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>> Hello, everyone. It is now time to begin our next session of the day. Thank you to those of you that have been with us since the beginning. For those that are just joining, my name is Robin Vikra [phonetic]. I'll be one of our hosts today. And with me, we have Andrea Azarcon Heller. And I'd like to take just a moment to check your audio, Andrea. >> I am here. >> Fantastic. Okay, well, I'd like to thank everyone for answering those poll questions and for being so involved in our chat windows. I love seeing all of the networking going on. I think that is fantastic. But I am going to move us ahead, so your screen is about to change. I apologize if you're typing. This will interrupt you. Okay, it's now time to begin our next session titled Thinking About Pursing GSA's Multiple Award Schedule? Here's What You Need to Know. And this will be led by Stephanie Shutt, Director of GSA's Multiple Award Schedule Program Management Office. I'd like to remind you that this session, this session, along with all of our sessions, are being recorded, and these recordings will be made available after the conference. Stephanie, I'll turn it over to you. >> Thank you, Robin. And I want to thank everyone for joining this wonderful session that we have today, about the Multiple Award Schedules Program and contract vehicle. Again, my name is Stephanie Shutt. I am the Director of the Multiple Award Schedules Contract Vehicle, and that means that I set the strategic direction for this program. I do want to say that I do have a couple of subject matter experts that are here to help answer your questions. So, as you have questions during this presentation, feel free to throw those in the chat Q&A section, and one of our subject matter experts will get to you. If we have time, we will do some live as well. It's all going to depend on that timing. If you do not get your question answered and we just run out of time, I will say that you can e mail them to the MAS PMO at So, again, Really quick, I want to introduce my subject matter expert, Jaime Martinez, Jack Tekus, Xavier [phonetic] Arasband [phonetic], Aaron Curtin, Rebecca Cosif [phonetic], Ernesto Martinez, Dana Anillo [phonetic], and Daniel Stafford. And one of these people will be the person that will be answering these questions as they come in. But with that, let's get started. Today, in this presentation, we're going to go over the Multiple Award Schedules Program. It's a high overview. Then we're going to go into whether or not MAS is a good fit for you, because sometimes it is a great fit for some of our industry partners, and sometimes there are better ways or better contract vehicles to go towards. And then we'll go through the offer process and the roadmap at a very high level. And then we'll get into some of the learning resources and technical support. So, for the overview of the Multiple Award Schedules Program, this is also referred to as MAS, GSA Schedules Program, the schedule. We do have the technical term, which is the Federal Supply Schedule. And that level includes both the GSA run schedules, which are the MAS program, and also the federal supply schedules run through the BA. They are delegated nine medical schedules as well. We do have both of those under the federal supply schedules. I'm more going to be speaking to the GSA schedules, which is the Multiple Award Schedules Program. So, the Multiple Award Schedules Contract Vehicle is a contract, a commercial contract vehicle with the federal government. And it bridges in around over 31 billion, somewhere up of 33 billion dollars of sales annually through this program and contract vehicle. We currently have upwards of over 15,000 contracts on this vehicle. And it is an indefinite delivery and definite quantity contract. It includes commercial products and services, as well as some solutions that can be used by the federal agencies worldwide. The biggest purchaser from this program are federal agencies. However, we do have some quasi agencies, such as the Red Cross or the United States Postal Office. We do have some territories that can use such programs. And under very special circumstances, state and local governments can also use the Multiple Award Schedules Contract Vehicle. There are other types of government wide multiple award contracts. And basically that just means a contract vehicle where there are multiple awards, meaning multiple industry partners have individual contracts within that vehicle. They are called government wide acquisition contracts, or GWACs. These are typically an IT or information technology. And then you have multi agency contracts. And these are contracts in which multi agencies can purchase from or own. So, there's a lot of opportunities and benefits within the MAS program that the top things are this is a vehicle that does deal with commercial products and services that we try our hardest to match those commercial buying practices. Sometimes it's a better fit for commercial contractors, especially if you really work in that world of commercial selling. It's a fast, easy, and effective contract vehicle. And what that means is we do have streamline buying practices that ordering activities can take advantage of through this program, which makes it a little easier, easier just to purchase from, and connect with our industry [inaudible]. We comply with rules and regulations. And basically what that means is it helps agencies comply with what they need to comply for at the contract level so that they can make sure their task orders or purchase orders that they put against this vehicle are going to be compliant with all regulations that are within the government buying power. We do have total solutions on the schedules program. This includes large businesses or other small businesses that can vary comprehensive offerings. We do have a lot of mid tier or small businesses that also have these large ones. But we have certain vehicles called contractor teaming arrangements. And this is when more than one company can come together and work together to provide a solution. And this really are on a small business to work together to bring those solutions to our agencies and to all of our buying customers. So, there are a lot of other benefits. We've listed a couple more down here. But, again, this is a large and very popular commercial acquisition program. We have anything from office supplies to information technology to also leasing a vehicle. It's very broad, it's very wide, and we recently consolidated it to one vehicle so that you don't need to get multiple contracts to play in this world. You would just need one. So, one of the things that I get from a lot of companies is whether or not the MAS program is going to be good for that. There are a lot of things related to the Multiple Award Schedules Program and that includes a lot of requirements and a lot of rules that you have to follow by and time and resources that you're going to need to put into this. The first thing you want to do is make sure that this vehicle actually has a category that applies to you. So, these are our categories that we have under the current vehicle. We have facilities. And this could be services, solutions, or products used within a facility. It is furnishings, furniture and furnishings, which is pretty self explanatory, human capital, industrial products and services, information technology. We do have a miscellaneous category, and this, this is a category of items that don't fit pretty smoothly somewhere else. This often includes clothing. We have musical instruments that are underneath here. Just a plethora of different things. But we also keep our categories under here that relate to other direct costs. For items that you guys can put together to make a solution where these other direct costs may not really have a home. Professional services, office management. And that includes both the products from office supplies and office services, scientific management and solutions, security and