Everything you need for integrating secure eSignature workflows

The airSlate SignNow API makes it easy to add eSignatures into your app or website

eSignature for Online Forms

Instantly eSign your tax or other forms using any internet-connected computer or mobile device.

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How to use eSignature for online forms

Are you tired of manual paperwork processes to sign documents and collect signatures? With airSlate SignNow’s robust eSignature tool, you can quickly prepare and eSign professional web forms.

Our reliable eSignature solution makes the signing process efficient, convenient, and secure. It allows you to improve and speed up document management so you can focus on more strategic tasks.

Create a airSlate SignNow account today to access the platform's key features. Get started with reusable templates, smart fillable fields, legally-binding eSignatures, detailed audit trails, instant notifications, and more. airSlate SignNow gives you the peace of mind to create accurate documents and eSign them quickly. Collaborate on documents, speed up document workflows, and close deals faster with airSlate SignNow.

Can tax forms be signed electronically?

Yes. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS has updated its temporary policy on using eSignatures for tax forms and allowed taxpayers to report quickly and safely. Using the airSlate SignNow eSignature platform, you can electronically sign all your documents, including tax forms. This makes it easy to manage your paperwork virtually from any device, anytime and anywhere.

The date for using electronic signatures is extended to October 31, 2023. Please visit the IRS website and check the details on using eSignatures for certain forms for more information.

Can I-9 verification be done online?

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) adopted an interim policy in March 2020 that allows online I-9 form verification. This policy has been renewed 12 times, and the most recent one runs through April 30, 2022.

This policy and eSignature platforms like airSlate SignNow, have allowed employers to hire employees quickly and securely in these uncertain times. With airSlate SignNow, companies can use the remote Form I-9 inspection for new employees working remotely, even if other employees are working at the employer's office. Fill out the I-9 in minutes on any device. Simply review and sign documents in-person or remotely with our cross-platform solution.

Because of the convenience and security of this approach, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) encourages the agency to implement a permanent policy allowing for virtual I-9 verification. Stay tuned for updated information.

Can I use airSlate SignNow to eSign tax forms?

Yes, you can. The IRS officially accepts electronic signatures as part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. airSlate SignNow supports this approach and provides everything you need to sign online IRS forms with legally-binding signatures while remaining protected. airSlate SignNow’s security features include data encryption and storage, two-factor signer authentication, detailed Audit Trail, disaster recovery, and more.

airSlate SignNow is compliant with the U.S. Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and protects employees, taxpayers, and their representatives by minimizing the need for in-person contact. No more printing PDFs, signing them, and submitting them by fax or mail. Try airSlate SignNow and manage your paperwork safely from the comfort of your home.

Which online forms can be signed with electronic signatures?

Electronic Signatures can be used on online forms such as contracts, applications, registration forms, incident reporting, online petitions, non-disclosure agreements, consent forms, human resources forms, and documents that require terms of service agreements. airSlate SignNow is a user-friendly eSignature solution that allows you to sign documents right from your desktop or mobile device. And airSlate SignNow provides you with every tool you need — from fillable templates to online editing and document management automation. We also offer a variety of eSignature features you can choose from, making sending and signing digital documents easy.

How can I put electronic signatures on forms using airSlate SignNow?

airSlate SignNow lets you eSign forms and send documents for electronic signature, saving time and effort. Create an account and start your free trial or activate the subscription to get started. When registering for an account, you’ll go through a simple yet secure verification, after which all the features are available. Choose the form from airSlate SignNow’s library of fillable templates or upload a document from your device. Open it in the editor, click the ‘My Signature’ button from the left-side menu, and create your signature by typing it, drawing it, or capturing the image of your handwritten autograph. When finished, drag and drop your eSignature on the page and save changes.

How can I electronically sign a form from my Gmail?

It’s easy with the airSlate SignNow add-on for Gmail. There is no need to download a document, print it out, sign it, and scan it back into the computer. Open any email with an attachment, click the airSlate SignNow add-on, and easily eSign the document in just a few clicks. To start using the add-on, open your Gmail inbox and get the airSlate SignNow using the ‘Settings’ button or install it directly from the Google Workspace Marketplace using this link.
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