Everything you need for integrating secure eSignature workflows

The airSlate SignNow API makes it easy to add eSignatures into your app or website

Online Signature

Instant eSigning of any document from any device connected to the Internet.

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Approve, deliver, track, and store documents using any device.

What is an online signature?

We no longer need to print out documents, draw our signatures, and send those documents by mail. Today, agreements are signed in just seconds – even when the signers are across the world from each other. Thanks to electronic (online) signature solutions, eSignature has become easier than ever. Not to mention, it’s essential in our remote and hybrid workspaces.

To sum up, an online signature (electronic signature or eSignature) is made digitally on an electronic signature platform rather than a wet-ink signature on paper.

Are online signatures legally binding?

Electronic signatures are used worldwide and are considered valid and legally binding. The list of documents that require handwritten signature is limited to court orders, adoption and divorce papers, wills, testamentary trusts, and codicils. However, you can use eSignature in most personal and business documents, such as contracts, NDAs, application forms, government benefits enrollment forms, etc.

The legal status of eSignature is regulated by ESIGN Act in the US and by Electronic Identification and Trust Services Regulation (eIDAS) in the European Union.

What does an electronic signature look like?

eSignature looks similar to a handwritten signature. When using airSlate SignNow, you can make your own online signature by drawing it with a touchpad or typing it and adjusting the font in the online handwriting signature generator. You can also upload an image of your signature in JPG, GIF, or PNG formats. To do that, go to User Profile by clicking My Account. Next to Default Signature, click Manage, then Add New Signature, and Upload New Signature.

How to make a signature online

To sign a document online, you need to register on an eSignature website or in an online signature app to sign a document online. The functionalities may vary between services, but the signature workflows are similar — upload a document or form to your account, draw or type your signature, save the file, and share it by email. When you receive an emailed form to sign, you may receive a link or invitation to sign the document. In this case, simply follow the link, review the document, add your electronic signature, and save the form.

How to sign a document online

You can legally sign documents online using airSlate SignNow’s eSignature solution. The service allows you to make your own signature online, upload, receive and sign documents in a web browser or mobile application. To upload and sign a document in airSlate SignNow, choose a subscription plan to get started or sign up for a free trial.

Login to your airSlate SignNow eSignature account to easily access all your stored documents. To upload a new file, click the Upload or Create button and select the document from your device. All your uploaded documents will be available in the document list and can be accessed from any device at any time.

When you receive a document for signature, you will see an email invitation from the sender to review and sign the document. Click View Document to open the document, review, and sign it. airSlate SignNow will automatically notify the sender once the document is signed. It’s that easy to get a legally signed agreement.

Is it safe to sign a document online?

When looking for an eSignature platform, make sure the service you choose complies with data privacy and payment security standards. airSlate SignNow ensures the protection of user data and payments. PCI DSS certification protects your bank card data when paying for the service. GDPR compliance and SOC 2 Type certification ensure user data privacy. HIPAA compliance ensures the confidentiality of your medical information.

Why sign documents with airSlate SignNow

Electronic signatures have made signing and sharing signed documents more accessible and quicker than ever. airSlate SignNow provides an easy-to-use user interface for a streamlined eSigning experience. Users can benefit from multiple robust eSignature features, including an online signature generator, editor, fillable form converter, and much more. Easily access airSlate SignNow from a PC or a mobile device. Try free electronic signature from airSlate SignNow — sign up for a free trial and get started today!
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