protection, transportation and logistics, and travel. So, it's a wide array of commercial offerings that are under this vehicle. If you're looking at these categories and you're not sure if you fit underneath one of them, I'm going to give you some stuff later on where you can actually figure out if that's really where you're going to fit. So, another thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to make sure that the demand for your product or service. So, we have a website. It's called For most of you guys who have worked for the government, you guys have gone to And this is where you registered your company with your DUNS number to actually be able to participate in government spend. At, it will include a view into your registration so that government agencies can validate that you are a company that has registered with SAM. But also this is a place where government puts all of their opportunities. So, we used to have a website called SBO or [inaudible]. This was migrated recently into So, one of the things you're going to want to search in here is contract opportunities. And you can use key word searches. You can use what we call NAICS code, or the North American Index Classification System Coding. And those are numbers that would associate with your products or services or solution. And there are other filters you can use in here to see if there are any pending opportunities or if there were past opportunities, or if there are any future opportunities coming up that are asking for quotes on products or services that you might sell. This is an excellent place to go to that just kind of fill the demand within the government. Another search you're going to want to do in here is to kind of see what different parts of government bought the products and service that you would want to offer. You can go to the contract data search and look into that and just see what types of contracts are out there, or see how the government is actually buying these things, because this will also tell you if this vehicle is the best vehicle for you. So, the government can buy many different ways. And sometimes it's not through the Multiple Award Schedules Program. And so we want to always make sure that everyone gets to the correct contract vehicle that fits their company best and makes them as streamlined as possible for the government. So, I'm going to go through a couple of websites next that will also help you. This will help you with your market analysis. This is GSA eLibrary, GSA Advantage, and GSA Schedule Sales Query Plus. So, these three sites together can help you put together what your market analysis is and what it would take to actually get [inaudible] within that market. So, GSA eLibrary, this is where we list all of our contractors as kind of an inventory tool. It lists everyone that we have on contract. As you can see in this small screenshot, there are these red numbers under this category tab. These are what we call special item numbers. But basically they're a categorization of what services, products, or solutions we're offering on this contract. And you can look through all of those. I would recommend that you go to the Multiple Award Schedule in eLibrary and at least do a control find or some sort of search on there to see if any of the key words that you would describe your company's offering as are in there. Now, what you also want to do is when you click into this special item number or this categorization, for example, this first one is 561210 FAC, if you click on that, you could go to another page, and it would show you how many contractors offer these thoughts, services, products, or solutions. And this basically tells you how saturated or unsaturated the market is. You're really looking for a special item number who has at least more than five contracts on there, mainly because if it's under five, what you're going to see is it's going to be an extremely niche market, and it's going to have some suppliers in there that are extremely well known. So, those sometimes are harder to break into. If there is one where there's a lot of contractors, some of our special item numbers do have over 100 companies on them. This is also something that you're going to see that there's a lot of people competing in here. And when I go in this schedule sales query, there are certain things that you can look up in there that will tell you how much, how much sales are going on and how it's distributed [inaudible]. And the reason that it's important is you kind of want to see how much are activities going on. But this also could help you make a decision on whether or not you want to get a contract. Typically, if you are selling something that is extremely commercial in nature, which is fabulous, but you have one or two items, some of the things we do [inaudible] just so you don't have so much of the burden on it is to find companies that sell similar items that you are selling and connect with them, and maybe become a supplier for them through their contract, which we call a prime subcontractor relationship. And this helps you kind of get into that government market, but you don't have to do the work that is related to getting on contracts and maintaining that contract. So, this is always a really great thing. So, right now, we are in this midst of a pandemic. And as you guys know, we are constantly trying to make sure we have enough masks for the federal government and for FEMA and state and local governments and for people to hand out to the population, hand sanitizer, these kind of things, cleaning, all those kind of things. If you're a company that you sell with and you only sell one or two of these, as this pandemic is not going to go on indefinitely, finding a company that you can team up with quickly that you can sell your stuff through them and they can resell on your behalf is always a really great idea, because it gets your product on contract more quickly, and you shift a little bit of that burden to that prime contractor who owns that contract, but you're also able to provide them supplies that they can then sell as well. And adding a new supply is much easier, or adding a new special item number and new item is much easier than getting a whole new contract. So, as you're thinking about whether or not you want to go through this [inaudible] just know that one of the things that's going to be something you want to think about is maybe I need to do a prime subcontracting relationship, maybe I need to have someone resell my product through their contract while they've been doing all this work myself. And then it kind of also helps you determine whether or not this would be something you would want to do in the future. But especially with things that we need quickly, this is the easiest and most quick way to do it is to team up with someone. GSA Advantage is another great place to look related to your market research, especially if you sell products. So, GSA Advantage is a buying website. So, anyone can go there. You can only purchase if you log in and you meet the criteria of what we would call an eligible user. The federal government, for example. But you can go in there and look at pricing. So, some of the things you're going to want to use GSA Advantage for is you're going to want to look up your manufacturer part numbers that you offer, type them into that search and see how many contractors are selling that exact same item. So, when you click on the manufacturer part number in GS, in Advantage, one of the things you're going to get to is a comparison or price comparison matrix, and it's going to list all the companies that also sell that item. So, if you're looking on there and you see that there are hundreds of companies selling the exact same item, this is also a great indicator that you may want to team up with a company and just resell through that company rather than going through the process of getting a very highly competitive market. One of the other things you're going to want to search in there are going to be whether or not you can compete. So, it