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so welcome everyone to today's webinar privacy and trust in the mdl ecosystem a look at the underlying principles of privacy and trust that will be essential elements of the mobile driver's license ecosystem hello my name is randy vanderhoff and i'm the executive director of the secure technology alliance and this is a third in a series of four webinars that we've planned on this topic over the past few months and will be concluding next month in october today's webinar is being recorded and it will be available for playback along with the presentation deck after the webinar has concluded also there'll be time at the end for questions so we encourage our listeners to submit their questions using the user dashboard on webex on your screen i'll return at the end of the presentation to lead the q a and encourage you to submit questions while the speakers are presenting so that we have time to review those questions and organize them in advance so we can get to as many of those questions as we'll have time for also there's going to be a short online knowledge assessment quiz available after the webinar participants who have attended all four webinars and completed the assessments will receive a certificate of participation and a discounted registration to any future alliance paid conference or educational events if we go to the next slide please i'll be handling the introductions today of the webinar content and our panelists today and prior to the start of the webinar i'd like to say a few words about the secure technology alliance and this identity council initiative to raise awareness of and accelerate the adoption of mobile drivers licenses in the united states so we go to the next slide for those of you who are not familiar with the secure technology alliance here's a brief overview the security technology alliance is a not-for-profit multi-industry association working to stimulate the understanding adoption and widespread application of security solutions and we provide in a collaborative member-driven environment educational and information resources about how smart cards embedded chip technology and related hardware and software can be adopted across all markets in the united states now that's a pretty broad mission but if you look to the right of the screen you'll see that the principal markets and services we focus these activity towards many of these industry verticals such as access control authentication identity management and mobile et cetera are where applications of mobile drivers license technology will play an important role in the future and so as a cross-industry member supported organization we do the following things to educate and stimulate the market by bringing together stakeholders to effectively collaborate on promoting secure solutions technologies and addressing the industry challenges for adoption we do that through publishing white papers and doing webinars like today putting on workshops producing newsletters and position documents and adding additional content to our web resources we also run conferences and events that focus on these specific markets and technologies we offer education programs training and industry certifications to advance people's professional careers and provide networking opportunities for professionals to share ideas and knowledge about their their field and we produce strong industry communications through our public relations and web resources and social media to communicate that information to the greater public go to the next slide so to narrow the focus around the broader market focuses of the secure technology alliance the alliance forms working committees that organize into specific industry and technology verticals to address the specific ways that consumer interactions are made secure around common requirements the identity council which is leading this discussion serves as a focal point for the alliance's identity and identity related efforts leveraging embedded chip technology and privacy and security enhancing software and supporting a spectrum of physical and logical use cases and applications different types of form factors and attributes and authentication and authorization methods now some of the specific areas that the identity council has provided thought leadership on are done through white papers faqs webinars and conference events and some of those resources are listed excuse me on the right side of the screen here all of those resources are publicly available and accessed through our website and as you can see the mobile driver's license and ecosystem has a whole sub-block of information available that we've produced prior to this event and will continue to be adding to over the course of time we go to the next slide so under the direction of the identity council the mobile driver's license initiative has grown in member engagement and importance for the betterment of digital identification and use of mobile technologies to address market needs in a number of different usage models and this initiative is primarily industry driven it's education focused it is producing white papers and frequently asked questions documents as well as a whole new set of online resources organized under a knowledge center that's searchable by topic type mdl uses and explanations of how mobile drivers licenses will be used across different vertical markets and even a interactive implementation map that shows the progress of mobile drivers license adoption across the united states this website is a great way for people to learn how to get involved in this industry initiative and also work through the secure technology alliance the identity council and the mobile drivers license team we can go to the next slide please so with that introduction of the alliance and the identity council let me introduce our panelists for today's webinar we'll start with matt thompson from ademia and the canterra initiative and he's the senior vice president of civil identity for north america john wunderlich is also with cantara initiative and is the privacy and security advisor ted sobel is the dhs director of risk and resilience policy at the department of homeland security dr christopher williams is the manager of exponents statistical and data sciences practice where he focuses on solving emerging technology and policy problems in the areas of security privacy and data collection for commercial and public sector clients and lastly arjan jalik from ul is the lead principal advisor for identity management and security with ul and task force leader for the mdl standardization effort with iso and a special technical advisor for mdl with amva organization so if we go to the next slide now i'm going to hand things off to our first presenter matt thompson from edemia matt hey thanks randy and good afternoon audience my name is matt thompson i lead the identity solutions business here at idemi and serve as the president of the board for canterra we want to welcome you and we're excited that you're here with us today in preparation for this webinar the team you're going to hear from thought it'd be best for us to open with a brief high-level vision statement about why we collectively believe mobile driver's license to have a very real and meaningful impact in improving privacy and trust the very headline for today's session you're going to hear from nationally and internationally