Everything you need for integrating secure eSignature workflows

The airSlate SignNow API makes it easy to add eSignatures into your app or website

eSignature for Finances

Make sure all your financial documents contain legally binding eSignatures.

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eSignature for Finances

Electronically signing financial documents can save your organization time and resources. Manual paperwork can be a long and tedious process of creating, printing, signing, and sending documents. Instead, go digital to easily send and sign documents in just a few clicks on any device. Simply upload a document, add signature fields, and share the file with partners, clients, or staff for eSignature. No matter what commercial document is eSigned (invoice, order, shipment contract, etc.), it has the same legal effect as a handwritten one.

Who can sign documents electronically?

It’s not just banks and large financial institutions that can benefit from signing documents online. From a small bakery to a multinational corporation, any business can adopt eSignature and optimize its routine workflows. Sign VAT Invoices, contractor agreements, and other documents online and see how digitalization of your document workflows will enhance your business’s operational efficiency.

Which financial documents can be signed electronically?

The ESIGN Act was passed in 2000, making handling documents easier, quicker, and more cost-efficient than paper-based document management. Since then, millions of enterprises have switched to electronic documents and eSignature. An electronic signature is valid for most document types, allowing you to sign loan agreements, money transfer agreements, accounting contracts, and many other commercial documents online. As long as you sign those documents using compliant eSignature services that hold all necessary certifications, they have the same legal effect as those signed with handwritten signatures.

How do I choose an eSignature solution?

Millions of businesses have already taken advantage of electronic signature technology. While there are many eSignature services out there, make sure you make the right choice by selecting the one that fully meets your organization's needs. To do that, consider criteria such as the service’s functionalities, security standards, and pricing. One of the most popular eSignature solutions for enterprises is airSlate SignNow.

airSlate SignNow has proven to be a top service for eSigning and storing financial documents. A smooth user experience and high data protection standards distinguish it from other services. With airSlate SignNow, you can have your documents eSigned in only a few clicks from any device with access to the Internet. All documents are stored in a secure cloud service with advanced encryption and two-factor authentication and can be viewed, downloaded, and printed any time you need them.

What other functionalities does airSlate SignNow have?

Apart from eSignature, airSlate SignNow helps simplify the process of collecting data. Use airSlate SignNow to easily create fillable forms to gather and store information from your employees, clients, or partners. Add fillable fields, dropdown fields, and checkboxes to your questionnaires and make them easy to fill out. You can also make the fields in your forms optional or required, as well as request attachments. Collect data from multiple respondents and eliminate document errors.

airSlate SignNow allows you to save templates and reuse them multiple times without the need to upload a new form each time you send an invoice for signature. Select a file in the list of uploaded documents and click Make Template to promptly make unique contracts based on the previously created template. Learn more on how to enhance your business processes with airSlate SignNow’s various functionalities from the course in our Academy.

How to sign financial statements online

All airSlate SignNow subscribers can upload and share an unlimited number of files to get financial documents eSigned in a matter of seconds. It is worth noting that recipients of sent documents don’t have to be airSlate SignNow subscribers to eSign them. Once a signature is requested, a signee or recipient will receive an email with an invitation to view and sign the document.

To send a document for eSignature, upload the file, add name, date, and signature fields, and share it with the signees by entering their email addresses. Recipients will be able to access the document through the link in the email, view and sign it in a couple of clicks. You will be notified when each party signs the document.

Why use airSlate SignNow’s eSignature

airSlate SignNow allows you to request signatures from clients, partners, and employees, making the overall document management process more convenient and cost-effective. While ensuring an excellent user experience, airSlate SignNow has prioritized customer data protection by complying with global security standards.

airSlate SignNow is a part of the airSlate business cloud, the all-in-one solution for business process automation to facilitate business workflows for commercial companies and NGOs.

Save time and budget and enhance your document workflows by adopting airSlate SignNow’s eSignature solution in your business.
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