will show the pricing from lowest to highest. And so you're going to want to see whether or not your pricing fits in that arena, if your pricing's too high, or if your pricing might be a little higher than you want it to be and you're down at the bottom of the list, you want to make sure that your pricing comes up. But then there's also other features than just pricing. You've got delivery. So, is that delivery going to be in a week, is it going to be 30 days? Sometimes delivery is a big factor for an agency when they're purchasing something. Another item would be warranty terms. And then there is also where they ship. So, do you only ship to the contiguous 48 states, or do you also shift to Hawaii and Alaska? Do you ship overseas? What are those different things that we have in there that you can do? So, you're going to want to look through all of those different things in that comparison to see if what you're providing at the price you're providing with these extra features would be something that benefits everyone. So, another thing that we have a lot of new contractors do is go to the schedule sales query dashboard. And this is a dashboard that has been created because in the Multiple Award Schedules Program, we transparently put out at a summary level all the sales that go through this program. So, this is something that you could go and just be. One of the things you're going to want to look in here is if you want to report in here by special item number and there are a lot of contractors, you want to validate that the sales are equally distributed. If you notice that they're not, they're in four or five companies of a hundred companies, you're going to want to really think about that to make sure that you're [inaudible] is going to be a good competition related to those other contractors. So, you kind of put together this picture. You need to know how many companies are in this arena. You need to know how distributed these sales are in this arena. And you need to know whether or not your pricing and additional what we call best value factors are competitive enough to be in this pricing. So, these are the things you're going to want to put together to put together your market research to determine whether or not this is a vehicle you would like to go to. So, at the end of doing all this, you're going to hopefully be able to answer is my organization position for a mass contract success. So, to be successful in that, it is not just getting the contract. Getting the contract is a very large step, but there is a lot going on in there. It will require resources. It will require education. You must market this contract at all times. We do have a contract clause of $25,000 where you need to get at least $25,000 worth of contracts through the MAS contracts within your first two years of being on contracts, and then 25,000 each year after that. So, that's a very high number. So, if you are selling products that are extremely low in cost, this is, if you don't feel you're going to have enough volume coming through, this is, again, going to be when you make that decision to team with someone rather than getting your own contract. Know that you're going to need to devote resources to this and you're going to need to develop expertise, not just in marketing, not just knowing the landscape of this, but also fulfilling all those requirements. There are a lot of requirements in this contract, and that's why the beginning, one of the benefits is it provides a very strong happy regulation for our customer agencies is because we have these requirements to make sure that they are able to do their [inaudible] safely and securely. So, if you've gone through all of that and you're like, yeah, this is my contract vehicle, I really want to do it, this is exactly what I need, you're going to go through the offer process and what we call the roadmap. So, you're going to go to this MAS roadmap and you're going to look through it. And I recommend that everyone read through the entire roadmap once before you even start putting your offer together. Don't put your offer together as you read. It will become very confusing. So, read the entire roadmap and then come back and start to put your offer together. In this roadmap, it's going to break things into three sections; a get ready section, a submit your offer section, and a finalize your offer section. Your get ready is getting your training, your registration, and making sure that you understand the solicitation. Also know to actually submit your offer, you will need to get additional certificates, and there will be a link to that on that website of what the appropriate ones are. Assemble your offer. And you'll complete various forms and template for that. You'll compile that information. And then when you finalize your offer, you're going to submit it through our eOffer, system, and that's where you're going to be assigned a CO, and they will review and then negotiate your said offer. And then once you're awarded, you go forward and sell. I do recommend that you try and get into the [inaudible] market prior to getting a Multiple Award Schedule Contract. It does make it a little easier because if you're in the federal market already, you kind of have learned a little bit of government speak along the way, which makes the reading a little easier for everyone. So, what you're going to do is you're going to locate and read and understand the MAS solicitation. So, it's going to be after you've read that roadmap, you're going to go to You can also look it up on But if you go to, there is a button for solicitations. And the very top one is called the Multiple Award Schedule. All the other existing schedules that will be listed on here are retired, dropping off so you won't be able to actually look at them. You'll only be able to them at them in probably by the end of this calendar year [inaudible]. But in here, you'll be able to find the current Award Schedule Contract Vehicle. We recommend that you read the main solicitation. So, when you click on that, you're going to get all of these documents. That number one document called solicitation is one of the most important ones, mainly because it has the offer instructions in there that will map one to one to that MAS roadmap. So, you're going to want to go through that solicitation, all the way through it, so that you know what you need to get ready. And then based on which large category you found you're in, that blue box of those 12 categories, whichever one you fall into, you're also going to download that category attachment because that's going to have the additional terms and conditions, but also apply on top of whatever is in that solicitation. So, again, please, please, please read the solicitation. So, instructions for all offerors which is in what we call the SCP is going to be administrative/contract data. And then it's going to go into your technical proposal. This is going to be a lot of what you're going to be submitting in eOffer, and that's your corporate experience. You need two years of corporate experience, and that's about your company. The corporate experience can also be found on your company's website under the About Us link that's in, that's usually where most people find that. Past performance for factor two. We have two versions of past performance. You can do CPARS if you have past work with federal agencies. Or you can submit us a list of point of contacts, which we will then e mail a survey to. We do ask that you make sure that you pick people that you know are super responsive. We really only give 10 days for those things, so I also do recommend that in eOffer, as soon as your CO is assigned, to ask them when they're going to send those out so you can maybe ping your point of contacts to tell them when the survey comes, make sure that you respond to it. Factor three is going to be your quality control plan. For products, you're going to be looking at supply chain risk management, labor, you're going to be looking at those quality control factors for your