respected industry experts on the details of the how we advance these foundational elements of privacy and trust the work they're presenting today really represents a significant collective effort over the past decade by several government agencies industry industry associations and standard organizations but we want to start by framing it up front in terms of the why kathy if you'll advance the next slide please we believe that the mobile driver's license really represents the future of identity in america and has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life and access to services for individuals while also reducing the fraud and the friction the organizations experience today when needing to trust that an identity of a customer is valid and accurate securely enabling people's identity on their device and under their control is really the foundation of how we enable trust and choice in a modern world if you'll click on trust trust in a modern in a mobile driver's license is really a multi-level opportunity that's tied to the trust and the underlying processes used by the motor vehicle agents establish a person's identity and then in the binding of that identity to the device which is signed by the state we're going to go into the details of those aspects later in the webinar but the chain of trust is much stronger and much more auditable in a mobile driver's license than what we're accustomed to today with the physical driver's license from an individual's perspective the mobile driver's license promotes trust because the individual will have greater transparency and control in the exchange of their information and will be able to maintain a consent receipt that gives people a way of proving what they shared so that trust is reinforced through greater accountability in this future model you may notice that we don't call out privacy explicitly in this vision statement we believe that trust and privacy are relational simply the less i trust you the more privacy i will demand and vice versa and we believe that trust is earned through demonstrated consistency when there's trust it becomes an exchange in discussion around consent and value exchange providing a choice begins to establish the trust that we envision today with a physical driver's license the choice is really all or none when sharing our information which leaves us constantly over exposing information a widely used example of this to highlight the trade-off is when showing my driver's license to purchase alcohol it's not necessary for the bartender to know my actual age only that i'm over 21 and it's certainly not necessary for the bartender to know my home address or my weight with mobile driver's license we're able to minimize the data to just what is necessary for the transaction making the data being requested easy for an individual to understand and giving them the choice and control of what they want to share there's also another aspect of choice that a mobile driver's license provide that's superior to what we experience with the physical driver's license today and that's really the choice of the channel through which an individual wants to engage or through which businesses or government agencies want to engage today your physical driver's license is really difficult to use in a digital context and in a post covered world where digital is no longer nice to have but unnecessary in order to maintain the services that we're responsible for delivering from a government perspective or maintaining customer relationships in a commercial context we really need an identity solution that that gives people a consistent way of asserting their identity across both in-person and online experiences and opens up new channels that we can engage and increases the value that we get from our state-issued driver's license day which really leads to the last part of our vision statement modern world the future of identity needs to safely and securely enable individuals to engage in all sorts of transactions from a device in the palm of their hand for increasingly digital lives we need an identity credential that's purpose built to support transactions we want to engage in in person online and in the future those things that we have yet to imagine getting identity right is central to enabling digital transformation for so many industries and government services which is why the promise of mobile driver's license is so exciting as a better identity credential issued by your state motor vehicle agency could not only address concerns with security and fraud but also improve privacy and enable all sorts of new transactions and trusted services to be offered to a broader group of americans online we really hope that this vision statement interests and inspires you to engage with us to help build the future of identity in america this task is absolutely as daunting as it sounds and it's going to take all the stakeholders working together to make sure we get it right maximize the value for all participants in the identity ecosystem each of us have a very important role to play and we'll hope that you'll join us in building this future on this exciting journey with that i'm going to turn it over to john wunderlich to discuss the privacy enhancing features of the mobile driver's license john over to you thanks very much matt uh and welcome to all the attendees uh for version two of session three i'd like to uh start with a uh with an overview of the privacy life cycle for the mdl life ecosystem from a provider's point of view to enable each provider to provide reasonable privacy assurances to individuals for the trust that matt just talked about so people will be familiar or will have seen this this plan do check type architecture or continuous improvement life cycle for privacy and it provides a full life cycle of privacy assurance the design element is building mdl readers or mdl software for the context that they will be deployed to make sure that you avoid scope creep the implementation process put processes in place that deployed readers and mdl's functions as designed again for audit and accountability the ability for each mdl holder to to receive a report on the reader or to issuing authorities so that they you can have that kind of accountability managing incidents uh well we know that incidents will happen breaches will happen and most of the time most people will forgive organizations or entities that have a breach what's really determinative in the survivability is how you respond to the breach so be prepared to learn from them and finally learn your lessons and improve your systems so you can update your design architecture and implement improved processes next slide please so the architecture both the iso standard 80 13-5 and the secure technology alliance a white paper on this will refer to privacy by design which has seven significant principles which you see on the left of the slide and the mdl architecture covers those off in a number of different ways i'd like to talk about first a key element of privacy or data protection is to enable user choice for technologists or policy people on the provider side uh there's this is a matter of security access control and so forth and so on but from the individual's point of view privacy is really a matter of the ability to choose what information they disclose to whom and for what reason so it's interesting uh that that this architecture ensures that the person