Everything you need for integrating secure eSignature workflows

The airSlate SignNow API makes it easy to add eSignatures into your app or website

eSignature for Insurance

Make sure all your insurance document eSignatures are legally binding and stored securely in cloud storage.

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Is eSignature valid for insurance departments?

Switching from physical paperwork to an electronic signature and processes is proven to cut costs. eSignature helps create a more eco-friendly environment and lets anyone sign papers on the go. eSignature is a legally-binding way to confirm a document’s validity and applies to virtually every industry, including Insurance.

UETA and ESIGN are the primary eSignature laws that enable businesses and individuals to do business electronically. An electronic signature can be considered valid if these requirements are met:
  • each party demonstrated a clear intent to sign a document
  • each party agrees to do business
  • each party needs to have the ability to opt-out of the contract
  • each party needs to receive a copy of the signed document
  • an executed document must be retained and readily available for download for authorized parties

How do I choose an eSignature solution?

You need to consider a list of critical points before choosing your eSignature solution. Before making your final decision, make sure to check whether the solution is:
  1. Compliant: There’s a range of government and federal laws that outline the stipulations for usage for eSignature in various industries. ESIGN (Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act), UETA (The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act), and eIDAS (Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) are legal frameworks adopted in the US and the EU to ensure the legality and defensibility of electronic signatures. These frameworks also endow eSignatures with the same legal weight as their wet-ink counterparts.
  2. Secure: A reliable eSignature solution should be designed with specific requirements for ensuring the security of document distribution and the privacy of users’ sensitive information. To meet these requirements, your solution must adhere to main industry-leading standards including HIPAA, SOC II Type 2, CCPA, and GDPR. Some solutions provide additional data security measures like two-factor authentication and a document audit log that can generate a detailed report of who, when, and where made changes to your document.
  3. Robust: Your solution needs to be powerful. If it caters to your specific needs and covers every stage of your document-based workflow then you won’t need a different application to get your execution process up and running. This execution cycle includes document self-signing, sending out eSignature requests, tracking the execution status, and saving the signed file to your system of records.
  4. Easy-to-use: Whether you need to sign Life-Insurance Quote Form online or deal with more complex insurance documents, your eSignature solution should be simple enough for both pro users and complete novices.

What is the best eSignature service to sign Car Insurance Quotation Form electronically?

The eSignature market is thriving and there are many options. You should dive deeper into each eSignature solution, both paid and free, and find what best suits your needs. To save your time and resources, we recommend using airSlate SignNow. It’s an all-in-one industry-compliant eSignature platform designed to improve and streamline your eSignature workflows.

airSlate SignNow has you covered no matter how often you need to sign documents and collect signatures. You can build an eSignature workflow with role-based signing, conditional logic, and multiple authentication steps from the ground up in just a few minutes. airSlate SignNow offers options to create personalized legally-binding eSignatures by typing, drawing, or uploading an image of your handwritten autograph. Plus, airSlate SignNow delivers automation and integration options that eliminate hours of repetitive-stress-inducing work. You can upload a document, pull out the needed data from your existing systems of record or apps, and pre-populate your document with this data. Then you can set up a signing order and configure specific conditions for executing a document.

With airSlate SignNow, you can ensure that the right parties sign your document on time by adding extra authentication steps and creating automated reminders. If there are documents that you send out for signing often, you can take advantage of the Templates feature. It allows for creating reusable templates instead of drafting fillable forms from scratch. airSlate SignNow is packed with other features that will improve your eSignature workflows. Sign up for a free trial or contact our team for more information.

Can I sign a Business Insurance Quotation Form online on my phone with airSlate SignNow?

airSlate SignNow is a multi-platform solution that works across mobile and other devices. You can access all your documents in either our web-based version or our mobile app. Plus, airSlate SignNow is a cloud-based solution so you won’t have any issues switching from mobile to our web platform to access documents. Our mobile app lets you configure eSignature workflows, automate data routing, and track updates on your document. You can even sign documents when you’re offline and all your changes will be saved automatically. You can also collect signatures from other parties during offline meetings using the Kiosk mode feature.
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