company. A lot of the quality control are in employee handbooks. The last one is project experience. Project experience is really related to the special item numbers, or the subcategories that you are looking into. And that's going to be demonstrating that you have that experience and how you have that experience. And then you're going to go through your price proposal, and that's going to be under a price proposal template where you'll submit that pricing. So, again, after you've proposed, you're going to be looking at that category attachment. Based on what you're offering, that category attachment is going to be different for everyone. And you may have more than one. If you're offering very complex solutions, like contact centers, which you would need information technology and professional services, you're going to want to download both of those category attachments. So, just make sure you've read through and made sure that you have all the category attachments you need. All the category attachments and also solicitation will direct you to the MAS roadmap where you're going to see that one to one throughout everything. And under this, you'll have a link to this available offerings and requirements. This is where you're going to see all of your templates, that price proposal template. If you are selling products and you need a letter of supply, it's going to have [inaudible] instructions. Anything that has a template associated is going to be on this page. So, again, that's why I always say, read that full MAS roadmap, read that solicitation, read the category attachment, and then start to figure out what you need to do to put this offer together because it will give you a complete story. So, when you're ready to start your offer, you'll make sure, you need to make sure that you have a digital certificate to enter the eOffer system. The digital certificate typically takes about two weeks to get. So, while you're reading everything, this is a great time to go get that digital certificate and really read through all that documentation so that by the time you're done with all the reading, you're starting to put together your plan of how you're going to put this offer together and you've got your digital certificate ready. Typically, a digital certificate lasts for about two years, and then you've got to renew it. Make sure that when you renew it, you renew it for the same e mail and the same name with the same first, if you have a middle name or no middle name, or if it's just an initial, and then your last name, make sure you put spaces in the same place when you renew it. That's probably one of our biggest things is contractors get frustrated their digital certificate doesn't work after they renew it because they changed the name just slightly, but it doesn't match back up to what we have on file. So, how do we evaluate a Multiple Awards Schedule offer? So, the very first thing we do is completeness. So, we validate whether or not you have completely filled out all the templates or provided all the documentation that is required in the solicitation. The next thing we look at is scope. Is what you're offering in scope with the special item numbers and large and subcategories in which you apply for? So, we're going to be looking at responsibility. Do you have the correct responsibility? Do you have the correct foundation in play? [ Inaudible ] This is both for you as much as us. Making sure contractors are successful in this program is extremely important to us, and so we don't want you to get caught off guard. If you are not a small business, if you're an other event small business, you're going to have a subcontracting plan in that, in there, and that will be something we will further negotiate from your first put you in there, that you put in there, the first template you provided. And then your proposed pricing and price related terms and conditions. And these are a best value term. What's warranty, delivery, where do you deliver, how quickly? If it's for labor categories, what is the education level? What's the experience? Those different types of things to make sure that it's all sitting in the right place. So, basically, then it gets into, this is basically going to be your timeline [inaudible] is assigned, they're going to do fact finding and clarification. So, if they find a document missing or anything like that, they are going to make sure that you have everything in there that you need. And if not, they're going to ask you clarifying questions to make sure we get that. Then you're going to start the negotiation phase. Everything you've put into this offer is basically your beginning negotiations. And we will further negotiate from that. And sometimes that negotiation also includes us making sure that what you propose not only works for the federal government, but puts you guys in a secure situation. And then we're going to do a request for a final proposal revision. So, any final revisions you guys need to do. And then we'll make the addition of award or no award. So, majority of this stuff is going to happen after you submit your offer. You will get a CO assigned. And that's the person that you're mainly going to be working with. You could get a contract specialist that also works with that contracting officer. So, you're just going to want to make sure you have the right [inaudible] contacts so that you are communicating fully through this entire situation. So, the last thing I have is the learning resources. So, if you had download this presentation at the very end this thing is going to be all your learning resources on one slide. You're going to have your MAS roadmap, your vendor toolbox, the schedule pages on, contacts for the office of small business utilization. Any training events that we have, pathways to success, which is a training that you will need to take for a vendor education center. I do recommend that anyone, whether or not you have a contract, you're thinking of getting a contract, or you're just entered in the, interested in the Multiple Award Schedules Program in general, and leaning towards that, joining the interact community is always a great thing. We will e mail you when we have new stuff that goes out there. And then we do have a national customer service center that could help get your questions to the correct place. And then, again, if you do have questions or questions from this specific training, feel free to e mail MAS PMO at So, with that, I'm going to have Ms. Weston from the MAS PMO, unmute her and see if we have any questions. And, again, we are going to be trying to take questions that may or may not have been answered, but they're going to be questions that are [inaudible] so we can get as much information to you guys as possible. >> Hi, Stephanie. We've received many questions in the chat box. Our first question is from Mark. He says, we sell patient room furniture and medical carts and bassinets. In the past, patient room furniture was under Schedule 71, and carts and bassinets were under Schedule 65. Does the MAS consolidation simplify this, or do we have to pursue two schedules? >> So, for yours, you will need to continue to do two schedules because 65 is actually owned by the VA. So, you'll be doing one contract through the VA and one contract through GSA. So, you can do both that hospital furniture there. If you do have things that do sit under what was the Legacy 66, which is that scientific equipment, and I would recommend that you look there, you can see in there's anything that cross pollinates for you. But you could do only just one [inaudible]. >> The next question we have is from Benjamin. He had a question about whether or not contractors without prior government experience can get on GSA's schedule. >> Yep, 100%. So, GSA [inaudible] is one of the few contract vehicles that you do not need specifically government experience to participate. So, we do accept past performance from, if you don't have government experience, so you wouldn't have what's called the CPARS, which is the past