has autonomy and agency key privacy by design principles here are the default settings in the system that should be privacy protective options and the privacy is embedded into the design the mdl standard includes three things that i want to draw your attention to one is that the transfer of data is initiated by the user so that's a fundamental part of user choice the data transfer model is a privacy by default model and data minimization is followed throughout the the life cycle the key functional requirements vis-a-vis privacy is that the interface between the mdl and the mdl reader shall support the selective release of mdl data matt used the example of age verification at a drinking establishment these days if if you're lucky enough to be in near the world that has them open that's section 6.2 of the standard uh data data exchange has three phases starting with an initiation initiation phase that appears to be always initiated by the mdl which is a privacy positive control in the user's hands that's in the standard so the data transfer model presumes user involvement the transactions are initiated by the mdl holder data minimization is enabled in the model and we talk about biometric templates to ensure that they're you're not actually storing biometrics in the system next slide please so how do you fulfill those design goals uh the implementation uh the cha lenges uh uh rather i would should say how do you fulfill those design goals the devil is of course in the implementation notwithstanding the privacy positive elements that are captured in the design of the mobile driving driving license ecosystem jurisdiction implementations need to fulfill the promise of the architecture to deliver privacy and data protection in the context of that jurisdiction so we talked about user initiation minimum data transfers and secure transfers what are the kinds of implementation controls that you can use to make sure that you deliver on those design implementations one making sure that your project staff understand the importance of non-functional requirements before go live it's a leftover from the old days where as long as the system functions the non-functional requirements can be taken care of later when you're dealing with personal information like financial information moving fast and breaking things isn't always the best option because once you have a privacy breach there is no putting that milk back in the cart making sure that you do assessments during the requirements the design process whether you call it a data protection impact assessment or a privacy impact assessment those two relate to protection of privacy or a threat risk assessment or a pen test or a vulnerability assessment related to security make sure that at the various stages of your project when it's appropriate if you have gates or checkpoints that your privacy and security controls are at an adequate point for that point in the project and finally making sure that you've got metrics and recording for the readers for the holder and for the regulators and the public it's trite to say that you can't manage what you can't measure but it's true so if you're not don't build in the metrics that enable you to demonstrate the trust that you're asking for you're going to have a hard time next slide please so what's interesting to me when i look at this architecture for interoperability or the r the high level mdl architecture is how similar it is to other things that are happening in the identity and verification space if you if you look on the right you'll see the uh issuer holder and verifier from uh from verified credentials which is a w3c on the bottom right you'll see that the owner holder verifier and issuer with which is from the notion of self-sovereign identity and what this tells us is that there's a convergence in a high-level architecture and that interoperability is going to be key i'm reasonably certain and i and i think participants in this call would agree that as each jurisdiction provides an mdl in its jurisdiction that will be one kind of verified credential or one kind of identity credential or token that most people are going to have on their devices but that provides a high level of assurance from a government-issued authority that enables it to be used for other purposes which creates an opportunity for innovation and market growth for manufacturers and distributors of readers infrastructures and the ability of issuing authorities to um to have dependable reliance on their on their on their tokens so making that interoperable will be key next slide please so just wrapping up how do you close the loop to make sure that what you deliver is what you've promised transparent operations you've all heard what's the biggest lie on the internet yes i have read and understood the terms and conditions yadda yadda so it's not enough to write policies if you don't close the loop and show holders of mdl why they should continue to trust you your system will be risk come the first adverse headline and this is my mantra when i deal with clients in all kinds of different contexts if a user is surprised about how their data is being used that's a privacy fail and you can't say well they shouldn't be surprised because it was written in the privacy policy because nobody reads privacy policies it should be inherent and transparent in the operation of the system so how do you provide that kind of transparency and audibility public summaries of pias or impact assessments public summaries of breach reports are critical if you try and hide that there have been breaches that doesn't turn out well provide user portals or account management for users to be able to see how their data has been used and as as matt talked about earlier consider using uh consent receipts or some other uh record of transactions so that users have their own reference points to validate that you've done uh what you're doing so when you close the loop on privacy you're also closing the loop on trust to make sure that you build that trusted relationship with your stakeholders with that i'd like to hand it over to ted thanks very much everyone great thank you very much for that um before we delve into how to be a smart mobile drivers licensed consumer you must first start by thinking about how to be a smart identity consumer and at the heart of that is identity proofing next slide please first it is worth considering from whence identity comes and how reliable it is in other words how much confidence should the relying party have that the id establishes the person is who or who he or she claims to be this figure is a representation of the interdependencies among the person the identity proofer and the relying party at the center of these relationships is an assessment of risk and impact basically what are the consequences of error or fraud and what is what is it worth to me as a relying party to minimize the chance of that happening in some cases the consequences are minimal like issuing a discount card for a grocery store so not a lot a lot of time or resources need to be spent on identity proofing at the other end of the spectrum the consequences can degrade like programs by the us government about determining who has access to classified information that risk assessment should inform all elements of the identity ecosystem next slide please the 2018 ansi nasco standard on identity proofing lays out a four-step process for enrolling an