Everything you need for integrating secure eSignature workflows

The airSlate SignNow API makes it easy to add eSignatures into your app or website

eSignature for High Tech

Stay in the loop and sign IT-related documents electronically.

Choose a better solution

Approve, deliver, track, and store documents using any device.

What is the best eSignature solution?

airSlate SignNow is an award-winning eSignature solution that helps you eliminate the paperwork burden and streamline your document-based processes. airSlate SignNow complies with eSignature laws and industry-leading standards to ensure data security and that your signatures will be legally binding. airSlate SignNow’s suite of tools goes beyond filling out and signing papers. You can also turn them into interactive fillable forms for data collection and create reusable templates. airSlate SignNow can also integrate with popular productivity and data storage apps to make data routing smooth and stress-free. Leverage airSlate SignNow’s functionality in your CRM using the airSlate SignNow API services. The signing process and the workflow setup are intuitive and user-friendly. Access airSlate SignNow’s features from any device. airSlate SignNow even enables you to collect data and signatures in person using the Kiosk Mode. Take airSlate SignNow for a test drive with our free trial.

Is it legal to sign a Software Development Agreement Template electronically?

Yes, you can sign a Software Development Agreement Template electronically. Your signature will be valid and court-admissible provided that you use a reliable solution that adheres to eSignature laws, compliance regulations, and data protection certifications. eSignature is accepted in almost every industry and line of business. With that in mind, we recommend using airSlate SignNow for all your document execution needs. Our solution's signing process is straightforward and doesn’t require a tech background. Every signature you create with airSlate SignNow is considered valid document approval in the United States and other countries worldwide. It has the same legal status as a traditional wet ink signature. You can easily prove the authenticity of your signature with airSlate SignNow’s Audit Trail. This feature lets you access a detailed record of the document history. airSlate SignNow’s security features include dual-factor authentication and password protection.

What is two-factor authentication, and how do I set it up to request someone to sign an IT Project Proposal Template online?

Two-factor authentication refers to an additional method of verifying a user’s identity that involves two stages. The first is an email authentication, sufficient for getting a legally binding signature. For an extra layer of protection, you may add another authentication factor. For example, set up a password, verify the user’s identity via a phone call, or a verification code sent via SMS. Let’s walk through the steps required to send your document for signature and set up dual-factor authentication.

First, upload the document to the editor. Select the uploaded document and open it in the editor. Add recipients and assign roles using the tools on the left-hand side of the editor. Use the Add Fields for Recipients toolbar on the left to add fillable fields to the document, including the eSignature field. Click on the signature box; the signature settings will appear on the right. Configure your signature request using these settings. Once done, click Invite to Sign in the top-left corner. Then, hit the gear icon next to the signer’s email address. Select the Authentication Type from the drop-down menu. Apply changes and send invites. Once the signers validate their access using the selected authentication type, they can execute the document.

Can I safely sign a Web Hosting Agreement online with airSlate SignNow?

airSlate SignNow is cloud-based eSignature solution so you can access the platform on any device no matter where you are. airSlate SignNow ensures that your documents are stored securely following all relevant legislation to prevent unauthorized modifications. We adhere to the major industry standards and legal frameworks, like FERPA, CCPA, HIPAA, and GDPR; SOC 2 Type II and PCI DSS certification. With two-factor authentication and document password protection, you can also add extra security to your eSignature workflows. To learn more about how airSlate SignNow ensures the safety of your data and documents, follow this link.

Can I sign Working Time Control Form electronically and make a template from it?

You and your team will use many documents repeatedly, including the Working Time Control Form. With airSlate SignNow, you can add a document once and use it multiple times by creating a reusable template. There is no need to start over and set up signature and data collection requests from scratch each time. There are a few methods to create Templates from your documents: from your dashboard and when configuring your eSignature flow. Let’s review both of them.

Method 1: Add a document to airSlate SignNow. Hover over the document title in the Dashboard and click the Make Template button.

Method 2: If the document needs some edits and additional configurations, open the document in the editor first. Once you’ve added required fields and set up the signing process for all parties, you can send the document out for signing by clicking the Invite to Sign button. After configuring all invitation settings, scroll down and tick the option “Make a template from this invite”.

You can find your newly generated template in the Template tab.
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