performance that a federal agency would provide, bullet you do have past performance with commercial companies, or you have them with a state and local agency or anything like that, we will accept that. You would basically take what's called the narrative version of past performance, and you would provide us no more than five point of contacts. We really, we only really need three, so, but we ask for five just in case we have a couple people who aren't responsive. And what, you'll need to provide us certain information, and then we will send them a survey. And we give them about 10 days to return that survey. And that's how we would do your past performance. >> Okay, next question is from Alyssa. She would like you to expand on the [inaudible] and would like to know, is there a process you recommend for small businesses in order to make these teaming arrangements? >> So, for the total solutions, what we usually do for the contractor teaming arrangements is, so everyone, the difference between a contractor teaming arrangement and a prime sub relationship is a prime sub, only the prime has to have a contract with all the products, services, and solutions on contract. The sub does not need a contract to play in that relationship. In a contractor teaming arrangement, all parties, and there can be more than two, but all parties would need to have their own individual Multiple Award Schedule Contract. And what you guys would do is you would work together to determine which companies need to be part of a teaming arrangement. I recommend strongly, very, very strongly that you have a written document of what each partner will be providing. And then as you guys come across RFQs or requests for quote, whether it be an EVI [phonetic] or it be through, when you come to something where you provide a large percentage or even a small percentage that you have other teams, partners that would fill those gaps, and they each have their own contracts, and everything that you need is on an approved price list with you, or one of your team partners, you would come to provide a quote with yourself and listing those other companies and their contract number and referencing that you have a contractor teaming arrangement. Now, the way that our systems work, it's not awesome sometimes. So, just know that usually an agency will ask for a company to step forward as the leading member of the contractor teaming arrangement because typically when they report theirselves to what's called FPDS, or the Federal Procurement Data System, they will only allow the listing of one contract member, and they'll use whichever the lead of the team is typically. So, they will ask for someone to be that lead so that if they have any major problems or if they have any issues or even just questions or concerns, they have one person to contact and they're not playing a game of telephone with everyone. >> The next question is from Peter. Do you guys know information about the contract page and how that's used? >> So, has quite a few searches in there. There is a blanket that is all of their searches in one, which is always a safe bet if you just want to cover the gamut. And that would be the all awards data. Again, other things that they have is contract opportunities. And this would be your contract opportunities of potential request for quotes or requests for proposal and searching those and you're looking for key words to see what agencies have opportunities out there that you can actually bid on. Another search that you can do is contract data. And the contract data search is more going to be related to who's won something and what a company's history is or what an agency's history is or what an agency's history is or what type of contracts have been awarded and won. You can also look up entity information, which we do, and that would be related to looking at the company's, what makes codes you guys have assigned to you, what your sign standard is, making sure you're registered and your registration is current and active, all of these different things would be in there. >> Next question is from Eric. It says, if you already have an MAS contract and you're getting to the end of a 20 year performance period, is GSA considering a streamlined way to [inaudible] and get automatic schedule again? >> So, we actually do have what is called a streamlined offer process, which is for what we call follow on contracts, meaning you already have a current contract, and you are basically getting your next 20 years of that contract type. So, the things that you need to do to make sure you're qualified for, if you have not signed the MAS mod for the, to move to the new MAS consolidated schedule, so basically if you type your contracts in eLibrary, if you don't show up under MAS, go ahead and make sure you sign that MAS mod first, because what you need to do is make sure that the schedule number matches. And since we only have one vehicle type, it's going to have to match MAS. You're going to have to make sure that your special item numbers match 100%, and that you're not changing your price list at all in this new vehicle. And if you have those three things, the schedule and the prices have not changed, and that's the offering, not necessarily the pricing, but the offering of the products or the services that you're going to offer, if those three things haven't changed, you can go ahead and do the streamlined. And when you go into the MAS roadmap, or into the solicitation, you'll see an asterisk on certain sections where it doesn't apply. So, you don't have to do the vendor education center of the contractor assessment. You don't have to do pathway specific success training, any of that. You don't need to do the past performance. It's also streamlined out. You won't need to do that either because we have your past performance. The corporate experience and the financials, you won't need to do either. So, you'll be able to see in the solicitation those sections which you don't need to complete because you are going to be, you are a contractor in good standing. Depending on how many years you have left, I usually recommend people start their follow on contract when they're in year 14 or 15 of their 20 year contract. So, if it's past that 15 years, go ahead and start getting that going. >> Okay, and it looks like we have about two minutes left, so this will be our last question. It's from [inaudible]. It says, with COVID 19 challenges to sales in 2020, will GSA [inaudible] extending the initial two year time frame where there is not yet achieving $25,000 in sales? >> So, I know we are giving more time, and it's really going to be a case by case situation, that we are giving a little bit more latitude right now due to the pandemic, especially for companies that the pandemic has forced to shut down temporarily to give them time to get back up and going and get things going again to make sure that you guys, it's an equal rating for everyone. Okay, well, with that being our last question, again, if your question was not answered, please feel free to e mail the We just don't have a ton of time to answer every question, but every question is important, so please feel free to go ahead and e mail that to us. Thank you again so much for attending. And at this time, I will turn it back over to Robin Vikra [phonetic]. >> Hi, this is Andrea. So, I'm actually going to take over from here. Thank you, Stephanie, and team. We had a lot of really great information sharing in the Q&A. So, I am going to actually switch back to the break room. It's time for another quick 15 minute break. So, while you're grabbing your next cup of coffee and allowing us to set up for our next speaker, please consider taking our polls. We have two questions here. What subject would you like to learn more about? Make sure you use the scroll bars on the side to go from option to option. And also, which small business resource have you found the most valuable? We will see you back here at 1:30 Eastern for a 2020 look at supply chain resilience and contract compliance.