identity blind parties can use this framework in deciding whether a type of id is suitable for its purposes step one the preliminary or design stage this includes the risk assessment which we just discussed which then informs what information is collected and what procedures are used to look for error or fraud step two is assertion the the individual claims and identity usually in the form of a combination of biographic data perhaps tied to a biometric like a facial image the identity provider resolves the claimed identity down to a unique an individual in other words the process should prevent ted sobel from dhs from being confused with ted sobel who is a professional weightlifter in california the standard lays out combinations of biographical data that can be used to achieve a high degree of accuracy for example tsa primarily uses full name and date of birth to minimize misidentifications when vetting nearly 2 million air travelers per day step 3 is verification collect and review supporting evidence needed to link the claims identity to the individual safeguards might include training employees doing spot fraud electronic verification of documents checks against source records forensics etc as a side note the process in place uh that was put in place in step one should be there to support the verification in other words when you're designing the system and designing what data you collect uh understand how you're gonna be using it so you can collect once and not have to ask multiple times step four is determination that's just a simple yes or no decision on whether the individual is who or she claims to be if you understand how identity providers implement steps one through three we'll know whether you can rely on the determination in step four next slide please so a few words about driver's licenses first they are by far the most commonly used and accepted forms of ids in the united states each state determines for itself the enrollment process used to issue the driver's licenses so you can have some variations enrollment processes and cards continue to evolve and get enhanced that there are generations and cycles where they're constantly incorporating best practices and lessons learned the american association for motor vehicle administrators amba assists the states in this responsibility through publishing guidelines and providing training and promoting best practices so what we have on this slide is a list of the requirements for real id the real id act of 2005 establishes voluntary minimum standards for the secure issuance and production of state issue driver's license driver's licenses and non-driver ids does not authorize the federal government the power to regulate driver's licenses it does not create national databases does not create a national id instead it directs the department of homeland security to establish what identity proofing is needed for the federal government to accept a driver's license for entering federal facilities and nuclear power plants or for boarding a federally regulated commercial aircraft about two-thirds of real id concerns creating a baseline for secure identity proofing such as what data helps establish identity what documents can be certain can serve as evidence of that identity which systems can be used to verify that identity in those documents are employees trained to spot fraud our safeguards in place to prevent insider threat these requirements lead to a stronger identity whether you are looking at cards or mobile drivers licenses for relying parties you'll need to know when you see a real id compliant card or a real id mark mobile driver's license but you can be confident that the identity was proved at the federal government's baseline or above without necessarily needing to know the details how each state handles proofread next slide please a word of caution as we have now reached nationwide compliance with real id not all licenses that you will encounter will be real id compliant most states continue to offer their residents the option of getting a non-compliant card the reason to get a non-compliant card may vary it could be due to cost it could be due to a person being unwilling or unable to prove lawful presence it could be just a simple personal preference non-compliant cards will lack the real id star and include a statement similar to not for federal identification in the mdl world the digital marker will be used to distinguish between a compliance and non-compliant mobile driver sizes so whether a physical card or a digital id it is up to the reliant party to determine what to accept i now turn you over to chris to discuss how trust and issuance works digitally thank you ted so for relying parties accepting mdls it's a natural question to ask well what do i do how do i know that my mdl or the person presenting the mdl is compliant with real id or it's even trusted at all and the natural answer might be look for the gold star compliance mark on the phone next slide please but we can say that this is absolutely and definitively wrong the phone should never be used as a flash pass because the phone's screen and the information presented on it are not secure fake apps can easily be made to duplicate the appearance of legitimate mdl and there's no way for the relying party to visually authenticate that the data being presented is accurate or true next slide so in the case of mdl the data has to be passed over a secure channel using a means of cryptography to protect the data being passed from the mobile device to relying party and all the data that is being passed will be cryptographically signed by its issuer this includes things like full name date of birth the real id status and even the image itself should all be cryptographically signed by a trusted issuer next slide so once the relying party gets these data elements from the mdl holder they can go through a process of verifying legitimacy of these data elements the first step is to verify that the signatures are correct on all the data that's being checked computing the hash and verifying that the hash data is contained within a trusted and valid mobile security object which has been signed by an issuer public key and again it's very important that as a relying party you only accept data that's being generated and signed by issuers you trust it is on the it's on the honestly requiring parties to know which states they're going to trust in which states they're not particularly for mdls in the early stages of the ecosystem this will be very important so i'll say that again only accept data from issuers that you trust and then finally to verify that the person presenting the data to you is the right the rightful owner of that data you need to verify that the issuer has signed facial image that matches the person standing in front of you this match can be done through a visual in-person comparison uh by comparing the photo that's been generated and signed by this issuing party with the holder that's standing there or it could be done through a facial recognition algorithm which does a line which does a match um of the individual standing in front of you with the signed trusted image one important point is that that image match should only be done using trusted hardware in this case hardware the relying party controls it's important to remember that only images that their line party captures or images that are signed by the issuer should be trusted so with all