is not well right now it is different you control the company but you only direct the company when it comes to policies you will tell what the company should do but you are not directly involved in the day-to-day operation so for example society basically doesn't like do the labor they don't do this all right the paperwork and stuff to make to ensure the company is safe and intact and then yes that's what they didn't work yes so for example you have parkinson parkinson you are the ceo of this class so what you do your position in the class is that you tell me and i would be the manager so you are the ceo focusing i am the manager so what you do is that you tell me that listen at the end of the month every student in the class supposed to get a grade one right the manager now is the one so that is the policy the policies that all the students should get with one is the manager responsibility is to ensure that every student get the grade one and then i imagine all right in order for us every student to get the great one i might put uh aliyah i might put another someone as a supervisor to monitor the other students they have supervisors you have managers then you have the ceo go ahead all right ladies another major thing that is going to take place during this time is improvement when it comes to transportation and communication communication transportation so what are some of the things you're going to have locomotive you're going to have steam ships telegram or you have air airplane radios auto mobile which are cars these are all the different hips things [Music] i say ships motorcycles yes not the motorcycles but for the ships this this is what is a steam ship is a form of ship later let us show you the new ships that they are going to have you are seeing my screen are you still seeing the powerpoint i'm just in court okay i'm coming um so this is it these are examples of steam ships when you see steam ships so what is going to happen is that they are going to use the cold olive coal that the british had they are going to use the coal within the engine of the ship and so that is going to allow the ships to move much faster it's going to go at greater rate the ships are going to get much larger and so you can carry more goods on the ships all right yeah these are so these are some examples of the steam chip one of the major steamship that would have happened during this time is the titanic oh those kind of passengers that also carry passengers so what is going to happen now people now going to go on vacation quite a lot of vacation gonna take place where people is going to travel from there wasn't that the big old ship but then the code and then yeah these things yes some survived though some so we know for sure ladies that the steam ships because before the steamship you know they usually have some very cheap not cheap i shouldn't say cheap but they shouldn't say that's right we catch fire let's just get it sir yes so with the steam ships you see all this small coming up on the top yes sir they use the cold in it they're the cold not the cold yeah the coal to to fuel the to fuel fuel the engines that you suggest one journey sir yes it is a lot but remember that england at the time i didn't have guns yesterday it was nothing hard for them and so they carried crazy this is it you are seeing the powerpoint now yes sir but not oh yes sir so they so what they had was that the steam ships you could have airplane no radios for communication back then they could not really get any information easily but now we create you can information will just quickly pass from one area to the next telegraphs are things like meal you send males from one area to the next but then it usually takes six weeks to for a meal to reach from jamaica to england with the steam ships it takes roughly two weeks to reach you have your goods for example you have your family members living in england at the time london you live in kingston as a result of steam ships and the airplane and all of these different stuff you can send them a nice little package and it will reach them in two weeks and then it usually takes six weeks or more for them to receive a package sometimes three or four months although me right now it's taking a very long time to get my package here oh my yes um people could migrate to find better job opportunities a lot of people migrate it still happen in today's society still all right so [Music] ladies these were some of the effects all right so what i want you to do because you might get up assignment with a test on it know the positive so write three positive and three negative not every one of them can't sign three positive but i'm sure you can't find at least three negative for each write three positives three negative for each of the different effects expl see how you can explain the effects all right thank you get there enjoy the holiday you have monday today i'm not i have to discuss with mrs brown chambers when the test is going to be that would be like we got the next week or something like nah but it's next week we have a future next week yeah in you foreign yeah i'm gonna everything i know the test is going to be next week because if this was going to be next week you'd have known already okay so you're not getting that test next week but maybe the following week my unknown son say you're gonna get her but i know what it's gonna be next okay so thank you bye

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How to sign a PDF file on an Android How to sign a PDF file on an Android

How to sign a PDF file on an Android

What’s the number one rule for handling document workflows in 2020? Avoid paper chaos. Get rid of the printers, scanners and bundlers curriers. All of it! Take a new approach and manage, help me with industry sign banking massachusetts presentation mobile, and organize your records 100% paperless and 100% mobile. You only need three things; a phone/tablet, internet connection and the airSlate SignNow app for Android. Using the app, create, help me with industry sign banking massachusetts presentation mobile and execute documents right from your smartphone or tablet.

How to sign a PDF on an Android

  1. In the Google Play Market, search for and install the airSlate SignNow application.
  2. Open the program and log into your account or make one if you don’t have one already.
  3. Upload a document from the cloud or your device.
  4. Click on the opened document and start working on it. Edit it, add fillable fields and signature fields.
  5. Once you’ve finished, click Done and send the document to the other parties involved or download it to the cloud or your device.

airSlate SignNow allows you to sign documents and manage tasks like help me with industry sign banking massachusetts presentation mobile with ease. In addition, the safety of your info is top priority. Encryption and private web servers can be used as implementing the most recent functions in information compliance measures. Get the airSlate SignNow mobile experience and operate better.

Trusted esignature solution— what our customers are saying

Explore how the airSlate SignNow eSignature platform helps businesses succeed. Hear from real users and what they like most about electronic signing.

This service is really great! It has helped...

This service is really great! It has helped us enormously by ensuring we are fully covered in our agreements. We are on a 100% for collecting on our jobs, from a previous 60-70%. I recommend this to everyone.

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I've been using airSlate SignNow for years (since it...
Susan S

I've been using airSlate SignNow for years (since it was CudaSign). I started using airSlate SignNow for real estate as it was easier for my clients to use. I now use it in my business for employement and onboarding docs.

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Everything has been great, really easy to incorporate...
Liam R

Everything has been great, really easy to incorporate into my business. And the clients who have used your software so far have said it is very easy to complete the necessary signatures.

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Frequently asked questions

Learn everything you need to know to use airSlate SignNow eSignatures like a pro.

How do i add an electronic signature to a word document?

When a client enters information (such as a password) into the online form on , the information is encrypted so the client cannot see it. An authorized representative for the client, called a "Doe Representative," must enter the information into the "Signature" field to complete the signature.

How to sign a document through a pdf?

How to sign through the Internet? What is a pdf document? How to send and receive a pdf document? How to create a pdf document? How to sign a pdf document using the Internet? If the PDF document is not saved in the folder, how to save the file in another folder? How to create a PDF for the website? To sign a PDF in a computer, how to sign the pdf document through computer? Which programs will I need to use to create a PDF? How to create a PDF in an electronic book? How to create a pdf in Windows PowerPoint? For more than the above information, do not forget to check our PDF tutorial to become an expert in the subject.

Where can you sign up for e-mail?

It's called a "mailing list" because you can only use it to send e-mails from your phone. It's not very easy to start using a Gmail or Yahoo Mail, and even more difficult to keep up with the changes the other big players are making in the marketplace. A great email client, such as Gmail or Outlook, offers a number of tools for managing your incoming and outgoing e-mails. You can set up "forwarding" rules, so messages from different addresses can be routed to the same e-mail address. You can also have your inbox filtered for specific types of e-mail. If you prefer Google Mail's more feature-rich approach, you can also opt to "sync" your e-mail with Google's service. That way you see the same content in all Google services. That means you'll be getting automatic updates when someone sends you a new e-mail; you'll be sent all the e-mails sent to you on Google Groups; and you'll have access to the Google Docs and Sheets apps. All this makes the choice of which e-mail client to use even more critical. Here's the full guide to choosing the right e-mail client for your needs, and if you decide to install it, here's a list of the best e-mail clients for Mac users.