Keep your eSignature workflows on track

Make the signing process more streamlined and uniform
Take control of every aspect of the document execution process. eSign, send out for signature, manage, route, and save your documents in a single secure solution.
Add and collect signatures from anywhere
Let your customers and your team stay connected even when offline. Access airSlate SignNow to Sign Alaska Travel Agency Agreement Fast from any platform or device: your laptop, mobile phone, or tablet.
Ensure error-free results with reusable templates
Templatize frequently used documents to save time and reduce the risk of common errors when sending out copies for signing.
Stay compliant and secure when eSigning
Use airSlate SignNow to Sign Alaska Travel Agency Agreement Fast and ensure the integrity and security of your data at every step of the document execution cycle.
Enjoy the ease of setup and onboarding process
Have your eSignature workflow up and running in minutes. Take advantage of numerous detailed guides and tutorials, or contact our dedicated support team to make the most out of the airSlate SignNow functionality.
Benefit from integrations and API for maximum efficiency
Integrate with a rich selection of productivity and data storage tools. Create a more encrypted and seamless signing experience with the airSlate SignNow API.
Collect signatures
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per document
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per employee / month

Our user reviews speak for themselves

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Kodi-Marie Evans
Director of NetSuite Operations at Xerox
airSlate SignNow provides us with the flexibility needed to get the right signatures on the right documents, in the right formats, based on our integration with NetSuite.
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Samantha Jo
Enterprise Client Partner at Yelp
airSlate SignNow has made life easier for me. It has been huge to have the ability to sign contracts on-the-go! It is now less stressful to get things done efficiently and promptly.
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Megan Bond
Digital marketing management at Electrolux
This software has added to our business value. I have got rid of the repetitive tasks. I am capable of creating the mobile native web forms. Now I can easily make payment contracts through a fair channel and their management is very easy.
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Award-winning eSignature solution

Wondering about Sign Travel Agency Agreement Alaska Fast? Nothing can be more comfortable with airSlate SignNow. Its an award-winning platform for your company that is easy to embed to your existing business infrastructure. It plays perfectly with preferable modern software and requires a short set up time. You can check the powerful solution to create complex eSignature workflows with no coding.