of this data combined the issuer is the alloying party is able to trust that the issuer generated the data and it belongs to the rightful holder but that doesn't simply establish trust itself and so i'm going to pass this on to arjun to discuss how trust is established for this ecosystem chris and good afternoon um next slide please i would like to highlight some aspects of testing and certification of mdl processes and solutions and how that contributes to ensuring trust in mdl first i would like to share how testing already has played an important role towards the development of the mdl standard iso iec 1813.5 then i'll look into different stakeholders needs for mdl assurance and provide an example of what may be covered in conformity assessment finally i'd like to look at harmonization towards certification and conveying trust and present a case study next slide please testing for mdl goes back already for more than five years around the time that i assumed the task of leading you iso task force for ndl standardization i was involved in a project to add a chip to a driver's license card according to iso 1813 parts two and three which are heavily based on the iko standards for biometric passport upon rollout we were asked to test the idea of not only putting a chip on the driver license but also to put the driver license on the chip which resulted in the first prototype of a sim card based driver's license with android and windows phone apps using nfc in the iso task force the functional needs that anfa's joint mobile driving license working group had collected and technology concepts from industry came together and led to the first working draft of iso 80 to 13.5 that led to another testing activity in 2016 and 17 concepts proposed for standardization were proven in operational proof of concept by rdw the netherlands dmv and amva slide please since 2018 a number of test events have been organized to vet the standards confirm that it was feasible to implement and to identify any ambiguity in the draft versions of the standard those events were coordinated by ul endorsed by anva and its counterparts from australasia and europe and enjoyed good participation from the iso group as you can see from the logos of the organizations they represent these test events in japan america and australia have been very instrumental to continually improve the quality of the standard next slide please as we move towards implementation and rollout of mdl let's have a look at some primary stakeholders and what their needs for mdl assurance are next as issuing authorities get ready they are confronted with many questions and quite some complexities what do they need to address to ensure privacy and trust and to g in driver license holders trust how can they obtain assurance that their mdl is secure and privacy preserving and to how to convey that such assurance maybe the most prominent question is that of the mdr verifier the relying party how can i trust the credential that is presented to me and is that good enough for the use case for which i rely on that credential next slide please now the question is what needs to be addressed to ensure trust in mdl processes and solutions next issuing authorities should define policies governing security enrollment and issuance technology and public key infrastructure also requirements should be defined regarding vendor processes and the technology the vendors provide especially for security privacy and standards conformity these two areas were also identified as the most prominent to look at in amfas task force for mdl testing next to ensure trust in mdl processes the issuing authority's policies can be internally and externally reviewed and processes practices and technologies used for enrollment in issuing of mdls can be audited against these policies next to ensure trust in mdl solutions mdl and mdl reader technology implementations should be subject to standards conformity assessment privacy assessment and security evaluations next the evidence resulting from auditing processes and testing solutions can be used to convey trust in mdl technologies between stakeholders so based on the result of security privacy and conformity assessment against the requirements defined initial authority can accept the qualifying technology of a qualifying vendor for operational use in its jurisdiction also trust the ideals issue in that your the issuing authority's processes which are audited against the applicable policies next we a look at some examples of what is covered in tests for standards used between mdls and mdr reader and issuing authority systems first of all standards performance testing future may include tests for harmonized provisioning pro authority systems and the mdl next mdr technology should also implement the security mechanisms and protocols specified in the iso mdl standard achieve the and interoperability conformity assessments should systematically check the conformity of such implementation to the standard next slide please check states and test reports of individual vendors will work as long as the numbers are low sale deployment just getting started the next question is how to harmonize trust each authorities may work together to establish common project policies and common sets of requirements for vectors technologies and services they provide next let me get back to gray boxes issuing authorities may work on issuing authority policies and common sets of requirements for vendor services they provide next of these processes in practice against these common issue authority policies can be certified and an issuing authority can publish its audit certificate together with the digital certificate of the issuing authority ca which is used to authenticate mdls issued by that issuing authority next nice audit much easier for him uh by the certified issuing authority for digital can easily be aggregated in a trusted master list of certified issuing authorities next finally creation of vendors and technologies and services based on conformity assessment privacy assessment and security evaluation lead visible trust in mdl solutions in iso we're working on automated discovery mechanisms which may include remote attestation of mdl or mid solutions uh on an mdl holder device taking a similar approach to the trusted mastermind for issuing authority certificates they add the attestation signer certificates of certified mdl technology providers to a trusted master list they use in their enrollment issuance and remote management processes next now let's have a look at a case study in the state of toward the uh iowa d.o.t an rfb with re is that need to be supported in their mdl solution had separate blocks including one for independent next the iowa collected a vendor for the hosting and marketing their mdl solution and crew including mdl and the apps and backend systems for remote management of the mob credentials next the ird entity to provide independent testing services this included the development and execution of an overall test strategy for the purpose of this presentation obtaining a trust in mdl technology and that may benefit a may be fit for use or certification program next these concern conformity assessment of apps which involves performing hundreds of tests to confirm that mdl data the functional behavior and the security protocols conform to the latest version of the iso 18 and 13.5 standard next another activity concerns the