Everything you need for integrating secure eSignature workflows

The airSlate SignNow API makes it easy to add eSignatures into your app or website

eSignature for HR

Expedite hiring and onboarding with quick and convenient eSignatures for all documents.

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Approve, deliver, track, and store documents using any device.

What is an eSignature, and is it legal to use it for HR-related documents?

In 2000, an eSignature received the same legal weight as a physical signature. Since then, it has been a valid way of certifying the documents. Yet, to create a legally binding eSignature, you must opt for the tools capable of meeting specific criteria. This includes compliance with eSignature, eCommerce, and data protection laws. Electronic signatures can be used for virtually any paperwork and across various departments, including HR. Whether you need to sign Leave of Absence Agreements or NDAs, an electronic signature is efficient and legal. It’s important to mention that this signature type extends beyond the corporate world. You can use it to sign a rental application or gym membership agreement. No matter the department or purpose you use the eSignature solution for, make sure to choose one that guarantees adherence to security and privacy standards.

What are the benefits of using airSlate SignNow?

airSlate SignNow is an industry-compliant solution that meets legislation requirements like UETA and eIDAS. All signatures created with our service are legally binding and admissible in court. We offer additional measures to help safeguard your data and prove the authenticity of an eSignature. These features include an Audit Trail, two-factor authentication, and role-based signing. No matter the experience with eSignature, airSlate SignNow’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to get started. Thanks to the multiple integration and automation capabilities, you’ll reduce errors and create a more consistent document completion experience across your department and organization. Finally, airSlate SignNow offers flexible, competitive pricing that scales with your needs. So whether you occasionally need to sign Job Description Form or bulk send out policy updates for signing, airSlate SignNow is here to help.

Can I use airSlate SignNow for our HR processes?

Streamlining the management of HR processes is even more critical in today’s remote and hybrid work environment. HR managers contribute to keeping employees motivated and productive. Technology, like airSlate SignNow, can help facilitate these document processes to alleviate manual efforts. airSlate SignNow is an eSignature solution that comes with a powerful suite of tools for building and configuring document-based workflows of any complexity. With our industry-compliant solution, you can upload documents and save them as reusable templates. Easily create fillable forms to collect data, signatures, and payments, assign roles, set signing orders, create automated reminders, and track document completion. In addition, you can take advantage of the numerous airSlate SignNow integration capabilities to optimize any workflow. Automate your HR and approval processes and delight new hires and employees with intuitive document signing.

How do I get started with airSlate SignNow and set up a workspace for my HR department?

Before registering for an account with airSlate SignNow, review our Prices and product offerings available under each plan. You can also request a demo before making a purchase. To try out and test airSlate SignNow’s capabilities, sign up for a free trial.

Create an account with airSlate SignNow or log in to an existing one. You can start by setting up your organization, establishing organization-wide access rights, adding a custom logo, and implementing integrations. Next, go back to your Dashboard and click on the My Teams tab in the lower-left corner of the Dashboard > Create New Team. Add your teams’ emails; then each teammate will receive an email invitation to join. The invitation status will be reflected on the team dashboard. You can enable shared documents within your HR team to collaborate. Now you’re ready to start working with documents.

Let’s say you need to invite multiple people to sign Personal Leave Policy. Upload the document to airSlate SignNow from your device or import it from external services. Select the document and click More > Move > choose your team’s folder. In the folder, select the document and click Prepare and Sign. Add recipients, and then create fillable fields and assign them to each recipient. Click Save and Invite. You can make the document a reusable template to use again.

How do I fill out and sign Position Request Form or other documents in airSlate SignNow?

If you have been invited to sign Position Request Form via email or link, click the button Sign Document or follow the link to open the form. Follow the green tag that directs you to the required fields. Fill them out by adding text, dates, signatures, and other required information. Once you’ve finished completing the form, click Done.

Use the Fill Out Yourself toolbar if you want to fill out and sign the Position Request Form and send it for further edits. Click on or drag and drop the needed fields onto the document. Then, click Save and Close in the top right corner. Next, click the More option to save the document or email a copy of it.
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