Sign Travel Agency Agreement Alaska Fast - step-by-step guidance:

  • Sign up if you have no account yet. You can also log in with your social account - Google or Facebook.
  • Get started with a 30-day free trial for newcomers or check airSlate SignNow pricing plans.
  • Create your customized forms or use ready-to-use templates. The feature-rich PDF editor is always at your fingertips.
  • Invite your teammates and create an unlimited number of teams. Collaborate in a single shared workspace.
  • Easily understand Sign Travel Agency Agreement Alaska Fast feature by self serve on our website or use the customer support.
  • Create document signing links and share them with your clients. Now you can collect signatures ten times faster.
  • Get instant email notifications about any user action.
  • Try out the free mobile application to be in touch on the go.

Improve your experience with airSlate SignNow. Creating your account, you get everything needed to close deals faster, enhance business performance, make your teammates and partners happier. Try out the advanced feature - Sign Travel Agency Agreement Alaska Fast. Make sure it's the best solution for the company, customers, and each individual.

How it works

Browse for a template
Customize and eSign it
Send it for signing

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  • Best ROI. Our customers achieve an average 7x ROI within the first six months.
  • Scales with your use cases. From SMBs to mid-market, airSlate SignNow delivers results for businesses of all sizes.
  • Intuitive UI and API. Sign and send documents from your apps in minutes.

A smarter way to work: —how to industry sign banking integrate

Make your signing experience more convenient and hassle-free. Boost your workflow with a smart eSignature solution.

How to electronically sign & fill out a document online How to electronically sign & fill out a document online

How to electronically sign & fill out a document online

Document management isn't an easy task. The only thing that makes working with documents simple in today's world, is a comprehensive workflow solution. Signing and editing documents, and filling out forms is a simple task for those who utilize eSignature services. Businesses that have found reliable solutions to document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast don't need to spend their valuable time and effort on routine and monotonous actions.

Use airSlate SignNow and document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast online hassle-free today:

  1. Create your airSlate SignNow profile or use your Google account to sign up.
  2. Upload a document.
  3. Work on it; sign it, edit it and add fillable fields to it.
  4. Select Done and export the sample: send it or save it to your device.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about filling out and signing documents when you have the right tool. Our advanced editor is great for getting forms and contracts exactly how you want/need them. It has a user-friendly interface and complete comprehensibility, giving you total control. Register today and begin increasing your digital signature workflows with powerful tools to document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast online.

How to electronically sign and fill documents in Google Chrome How to electronically sign and fill documents in Google Chrome

How to electronically sign and fill documents in Google Chrome

Google Chrome can solve more problems than you can even imagine using powerful tools called 'extensions'. There are thousands you can easily add right to your browser called ‘add-ons’ and each has a unique ability to enhance your workflow. For example, document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast and edit docs with airSlate SignNow.

To add the airSlate SignNow extension for Google Chrome, follow the next steps:

  1. Go to Chrome Web Store, type in 'airSlate SignNow' and press enter. Then, hit the Add to Chrome button and wait a few seconds while it installs.
  2. Find a document that you need to sign, right click it and select airSlate SignNow.
  3. Edit and sign your document.
  4. Save your new file to your account, the cloud or your device.

With the help of this extension, you avoid wasting time and effort on monotonous activities like saving the document and importing it to a digital signature solution’s catalogue. Everything is close at hand, so you can quickly and conveniently document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast.

How to digitally sign docs in Gmail How to digitally sign docs in Gmail

How to digitally sign docs in Gmail

Gmail is probably the most popular mail service utilized by millions of people all across the world. Most likely, you and your clients also use it for personal and business communication. However, the question on a lot of people’s minds is: how can I document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast a document that was emailed to me in Gmail? Something amazing has happened that is changing the way business is done. airSlate SignNow and Google have created an impactful add on that lets you document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast, edit, set signing orders and much more without leaving your inbox.

Boost your workflow with a revolutionary Gmail add on from airSlate SignNow:

  1. Find the airSlate SignNow extension for Gmail from the Chrome Web Store and install it.
  2. Go to your inbox and open the email that contains the attachment that needs signing.
  3. Click the airSlate SignNow icon found in the right-hand toolbar.
  4. Work on your document; edit it, add fillable fields and even sign it yourself.
  5. Click Done and email the executed document to the respective parties.

With helpful extensions, manipulations to document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast various forms are easy. The less time you spend switching browser windows, opening multiple accounts and scrolling through your internal records seeking a template is a lot more time for you to you for other important tasks.

How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser

How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser

Are you one of the business professionals who’ve decided to go 100% mobile in 2020? If yes, then you really need to make sure you have an effective solution for managing your document workflows from your phone, e.g., document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast, and edit forms in real time. airSlate SignNow has one of the most exciting tools for mobile users. A web-based application. document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast instantly from anywhere.