cyber security evaluation of mdl apps with the document review a source code review and mobile app penetration testing an initial digital audit was performed on the administrative network sorry could you go one step back an initial digital audit was performed on the administrative network managed by the dod's vendor a delta assessment to assess the remediation efforts performed also penetration test was performed on the backend systems of the state and of the vendor to verify that the segmentation implemented by the vendor between the iodot's internal network and their cloud environment is effective that security configurations are effective and that the applications hosted are reasonably secure those tests and assurance activities are key building blocks in ensuring and conveying trust in mdl technology now let me end my presentation with a quote from melissa gillat director of the iowa dot's model vehicle division the testing and security evaluation activities have provided real value towards the assurance that the iowa mdl is conforming to the latest iso standard and to confirm that appropriate security plays both with our agency and with our vendor this value is not only for iowa as an individual jurisdiction but also for other states and stakeholders in the mdl ecosystem we encourage the adoption of an mdl assurance program as it really helps to jointly achieve the shared goal of trustable interoperable mdl solutions thanks melissa and with that i would like to thank you for your attention and and back to matt thompson thanks sergeant so in summary today's generally focused on three interdependent interdependent foundational pieces first trust and choice second information and confidence and then third consistency security and safety within the digital environment on the first trust and choice john cited the privacy enhancing features that are embedded within iso 18013 part 5 compliant mdls by discussing the privacy principles that are incorporated into the standard and the execution of those principles which ensure user choice user control and transparency and operations on the second point around information integrity and confidence ted really discussed the certainty accuracy and integrity the information at proofing assessment and provisioning technologies while christopher highlighted the enhancing integrity and accuracy of the information to relying parties on the third point around consistency security and safety within the visual environment arjun presented the approach to testing and certification of mdl processes and solutions to ensure the conformance of the hardware software and as highlighted with the iowa case study for mobile driver's license or iowa's mobile id as it'll be called the certification structure exists today to ensure confidence consistency to these principles by ensuring conformance of policies and processes from issuance to relying party transactions and all of this really ladders back to our vision of enabling trust and choice in a modern and how we're developing the future of identity in america so we appreciate all of you attending today and look forward to your continued engagement participation in the working groups that are going to be highlighting highlighted in upcoming webinars i'm going to turn it back now to randy for questions and answers thank you very much thank you matt for that great summary and thank you all to our uh subject matter experts today and for the excellent presentations about mobile drivers licenses we're going to have a few minutes to take some questions uh from the attendees today so if you have your questions you can start to enter them into the box and before we start taking those q a's please bring up the next slide so i can point out some additional information that's available to the audience so first i wanted to remind everyone that we do have a short seven question knowledge assessment quiz that will be available after today's webinar you can either take a picture of this slide or do a screen capture or just take a moment to write down the url and after the today's webinar you'll be able to access that link and participate in that survey so participants in all four webinars and assessments will receive a certificate and discounted registration to any future alliance paid conference or educational event also attendees could wait a day or two after this webinar concludes when you're going to receive an email from us with a link to the recording of this webinar and in that email you'll also have a link to this online assessment go to the next slide please so here are the details about the upcoming fourth uh and final mdl webinar in the educational series so the focus of this webinar is going to be the challenges to the mdl ecosystem and look at what the industry activities are coming forward to address those that date is going to be october 28th and the start time will be the same as today at 1 pm eastern standard time the speakers for that fourth webinar are going to be arjan gaelic from ul uh lofi jordan from amva david kelts from get group north america tom lockwood from next gen id mindy stevens from amva and myself and the registration link is there as well but you'll also be receiving an email with an invitation to join that fourth webinar in the summary document you receive shortly we go to the next slide please so there's also some additional resources that i want to point out to attendees where they can find more information about mobile driver's licenses after today's webinar you'll be able to find the introductory mdl webinar recordings on this link as well as the mobile drivers license and ecosystem white paper and frequently asked questions document i mentioned before the secure technology alliance knowledge center has a bunch of really good resources available to download and i would point you also to amva's mobile driver's license resources website as well as the iso standards groups draft iso 18013-5 specifications for those of you who want to see what the underlying standards for mobile drivers licenses is all about you can connect you can go to website which i pointed out earlier which is active now and is announcing any major press releases um to about new uh um states that have implemented uh mvl programs in the coming months we go to the next slide please so i'll leave this contact information up while we start the q a and we have one question so far i will make this open to anyone on the panel who would like to answer it do you foresee trajectory moving towards less dependence on verifiers hardware and terminals for example mobile as an acceptance verifying device and also less direct link between the issuer and the verifier such as a third party id wallet for example who would like to take that question i can answer that randy um so yes i think the answer to that is there will definitely be less dependencies in the future on specific hardware terminals um etc because a lot of this mdl work is being built around existing developments within the iso standard body which is 1801 3-5 which specifies the connection between the mdl holder and the verifiers so as long as the verifier has a piece of hardware be it a custom point of sale terminal um even a mobile device with an app or something in the future that we've not envisioned yet like a car or a watch if that device is able to communicate with the mobile driver's license over one of the channels that are specified in the