Everything you need for integrating secure eSignature workflows

The airSlate SignNow API makes it easy to add eSignatures into your app or website

eSignature for Family / Personal

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Is it legal to sign documents with airSlate SignNow?

airSlate SignNow makes it easy to sign documents online anytime legally and safely from any device. Our solution adheres to the major eSignature laws of ESIGN, eIDAS, and UETA. airSlate SignNow also implemented all the security measures needed to protect our customers’ data. This includes PCI DSS certification, 21 CFR Part 11, SOC 2 Type II Certification, CCPA, HIPAA, and GDPR.

How can I sign a Pet Custody Agreement online with airSlate SignNow?

Start off by registering or signing into your airSlate SignNow account. Draft a Pet Custody Agreement or upload a ready-to-use template. Upload a file to the airSlate SignNow editor and select tools from the Fill Out Myself toolbar on the left. Add text and checkmarks next to the field you want to tick. Date the document with the Today’s Date field. Select My Signature from the left toolbar. Create and add your eSignature. Send the copy to your recipient using one of the available delivery options. You can also request signatures from other parties directly from your document. Select the signature field from the upper Add Fillable Fields for Recipients toolbar, add a signer, and configure the eSignature settings. Once the agreement is executed, both parties will receive a copy of the agreement.

Can all documents be signed with an electronic signature?

Generally speaking, yes, eSignature is a legal means of certifying a document across most businesses and industries under the ESIGN Act. eSignatures are also suitable for personal transactions. eSignatures are admissible in court and have the same legal value as wet signatures. However, there are some documents that can only be signed with physical signatures on paper and can’t be executed electronically. These documents include court orders, divorce-related papers, eviction notices, and others. Yet, some exceptions might apply. You always need to check out the jurisdiction of your state and county regarding the use of eSignatures.

How can I create and sign a cohabitation agreement online?

A cohabitation agreement is a document that outlines the terms and practicalities concerning finances and other matters between two parties living in a civil union and willing to cohabitate with one another. It’s a relatively simple document, not laden with heavy legal jargon that you can draft based on the available agreement sample and customize by adding your own clauses. If you own a printer and scanner, one option is to write your signature on paper and then scan it. However, to simplify the process, you can add your signature online with an eSignature solution like airSlate SignNow. With airSlate SignNow, you can quickly create a signature using any available methods, make edits to the document, send it for signature to your significant other, and download the executed copy.

Can I sign a Living Will electronically?

Unfortunately, there is no final and definitive answer to this question. Historically speaking, to execute a will, you need the physical presence of a notary and disinterested witnesses. In reality, yes, you can create and sign a Living Will online without leaving your home. You need to sign a document and send an executed copy over to an online notary. The notary will review it and schedule a video interview to ask you questions required to notarize the Will. Then, they send the notarized document back and, if needed, store it online.

When creating a Will, you need to consider different factors, like the number of assets in question. For instance, it’s advisable for older people or those who possess significant assets to create a Will with the state authorities or seek attorney services before deciding how the Will should be executed: electronically or in person. If an eWill is suitable for your unique legal scenario, you can easily execute your Living Will with airSlate SignNow. Our online-based eSignature solution enables you to create and add a legally-binding signature that will be admissible in court.

How do I annotate and sign a leave of absence letter?

Whenever you need to give your company a notice before getting a specific amount of time off or requesting an extended leave, you want to ensure that your request will look professional. airSlate SignNow features a variety of tools to help you annotate and sign your leave of absence letter in minutes. Upload your document to the airSlate SignNow editor, scroll down to the needed toolbar, and start adding checkmarks, date, initials, stamp, and signature fields. airSlate SignNow offers multiple options for creating your signatures: you can upload, type in, or draw one. Once the document is signed, you can send it directly from airSlate SignNow to your superior without downloading it. The executed copy will be stored in your account for as long as you need. airSlate SignNow is the best eSignature solution to get all your financial and professional matters in order. It’s easy to use and has robust functionality.
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