How to securely sign documents in a mobile browser

  1. Create an airSlate SignNow profile or log in using any web browser on your smartphone or tablet.
  2. Upload a document from the cloud or internal storage.
  3. Fill out and sign the sample.
  4. Tap Done.
  5. Do anything you need right from your account.

airSlate SignNow takes pride in protecting customer data. Be confident that anything you upload to your account is secured with industry-leading encryption. Intelligent logging out will shield your user profile from unwanted entry. document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast out of your phone or your friend’s phone. Safety is key to our success and yours to mobile workflows.

How to eSign a PDF document on an iPhone or iPad How to eSign a PDF document on an iPhone or iPad

How to eSign a PDF document on an iPhone or iPad

The iPhone and iPad are powerful gadgets that allow you to work not only from the office but from anywhere in the world. For example, you can finalize and sign documents or document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast directly on your phone or tablet at the office, at home or even on the beach. iOS offers native features like the Markup tool, though it’s limiting and doesn’t have any automation. Though the airSlate SignNow application for Apple is packed with everything you need for upgrading your document workflow. document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast, fill out and sign forms on your phone in minutes.

How to sign a PDF on an iPhone

  1. Go to the AppStore, find the airSlate SignNow app and download it.
  2. Open the application, log in or create a profile.
  3. Select + to upload a document from your device or import it from the cloud.
  4. Fill out the sample and create your electronic signature.
  5. Click Done to finish the editing and signing session.

When you have this application installed, you don't need to upload a file each time you get it for signing. Just open the document on your iPhone, click the Share icon and select the Sign with airSlate SignNow button. Your doc will be opened in the application. document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast anything. Moreover, making use of one service for your document management demands, things are quicker, smoother and cheaper Download the app today!

How to electronically sign a PDF file on an Android How to electronically sign a PDF file on an Android

How to electronically sign a PDF file on an Android

What’s the number one rule for handling document workflows in 2020? Avoid paper chaos. Get rid of the printers, scanners and bundlers curriers. All of it! Take a new approach and manage, document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast, and organize your records 100% paperless and 100% mobile. You only need three things; a phone/tablet, internet connection and the airSlate SignNow app for Android. Using the app, create, document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast and execute documents right from your smartphone or tablet.

How to sign a PDF on an Android

  1. In the Google Play Market, search for and install the airSlate SignNow application.
  2. Open the program and log into your account or make one if you don’t have one already.
  3. Upload a document from the cloud or your device.
  4. Click on the opened document and start working on it. Edit it, add fillable fields and signature fields.
  5. Once you’ve finished, click Done and send the document to the other parties involved or download it to the cloud or your device.

airSlate SignNow allows you to sign documents and manage tasks like document type sign travel agency agreement alaska fast with ease. In addition, the security of the data is top priority. Encryption and private web servers can be used as implementing the most up-to-date functions in information compliance measures. Get the airSlate SignNow mobile experience and work more efficiently.

Trusted esignature solution— what our customers are saying

Explore how the airSlate SignNow eSignature platform helps businesses succeed. Hear from real users and what they like most about electronic signing.

This service is really great! It has helped...

This service is really great! It has helped us enormously by ensuring we are fully covered in our agreements. We are on a 100% for collecting on our jobs, from a previous 60-70%. I recommend this to everyone.

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I've been using airSlate SignNow for years (since it...
Susan S

I've been using airSlate SignNow for years (since it was CudaSign). I started using airSlate SignNow for real estate as it was easier for my clients to use. I now use it in my business for employement and onboarding docs.

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Everything has been great, really easy to incorporate...
Liam R

Everything has been great, really easy to incorporate into my business. And the clients who have used your software so far have said it is very easy to complete the necessary signatures.

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Frequently asked questions

Learn everything you need to know to use airSlate SignNow eSignatures like a pro.

How do you make a document that has an electronic signature?

How do you make this information that was not in a digital format a computer-readable document for the user? " "So the question is not only how can you get to an individual from an individual, but how can you get to an individual with a group of individuals. How do you get from one location and say let's go to this location and say let's go to that location. How do you get from, you know, some of the more traditional forms of information that you are used to seeing in a document or other forms. The ability to do that in a digital medium has been a huge challenge. I think we've done it, but there's some work that we have to do on the security side of that. And of course, there's the question of how do you protect it from being read by people that you're not intending to be able to actually read it? " When asked to describe what he means by a "user-centric" approach to security, Bensley responds that "you're still in a situation where you are still talking about a lot of the security that is done by individuals, but we've done a very good job of making it a user-centric process. You're not going to be able to create a document or something on your own that you can give to an individual. You can't just open and copy over and then give it to somebody else. You still have to do the work of the document being created in the first place and the work of the document being delivered in a secure manner."

How to eSign a docx?

How can i sign documents electronically?

There are a number of tools at the disposal of the Australian Government. These include a number of government websites, the Australian Government's Information and Privacy Service, and the Australian Government's electronic signature service, DigitalSign. If you want to obtain more information about electronic signatures and you need more help, contact the Australian Government's Information and Privacy Service on 1300 136 636. Alternatively, you can contact Australian Financial Services Authority's Electronic Signature Service on 1300 303 599. The Australian Government's Electronic Signature Service provides you with a number of options for making a signature on a document.