iso standard and it meets all the security and risk requirements for the parties involved that transaction there's no reason that it can't be used with mdls and that also goes um although it's a bit further in the future with the mdl itself and how it resides on the mobile device so as arjun pointed out a bit there's a second iso standard being developed two three two two zero which is going to be standardizing some of the issuance and provisioning features and requirements of the mdls and we can envision going forward with that standard that if issuance and provisioning is a standardized process then much like other environments where there are standards in place for communication such as on the internet you could have third party wallets or even manufacturer provided wallets on your apple or samsung or android device which would work with any states issuing infrastructure and so that's very much akin to how we approach web browsing today um all the web browser manufacturers work with the internet once two three two two zero and 1801 3-5 are both fully in place we could expect that all mdls work with the ecosystem of mdl verifier and issuance thank you christopher so i'm still waiting for any additional questions that we have but let me post one to um matt and and perhaps arjan um based on listening to your presentation i wonder if you could comment on how well or effective do you see the industries um aligning around a secure way for trusted state issuers to issue uh digital identity credentials onto a variety of mobile device platforms how well do we see industries aligning around uh or yeah yeah why is there a common way to do this i i mean again i i think that goes to the heart of why everyone's been involved with developing the iso standard 18013-5 that's why everyone's been putting in so much time and effort into that is so that we do have a standardized approach so that you know that that we don't have any number of different ways of mdl's getting on to people's devices and um and the acceptance side which is paramount here that we're building um standard ways as chris was just christopher was just mentioning of of reading and accepting those mdls so i mean we we want to minimize you know to the extent possible the number of mobile drivers license that are in the wild that are not compliant with these standards and that's why you know certification programs like arjun was highlighting in iowa our foundation foundational for all of this working arjun do you want to add to that maybe specifically to the aspect of the multiple platforms to multiple operating systems the multiple devices maybe even multiple mdl technology providers that a single states may want to to work with so apart from the iso 18013 part 5 standard for mdl there is this activity that chris also mentioned in iso 23220 and that is about the building blocks for identity management on mobile devices and that includes um harmonization and standardization of protocols for a remote provisioning or about management of uh digital credentials including protocols for um standardized protocols for um provisioning uh credentials so that brings not only the interoperability between the mdl and the mdl reader between the ldl reader and the issuing authority system but also between the issuing authority system and a mobile app and that is uh uh on that interface in the in the triangle picture that i had the the the interface number one um that is if we get interoperability on that interface that actually uh enables uh the use of multiple mdl solutions um on multiple platforms um uh wallet uh or wallet solutions that supported interface may be provisioned with uh uh with an mdr credential so there are all kind of um [Music] and uh so so that allows uh uh conformity to those standards will allow uh for even more um uh uh uh yeah flexibility and and and and interoperability also uh with uh with that uh it makes the estate less dependent on a single solution provider so if if there is a an issue with one um mdl solution or if there is a a an operator that hat goes out of business or changes priority is a state all uh it actually provides resilience and also it allows for consumer choice to say okay well um preferences and that makes me more comfortable with vendor a and another one as a could go with vendor b so from that perspective that is in the works i think it will take a a while because it has quite some complexities it also has to to do with what i what i alluded to how to recognize that you are interacting with a trusted mdl solution um and okay can i as a hearing authority remotely attest or confirm that that is a qualifying mdr solution so i mean if it was that if there are more questions feel free to reach out um first question is uh i'll send it out to to the full team um can an mdl be used to authenticate one social security number or some other identity attribute to an online replying party uh if not are there significant changes to an mdl needed before an mdl can be used for an online identity credential i'll take crack into that um you know driver slices just like a physical driver's license part itself does not contain and a social security number um you know i wouldn't assume that a mdl would would include a social security number uh so uh so i think the short answer is no i'd separate the concept of mobile driver's licenses versus other types of mobile ids um there's no reason the social security administration could not put out their own mobile version of a social security card um that would allow that kind of verification but that's not something to the best of my knowledge that is built into [Music] driver's license just like it's not built into a physical driver's license as a matter of fact i'm fairly certain it's legally prohibited in most states however i will say that on a real id compliant license there is a request is a requirement uh to do a check against uh uh the social security administration uh systems uh when verifying social security numbers thanks ted uh question for arjan is the iso standards effort completed and if not what are the next steps the iso standardization effort um well is it ever complete the the standardization of the first edition of the standards nearly finished we're currently in the uh in a two-week effort to resolve comments on the last voting round that allowed for technical comments on the standard and we are uh very close to the finish line of of having these uh issues resolved uh it was our uh and after after that we'll have an internal review after the the the resolutions have been applied uh to the to the text um what we uh intended to do as we did with previous uh drafts of the standard to do a test event on top of the normal iso process to actually confirm again and again and again that what we wrote down and what we standardized is feasible and can be implemented and really works is really interoperable so from that perspective i'm very sorry that we are in the covet 19 situation and that hinders us to get together and actually uh put all the prototype and uh and and and and pre-production versions of the uh of the implementations of the standard together and try it all out it has been an extremely collaborative activity and the standard is 20 times more precise and accurate than it would have been if we had not engaged in that kind of activity still um we have this last round to complete and we do consider [Music] doing an alternative to a test event or have two test events very close to each other uh late october um after which uh any issues identified uh uh should be uh processed but uh definitely before the end of the year is the intention to uh to launch the uh version for a final yes no vote so in that once that is out that's what the world is going to say yes or no to and that should lead to publication of the international standard by the end of uh well uh the publication then will de facto take place early next year but that is that is what we have ahead for the first edition of the standard at the same time we are working on activities to harmonize functions to facilitate these online scenarios or scenarios in which we can further improve privacy the whole standardization activity has been a constant review on are we indeed practicing privacy by design security by design here we are looking at currently we rely on transferring the face image of the holder to confirm that that person is really the person that that that person claims to be um what we are working on is a standardizing uh on device holder verification enabling in-person interactions without the need to share in your face image and also to enable a strong hold of verification for online situation and that is something um we have deliberately chosen uh to uh to put in the first edition of the standard uh what we can guarantee to be as trustworthy as today's physical driving license at a level that is electronically protected at the same level of a biometric passport so from that perspective with that with that in the back of our mind minds we we we have made sure that promise for the first edition we're now working on the uh second edition to to further bring this uh into the digital domain as a universal and interoperable credential for offline and online scenarios great thank you arjun next question is for john and maybe matt you could chime in on this as well um talked about user agreements um are often coercive and end users typically don't understand the legalized language that goes with them um do you foresee any structure for user terms changing with regard to mobile drivers licenses well you got another hour the um so it's true that uh depending on the jurisdiction and depending on the context of the transaction consent is not appropriate so in the narrow case of the actual creation of the driver's license and you're pulled over by a uh uh a uh an officer of the law and you're asked to present your driver's license because uh you there's a traffic violation there's no consent there's no agreement it's built into the uh it's built into the the jurisdiction uh on the other end is the the use case where people uh talk about uh presenting it uh on entry to a bar to verify that you're of legal drinking age in the agreement again with data minimization and no uh no retention of data and you simply send the flag back i'm 19 or 21 or 18 or whatever the age is and all that the doorman sees at the club is the green line consent is relatively low and there's not a lot of agreement so in between those um or on the other end of those are the things where you want to use the mdl as an identity in a context where you're applying for a loan or doing something that's more fraught and then on a case-by-case context by contacts basis you have to you have to look at what's the nature of the agreement is consent appropriate is it legitimate interest if we're using gdpr or some other uh or some other element it's what the mdl brings is a verifiable identity with a level of authority that depends upon the issuing authority and the reliant party's dependence on that line authority those frame the discussion about how how how consent or data sharing is negotiated so i don't think there's a one-size-fits-all answer for that great thank you john matt do you have something to add yeah i i don't um i i think only it's coercive is a little bit uh more aggressive than i was intending but um at the end of the day i do think we can do a better job of simplifying and clarifying what data um needs to be shared is being shared and what's being done with it um and kind of humanize the way that we present that uh that data so that people can make better decisions about what they're sharing and how it's being used uh today having it buried in you know a eula is is probably not the easiest to use or digest way of doing it so i just think we can do better in an mdl context than we do today that was my main point yeah thank you folks i see that uh we are at the top of the hour here so i want to thank all of our presenters and the people behind the scenes in the identity council who helped put together today's webinar make sure you mark your calendars for october 28th for the fourth and final uh webinar in this series um you can send individual questions to the contacts on the webinar team if you did not get your questions answered and uh reminder that today's recording our webinar has been recorded and will be available for playback along with the presentation deck after the webinar has been concluded so if you have any colleagues that you feel would benefit from the information that was shared today i would encourage you to share that link to others so that they could also um register and and be able to to listen back to the session this concludes today's webinar i want to thank you all and have a great day

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Frequently asked questions

Learn everything you need to know to use airSlate SignNow eSignatures like a pro.

How do you make a document that has an electronic signature?

How do you make this information that was not in a digital format a computer-readable document for the user? " "So the question is not only how can you get to an individual from an individual, but how can you get to an individual with a group of individuals. How do you get from one location and say let's go to this location and say let's go to that location. How do you get from, you know, some of the more traditional forms of information that you are used to seeing in a document or other forms. The ability to do that in a digital medium has been a huge challenge. I think we've done it, but there's some work that we have to do on the security side of that. And of course, there's the question of how do you protect it from being read by people that you're not intending to be able to actually read it? " When asked to describe what he means by a "user-centric" approach to security, Bensley responds that "you're still in a situation where you are still talking about a lot of the security that is done by individuals, but we've done a very good job of making it a user-centric process. You're not going to be able to create a document or something on your own that you can give to an individual. You can't just open and copy over and then give it to somebody else. You still have to do the work of the document being created in the first place and the work of the document being delivered in a secure manner."

How do i add an electronic signature to a word document?

When a client enters information (such as a password) into the online form on , the information is encrypted so the client cannot see it. An authorized representative for the client, called a "Doe Representative," must enter the information into the "Signature" field to complete the signature.

How do i sign a pdf i received by email?

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